blob: 5b675f803ba714ceaa9f11c380377f7ec2b227f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library zx;
protocol Resource {
/// ## Summary
/// Create a resource object.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_resource_create(zx_handle_t parent_rsrc,
/// uint32_t options,
/// uint64_t base,
/// size_t size,
/// const char* name,
/// size_t name_size,
/// zx_handle_t* resource_out);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_resource_create()` creates a resource object for use with other DDK
/// syscalls. Resources are typically handed out to bus drivers and rarely need to
/// be interacted with directly by drivers using driver protocols. Resource objects
/// grant access to an address space range starting at *base* up to but not
/// including *base* + *size*. Two special values for *kind* exist:
/// **ZX_RSRC_KIND_ROOT** and **ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM**. The root resource has no range
/// associated with it. The system resource is a ranged resource which is the parent
/// of a number of resources, all of *size* 1, which are used as privileged checks
/// for syscalls.
/// *parent_rsrc* must be a handle to a resource of *kind* **ZX_RSRC_KIND_ROOT**, or
/// a resource that matches the requested *kind* and contains [*base*, *base*+*size*]
/// in its range.
/// *options* must specify which kind of resource to create and may contain optional
/// flags. Valid kinds of resources are **ZX_RSRC_KIND_MMIO**, **ZX_RSRC_KIND_IRQ**,
/// (ARM only), and **ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM**.
/// *size* 1.
/// **ZX_RSRC_KIND_ROOT** must be paired with zero values for *base* and *size*, as
/// it does not use an address space range.
/// The **ZX_RSRC_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE** flag is optional. If **ZX_RSRC_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE** is
/// provided then the syscall will attempt to exclusively reserve the requested
/// address space region, preventing other resources creation from overlapping with
/// it as long as it exists.
/// *name* and *name_size* are optional and truncated to **ZX_MAX_NAME_LENGTH** - 1.
/// This name is provided for debugging / tool use only and is not used by the
/// kernel.
/// On success, a valid resource handle is returned in *resource_out*.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_resource_create()` returns **ZX_OK** on success. In the event of failure, a
/// negative error value is returned.
/// The returned handle will have **ZX_RIGHT_TRANSFER** (allowing it to be sent to
/// another process via [`zx_channel_write()`]), **ZX_RIGHT_DUPLICATE** (allowing
/// the handle to be duplicated), **ZX_RIGHT_INSPECT** (to allow inspection of the
/// object with [`zx_object_get_info()`] and **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE** which is checked by
/// `zx_resource_create()` itself.
/// ## Rights
/// *parent_rsrc* must be of type **ZX_OBJ_TYPE_RESOURCE** and have **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE**.
/// ## Errors
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE** the *parent_rsrc* handle is invalid.
/// **ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE** the *parent_rsrc* handle is not a resource handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED** The *parent_rsrc* handle is not a resource of either
/// *kind* or **ZX_RSRC_KIND_ROOT**.
/// **ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS** *options* contains an invalid kind or flag combination,
/// *name* is an invalid pointer, or the *kind* specified is **ZX_RSRC_KIND_ROOT**
/// but *base* and *size* are not 0.
/// **ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY** Failure due to lack of memory. There is no good way for
/// userspace to handle this (unlikely) error. In a future build this error will no
/// longer occur.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_handle_close()`]
/// - [`zx_interrupt_create()`]
/// - [`zx_ioports_request()`]
/// - [`zx_vmo_create_physical()`]
/// [`zx_channel_write()`]:
/// [`zx_handle_close()`]:
/// [`zx_interrupt_create()`]:
/// [`zx_ioports_request()`]:
/// [`zx_object_get_info()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_create_physical()`]:
Create(resource struct {
parent_rsrc Handle:RESOURCE;
options uint32;
base uint64;
size usize64;
name vector<uchar>:MAX_NAME_LEN;
}) -> (resource struct {
resource_out Handle:RESOURCE;
}) error Status;