blob: df2b300d1c7bfd8a1d5974e6fa47295fbf904c5e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import("//build/icu/config.gni") # icu_git_info
platform_aibs_dir = get_label_info("//bundles/assembly", "target_out_dir")
# LINT.IfChange
# These are the user-buildtype-safe platform AIBs that are used by bootstrap
# feature-set-level assemblies. This is a subset of the overall platform AIBs
# so that these systems (e.g. bringup) don't need to build the entire platform.
bootstrap_user_platform_aib_names = [
# The bootstrap feature-set-level
# Driver Framework
# Graphics
# Kernel args
# RCS live usb support
# Emulator Support
# These are the eng-buildtype-safe platform AIBs that are used by bootstrap
# feature-set-level assemblies. This is a subset of the overall platform AIBs
# so that these systems (e.g. bringup) don't need to build the entire platform.
bootstrap_eng_platform_aib_names = [
# Kernel args
# The names of all of the platform's 'testonly=false' Assembly Input Bundles
# These are used by the `utility` and the default feature-set-level assembled
# systems.
user_platform_aib_names =
bootstrap_user_platform_aib_names + [
# The common platform bundles
## The core realm bundles
# `/core` itself
# The additional children of core we add when we have networking enabled
# The minimal feature-set-level
# Feature-level / Subsystem-level bundles
# Keep sorted alphabetically.
# Media
# Fonts
# SWD (Software Delivery)
# Netstack
# Storage
# Session
# ICU-specific version of intl_services
# UI
# Drivers
# Thermal
# LINT.ThenChange(platform_aib_names.bzl)
# The names of all userdebug-allowed platform Assembly Input Bundles
_userdebug_aib_names = [
# Needed by both eng and userdebug products, but contains things disallowed in
# user.
# LINT.ThenChange(platform_aib_names.bzl)
userdebug_platform_aib_names = user_platform_aib_names + _userdebug_aib_names
# The names of all of the platform's Assembly Input Bundles.
# LINT.IfChange
eng_only_platform_aib_names =
bootstrap_eng_platform_aib_names + [
# the core realm additions for eng build-type assemblies
# SWD (Software Delivery)
# Testing Support
# UI
# Example AIB
# Audio development/debugging
eng_platform_aib_names =
userdebug_platform_aib_names + eng_only_platform_aib_names
# LINT.ThenChange(platform_aib_names.bzl)
bringup_platform_aib_labels = []
bringup_platform_aib_files = []
bootstrap_user_platform_aib_names + bootstrap_eng_platform_aib_names) {
label = "//bundles/assembly:${name}"
_target_out_dir = get_label_info(label, "target_out_dir")
bringup_platform_aib_labels += [ label ]
bringup_platform_aib_files +=
[ "${_target_out_dir}/${name}/assembly_config.json" ]
user_platform_aib_labels = []
user_platform_aib_files = []
foreach(name, user_platform_aib_names) {
label = "//bundles/assembly:${name}"
_target_out_dir = get_label_info(label, "target_out_dir")
user_platform_aib_labels += [ label ]
user_platform_aib_files +=
[ "${_target_out_dir}/${name}/assembly_config.json" ]
userdebug_platform_aib_labels = []
userdebug_platform_aib_files = []
foreach(name, userdebug_platform_aib_names) {
label = "//bundles/assembly:${name}"
_target_out_dir = get_label_info(label, "target_out_dir")
userdebug_platform_aib_labels += [ label ]
userdebug_platform_aib_files +=
[ "${_target_out_dir}/${name}/assembly_config.json" ]
eng_platform_aib_labels = []
eng_platform_aib_files = []
foreach(name, eng_platform_aib_names) {
label = "//bundles/assembly:${name}"
_target_out_dir = get_label_info(label, "target_out_dir")
eng_platform_aib_labels += [ label ]
eng_platform_aib_files +=
[ "${_target_out_dir}/${name}/assembly_config.json" ]
eng_only_platform_aib_labels = []
eng_only_platform_aib_files = []
foreach(name, eng_only_platform_aib_names) {
label = "//bundles/assembly:${name}"
_target_out_dir = get_label_info(label, "target_out_dir")
eng_only_platform_aib_labels += [ label ]
eng_only_platform_aib_files +=
[ "${_target_out_dir}/${name}/assembly_config.json" ]