blob: fbc29c6cc2a718dc7a6183d5fcd9af37e65b9186 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library zx;
protocol Job {
/// ## Summary
/// Create a new job.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_job_create(zx_handle_t parent_job,
/// uint32_t options,
/// zx_handle_t* out);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_job_create()` creates a new child [job object](/docs/reference/kernel_objects/ given a
/// parent job.
/// Upon success a handle for the new job is returned.
/// The kernel keeps track of and restricts the "height" of a job, which is its
/// distance from the root job. It is illegal to create a job under a parent whose
/// height exceeds an internal "max height" value. (It is, however, legal to create
/// a process under such a job.)
/// Job handles may be waited on (TODO(cpu): expand this)
/// ## Rights
/// *parent_job* must be of type **ZX_OBJ_TYPE_JOB** and have **ZX_RIGHT_MANAGE_JOB**.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_job_create()` returns **ZX_OK** and a handle to the new job
/// (via *out*) on success. In the event of failure, a negative error value
/// is returned.
/// ## Errors
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE** *parent_job* is not a valid handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE** *parent_job* is not a job handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS** *options* is nonzero, or *out* is an invalid pointer.
/// **ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED** *parent_job* does not have the **ZX_RIGHT_WRITE** or
/// **ZX_RIGHT_MANAGE_JOB** right.
/// **ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE** The height of *parent_job* is too large to create a child job.
/// **ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY** Failure due to lack of memory.
/// There is no good way for userspace to handle this (unlikely) error.
/// In a future build this error will no longer occur.
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE** The parent job object is in the dead state.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_object_get_property()`]
/// - [`zx_process_create()`]
/// - [`zx_task_kill()`]
/// [`zx_object_get_property()`]:
/// [`zx_process_create()`]:
/// [`zx_task_kill()`]:
Create(resource struct {
parent_job Handle:JOB;
options uint32;
}) -> (resource struct {
out Handle:JOB;
}) error Status;
/// ## Summary
/// Set job security and resource policies.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_job_set_policy(zx_handle_t handle,
/// uint32_t options,
/// uint32_t topic,
/// const void* policy,
/// uint32_t policy_size);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// Sets one or more security and/or resource policies to an empty job. The job's
/// effective policies is the combination of the parent's effective policies and
/// the policies specified in *policy*. The effect in the case of conflict between
/// the existing policies and the new policies is controlled by *options* values:
/// + **ZX_JOB_POL_RELATIVE** : policy is applied for the conditions not specifically
/// overridden by the parent policy.
/// + **ZX_JOB_POL_ABSOLUTE** : policy is applied for all conditions in *policy* or
/// the syscall fails.
/// After this call succeeds any new child process or child job will have the new
/// effective policy applied to it.
/// *topic* indicates the *policy* format. Supported values are **ZX_JOB_POL_BASIC_V1**,
/// ### **ZX_JOB_POL_BASIC_V2 and V1**
/// A *topic* of **ZX_JOB_POL_BASIC_V2** indicates that *policy* is an array of *count*
/// entries of:
/// ```
/// typedef struct zx_policy_basic {
/// uint32_t condition;
/// uint32_t action;
/// uint32_t flags;
/// } zx_policy_basic_v2_t;
/// ```
/// A *topic* of **ZX_JOB_POL_BASIC_V1** indicates that *policy* is an array of *count*
/// entries of:
/// ```
/// // Deprecated. Use zx_policy_basic_v2_t.
/// typedef struct zx_policy_basic {
/// uint32_t condition;
/// uint32_t policy;
/// } zx_policy_basic_v1_t;
/// ```
/// Where *condition* is one of
/// + **ZX_POL_BAD_HANDLE** a process under this job is attempting to
/// issue a syscall with an invalid handle. In this case,
/// **ZX_POL_ACTION_ALLOW** and **ZX_POL_ACTION_DENY** are equivalent:
/// if the syscall returns, it will always return the error
/// + **ZX_POL_WRONG_OBJECT** a process under this job is attempting to
/// issue a syscall with a handle that does not support such operation.
/// + **ZX_POL_VMAR_WX** a process under this job is attempting to map an
/// address region with write-execute access.
/// + **ZX_POL_NEW_VMO** a process under this job is attempting to create
/// a new vm object.
/// + **ZX_POL_NEW_CHANNEL** a process under this job is attempting to create
/// a new channel.
/// + **ZX_POL_NEW_EVENT** a process under this job is attempting to create
/// a new event.
/// + **ZX_POL_NEW_EVENTPAIR** a process under this job is attempting to create
/// a new event pair.
/// + **ZX_POL_NEW_PORT** a process under this job is attempting to create
/// a new port.
/// + **ZX_POL_NEW_SOCKET** a process under this job is attempting to create
/// a new socket.
/// + **ZX_POL_NEW_FIFO** a process under this job is attempting to create
/// a new fifo.
/// + **ZX_POL_NEW_TIMER** a process under this job is attempting to create
/// a new timer.
/// + **ZX_POL_NEW_PROCESS** a process under this job is attempting to create
/// a new process.
/// + **ZX_POL_NEW_PROFILE** a process under this job is attempting to create
/// a new profile.
/// + **ZX_POL_NEW_PAGER** a process under this job is attempting to create
/// a new VMO pager.
/// + **ZX_POL_AMBIENT_MARK_VMO_EXEC** a process under this job is attempting
/// to use [`zx_vmo_replace_as_executable()`] with a **ZX_HANDLE_INVALID**
/// as the second argument rather than a valid **ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM** resource with base
/// + **ZX_POL_NEW_ANY** is a special *condition* that stands for all of
/// the above **ZX_NEW** conditions such as **ZX_POL_NEW_VMO**,
/// and any future **ZX_NEW** policy. This will include any new
/// kernel objects that do not require a parent object for creation.
/// Where *policy* for **ZX_JOB_POL_BASIC_V1** or *action* for **ZX_JOB_POL_BASIC_V2**
/// is one of
/// + **ZX_POL_ACTION_ALLOW** allow *condition*.
/// + **ZX_POL_ACTION_DENY** prevent *condition*.
/// + **ZX_POL_ACTION_ALLOW_EXCEPTION** generate an exception via the debug port.
/// An exception generated this way acts as a breakpoint. The thread may be
/// resumed after the exception. Once resumed, the *condition* triggering the
/// exception will be allowed to complete as if no policy violation occurred.
/// but after resuming, the *condition* will be denied, usually resulting in
/// + **ZX_POL_ACTION_KILL** terminate the process.
/// Where *flags* is one of
/// + **ZX_POL_OVERRIDE_ALLOW** Allow to change this policy on child Jobs.
/// + **ZX_POL_OVERRIDE_DENY** Don't allow to change this policy on child jobs.
/// Regardless of the override mode, as long a Job has any children its policy cannot
/// be mutated.
/// A *topic* of **ZX_JOB_POL_TIMER_SLACK** indicates that *policy* is:
/// ```
/// typedef struct zx_policy_timer_slack {
/// zx_duration_t min_slack;
/// uint32_t default_mode;
/// } zx_policy_timer_slack_t;
/// ```
/// *min_slack* specifies the minimum amount of slack applied to timers and
/// deadline-based events created by the job.
/// If the parent job's *min_slack* is greater than the specified *min_slack* then
/// the parent job's value is used instead. In other words, a job's *min_slack* is
/// the maximum of the specified value and its parent job's *min_slack*.
/// *default_mode* specifies how slack will be applied when not otherwise indicated
/// by the syscall arguments. A job's *default_mode* may be set regardless of its
/// parent job's *default_mode*. The possible values for *default_mode* are:
/// See [timer slack](/docs/concepts/kernel/ for more information.
/// When setting timer slack policy, *options* must be **ZX_JOB_POL_RELATIVE** and
/// **count** must be 1.
/// ## Rights
/// *handle* must be of type **ZX_OBJ_TYPE_JOB** and have **ZX_RIGHT_SET_POLICY**.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_job_set_policy()` returns **ZX_OK** on success. In the event of failure,
/// a negative error value is returned.
/// ## Notes
/// The **ZX_POL_BAD_HANDLE** policy never applies when calling [`zx_object_get_info()`]
/// with the topic **ZX_INFO_HANDLE_VALID**. All other topics and all other syscalls that
/// take handles are subject to the policy if active.
/// ## Errors
/// **ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS** *policy* was not a valid pointer, or *count* was 0,
/// or *policy* was not **ZX_JOB_POL_RELATIVE** or **ZX_JOB_POL_ABSOLUTE**, or
/// *topic* was not **ZX_JOB_POL_BASIC**.
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE** *handle* is not valid handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE** *handle* is not a job handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED** *handle* does not have **ZX_POL_RIGHT_SET** right.
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE** the job has existing jobs or processes alive.
/// **ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE** *count* is bigger than **ZX_POL_MAX** or *condition* is
/// bigger than **ZX_POL_MAX**.
/// **ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS** existing policy conflicts with the new policy.
/// **ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED** an entry in *policy* has an invalid value.
/// **ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY** Failure due to lack of memory.
/// There is no good way for userspace to handle this (unlikely) error.
/// In a future build this error will no longer occur.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_job_create()`]
/// - [`zx_object_get_info()`]
/// - [`zx_process_create()`]
/// [`zx_job_create()`]:
/// [`zx_object_get_info()`]:
/// [`zx_process_create()`]:
/// [`zx_vmo_replace_as_executable()`]:
SetPolicy(resource struct {
handle Handle:JOB;
options uint32;
topic uint32;
policy vector<byte>:MAX;
}) -> () error Status;
/// ## Summary
/// Set a process as critical to a job.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_job_set_critical(zx_handle_t job,
/// uint32_t options,
/// zx_handle_t process);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// Sets *process* as critical to *job*. When *process* terminates, *job* will be
/// terminated as if [`zx_task_kill()`] was called on it. The return code used will
/// The *job* specified must be the parent of *process*, or an ancestor.
/// If *options* is **ZX_JOB_CRITICAL_PROCESS_RETCODE_NONZERO**, then *job* will
/// only be terminated if *process* has a non-zero return code.
/// ## Rights
/// *job* must have **ZX_RIGHT_DESTROY**.
/// *process* must have **ZX_RIGHT_WAIT**.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_job_set_critical()` returns **ZX_OK** on success. In the event of failure, a
/// negative error value is returned.
/// ## Errors
/// **ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE** *job* or *process* is not a valid handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE** *job* or *process* is not a job handle.
/// **ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS** *options* is not 0 or
/// **ZX_JOB_CRITICAL_PROCESS_RETCODE_NONZERO**, or *job* is not the parent of
/// *process*, or an ancestor.
/// **ZX_ERR_ALREADY_BOUND** *process* has already been set as critical to a job.
/// **ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED** *job* does not have **ZX_RIGHT_DESTROY** or *process*
/// does not have **ZX_RIGHT_WAIT**.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_job_create()`]
/// - [`zx_process_create()`]
/// - [`zx_task_kill()`]
/// [`zx_job_create()`]:
/// [`zx_process_create()`]:
/// [`zx_task_kill()`]:
SetCritical(resource struct {
job Handle:JOB;
options uint32;
process Handle:PROCESS;
}) -> () error Status;