blob: c0f68641845d9283de8024746a10c22c0f8b635a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library zx;
protocol Vmo {
/// ## Summary
/// Create a VM object.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_vmo_create(uint64_t size, uint32_t options, zx_handle_t* out);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_vmo_create()` creates a new, zero-filled, [virtual memory
/// object](/docs/reference/kernel_objects/ (VMO), which represents a container of zero to
/// *size* bytes of memory managed by the operating system.
/// The size of the VMO will be rounded up to the next system page size boundary,
/// as reported by [`zx_system_get_page_size()`]. Use [`zx_vmo_get_size()`] to
/// return the current size of the VMO.
/// The content size of the VMO will be initialized to the given (unrounded) size.
/// Use [`zx_object_get_property()`] with **ZX_PROP_VMO_CONTENT_SIZE** to read the
/// content size of the VMO. Use [`zx_object_set_property()`] with
/// **ZX_PROP_VMO_CONTENT_SIZE** to set the content size of the VMO without
/// actually resizing the VMO.
/// One handle is returned on success, representing an object with the requested
/// size.
/// The following rights will be set on the handle by default:
/// - **ZX_RIGHT_DUPLICATE** - The handle may be duplicated.
/// - **ZX_RIGHT_TRANSFER** - The handle may be transferred to another process.
/// - **ZX_RIGHT_READ** - May be read from or mapped with read permissions.
/// - **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE** - May be written to or mapped with write permissions.
/// - **ZX_RIGHT_MAP** - May be mapped.
/// - **ZX_RIGHT_GET_PROPERTY** - May get its properties using [`zx_object_get_property()`].
/// - **ZX_RIGHT_SET_PROPERTY** - May set its properties using [`zx_object_set_property()`].
/// - **ZX_RIGHT_RESIZE** - May be resized. Only set if the **ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE** option was specified.
/// The *options* field can be 0 or a combination of:
/// - **ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE** to create a VMO that can change size. Children of a non-resizable VMO can
/// be resized.
/// - **ZX_VMO_DISCARDABLE** to create a VMO that the kernel can discard pages from under memory
/// pressure. Use [`zx_vmo_op_range()`] with **ZX_VMO_OP_LOCK** to lock discardable VMOs when in
/// use, and unlock them when done with **ZX_VMO_OP_UNLOCK** making them eligible for reclamation by
/// the kernel. A newly created discardable VMO is initially unlocked.
/// The **ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN** signal is active on a newly created VMO. It becomes
/// inactive whenever a child of the VMO is created and becomes active again when
/// all children have been destroyed and no mappings of those children into address
/// spaces exist.
/// ## Rights
/// Caller job policy must allow **ZX_POL_NEW_VMO**.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_vmo_create()` returns **ZX_OK** on success. In the event
/// of failure, a negative error value is returned.
/// ## Errors
/// **ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS** *out* is an invalid pointer or NULL or *options* is
/// any value other than 0.
/// **ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY** Failure due to lack of memory.
/// There is no good way for userspace to handle this (unlikely) error.
/// In a future build this error will no longer occur.
/// **ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE** Requested size is too large.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_system_get_page_size()`]
/// - [`zx_vmar_map()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_create_child()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_op_range()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_read()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_replace_as_executable()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_set_size()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_write()`]
/// [`zx_object_get_property()`]:
/// [`zx_object_set_property()`]:
/// [`zx_system_get_page_size()`]:
/// [`zx_vmar_map()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_create_child()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_op_range()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_read()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_replace_as_executable()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_set_size()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_write()`]:
Create(struct {
size uint64;
options uint32;
}) -> (resource struct {
out Handle:VMO;
}) error Status;
// TODO(scottmg): This syscall is very weird, it's currently:
// (handle, buffer, offset, buffer_size)
// rather than:
// (handle, buffer, buffer_size, offset)
// which means the vector<byte> buffer won't work. Unfortunately offset and
// buffer_size have the same underlying type, so moving them will be
// error-prone.
/// ## Summary
/// Read bytes from the VMO.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_vmo_read(zx_handle_t handle,
/// void* buffer,
/// uint64_t offset,
/// size_t buffer_size);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_vmo_read()` attempts to read exactly *buffer_size* bytes from a [virtual memory
/// object](/docs/reference/kernel_objects/ (VMO) at *offset*.
/// *buffer* pointer to a user buffer to read bytes into.
/// *buffer_size* number of bytes to attempt to read. *buffer* buffer should be large
/// enough for at least this many bytes.
/// ## Rights
/// *handle* must be of type **ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO** and have **ZX_RIGHT_READ**.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_vmo_read()` returns **ZX_OK** on success, and exactly *buffer_size* bytes will
/// have been written to *buffer*.
/// In the event of failure, a negative error value is returned, and the number of
/// bytes written to *buffer* is undefined.
/// ## Errors
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE** *handle* is not a valid handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE** *handle* is not a VMO handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED** *handle* does not have the **ZX_RIGHT_READ** right.
/// **ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS** *buffer* is an invalid pointer or NULL.
/// **ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND** *buffer* address does not map to address in address space.
/// **ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE** *offset* + *buffer_size* is greater than the size of
/// the VMO.
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE** VMO has been marked uncached and is not directly readable, or the VMO is
/// backed by a pager and the pager or the VMO is in a bad state preventing requested pages from being
/// populated.
/// **ZX_ERR_IO** The VMO is backed by a pager and the pager encountered an I/O error while reading in
/// the requested pages.
/// **ZX_ERR_IO_DATA_INTEGRITY** The VMO is backed by a pager and the contents that were read in by the
/// pager are corrupted.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_vmo_create()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_create_child()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_op_range()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_set_cache_policy()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_set_size()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_write()`]
/// [`zx_vmo_create()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_create_child()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_op_range()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_set_cache_policy()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_set_size()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_write()`]:
Read(resource struct {
handle Handle:VMO;
buffer experimental_pointer<byte>;
offset uint64;
buffer_size usize64;
}) -> () error Status;
// TODO(scottmg): Same problem as Read() above.
/// ## Summary
/// Write bytes to the VMO.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_vmo_write(zx_handle_t handle,
/// const void* buffer,
/// uint64_t offset,
/// size_t buffer_size);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_vmo_write()` attempts to write exactly *buffer_size* bytes to a [virtual memory
/// object](/docs/reference/kernel_objects/ (VMO) at *offset*.
/// *buffer* pointer to a user buffer to write bytes from.
/// *buffer_size* number of bytes to attempt to write.
/// ## Rights
/// *handle* must be of type **ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO** and have **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE**.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_vmo_write()` returns **ZX_OK** on success, and exactly *buffer_size* bytes will
/// have been written from *buffer*.
/// In the event of failure, a negative error value is returned, and the number of
/// bytes written from *buffer* is undefined.
/// ## Errors
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE** *handle* is not a valid handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE** *handle* is not a VMO handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED** *handle* does not have the **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE** right.
/// **ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS** *buffer* is an invalid pointer or NULL.
/// **ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND** *buffer* address does not map to address in address space.
/// **ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY** Failure to allocate system memory to complete write.
/// **ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE** *offset* + *buffer_size* is greater than the size of
/// the VMO.
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE** VMO has been marked uncached and is not directly writable.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_vmo_create()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_create_child()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_op_range()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_read()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_set_cache_policy()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_set_size()`]
/// [`zx_vmo_create()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_create_child()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_op_range()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_read()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_set_cache_policy()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_set_size()`]:
Write(resource struct {
handle Handle:VMO;
buffer experimental_pointer<byte>;
offset uint64;
buffer_size usize64;
}) -> () error Status;
// TODO( No rights required?
/// ## SUMMARY
/// Read the current size of a VMO object.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_vmo_get_size(zx_handle_t handle, uint64_t* size);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_vmo_get_size()` returns the current size of the [virtual memory
/// object](/docs/reference/kernel_objects/ (VMO). The size
/// specified when creating a VMO (e.g. with [`zx_vmo_create()`]), and when
/// resizing a VMO with [`zx_vmo_set_size()`] will be rounded up to the next
/// system page size boundary. So the value returned by `zx_vmo_get_size()`
/// will always be page-aligned.
/// ## Rights
/// TODO(
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_vmo_get_size()` returns **ZX_OK** on success. In the event
/// of failure, a negative error value is returned.
/// ## Errors
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE** *handle* is not a valid handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE** *handle* is not a VMO handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS** *size* is an invalid pointer or NULL.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_vmo_create()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_create_child()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_op_range()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_read()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_set_size()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_write()`]
/// [`zx_vmo_create()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_create_child()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_op_range()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_read()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_set_size()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_write()`]:
/// Read the current size of a VMO object.
GetSize(resource struct {
handle Handle:VMO;
}) -> (struct {
size uint64;
}) error Status;
/// ## SUMMARY
/// Resize a VMO object.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_vmo_set_size(zx_handle_t handle, uint64_t size);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_vmo_set_size()` sets the new size of a [virtual memory
/// object](/docs/reference/kernel_objects/ (VMO).
/// The size will be rounded up to the next page size boundary.
/// Subsequent calls to [`zx_vmo_get_size()`] will return the rounded up size.
/// The content size of the VMO will be set to the given (unrounded) size.
/// Use [`zx_object_get_property()`] with **ZX_PROP_VMO_CONTENT_SIZE** to read the
/// content size of the VMO. Use [`zx_object_set_property()`] with
/// **ZX_PROP_VMO_CONTENT_SIZE** to set the content size of the VMO without
/// actually resizing the VMO.
/// The data in the VMO between the given size and the end of the VMO (i.e., the next page boundary)
/// will be overwritten with zeros.
/// ## Rights
/// *handle* must be of type **ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO** and have **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE** and **ZX_RIGHT_RESIZE**.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_vmo_set_size()` returns **ZX_OK** on success. In the event
/// of failure, a negative error value is returned.
/// ## Errors
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE** *handle* is not a valid handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE** *handle* is not a VMO handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED** *handle* does not have the **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE** or **ZX_RIGHT_RESIZE** right.
/// **ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE** The VMO was not created with **ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE**
/// **ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE** Requested size is too large.
/// **ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY** Failure due to lack of system memory.
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE** Requested size would discard pinned pages.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_vmo_create()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_create_child()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_op_range()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_read()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_write()`]
/// [`zx_object_get_property()`]:
/// [`zx_object_set_property()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_create()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_create_child()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_op_range()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_read()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_write()`]:
SetSize(resource struct {
handle Handle:VMO;
size uint64;
}) -> () error Status;
/// ## SUMMARY
/// Perform an operation on a range of a VMO.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_vmo_op_range(zx_handle_t handle,
/// uint32_t op,
/// uint64_t offset,
/// uint64_t size,
/// void* buffer,
/// size_t buffer_size);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_vmo_op_range()` performs cache and memory operations against pages held by the [virtual memory
/// object](/docs/reference/kernel_objects/ (VMO).
/// *offset* byte offset specifying the starting location for *op* in the VMO's held memory.
/// *size* length, in bytes, to perform the operation on.
/// *op* the operation to perform:
/// *buffer* and *buffer_size* may be required or unused depending on the *op* as described below.
/// **ZX_VMO_OP_COMMIT** - Commit *size* bytes worth of pages starting at byte *offset* for the VMO.
/// More information can be found in the [vm object documentation](/docs/reference/kernel_objects/
/// Requires the **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE** right.
/// **ZX_VMO_OP_DECOMMIT** - Release a range of pages previously committed to the VMO from *offset*
/// to *offset*+*size*, which resets that range's bytes to 0. Requires the **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE** right.
/// This is only supported for vmos created from [`zx_vmo_create()`], which do not have non-slice
/// children, and for slice children of such vmos. Provided range must be page aligned.
/// **ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO** - Resets the range of bytes in the VMO from *offset* to *offset*+*size* to
/// 0. This is semantically equivalent to writing 0's with
/// [`zx_vmo_write()`](/docs/reference/syscalls/, except that it is able to be done more
/// efficiently and save memory by de-duping to shared zero pages. Requires the **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE** right.
/// **ZX_VMO_OP_LOCK** - Locks a range of pages in a discardable VMO, preventing them from being
/// discarded by the kernel. Guaranteed to successfully lock the VMO and return **ZX_OK** if the
/// arguments are valid. *buffer* should point to a `zx_vmo_lock_state_t` struct, and *buffer_size*
/// should accommodate the struct. Returns information about the locked and previously discarded ranges
/// in *buffer*, so that clients can reinitialize discarded contents if needed.
/// The entire VMO should be locked at once, so *offset* should be 0 and *size* should be the current
/// size of the VMO (the page-aligned size as would be returned by [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]). Requires the
/// **ZX_RIGHT_READ** or **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE** right. Note that locking itself does not commit any pages in
/// the VMO; it just marks the state of the VMO as “undiscardable” by the kernel.
/// *buffer* should be a pointer of type `zx_info_lock_state_t`.
/// ```c
/// typedef struct zx_vmo_lock_state {
/// // |offset| and |size| track the locked range, and will be set to the |offset|
/// // and |size| arguments passed in if the ZX_VMO_OP_LOCK is successful.
/// uint64_t offset;
/// uint64_t size;
/// // |discarded_offset| and |discarded_size| track the discarded range prior to
/// // the lock operation. This is the maximal range within the locked range that
/// // contains discarded pages; not all pages within this range might have been
/// // discarded. Both |discarded_offset| and |discarded_size| will be set to 0 if
/// // the range was not discarded.
/// uint64_t discarded_offset;
/// uint64_t discarded_size;
/// } zx_vmo_lock_state_t;
/// ```
/// **ZX_VMO_OP_TRY_LOCK** - Locks a range of pages in a discardable VMO, preventing them from being
/// discarded by the kernel. Will only succeed if the range has not already been discarded by the
/// kernel, and will fail with **ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE** otherwise. This operation is meant as a
/// lightweight alternative to **ZX_VMO_OP_LOCK** for trying to lock the VMO without having to set up
/// the *buffer* argument. It also affords clients the choice to not take any action following failure
/// to lock the VMO; clients must use **ZX_VMO_OP_LOCK** if they wish to lock the VMO again.
/// The entire VMO should be locked at once, so *offset* should be 0 and *size* should be the current
/// size of the VMO (the page-aligned size as would be returned by [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]). Requires the
/// **ZX_RIGHT_READ** or **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE** right. Note that locking itself does not commit any pages in
/// the VMO; it just marks the state of the VMO as “undiscardable” by the kernel.
/// **ZX_VMO_OP_UNLOCK** - Unlocks a range of pages in a discardable VMO, indicating that the kernel is
/// free to discard them under memory pressure. Unlocked pages that have not been discarded yet will be
/// counted as committed pages.
/// The entire VMO should be unlocked at once, so *offset* should be 0 and *size* should be the current
/// size of the VMO (the page-aligned size as would be returned by [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]). Requires the
/// **ZX_RIGHT_READ** or **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE** right.
/// **ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_SYNC** - Synchronize instruction caches with data caches, so previous writes are
/// visible to instruction fetches.
/// Requires the **ZX_RIGHT_READ** right.
/// **ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_INVALIDATE** - Performs a cache invalidation operation so that future reads see
/// external changes to main memory. Note, this operation is only available when
/// `kernel.enable-debugging-syscalls` is true. When debugging syscalls are not enabled, this operation
/// will fail with **ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED**
/// Requires the **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE** right.
/// **ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_CLEAN** - Clean (write back) data caches, so previous writes are visible in main
/// memory.
/// Requires the **ZX_RIGHT_READ** right.
/// **ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_CLEAN_INVALIDATE** - Performs cache clean and invalidate operations together.
/// Requires the **ZX_RIGHT_READ** right.
/// **ZX_VMO_OP_DONT_NEED** - Hints that pages in the specified range are not needed anymore and should
/// be considered for memory reclamation. Intended to be used with VMOs created with
/// [`zx_pager_create_vmo()`](/docs/reference/syscalls/; trivially succeeds for
/// other VMOs.
/// This only applies to pages in the given range that are already committed, i.e. no new pages will be
/// committed as a result of this op. If required, *offset* will be rounded down to the previous page
/// boundary and *offset*+*size* will be rounded up to the next page boundary.
/// **ZX_VMO_OP_ALWAYS_NEED** - Hints that pages in the specified range are important and should be
/// protected from memory reclamation. The kernel may decide to override this hint when the system is
/// under extreme memory pressure. This hint also does not prevent pages from being freed by means other
/// than memory reclamation (e.g. a decommit, VMO resize, or VMO destruction). Intended to be used with
/// VMOs created with [`zx_pager_create_vmo()`](/docs/reference/syscalls/; trivially
/// succeeds for other VMOs.
/// This may commit pages in the given range where applicable, e.g. if the VMO is directly backed by a
/// pager, its pages will be committed, or in the case of a clone, pages in the parent that are visible
/// to the clone will be committed. If required, *offset* will be rounded down to the previous page
/// boundary and *offset*+*size* will be rounded up to the next page boundary.
/// ## Rights
/// If *op* is **ZX_VMO_OP_COMMIT**, *handle* must be of type **ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO** and have **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE**.
/// If *op* is **ZX_VMO_OP_DECOMMIT**, *handle* must be of type **ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO** and have **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE**.
/// If *op* is **ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_SYNC**, *handle* must be of type **ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO** and have **ZX_RIGHT_READ**.
/// If *op* is **ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_INVALIDATE**, *handle* must be of type **ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO** and have **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE**.
/// If *op* is **ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_CLEAN**, *handle* must be of type **ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO** and have **ZX_RIGHT_READ**.
/// If *op* is **ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_CLEAN_INVALIDATE**, *handle* must be of type **ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO** and have **ZX_RIGHT_READ**.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_vmo_op_range()` returns **ZX_OK** on success. In the event of failure, a negative error
/// value is returned.
/// ## Errors
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE** *handle* is not a valid handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE** An invalid memory range specified by *offset* and *size*.
/// **ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY** Allocations to commit pages for **ZX_VMO_OP_COMMIT** or **ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO**
/// failed.
/// **ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE** *handle* is not a VMO handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED** *handle* does not have sufficient rights to perform the operation.
/// **ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS** *buffer* is an invalid pointer (if required by the operation), *op* is not
/// a valid operation, *size* is zero and *op* is a cache operation, or *op* was **ZX_VMO_OP_DECOMMIT**
/// and range was not page aligned.
/// **ZX_VMO_OP_UNLOCK** and the VMO is not discardable, or *op* was **ZX_VMO_OP_DECOMMIT** and the
/// underlying VMO does not allow decommiting, or *op* was **ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_INVALIDATE** and
/// `kernel.enable-debugging-syscalls` is false.
/// **ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE** *op* was **ZX_VMO_OP_TRY_LOCK**, the VMO was discardable and the VMO has been
/// discarded by the kernel.
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE** *op* was **ZX_VMO_OP_COMMIT**, the VMO is backed by a pager and the pager or
/// the VMO is in a bad state preventing requested pages from being populated. *op* was
/// **ZX_VMO_OP_UNLOCK**, the VMO is discardable and the VMO was not previously locked.
/// **ZX_ERR_IO** *op* was **ZX_VMO_OP_COMMIT**, the VMO is backed by a pager and the pager encountered
/// an I/O error while committing the requested pages.
/// **ZX_ERR_IO_DATA_INTEGRITY** *op* was **ZX_VMO_OP_COMMIT**, the VMO is backed by a pager and the
/// contents that were read in by the pager for the pages being committed are corrupted.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_vmo_create()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_create_child()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_read()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_set_size()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_write()`]
/// [`zx_pager_create_vmo()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_create()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_create_child()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_read()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_set_size()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_write()`]:
OpRange(resource struct {
handle Handle:VMO;
op uint32;
offset uint64;
size uint64;
buffer vector<byte>:MAX;
}) -> () error Status;
/// ## SUMMARY
/// Create a child of a VM Object.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_vmo_create_child(zx_handle_t handle,
/// uint32_t options,
/// uint64_t offset,
/// uint64_t size,
/// zx_handle_t* out);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_vmo_create_child()` creates a new [virtual memory
/// object](/docs/reference/kernel_objects/ (VMO) a child of an existing vmo. The behavior
/// of the semantics depends on the type of the child.
/// One handle is returned on success, representing an object with the requested
/// size.
/// *options* must contain exactly one of the following flags to specify the
/// child type:
/// - **ZX_VMO_CHILD_SNAPSHOT** - Create a child that behaves as if an eager copy is performed. When a
/// write occurs, both the parent and child perform a lazy copy. Lazy copying allows both the child and
/// the parent to diverge from each other. Any reads from ranges outside of the parent VMO's size
/// contain zeros, and writes allocate new zero filled pages.
/// This flag is not supported on:
/// - VMOs with pinned regions.
/// - VMOs created with or descended from [`zx_vmo_create_physical()`] or
/// [`zx_vmo_create_contiguous()`]
/// - VMOs backed by a user pager.
/// For information on VMO syscall interactions with children, see [Notes](#notes).
/// ZX_VMO_CHILD_SNAPSHOT creates an immutable VMO when the ZX_VMO_CHILD_NO_WRITE
/// option is enabled and the ZX_VMO_CHILD_RESIZABLE option is disabled.
/// - **ZX_VMO_CHILD_SNAPSHOT_AT_LEAST_ON_WRITE** - Create a child that behaves with at least copy on
/// write semantics. Any write operation on the child brings in a copy of the page from the parent,
/// after which its contents may diverge from the parent. Until a page is written to, and copied, reads
/// are permitted, although not guaranteed, to return changing values if the parent performs writes.
/// This flag may not be used for VMOs created with [`zx_vmo_create_physical()`],
/// [`zx_vmo_create_contiguous()`] or descendants of such VMOs.
/// For information on VMO syscall interactions with children, see [Notes](#notes).
/// - **ZX_VMO_CHILD_SLICE** - Create a slice that has direct read/write access into
/// a section of the parent. All operations on the slice VMO behave as if they were done on the parent.
/// A slice differs from a duplicate handle to the parent by allowing access to only a subrange of the
/// parent VMO, and allowing for the **ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN** signal to be used. This flag may be used
/// with VMOs created with [`zx_vmo_create_physical()`] or [`zx_vmo_create_contiguous()`] and their
/// descendants. This flag may not be used with VMOs created with the **ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE** option.
/// - **ZX_VMO_CHILD_REFERENCE** - Create a reference to the VMO. All operations on the reference VMO
/// behave as if they were done on the parent. A reference always spans the entirety of the parent, and
/// *offset* and *size* are required to be 0. This is useful for cases where the user wants to keep
/// track of outstanding references to a VMO, by using the **ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN** signal. Refer to
/// [Notes](#notes) for more details on this signal.
/// This flag may not be used for VMOs created with [`zx_vmo_create_physical()`],
/// [`zx_vmo_create_contiguous()`] or descendants of such VMOs.
/// In addition, *options* can contain zero or more of the following flags to
/// further specify the child's behavior:
/// - **ZX_VMO_CHILD_RESIZABLE** - Create a resizable child VMO. This is incompatible with
/// - **ZX_VMO_CHILD_NO_WRITE** - Create a child that cannot be written to. This is incompatible with
/// *offset* must be page aligned.
/// *offset* + *size* may not exceed the range of a 64bit unsigned value.
/// Both offset and size may start or extend beyond the original VMO's size.
/// The size of the VMO will be rounded up to the next page size boundary.
/// The content size of the VMO will be initialized to the given (unrounded) size.
/// Use [`zx_object_get_property()`] with **ZX_PROP_VMO_CONTENT_SIZE** to read the
/// content size of the VMO. Use [`zx_object_set_property()`] with
/// **ZX_PROP_VMO_CONTENT_SIZE** to set the content size of the VMO without
/// actually resizing the VMO.
/// By default the rights of the child handle will be the same as the
/// original with a few exceptions. See [`zx_vmo_create()`] for a
/// discussion of the details of each right.
/// If *options* includes **ZX_VMO_CHILD_RESIZABLE** then **ZX_RIGHT_RESIZE** will be added.
/// For **ZX_VMO_CHILD_REFERENCE**, the **ZX_VMO_CHILD_RESIZABLE** option controls whether the parent
/// VMO may be resized using the reference handle returned in *out*. The reference will see a resize on
/// the parent VMO if the parent VMO was resizable, regardless of the presence of
/// **ZX_VMO_CHILD_RESIZABLE**. However **ZX_VMO_CHILD_RESIZABLE** is only supported if the parent VMO
/// was resizable, i.e. it is not possible to create a resizable reference of a non-resizable VMO.
/// In all cases if **ZX_VMO_NO_WRITE** is set then **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE** will be removed.
/// **ZX_VMO_CHILD_NO_WRITE** is not set then **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE** will be added and **ZX_RIGHT_EXECUTE**
/// will be removed.
/// ## Notes
/// Creating a child VMO causes the existing (source) VMO **ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN** signal
/// to become inactive. Only when the last child is destroyed and no mappings
/// of those child into address spaces exist, will **ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN** become
/// active again.
/// Non-slice child vmos will interact with the VMO syscalls in the following ways:
/// - The COMMIT mode of [`zx_vmo_op_range()`] on a child will commit pages into the child that
/// have the same content as its parent's corresponding pages. If those pages are supplied by a
/// pager, this operation will also commit those pages in the parent. Otherwise, if those pages
/// are not committed in the parent, zero-filled pages will be committed directly into
/// child, without affecting the parent.
/// - The DECOMMIT mode of [`zx_vmo_op_range()`] is not supported.
/// ## Rights
/// *handle* must be of type **ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO** and have **ZX_RIGHT_DUPLICATE** and have **ZX_RIGHT_READ**.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_vmo_create_child()` returns **ZX_OK** on success. In the event
/// of failure, a negative error value is returned.
/// ## Errors
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_TYPE** Input handle is not a VMO.
/// **ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED** Input handle does not have sufficient rights.
/// **ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS** *out* is an invalid pointer or NULL
/// or the offset is not page aligned, or an incompatible combination of *options* was given.
/// **ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE** *offset* + *size* is too large.
/// **ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY** Failure due to lack of memory.
/// There is no good way for userspace to handle this (unlikely) error.
/// In a future build this error will no longer occur.
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE** A COW child could not be created because the vmo has some
/// pinned pages.
/// **ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED** Input handle is a discardable VMO, or input handle is
/// a resizable VMO and *options* contains **ZX_VMO_CHILD_SLICE**.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_vmar_map()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_create()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_op_range()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_read()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_set_size()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_write()`]
/// [`zx_object_get_property()`]:
/// [`zx_object_set_property()`]:
/// [`zx_pager_create_vmo()`]:
/// [`zx_vmar_map()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_create()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_create_contiguous()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_create_physical()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_op_range()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_read()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_set_size()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_write()`]:
CreateChild(resource struct {
handle Handle:VMO;
options uint32;
offset uint64;
size uint64;
}) -> (resource struct {
out Handle:VMO;
}) error Status;
/// ## SUMMARY
/// Set the caching policy for pages held by a VMO.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_vmo_set_cache_policy(zx_handle_t handle, uint32_t cache_policy);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_vmo_set_cache_policy()` sets caching policy for a [virtual memory
/// object](/docs/reference/kernel_objects/ (VMO). Generally used on VMOs
/// that point directly at physical memory. Such VMOs are generally only handed to
/// userspace via bus protocol interfaces, so this syscall will typically only be
/// used by drivers dealing with device memory. This call can also be used on a
/// regular memory backed VMO with similar limitations and uses.
/// A handle must have the **ZX_RIGHT_MAP** right for this call to be
/// permitted. Additionally, the VMO must not presently be mapped by any process,
/// have any children, be a child itself, or have any pinned pages. Having committed
/// pages is only allowed if transitioning from a cached state, and the pages will be
/// cleaned and invalidated.
/// *cache_policy* cache flags to use:
/// - **ZX_CACHE_POLICY_CACHED** - Use hardware caching. On Aarch64 this corresponds to the Normal
/// Memory, Outer Write-back non-transient Read and Write allocate, Inner Write-back non-transient
/// Read and Write allocate memory attributes
/// - **ZX_CACHE_POLICY_UNCACHED** - Disable caching. On Aarch64 this corresponds to the Device-nGnRnE
/// memory attributes.
/// - **ZX_CACHE_POLICY_UNCACHED_DEVICE** - Disable cache and treat as device memory. This is
/// architecture dependent and may be equivalent to **ZX_CACHE_POLICY_UNCACHED** on some
/// architectures. On Aarch64 this corresponds to the Device-nGnRE memory attributes.
/// - **ZX_CACHE_POLICY_WRITE_COMBINING** - Uncached with write combining. On Aarch64 this corresponds
/// to the Normal memory, uncached memory attributes.
/// ## Rights
/// *handle* must be of type **ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO** and have **ZX_RIGHT_MAP**.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_vmo_set_cache_policy()` returns **ZX_OK** on success. In the event of
/// failure, a negative error value is returned.
/// ## Errors
/// **ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED** Cache policy has been configured for this VMO already and
/// may not be changed, or *handle* lacks the **ZX_RIGHT_MAP** right.
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE** *handle* is not a valid handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS** *cache_policy* contains flags outside of the ones listed
/// above, or *cache_policy* contains an invalid mix of cache policy flags.
/// **ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED** The VMO *handle* corresponds to is not one holding
/// physical memory.
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE** Cache policy cannot be changed because the VMO is presently
/// mapped, has children, is a child itself, has pinned pages, or has committed pages
/// and the VMO is currently not cached.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_vmo_create()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_op_range()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_read()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_set_size()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_write()`]
/// [`zx_vmo_create()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_get_size()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_op_range()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_read()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_set_size()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_write()`]:
SetCachePolicy(resource struct {
handle Handle:VMO;
cache_policy uint32;
}) -> () error Status;
// TODO( handle: No rights required, ZX_RIGHT_EXECUTE added to dup out
// TODO( vmex == ZX_HANDLE_INVALID also accepted.
/// ## SUMMARY
/// Add execute rights to a VMO.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_vmo_replace_as_executable(zx_handle_t handle,
/// zx_handle_t vmex,
/// zx_handle_t* out);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_vmo_replace_as_executable()` creates a replacement for *handle*, referring
/// to the same underlying [virtual memory object](/docs/reference/kernel_objects/ (VMO),
/// adding the right **ZX_RIGHT_EXECUTE**.
/// *handle* is always invalidated.
/// ## Rights
/// *handle* must be of type **ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO**.
/// *vmex* must have resource kind **ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM** with base
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_vmo_replace_as_executable()` returns **ZX_OK** on success. In the event
/// of failure, a negative error value is returned.
/// ## Errors
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE** *handle* isn't a valid VM object handle, or
/// *vmex* isn't a valid **ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM** resource handle with base
/// **ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY** Failure due to lack of memory.
/// There is no good way for userspace to handle this (unlikely) error.
/// In a future build this error will no longer occur.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_resource_create()`]
/// - [`zx_vmar_map()`]
/// [`zx_resource_create()`]:
/// [`zx_vmar_map()`]:
ReplaceAsExecutable(resource struct {
handle Handle:VMO;
vmex Handle:RESOURCE;
}) -> (resource struct {
out Handle:VMO;
}) error Status;
/// ## SUMMARY
/// TODO(
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_vmo_create_contiguous(zx_handle_t bti,
/// size_t size,
/// uint32_t alignment_log2,
/// zx_handle_t* out);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// TODO(
/// ## Rights
/// *bti* must be of type **ZX_OBJ_TYPE_BTI** and have **ZX_RIGHT_MAP**.
/// ## Return value
/// TODO(
/// ## Errors
/// TODO(
/// ## See also
/// TODO(
CreateContiguous(resource struct {
bti Handle:BTI;
size usize64;
alignment_log2 uint32;
}) -> (resource struct {
out Handle:VMO;
}) error Status;
/// ## SUMMARY
/// Create a VM object referring to a specific contiguous range of physical memory.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_vmo_create_physical(zx_handle_t resource,
/// zx_paddr_t paddr,
/// size_t size,
/// zx_handle_t* out);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_vmo_create_physical()` creates a new [virtual memory
/// object](/docs/reference/kernel_objects/ (VMO), which represents the
/// *size* bytes of physical memory beginning at physical address *paddr*.
/// The content size of the VMO will be initialized to the given (unrounded) size.
/// Use [`zx_object_get_property()`] with **ZX_PROP_VMO_CONTENT_SIZE** to read the
/// content size of the VMO. Use [`zx_object_set_property()`] with
/// **ZX_PROP_VMO_CONTENT_SIZE** to set the content size of the VMO without
/// actually resizing the VMO.
/// One handle is returned on success, representing an object with the requested
/// size.
/// The following rights will be set on the handle by default:
/// - **ZX_RIGHT_DUPLICATE** - The handle may be duplicated.
/// - **ZX_RIGHT_TRANSFER** - The handle may be transferred to another process.
/// - **ZX_RIGHT_READ** - May be read from or mapped with read permissions.
/// - **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE** - May be written to or mapped with write permissions.
/// - **ZX_RIGHT_EXECUTE** - May be mapped with execute permissions.
/// - **ZX_RIGHT_MAP** - May be mapped.
/// - **ZX_RIGHT_GET_PROPERTY** - May get its properties using [`zx_object_get_property()`].
/// - **ZX_RIGHT_SET_PROPERTY** - May set its properties using [`zx_object_set_property()`].
/// The **ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN** signal is active on a newly created VMO. It becomes
/// inactive whenever a child of the VMO is created and becomes active again when
/// all children have been destroyed and no mappings of those children into address
/// spaces exist.
/// ## Notes
/// The VMOs created by this syscall are not usable with [`zx_vmo_read()`] and
/// [`zx_vmo_write()`].
/// ## Rights
/// *resource* must have resource kind **ZX_RSRC_KIND_MMIO**.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_vmo_create_physical()` returns **ZX_OK** on success. In the event
/// of failure, a negative error value is returned.
/// ## Errors
/// **ZER_ERR_WRONG_TYPE** *resource* is not a handle to a Resource object.
/// **ZER_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED** *resource* does not grant access to the requested
/// range of memory.
/// **ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS** *out* is an invalid pointer or NULL, or *paddr* or
/// *size* are not page-aligned.
/// **ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY** Failure due to lack of memory.
/// There is no good way for userspace to handle this (unlikely) error.
/// In a future build this error will no longer occur.
/// **ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE** Requested size is too large.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_vmar_map()`]
/// [`zx_object_get_property()`]:
/// [`zx_object_set_property()`]:
/// [`zx_vmar_map()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_read()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_write()`]:
CreatePhysical(resource struct {
resource Handle:RESOURCE;
paddr Paddr;
size usize64;
}) -> (resource struct {
out Handle:VMO;
}) error Status;