| // Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include <lib/async/dispatcher.h> |
| #include <lib/callback/managed_container.h> |
| #include <lib/callback/operation_serializer.h> |
| #include <lib/fit/function.h> |
| #include <lib/fsl/vmo/sized_vmo.h> |
| #include <lib/fxl/memory/ref_ptr.h> |
| #include <lib/fxl/strings/string_view.h> |
| |
| #include "peridot/bin/ledger/coroutine/coroutine.h" |
| #include "peridot/bin/ledger/coroutine/coroutine_manager.h" |
| #include "peridot/bin/ledger/encryption/public/encryption_service.h" |
| #include "peridot/bin/ledger/environment/environment.h" |
| #include "peridot/bin/ledger/storage/impl/page_db_impl.h" |
| #include "peridot/bin/ledger/storage/public/db.h" |
| #include "peridot/bin/ledger/storage/public/page_storage.h" |
| #include "peridot/bin/ledger/storage/public/page_sync_delegate.h" |
| #include "peridot/lib/convert/convert.h" |
| |
| namespace storage { |
| |
| class PageStorageImpl : public PageStorage { |
| public: |
| PageStorageImpl(ledger::Environment* environment, |
| encryption::EncryptionService* encryption_service, |
| std::unique_ptr<Db> db, PageId page_id); |
| PageStorageImpl(ledger::Environment* environment, |
| encryption::EncryptionService* encryption_service, |
| std::unique_ptr<PageDb> page_db, PageId page_id); |
| |
| ~PageStorageImpl() override; |
| |
| // Initializes this PageStorageImpl. This includes initializing the underlying |
| // database, adding the default page head if the page is empty, removing |
| // uncommitted explicit and committing implicit journals. |
| void Init(fit::function<void(Status)> callback); |
| |
| // Adds the given locally created |commit| in this |PageStorage|. |
| void AddCommitFromLocal(std::unique_ptr<const Commit> commit, |
| std::vector<ObjectIdentifier> new_objects, |
| fit::function<void(Status)> callback); |
| |
| // Checks whether the given |object_identifier| is untracked, i.e. has been |
| // created using |AddObjectFromLocal()|, but is not yet part of any commit. |
| // Untracked objects are invalid after the PageStorageImpl object is |
| // destroyed. |
| void ObjectIsUntracked(ObjectIdentifier object_identifier, |
| fit::function<void(Status, bool)> callback); |
| |
| // PageStorage: |
| PageId GetId() override; |
| void SetSyncDelegate(PageSyncDelegate* page_sync) override; |
| void GetHeadCommitIds( |
| fit::function<void(Status, std::vector<CommitId>)> callback) override; |
| void GetCommit(CommitIdView commit_id, |
| fit::function<void(Status, std::unique_ptr<const Commit>)> |
| callback) override; |
| void AddCommitsFromSync( |
| std::vector<CommitIdAndBytes> ids_and_bytes, ChangeSource source, |
| fit::function<void(Status, std::vector<CommitId>)> callback) override; |
| void StartCommit( |
| const CommitId& commit_id, JournalType journal_type, |
| fit::function<void(Status, std::unique_ptr<Journal>)> callback) override; |
| void StartMergeCommit( |
| const CommitId& left, const CommitId& right, |
| fit::function<void(Status, std::unique_ptr<Journal>)> callback) override; |
| void CommitJournal(std::unique_ptr<Journal> journal, |
| fit::function<void(Status, std::unique_ptr<const Commit>)> |
| callback) override; |
| void RollbackJournal(std::unique_ptr<Journal> journal, |
| fit::function<void(Status)> callback) override; |
| Status AddCommitWatcher(CommitWatcher* watcher) override; |
| Status RemoveCommitWatcher(CommitWatcher* watcher) override; |
| void IsSynced(fit::function<void(Status, bool)> callback) override; |
| bool IsOnline() override; |
| void IsEmpty(fit::function<void(Status, bool)> callback) override; |
| void GetUnsyncedCommits( |
| fit::function<void(Status, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const Commit>>)> |
| callback) override; |
| void MarkCommitSynced(const CommitId& commit_id, |
| fit::function<void(Status)> callback) override; |
| void GetUnsyncedPieces( |
| fit::function<void(Status, std::vector<ObjectIdentifier>)> callback) |
| override; |
| void MarkPieceSynced(ObjectIdentifier object_identifier, |
| fit::function<void(Status)> callback) override; |
| void IsPieceSynced(ObjectIdentifier object_identifier, |
| fit::function<void(Status, bool)> callback) override; |
| void MarkSyncedToPeer(fit::function<void(Status)> callback) override; |
| void AddObjectFromLocal( |
| ObjectType object_type, std::unique_ptr<DataSource> data_source, |
| fit::function<void(Status, ObjectIdentifier)> callback) override; |
| void GetObjectPart( |
| ObjectIdentifier object_identifier, int64_t offset, int64_t max_size, |
| Location location, |
| fit::function<void(Status, fsl::SizedVmo)> callback) override; |
| void GetObject(ObjectIdentifier object_identifier, Location location, |
| fit::function<void(Status, std::unique_ptr<const Object>)> |
| callback) override; |
| void GetPiece(ObjectIdentifier object_identifier, |
| fit::function<void(Status, std::unique_ptr<const Object>)> |
| callback) override; |
| void SetSyncMetadata(fxl::StringView key, fxl::StringView value, |
| fit::function<void(Status)> callback) override; |
| void GetSyncMetadata( |
| fxl::StringView key, |
| fit::function<void(Status, std::string)> callback) override; |
| |
| // Methods to be used by JournalImpl. |
| void GetJournalEntries( |
| const JournalId& journal_id, |
| fit::function< |
| void(Status, std::unique_ptr<Iterator<const EntryChange>>, |
| JournalContainsClearOperation contains_clear_operation)> |
| callback); |
| |
| void AddJournalEntry(const JournalId& journal_id, fxl::StringView key, |
| ObjectIdentifier object_identifier, KeyPriority priority, |
| fit::function<void(Status)> callback); |
| |
| void RemoveJournalEntry(const JournalId& journal_id, |
| convert::ExtendedStringView key, |
| fit::function<void(Status)> callback); |
| |
| void EmptyJournalAndMarkContainsClearOperation( |
| const JournalId& journal_id, fit::function<void(Status)> callback); |
| |
| void RemoveJournal(const JournalId& journal_id, |
| fit::function<void(Status)> callback); |
| |
| // Commit contents. |
| void GetCommitContents(const Commit& commit, std::string min_key, |
| fit::function<bool(Entry)> on_next, |
| fit::function<void(Status)> on_done) override; |
| void GetEntryFromCommit(const Commit& commit, std::string key, |
| fit::function<void(Status, Entry)> callback) override; |
| void GetCommitContentsDiff(const Commit& base_commit, |
| const Commit& other_commit, std::string min_key, |
| fit::function<bool(EntryChange)> on_next_diff, |
| fit::function<void(Status)> on_done) override; |
| void GetThreeWayContentsDiff(const Commit& base_commit, |
| const Commit& left_commit, |
| const Commit& right_commit, std::string min_key, |
| fit::function<bool(ThreeWayChange)> on_next_diff, |
| fit::function<void(Status)> on_done) override; |
| |
| private: |
| friend class PageStorageImplAccessorForTest; |
| |
| // Marks all pieces needed for the given objects as local. |
| MarkAllPiecesLocal(coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, PageDb::Batch* batch, |
| std::vector<ObjectIdentifier> object_identifiers); |
| |
| ContainsCommit(coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, CommitIdView id); |
| |
| bool IsFirstCommit(CommitIdView id); |
| |
| // Adds the given synced object. |object_identifier| is expected to match the |
| // given |data|. |
| void AddPiece(ObjectIdentifier object_identifier, ChangeSource source, |
| IsObjectSynced is_object_synced, |
| std::unique_ptr<DataSource::DataChunk> data, |
| fit::function<void(Status)> callback); |
| |
| // Download all the chunks of the object with the given id. |
| void DownloadFullObject(ObjectIdentifier object_identifier, |
| fit::function<void(Status)> callback); |
| |
| void GetObjectPartFromSync( |
| ObjectIdentifier object_identifier, size_t offset, size_t size, |
| fit::function<void(Status, fsl::SizedVmo)> callback); |
| |
| // Reads the content of an object into a provided VMO. Takes into |
| // account the global offset and size in order to be able to read only the |
| // requested part of an object. |
| // |global_offset| is the offset from the beginning of the full object in |
| // bytes. |global_size| is the maximum size requested to be read into the vmo. |
| // |current_position| is the position of the currently read piece (defined by |
| // |object_identifier|) in the full object. |object_size| is the size of the |
| // currently read piece. |
| void FillBufferWithObjectContent(ObjectIdentifier object_identifier, |
| fsl::SizedVmo vmo, int64_t global_offset, |
| size_t global_size, int64_t current_position, |
| size_t object_size, |
| fit::function<void(Status)> callback); |
| void FillBufferWithObjectContent(std::unique_ptr<const Object> object, |
| fsl::SizedVmo vmo, int64_t global_offset, |
| size_t global_size, int64_t current_position, |
| size_t object_size, |
| fit::function<void(Status)> callback); |
| |
| // Notifies the registered watchers of |new_commits|. |
| void NotifyWatchersOfNewCommits( |
| |
| const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const Commit>>& new_commits, |
| ChangeSource source); |
| |
| // Synchronous versions of API methods using coroutines. |
| SynchronousInit(coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler); |
| |
| SynchronousGetCommit(coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, CommitId commit_id, |
| std::unique_ptr<const Commit>* commit); |
| |
| SynchronousAddCommitFromLocal(coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, |
| std::unique_ptr<const Commit> commit, |
| std::vector<ObjectIdentifier> new_objects); |
| |
| FXL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Status SynchronousAddCommitsFromSync( |
| coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, |
| std::vector<CommitIdAndBytes> ids_and_bytes, ChangeSource source, |
| std::vector<CommitId>* missing_ids); |
| |
| FXL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Status SynchronousGetUnsyncedCommits( |
| coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, |
| std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const Commit>>* unsynced_commits); |
| |
| FXL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Status SynchronousMarkCommitSynced( |
| coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, const CommitId& commit_id); |
| |
| FXL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Status SynchronousMarkCommitSyncedInBatch( |
| coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, PageDb::Batch* batch, |
| const CommitId& commit_id); |
| |
| FXL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Status SynchronousAddCommits( |
| coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, |
| std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const Commit>> commits, ChangeSource source, |
| std::vector<ObjectIdentifier> new_objects, |
| std::vector<CommitId>* missing_ids); |
| |
| FXL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Status SynchronousAddPiece( |
| coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, ObjectIdentifier object_identifier, |
| ChangeSource source, IsObjectSynced is_object_synced, |
| std::unique_ptr<DataSource::DataChunk> data); |
| |
| // Synchronous helper methods. |
| |
| // Marks this page as online. |
| FXL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Status SynchronousMarkPageOnline( |
| coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, PageDb::Batch* batch); |
| |
| // Updates the given |empty_node_id| to point to the empty node's |
| // ObjectIdentifier. |
| FXL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Status SynchronousGetEmptyNodeIdentifier( |
| coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, ObjectIdentifier** empty_node_id); |
| |
| ledger::Environment* environment_; |
| encryption::EncryptionService* const encryption_service_; |
| const PageId page_id_; |
| std::unique_ptr<PageDb> db_; |
| std::vector<CommitWatcher*> watchers_; |
| callback::ManagedContainer managed_container_; |
| PageSyncDelegate* page_sync_; |
| bool page_is_online_ = false; |
| std::unique_ptr<ObjectIdentifier> empty_node_id_ = nullptr; |
| |
| callback::OperationSerializer commit_serializer_; |
| coroutine::CoroutineManager coroutine_manager_; |
| |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace storage |
| |