blob: 52c866257eae1f15d1fcf92bf1bfe576a9f3d1e2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
product_bootfs_labels += [
core_realm_shards += [
legacy_base_package_labels += [
legacy_base_package_labels += [
# Remove intl_services default shards that were added in core.gni.
core_realm_shards += [ "//src/intl/intl_services:intl_services_shard" ]
# TODO( deprecate appmgr from terminal.
# TODO(, Move to appmgr_base_packages once
# tiles is migrated.
legacy_base_package_labels += appmgr_with_sysmgr_base_packages
core_realm_shards += appmgr_core_shards
# Add build type config data
legacy_base_package_labels += [
# Add UI packages on terminal.
legacy_cache_package_labels += [
# Used to mock out display hardware in UI integration tests.
# End to end (E2E) The `fuchsia.fidl_microbenchmarks.dart` require the dart runner.
core_realm_shards += [ "//src/dart:dart_runner_core_shard" ]
# Build with both JIT and AOT non-product dart runners. JIT is used for debug
# builds, and AOT is used for release builds.
legacy_base_package_labels += [
# Used by Chromium tests, such as //src/chromium:tests.
# Although deps in the individual tests ensures these are available in Fuchsia
# infrastructure, Chromium infrastructure runs such tests run on this image,
# so they must be explicitly included in cached packages.
# TODO( Remove once the Chromium tests package the fake.
legacy_cache_package_labels += [
# Archivist for manual embedding in tests. Note that this archivist won't attribute logs by
# moniker and is unable to ingest Inspect. Used in Chromium tests.
# Add SDK tools set to "cache" so these tools are automatically available in
# QEMU images generated for the SDK, but in cache, so they can be updated.
legacy_cache_package_labels += [ "//sdk/bundles:tools" ]
# These were previously included in "//sdk/bundles:tools".
# TODO( Remove these.
legacy_cache_package_labels += [ "//src/chromium:web_engine" ]
core_realm_shards += [
# Add cfv2 sl4f to base.
core_realm_shards += [ "//src/testing/sl4f:sl4f_terminal_core_shard" ]
legacy_base_package_labels += [
# TODO( remove once tiles-session is used for e2e tests
# Add Test UI Stack for use in tests.
# TODO( Remove once we migrate client usage to subpackages.
legacy_cache_package_labels +=
[ "//src/ui/testing/test_ui_stack:test-ui-stack-flavors" ]
# Add validator package for use in tests.
# TODO( Remove once we support packages in the SDK.
legacy_cache_package_labels +=
[ "//src/diagnostics/validator/logs/encoding:validator" ]
# Use the product assembly config target to specify the product configuration.
fuchsia_product_assembly_config_label = "//products/terminal"
fuchsia_structured_config_policy =