blob: 94dba83ae04e6aed53c271c5700ffe06faf495b6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Guaranteed Invariants
# Invariants that are guaranteed by these platform-defined Assembly Input
# Bundles (AIBs):
# 1) Their contents are bitwise identical for all boards and products, for a
# given architecture and "debug" vs. "release". They could be built once-
# each for the following, and then used as prebuilts if the build supported
# that:
# - x64-release
# - x64-debug
# - arm64-release
# - arm64-debug
# This is not currently possible given the state of the in-tree build, but it
# is a contract that we have for using these with our OOT product assembly
# environments.
# 2) Each AIB directly lists files that it includes, or the label to the exact
# GN target that it includes. They do not include group() targets.
# 3) Any single artifact is only included in one AIB.
# Maintenance Guidelines
# DO: Prefer verboseness and clarity over abstractions and delegation.
# The template used in this file requires the direct listing of the package,
# config_data, and bootfs labels or entries.
# DO NOT: import a file that defines, for example, a list of labels or a set of
# config_data entries, that are added to an AIB using a GN variable.
# Importing other files which define variables used to provide the contents for
# an AIB reduces the clarity of how an artifact gets included first in AIBs, and
# later the assembled image. This makes it harder to reason about how and when
# the artifacts are included within the assembled product.
"Assembly Input Bundles can only be in the Fuchsia toolchain")
# All of the platform assembly input bundles.
group("assembly") {
testonly = true
# eng_platform_aib_labels come from //bundles/assembly/platform_aibs.gni.
deps = eng_platform_aib_labels
# The /bootstrap realm AIBs
# The most-common, most-basic, Assembly Input Bundles that are included by all
# assembled systems. No system can function without these.
# These provide the `/bootstrap` realm and its children that are always present
# in each of the build-types.
# The most-common, most-basic, AIB that is included in all assembled systems,
# regardless of build-type.
# WARNING: The only way to remove items from this AIB for a given product is to
# move them to other AIBs that are included by all other products.
assembly_input_bundle("bootstrap") {
bootfs_files_labels = [
bootfs_packages = [
kernel_cmdline = [ "blobfs.cache-eviction-policy=NEVER_EVICT" ]
bootfs_files = [
# The CFv2 topology root
label = "//src/sys/root"
source = get_label_info(label, "target_out_dir") +
destination = "meta/"
# This file is generated by GN
source = "$root_build_dir/minimum-utc-stamp.txt"
destination = "config/build_info/minimum_utc_stamp"
label = "//build/info:latest-commit-date"
# The virtcon AIB is included by all eng and userdebug products, and can be
# optionally included by user products.
assembly_input_bundle("virtcon") {
bootfs_files_labels = [
# TODO(120776) The boot animation is configured via a global GN arg, which
# needs to be migrated to a path provided by the product to assembly, which
# then places it in the appropriate path in bootfs.
# As such, this isn't something that should be added to a platform bundle,
# but the migration with the products that use that GN arg is sufficiently
# complicated that this is clearer that trying to do a removal of the
# default boot animation in those products that shouldn't include it (if
# it's included by default via `//products/common/bringup.gni`).
bootfs_packages = [ "//src/bringup/bin/virtcon:package" ]
# All eng build type products will include this Assembly Input Bundle.
# These kernel args should be refactored so that the AIBs have logical names.
assembly_input_bundle("kernel_args_eng") {
kernel_cmdline = [
# All userdebug build type products will include this Assembly Input Bundle.
# These kernel args should be refactored so that the AIBs have logical names.
assembly_input_bundle("kernel_args_userdebug") {
kernel_cmdline = [
# All user build type products will include this Assembly Input Bundle.
# These are all the default values, so this AIB can be safely removed, but we
# are keeping it around for now so that we can assert that nothing changed
# during refactor.
# These kernel args should be refactored so that the AIBs have logical names.
assembly_input_bundle("kernel_args_user") {
kernel_cmdline = [
# The /core realm AIBs
# These are the Assembly Input Bundles that are included by all assembled
# systems that include the `/core` realm.
# core_realm
# This AIB adds the `/core` realm itself, and it's mandatory children. The
# other AIBs in this group add shards and optional children of `/core`.
# This is "less than minimal". "utility" systems include this to get a `/core`
# realm, but do not include the `common_minimal` AIB as that brings in too much
# functionality for these specialized systems.
assembly_input_bundle("core_realm") {
base_packages = [
# The required SWD stack artifacts to enable packages in an FVM.
# This is a required dependency of pkg-cache
# This is the update realm which will contain system-update-committer
# Build-Information
# Driver system memory connector
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
# All paths must be rebased since this is passed directly to the AIB
# config.
# TODO: These shards should be folded into the `core.cml` file itself
# as they are never omitted from that file.
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
[ "//src/developer/build_info/meta/build_info.core_shard.cml" ],
# core_realm_networking
# This AIB adds all the children of `/core` that are expected to be present if
# networking is enabled.
# It does _not_ include either the `network` or `netstack` packages themselves,
# as which specific variant of those is added is controllable by the product, so
# they are in separate AIBs.
# "Utility" systems get this in the 'user' build-type only if they request that
# networking is added. All other build-types (and all "minimal" systems) get
# this AIB by mandatory inclusion.
assembly_input_bundle("core_realm_networking") {
base_packages = [
# Hardware Information
# System Time
# Other
# This is common across all eng-mode products that include the core realm.
# This is mutually-exclusive with the `core_realm_user_and_userdebug` AIB.
assembly_input_bundle("core_realm_eng") {
testonly = true
base_packages = [
# Dash launcher should be available in every engineering-mode product.
# The fs_realm component should be available in every engineering-mode product.
bootfs_files_labels = [
# NOTE: this might belong to a currently not-existing bootstrap_eng AIB.
shell_commands = [
package = "fs_realm_tools"
components = [
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
# All paths must be rebased since this is passed directly to the AIB
# config.
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
# The process_resolver core shard (either the base-resolver or
# pkg-resolver variant) should only be present in
# the `core_realm_development_access` AIB, but it's required
# here until optional exposes are available, as the
# `fuchsia.process.Resolver` capability is routed to the
# `/bootstrap/console-launcher` component which is currently
# present on all build-types (but is not needed on user, as
# there is no reachable console there).
# Note that the `process-resolver` component itself is not
# present except when the `core_realm_development_access` is
# added to the system.
# eng uses the pkg-resolver, as opposed to the base-resolver,
# to support ephemeral resolution of shell packages.
# This is common across all user and userdebug products that include the core
# realm.
# This is mutually-exclusive with the `core_realm_eng` AIB.
assembly_input_bundle("core_realm_user_and_userdebug") {
base_packages = [ "//src/sys/pkg/bin/pkg-resolver" ]
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
# All paths must be rebased since this is passed directly to the AIB
# config.
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
# user and userdebug only have the base resolver, not the full
# resolver.
# The process_resolver core shard (either the base-resolver or
# pkg-resolver variant) should only be present in
# the `core_realm_development_access` AIB, but it's required
# here until optional exposes are available, as the
# `fuchsia.process.Resolver` capability is routed to the
# `/bootstrap/console-launcher` component which is currently
# present on all build-types (but is not needed on user, as
# there is no reachable console there).
# Note that the `process-resolver` component itself is not
# present except when the `core_realm_development_access` is
# added to the system.
# user and userdebug only have the base-resolver, not the
# pkg-resolver.
# user and userdebug restrict access to the Storage capability
# to registered component ids.
# This is the AIB that adds the services necessary for developers to access a
# target running Fuchsia from their development host using tools like `ffx`.
# This is included with all eng and userdebug build-type systems.
assembly_input_bundle("core_realm_development_access") {
base_packages = [
# SSH is necessary for remote access for development
# Process resolver enables cli commands to be resolved to components.
# ffx's remote-control (remote access) components:
# The developer snapshot tool.
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
# All paths must be rebased since this is passed directly to the AIB
# config.
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
shell_commands = [
package = "remote-control"
components = [
package = "snapshot"
components = [ "snapshot" ]
assembly_input_bundle("core_realm_development_access_rcs_usb") {
base_driver_packages = [
package_target = "//src/connectivity/overnet/usb:overnet-usb-package"
driver_components = [ "meta/" ]
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
# All paths must be rebased since this is passed directly to the AIB
# config.
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
[ "//src/developer/remote-control/meta/remote-control-with-usb.core_shard.cml" ],
assembly_input_bundle("core_realm_development_access_rcs_no_usb") {
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
# All paths must be rebased since this is passed directly to the AIB
# config.
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
[ "//src/developer/remote-control/meta/remote-control.core_shard.cml" ],
assembly_input_bundle("radar_proxy_with_injector") {
base_packages =
[ "//src/devices/radar/bin/radar-proxy:radar-proxy-with-injector" ]
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
[ "//src/devices/radar/bin/radar-proxy/meta/radar-proxy-with-injector.core_shard.cml" ],
assembly_input_bundle("radar_proxy_without_injector") {
base_packages =
[ "//src/devices/radar/bin/radar-proxy:radar-proxy-without-injector" ]
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
[ "//src/devices/radar/bin/radar-proxy/meta/radar-proxy-without-injector.core_shard.cml" ],
# The "minimal" AIBs
# These correspond to the use of "minimal.gni" as a platform configuration. Its
# contents are being moved into the `core_realm` and feature- or subsystem-
# specific AIBs that are are included in various different combinations of the
# feature_set_level and the build-type.
# TODO( Move the contents of common_minimal to the right
# feature- or subsystem-specific AIBs (if not to the core realm AIBs).
# WARNING: The only way to remove items from this AIB for a given product is to
# move them to other AIBs that are included by all other products.
assembly_input_bundle("common_minimal") {
base_packages = [
# The SWD stack artifacts that enable OTAs
# Diagnostics
# Internationalization
# Security
# Activity
# Developer
bootfs_files = [
source = "//src/sys/core/config/core.profiles"
destination = "config/profiles/core.profiles"
config_data = [
package_name = "system-update-committer"
files = [
# This file is generated by GN, but its contents are always the same
# (the template which generates it is basically a macro, and has no
# product-controlled GN arguments or metadata).
source = "$root_build_dir/gen/src/sys/pkg/bin/system-update-committer/system_update_committer_config_enable_reboot_on_verification_failure.json"
destination = "config.json"
label = "//src/sys/pkg/bin/system-update-committer:enable_reboot_on_verification_failure"
package_name = "triage-detect"
files = [
source =
destination = "session-detect.triage"
source = "//src/diagnostics/config/triage/detect/sysmem-detect.triage"
destination = "sysmem-detect.triage"
source = "//src/diagnostics/config/triage/detect/wlan-detect.triage"
destination = "wlan-detect.triage"
package_name = "diagnostics-persistence"
files = [
source = "//src/diagnostics/config/persistence/netstack.persist"
destination = "netstack.persist"
source = "//src/diagnostics/config/persistence/wlan.persist"
destination = "wlan.persist"
config_data_labels = [
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
# All paths must be rebased since this is passed directly to the AIB
# config.
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
# TODO( The trace manager core shard should only
# appear in eng builds, however, many components do not properly
# declare their route dependencies on it as optional causing scrutiny
# to fail route checking. Once the all of the component routes are
# properly declared optional, this shard should be removed from here
# and added in "common_minimal_eng" instead.
name = "diagnostics"
components = [
component_name = "diagnostics"
shards =
name = "diagnostics"
component_shards = [
component_name = "diagnostics"
shards = rebase_path(
[ "//src/diagnostics/kcounter/meta/diagnostics-kcounter.realm_shard.cml" ],
# This is common across all eng-mode products, at the minimal or higher service
# level.
assembly_input_bundle("common_minimal_eng") {
testonly = true
base_packages = []
cache_packages = [ "//src/devices/bin/driver_playground:pkg" ]
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
[ "//src/devices/bin/driver_playground/meta/driver_playground.core_shard.cml" ],
# This is common across all eng-mode and user-debug products, at the minimal or
# higher service level.
assembly_input_bundle("common_minimal_userdebug") {
base_packages = [ "//src/diagnostics/detect:triage-detect" ]
compiled_packages = [
name = "diagnostics"
component_shards = [
component_name = "diagnostics"
shards = rebase_path(
[ "//src/diagnostics/detect/meta/detect.realm_shard.cml" ],
name = "core"
component_shards = [
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
[ "//src/diagnostics/detect/meta/detect.core_shard.cml" ],
# Feature- and Subsystem-specific AIBs
# These are optionally present in all products that include the `/core` realm
# (via the `:core_realm` AIB). Each should list which feature_set_level and
# build type that it is valid for.
# Driver Framework V1 support
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("driver_framework_v1") {
bootfs_packages = [ "//src/devices/bin/driver_manager:dfv1_package" ]
# Driver Framework V2 support
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("driver_framework_v2") {
bootfs_packages = [
# Core starnix support.
# optional: product must specify its inclusion
# valid feature_set_levels: minimal
# valid build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("starnix_support") {
cache_packages = [
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
[ "//src/starnix/runner/meta/starnix_runner.core_shard.cml" ],
# This AIB enables testing support, and is meant to be used with either the
# `common_minimal_eng` and `common_minimal_userdebug` AIBs.
# This includes testing support in the platform `base` package set, not just
# via `universe`
assembly_input_bundle("testing_support") {
testonly = true
base_packages = [ "//src/performance/trace_manager" ]
cache_packages = [
# test-manager and all of its runners:
# required dependencies of test-manager
"//src/sys/testing:testing", # The test_realm component's package
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
# These should only be added by this AIB, because their
# packages are only added by this AIB, however due to many
# routing issues, they are included in a wider set of
# assemblies than just those that include "testing_support"
# "//src/sys/test_manager/meta/test_manager.core_shard.cml",
# "//src/sys/fuzzing/meta/fuzzing.core-shard.cml",
# "//src/sys/testing/meta/test_realm.core_shard.cml",
shell_commands = [
package = "run_test_suite"
components = [ "run-test-suite" ]
package = "fuzzctl"
components = [ "fuzz_ctl" ]
# AIB containing bootfs resources needed by all fshost variants
# optional: product must specify its inclusion
# valid feature_set_levels: all
# valid build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("fshost_common") {
compiled_packages = [
bootfs_unpackaged = true
name = "fshost"
components = [
component_name = "fshost"
shards = rebase_path("//src/storage/fshost/meta/base_fshost.cml",
component_includes = [
source =
rebase_path("//sdk/lib/inspect/client.shard.cml", root_build_dir)
destination = "inspect/client.shard.cml"
source =
rebase_path("//sdk/lib/syslog/client.shard.cml", root_build_dir)
destination = "syslog/client.shard.cml"
source =
rebase_path("//sdk/lib/syslog/offer.shard.cml", root_build_dir)
destination = "syslog/offer.shard.cml"
source = rebase_path("//sdk/lib/syslog/use.shard.cml", root_build_dir)
destination = "syslog/use.shard.cml"
name = "fshost"
component_shards = [
component_name = "fshost"
shards =
bootfs_files_labels = [ "//src/storage/fshost:assembly_bundle_fshost_common" ]
# AIB adding support for storage, needed by all fshost variants that use anything more than bootfs
# optional: product must specify its inclusion
# valid feature_set_levels: all
# valid build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("fshost_storage") {
compiled_packages = [
name = "fshost"
component_shards = [
component_name = "fshost"
shards = rebase_path([ "//src/storage/fshost/meta/core_fshost.cml" ],
bootfs_files_labels = [
# AIB containing fshost with fxfs enabled, but not fxblob
# optional: product must specify its inclusion
# valid feature_set_levels: all
# valid build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("fshost_fxfs") {
compiled_packages = [
name = "fshost"
component_shards = [
component_name = "fshost"
shards = rebase_path([
bootfs_files_labels = [ "//src/storage/fshost:assembly_bundle_fshost_fxfs" ]
# AIB containing the fshost with fxfs and fxblob enabled
# optional: product must specify its inclusion
# valid feature_set_levels: all
# valid build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("fshost_fxfs_fxblob") {
compiled_packages = [
name = "fshost"
component_shards = [
component_name = "fshost"
shards =
rebase_path([ "//src/storage/fshost/meta/fxfs_blob_fshost.cml" ],
# AIB containing fshost support for minfs-to-fxfs migration.
# Should be included with fshost_fxfs_fxblob or fshost_fxfs when migration
# is necessary.
# optional: product must specify its inclusion
# valid feature_set_levels: all
# valid build-types: all
# requires: one of fshost_fxfs*
assembly_input_bundle("fshost_fxfs_minfs_migration") {
compiled_packages = [
name = "fshost"
component_shards = [
component_name = "fshost"
shards = rebase_path([ "//src/storage/fshost/meta/minfs_fshost.cml" ],
bootfs_files_labels = [ "//src/storage/fshost:assembly_bundle_fshost_minfs" ]
# AIB containing fshost support for minfs. Not compatible with fxfs.
# optional: product must specify its inclusion
# valid feature_set_levels: all
# valid build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("fshost_minfs") {
compiled_packages = [
name = "fshost"
component_shards = [
component_name = "fshost"
shards =
bootfs_files_labels = [ "//src/storage/fshost:assembly_bundle_fshost_minfs" ]
# AIB containing fshost support for f2fs
# optional: product must specify its inclusion
# valid feature_set_levels: all
# valid build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("fshost_f2fs") {
compiled_packages = [
name = "fshost"
component_shards = [
component_name = "fshost"
shards =
bootfs_files_labels = [ "//src/storage/fshost:assembly_bundle_fshost_f2fs" ]
assembly_input_bundle("system_update_checker") {
testonly = true
assembly_input_bundle("omaha_client") {
# AIB to enable virtualization support.
# optional: product must specify its inclusion
# valid feature_set_levels: minimal
# valid build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("virtualization_support") {
base_packages = [ "//src/virtualization/bin/vmm_launcher" ]
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
# AIB to include Netstack2 as the netstack for use by base networking.
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("netstack2") {
base_packages = [ "//src/connectivity/network:netstack2" ]
# AIB to include Netstack3 as the netstack for use by base networking.
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("netstack3") {
base_packages = [ "//src/connectivity/network:netstack3" ]
# WLAN base support
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("wlan_base") {
base_packages = [
# WLAN support for WEP and WPA
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("wlan_legacy_privacy_support") {
base_packages = [ "//src/connectivity/wlan/wlandevicemonitor:wlandevicemonitor-legacy-privacy" ]
# WLAN support for WPA2 and later
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("wlan_contemporary_privacy_only_support") {
base_packages =
[ "//src/connectivity/wlan/wlandevicemonitor:wlandevicemonitor" ]
# WLAN support for drivers that provide their own MAC
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("wlan_fullmac_support") {
base_driver_packages = [
package_target = "//src/connectivity/wlan/drivers/wlanif"
driver_components = [ "meta/" ]
# WLAN support for drivers that utilize a software MAC
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("wlan_softmac_support") {
base_driver_packages = [
package_target = "//src/connectivity/wlan/drivers/wlansoftmac"
driver_components = [ "meta/" ]
# Support for interactive debugging/development of platform audio
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: eng
assembly_input_bundle("audio_dev_support") {
base_driver_packages = [
package_target = "//src/media/audio/drivers/virtual_audio"
driver_components = [ "meta/" ]
assembly_input_bundle("audio_device_registry") {
base_packages = [ "//src/media/audio/services/device_registry" ]
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
[ "//src/media/audio/services/device_registry/meta/audio_device_registry.core_shard.cml" ],
assembly_input_bundle("live_usb") {
bootfs_packages = [ "//src/sys/live_usb:package" ]
kernel_cmdline = [ "live_usb.is_system=true" ]
assembly_input_bundle("empty_live_usb") {
bootfs_packages = [ "//src/sys/live_usb:empty_package" ]
# Session manager support
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("session_manager") {
base_packages = [ "//src/session/bin/session_manager" ]
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
# All paths must be rebased since this is passed directly to the AIB
# config.
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
[ "//src/session/bin/session_manager/meta/minimal.core_shard.cml" ],
# Legacy Base UI support
# TODO( Delete legacy support once it is consolidated with
# non-legacy.
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("ui_legacy") {
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
component_name = "core"
shards =
rebase_path([ "//src/ui/meta/ui.core_shard.cml" ], root_build_dir)
# UI support
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("ui") {
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path([ "//src/ui/meta/ui_minimal.core_shard.cml" ],
# UI support for eng build types
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: eng
assembly_input_bundle("ui_eng") {
cache_packages = [
# UI support for user and userdebug build types
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: user, userdebug
assembly_input_bundle("ui_user_and_userdebug") {
base_packages = [
# Legacy UI support for eng build types
# TODO( Delete the legacy support once it is consolidated with
# non-legacy.
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: eng
assembly_input_bundle("ui_legacy_package_eng") {
cache_packages = [ "//src/ui:ui_package" ]
# Legacy UI support for user and userdebug build types
# TODO( Delete the legacy support once it is consolidated with
# non-legacy.
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: user, userdebug
assembly_input_bundle("ui_legacy_package_user_and_userdebug") {
base_packages = [ "//src/ui:ui_package" ]
# UI support for eng build types
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: eng
assembly_input_bundle("ui_package_eng") {
cache_packages = [ "//src/ui:ui_minimal_package" ]
# UI support for user and userdebug build types
# feature_set_levels: minimal
# build-types: user, userdebug
assembly_input_bundle("ui_package_user_and_userdebug") {
base_packages = [ "//src/ui:ui_minimal_package" ]
# Fan support
# feature_set_levels: utility, minimal
# build-types: all
assembly_input_bundle("fan") {
base_packages = [ "//src/devices/thermal/bin/fan-controller" ]
compiled_packages = [
name = "core"
component_shards = [
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
[ "//src/devices/thermal/bin/fan-controller/meta/fan-controller.core_shard.cml" ],
# Example assembly input bundle for testing
# Restricted for testing assembly itself (and to provide example code)
assembly_input_bundle("example_assembly_bundle") {
testonly = true
compiled_packages = [
# Main definition for another package
name = "foo"
# Test that multiple components work
components = [
component_name = "bar"
shards = rebase_path(
component_name = "baz"
shards = rebase_path(
# Test that component includes for bootfs packages work
component_includes = [
source = rebase_path(
destination = "test/include.cml"
name = "qux"
components = [
component_name = "qux"
shards = rebase_path(
# Test that component includes for bootfs packages work
component_includes = [
source = rebase_path(
destination = "test/include.cml"
# Test that bootfs packages work
bootfs_unpackaged = true
# Add a shard to the `core` package which should have a main definition
# in the legacy bundle
name = "core"
component_shards = [
# All paths must be rebased since this is passed directly to the AIB
# config.
component_name = "core"
shards = rebase_path(
[ "//src/tests/assembly/assemble_image/compiled_package/meta/test.core_shard.cml" ],
# Hardware Support AIBs
# These are used to provide support for specific hardware
# Emulator Support
# This is the "emulator support" bundle, which provides the kernel that can be
# booted by an emulator, and which knows how to then boot the Fuchsia kernel
# itself (Zircon).
assembly_input_bundle("emulator_support") {
qemu_kernel = qemu_boot_shim.path
deps = qemu_boot_shim.deps
# Enabling a soft-transition, remove when complete
# TODO(122864) Remove transitional labels
group("third_party_sbase_for_transition") {
public_deps = [ "//third_party/sbase" ]
icu_assembly_input_bundle("intl_services") {
icu_base_packages = [ "//src/intl/intl_services:pkg" ]
assembly_input_bundle("fonts") {
base_packages = [ "//src/fonts:pkg" ]