blob: e8433b504210faa8327bced703c693c11ceb9288 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env fuchsia-vendored-python
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Wraps a Rust compile command for remote execution (reclient, RBE).
Given a Rust compile command, this script
1) identifies all inputs needed to execute the command hermetically (remotely).
2) identifies all outputs to be retrieved from remote execution.
3) composes a `rewrapper` (reclient) command to request remote execution.
This includes downloading remotely produced artifacts.
4) forwards stdout/stderr back to the local environment
This script was ported over from build/rbe/
For full usage, see ` -h`.
import argparse
import glob
import os
import subprocess
import stat
import sys
import cl_utils
import depfile
import fuchsia
import rustc
import remote_action
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional, Sequence
_SCRIPT_BASENAME = Path(__file__).name
# standard '755' executable permissions
_EXEC_PERMS = stat.S_IRWXU | (stat.S_IRGRP |
stat.S_IXGRP) | (stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH)
def msg(text: str):
print(f'[{_SCRIPT_BASENAME}] {text}')
# string.removeprefix() only appeared in python 3.9
def remove_prefix(text: str, prefix: str) -> str:
if text.startswith(prefix):
return text[len(prefix):]
return text
# This is needed in some places to workaround b/203540556 (reclient).
def remove_dot_slash_prefix(text: str) -> str:
return remove_prefix(text, './')
# string.removesuffix() only appeared in python 3.9
def remove_suffix(text: str, suffix: str) -> str:
if text.endswith(suffix):
return text[:-len(suffix)]
return text
# Defined for convenient mocking.
def _readlines_from_file(path: Path) -> Sequence[str]:
with open(path) as f:
return f.readlines()
# Defined for convenient mocking.
def _make_local_depfile(command: Sequence[str]) -> int:
# Defined for convenient mocking.
def _tool_is_executable(tool: Path) -> bool:
return os.access(tool, os.X_OK)
# Defined for convenient mocking.
def _libcxx_isfile(libcxx: Path) -> bool:
return libcxx.is_file()
# Defined for convenient mocking.
def _env_file_exists(path: Path) -> bool:
return path.exists()
def _flatten_comma_list_to_paths(items: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[Path]:
for item in cl_utils.flatten_comma_list(items):
yield Path(item)
def _main_arg_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
"""Construct the argument parser, called by main()."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Prepares a Rust compile command for remote execution.",
# There are no Rust-specific options yet.
return parser
_MAIN_ARG_PARSER = _main_arg_parser()
def depfile_inputs_by_line(lines: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[Path]:
"""Crude parsing to look at the phony deps of a depfile.
Phony deps look like:
(nothing following the ':')
for line in lines:
s_line = line.rstrip() # remove trailing '\n'
if s_line.endswith(':'):
yield Path(remove_suffix(s_line, ':'))
def relativize_paths(paths: Iterable[Path], start: Path) -> Iterable[Path]:
for p in paths:
if p.is_absolute():
yield cl_utils.relpath(p, start=start)
yield p # Paths are already normalized upon construction
def accompany_rlib_with_so(deps: Iterable[Path]) -> Iterable[Path]:
"""Expand list to include .so files.
Some Rust libraries come with both .rlib and .so (like libstd), however,
the depfile generator fails to list the .so file in some cases,
which causes the build to silently fallback to static linking when
dynamic linking is requested and intended. This can result in a mismatch
between local and remote building.
Workaround ( check for existence of .so and include it.
original sequence, plus potentially additional .so libs.
for dep in deps:
yield dep
if dep.suffix == '.rlib':
so_file = dep.with_suffix('.so') # replaces .rlib with .so
if so_file.is_file():
yield so_file
class RemoteInputProcessingError(RuntimeError):
def __init__(self, message: str):
class RustRemoteAction(object):
def __init__(
argv: Sequence[str],
exec_root: Optional[Path] = None,
working_dir: Optional[Path] = None,
host_platform: str = None,
auto_reproxy: bool = True, # Ok to disable during unit-tests
self._working_dir = (working_dir or Path(os.curdir)).absolute()
self._exec_root = (exec_root or remote_action.PROJECT_ROOT).absolute()
self._host_platform = host_platform or fuchsia.HOST_PREBUILT_PLATFORM
# Propagate --remote-flag=... options to the remote prefix,
# as if they appeared before '--'.
# Forwarded rewrapper options with values must be written as '--flag=value',
# not '--flag value' because argparse doesn't know what unhandled flags
# expect values.
main_argv, filtered_command = remote_action.forward_remote_flags(argv)
# Forward all unknown flags to rewrapper
# --help here will result in early exit()
self._main_args, self._main_remote_options = _MAIN_ARG_PARSER.parse_known_args(
# Re-launch with reproxy if needed.
if auto_reproxy:
script=Path(__file__), argv=argv, args=self._main_args)
if not filtered_command: # there is no command, bail out early
self._rust_action = rustc.RustAction(
# TODO: check for missing required flags, like --target
self._local_only = self._main_args.local or self._remote_disqualified()
self._cleanup_files: Sequence[Path] = []
self._prepare_status: int = None # 0 means success, like an exit code
def _c_sysroot_is_outside_exec_root(self) -> bool:
c_sysroot_dir = self.c_sysroot
if not c_sysroot_dir:
return False # not applicable
if not c_sysroot_dir.is_absolute():
# C sysroot is relative to the working directory
return False
# Check all absolute path parents.
return self.exec_root not in c_sysroot_dir.parents
def _remote_disqualified(self):
"""Detects when the action cannot run remotely for various reasons."""
# If the C sysroot is outside of exec_root, (e.g. an absolute path
# like /Library/Developer/... for Mac OS SDKs) then the command
# will only work locally.
if self.needs_linker:
if self._c_sysroot_is_outside_exec_root:
if self.verbose:
f'Forcing local execution because C sysroot ({self.c_sysroot}) is outside of exec_root ({self.exec_root}).'
return True
# TODO: procedural macros need to target the host AND the remote
# platform to be usable both locally and remotely.
# For now, only build with procedural macros locally.
if any(path.suffix == '.dylib'
for path in self._rust_action.externs.values()):
if self.verbose:
f'Forcing local execution because one of the externs points to a .dylib, which does not work in the remote environment.'
return True
return False
def verbose(self) -> bool:
return self._main_args.verbose
def dry_run(self) -> bool:
return self._main_args.dry_run
def local_only(self) -> bool:
"""If the conditions are not right for remote execution, disable,
regardless of configuration.
return self._local_only
def label(self) -> str:
return self._main_args.label
def value_verbose(self, desc: str, value: str) -> str:
"""In verbose mode, print and forward value."""
if self.verbose:
msg(f'{desc}: {value}')
return value
def yield_verbose(self, desc: str, items: Iterable[Any]) -> Iterable[Any]:
"""In verbose mode, print and forward items.
desc: text description of what is being printed.
items: stream of any type of object that is str-able.
items, unchanged
if self.verbose:
msg(f'{desc}: {{')
for item in items:
print(f' {item}') # one item per line
yield item
print(f'}} # {desc}')
yield from items
def working_dir(self) -> Path:
return self._working_dir
def exec_root(self) -> Path:
return self._exec_root
def host_platform(self) -> str:
return self._host_platform
def exec_root_rel(self) -> Path:
# relpath can handle cases that Path.relative_to() cannot.
return cl_utils.relpath(self.exec_root, start=self.working_dir)
def crate_type(self) -> rustc.CrateType:
return self._rust_action.crate_type
def needs_linker(self) -> bool:
return self._rust_action.needs_linker
def target(self) -> Optional[str]:
def rust_sysroot(self) -> Optional[Path]:
return self._rust_action.rust_sysroot
def c_sysroot(self) -> Optional[Path]:
return self._rust_action.c_sysroot
def linker(self) -> Optional[Path]:
return self._rust_action.linker
def depfile(self) -> Optional[Path]:
return self._rust_action.depfile
def host_compiler(self) -> Path:
return self._rust_action.compiler
def remote_compiler(self) -> Path:
return fuchsia.remote_executable(self.host_compiler)
def host_matches_remote(self) -> bool:
return self.remote_compiler == self.host_compiler
def original_command(self) -> Sequence[str]:
return self._rust_action.command
def _replace_with_remote_compiler(self, tok) -> Optional[str]:
if tok == str(self.host_compiler):
return str(self.remote_compiler)
def _replace_with_remote_linker(tok) -> Optional[str]:
"""Replace the host platform linker with the remote platform one."""
return cl_utils.match_prefix_transform_suffix(
tok, '-Clinker=', lambda x: str(fuchsia.remote_executable(Path(x))))
def _normalize_libcxx(tok) -> Optional[str]:
# A path like ".../bin/../lib/libc++a" needs to be normalized
# so that the remote linker does not fail when looking for a
# non-existent "bin" part of the path.
prefix = '-Clink-arg='
if tok.startswith(prefix) and tok.endswith('.a') and '..' in tok:
right = tok[len(prefix):]
# We do not want the Path.resolve() behavior of following
# symlinks and checking for existence; we truly want simple
# os.path.normpath() behavior.
normpath = os.path.normpath(right)
return prefix + normpath
def remote_compile_command(self) -> Iterable[str]:
"""Transforms a local command into the remotely executed command."""
for tok in self.original_command:
# Apply the first matching transform on each token.
replacement = self._replace_with_remote_compiler(tok)
if replacement is not None:
yield replacement
replacement = self._replace_with_remote_linker(tok)
if replacement is not None:
yield replacement
replacement = self._normalize_libcxx(tok)
if replacement is not None:
yield replacement
# When using -fuse-ld, also hint at the full path to the
# linker tool that is expected, without having to prepend
# PATH in the remote environment.
# This is only needed for remote cross-compilation.
if tok.startswith(
'-Clink-arg=-fuse-ld=') and not self.host_matches_remote:
yield tok
yield f'-Clink-arg=--ld-path={self.remote_ld_path}'
# else
yield tok
# TODO( relocate rust sysroot to
# be indepedent of host-platform to make remote commands
# match for better caching.
# The rust sysroot is home to the standard libraries for
# all target platforms.
# Fuchsia currently uses the default sysroot location which is
# based on the *host* compiler path, but the remote compiler's
# default sysroot will be different.
# Inform the remote compiler to use the location of the sysroot
# of the *host* compiler.
fuchsia_use_host_rust_sysroot = self._rust_action.default_rust_sysroot()
yield f'--sysroot={fuchsia_use_host_rust_sysroot}'
def _cleanup(self):
for f in self._cleanup_files:
f.unlink(missing_ok=True) # does remove or rmdir
def _local_depfile_inputs(self) -> Iterable[Path]:
# Generate a local depfile for the purposes of discovering
# all transitive inputs.
local_depfile = Path(str(self.depfile) + '.nolink')
dep_only_command = cl_utils.auto_env_prefix_command(
dep_status = _make_local_depfile(dep_only_command)
if dep_status != 0:
cmd_str = cl_utils.command_quoted_str(dep_only_command)
self._prepare_status = dep_status
raise RemoteInputProcessingError(
f'Error: Local generation of depfile failed (exit={dep_status}): {cmd_str}'
remote_depfile_inputs = list(
# TODO: if needed, transform the rust std lib paths, depending on
# Fuchsia directory layout of Rust prebuilt libs.
# See remap_remote_rust_lib() in
# for one possible implementation.
yield from self.yield_verbose(
'depfile inputs',
def _remote_compiler_inputs(self) -> Iterable[Path]:
# remote compiler is an input
remote_compiler = self.remote_compiler
if not _tool_is_executable(remote_compiler):
raise RemoteInputProcessingError(
f"Remote compilation requires {remote_compiler} to be available for uploading, but it is missing."
yield self.value_verbose('remote compiler', remote_compiler)
yield from self._remote_rustc_shlibs()
def _remote_rustc_shlibs(self) -> Iterable[Path]:
"""Find remote compiler shared libraries.
shared library paths relative to current working dir.
if self.host_platform == fuchsia.REMOTE_PLATFORM:
# remote and host execution environments match
yield from self.yield_verbose(
'remote compiler shlibs (detected)',
self.remote_compiler), self.working_dir))
yield from self._assumed_remote_rustc_shlibs()
def _assumed_remote_rustc_shlibs(self) -> Iterable[Path]:
# KLUDGE: the host's binutils may not be able to analyze the remote
# executable (ELF), so hardcode what we think the shlibs are.
yield from self.yield_verbose(
'remote compiler shlibs (guessed)',
def _rust_stdlib_libunwind_inputs(self) -> Iterable[Path]:
# The majority of stdlibs already appear in dep-info and are uploaded
# as needed. However, libunwind.a is not listed, but is directly
# needed by code emitted by rustc. Listing this here works around a
# missing upload issue, and adheres to the guidance of listing files
# instead of whole directories.
if not
libunwind_a = (
self.rust_sysroot / # relative to self.working_dir
fuchsia.rust_stdlib_subdir( /
if libunwind_a.exists():
yield self.value_verbose('libunwind', libunwind_a)
def _inputs_from_env(self) -> Iterable[Path]:
"""Scan command environment variables for references to inputs files.
If a variable value looks like a path and it points to something
that exists, assume it is needed for remote execution.
for e in self._rust_action.env:
key, sep, value = e.partition('=')
if sep == '=':
p = Path(value)
if _env_file_exists(p):
yield cl_utils.relpath(p, start=self.working_dir)
except ValueError: # value is not a Path, ignore it
def _remote_inputs(self) -> Iterable[Path]:
"""Remote inputs are relative to current working dir."""
yield self.value_verbose(
'top source', self._rust_action.direct_sources[0])
yield from self._local_depfile_inputs()
yield from self._remote_compiler_inputs()
yield from self._rust_stdlib_libunwind_inputs()
# Indirect dependencies (libraries)
yield from self.yield_verbose(
'extern libs', self._rust_action.extern_paths())
# Prefer to have the build system's command specify additional
# --remote-inputs instead of trying to infer them.
# yield from self.yield_verbose('env var files', self._inputs_from_env())
# Link arguments like static libs are checked for existence
# but not necessarily used until linking a binary.
# This is why we need to includes link_arg_files unconditionally,
# whereas the linker tools themselves can be dropped until linking binaries.
yield from self.yield_verbose(
'link arg files', self._rust_action.link_arg_files)
if self.needs_linker:
yield from self._remote_linker_inputs()
yield from self.yield_verbose(
'forwarded inputs',
def _remote_output_files(self) -> Iterable[Path]:
"""Remote output files are relative to current working dir."""
yield self.value_verbose('main output', self._rust_action.output_file)
depfile = self.depfile
if depfile:
yield self.value_verbose('depfile', depfile)
yield from self.yield_verbose(
'extra compiler outputs', self._rust_action.extra_output_files())
yield from self.yield_verbose(
'forwarded output files',
def _remote_output_dirs(self) -> Iterable[Path]:
yield from self.yield_verbose(
'forwarded output dirs',
def remote_options(self) -> Sequence[str]:
"""rewrapper remote execution options."""
fixed_remote_options = [
# type=tool says we are providing a custom tool (Rust compiler), and
# thus, own the logic for providing explicit inputs.
# shallow=true works around an issue where racing mode downloads
# incorrectly
# --canonicalize_working_dir: coerce the output dir to a constant.
# This requires that the command be insensitive to output dir, and
# that its outputs do not leak the remote output dir.
# Ensuring that the results reproduce consistently across different
# build directories helps with caching.
# _main_remote_options should be allowed to override the
# fixed_remote_options
return fixed_remote_options + self._main_remote_options
def prepare(self) -> int:
"""Setup the remote action, but do not execute it.
exit code, 0 for success
# cache the preparation
if self._prepare_status is not None:
return self._prepare_status
# inputs and outputs are relative to current working dir
remote_inputs = list(self._remote_inputs())
except RemoteInputProcessingError as e:
return 1
remote_output_files = list(self._remote_output_files())
remote_output_dirs = list(self._remote_output_dirs())
downloads = []
if self.depfile: # always download the depfile
self._remote_action = remote_action.remote_action_from_args(
self._prepare_status = 0 # exit code success
return self._prepare_status
def remote_action(self) -> remote_action.RemoteAction:
return self._remote_action
def remote_linker(self) -> Optional[Path]:
if not self.linker:
return None
return fuchsia.remote_executable(self.linker)
def target_linker_prefix(self) -> Optional[str]:
if not
return None
if 'darwin' in
return 'ld64'
return 'ld' # most cases
def remote_ld_path(self) -> Optional[Path]:
ld = self._rust_action.use_ld # e.g. "lld"
if not ld:
return None
prefix = self.target_linker_prefix
if not prefix:
return None
return self.remote_linker.parent / f'{prefix}.{ld}'
def _remote_linker_executables(self) -> Iterable[Path]:
if self.linker:
remote_linker = self.remote_linker
yield self.value_verbose('remote linker', remote_linker)
# ld.lld -> lld, but the symlink is required for the clang
# linker driver to be able to use lld.
# Nowadays, lld -> llvm.
# ld.LINKER is expected to be in the remote environment PATH.
# See ToolChain::GetLinkerPath() in llvm-project:clang/lib/Driver/ToolChain.cpp
ld = self._rust_action.use_ld # e.g. "lld"
if ld:
yield self.value_verbose(
'remote clang -fuse-ld', self.remote_ld_path)
def _remote_libcxx(self, clang_lib_triple: str) -> Iterable[Path]:
libcxx_remote = self.exec_root_rel / fuchsia.remote_clang_libcxx_static(
if _libcxx_isfile(libcxx_remote):
yield self.value_verbose('remote libc++', libcxx_remote)
def _remote_clang_runtime_libs(self,
clang_lib_triple: str) -> Iterable[Path]:
# clang runtime lib dir
rt_libdir_remote = list(
self.exec_root_rel, clang_lib_triple))
# if none found, that's ok.
if len(rt_libdir_remote) == 1:
yield self.value_verbose(
'remote runtime libdir', rt_libdir_remote[0])
if len(rt_libdir_remote) > 1:
raise RemoteInputProcessingError(
f"Found more than one clang runtime lib dir (don't know which one to use): {rt_libdir_remote}"
def _c_sysroot_files(self) -> Iterable[Path]:
# sysroot files
if not
c_sysroot_dir = self.c_sysroot
if not c_sysroot_dir:
# if sysroot points outside of exec_root, stop
if self._c_sysroot_is_outside_exec_root:
sysroot_triple = fuchsia.rustc_target_to_sysroot_triple(
if c_sysroot_dir:
yield from self.yield_verbose(
'C sysroot files',
def _remote_linker_inputs(self) -> Iterable[Path]:
if self.linker:
yield from self._remote_linker_executables()
clang_lib_triple = fuchsia.rustc_target_to_clang_target(
yield from self._remote_libcxx(clang_lib_triple)
yield from self._remote_clang_runtime_libs(clang_lib_triple)
# --crate-type cdylib needs rust-lld (hard-coding this is a hack)
# This will always be linux-x64, even when cross-compiling, because
# that is the only RBE remote backend option available.
if self.crate_type == rustc.CrateType.CDYLIB:
yield self.value_verbose(
'remote rust-lld',
yield from self._c_sysroot_files()
def _depfile_exists(self) -> bool:
# Defined for easy mocking.
return self.depfile and self.depfile.exists()
def _post_remote_success_action(self) -> int:
if self._depfile_exists():
if not self.remote_action.download_outputs and self._rust_action.main_output_is_executable:
# TODO(b/285030257): This is a workaround to a problem where
# download stubs need the appropriate execution permissions
# to be set, so that remote execution inputs get the same
# permissions. This is important for tools that mirror execution
# bits from inputs to outputs, like llvm-objcopy.
# Once re-client presents permission information in the
# --action_log (reproxy remote_metadata), this workaround can
# be replaced with a more generalized solution.
if remote_action.is_download_stub_file(
return 0
def _rewrite_remote_depfile(self):
"""Rewrite depfile without working dir absolute paths.
TEMPORARY WORKAROUND until upstream fix lands:
Rewrite the depfile if it contains any absolute paths from the remote
build; paths should be relative to the root_build_dir.
Assume that the output dir is two levels down from the exec_root.
When using the `canonicalize_working_dir` rewrapper option,
the output directory is coerced to a predictable 'set_by_reclient' constant.
It is still possible for a tool to leak absolute paths, which could
expose that constant in returned artifacts.
We forgive this for depfiles, but other artifacts should be verified
dep_file=self.working_dir / self.depfile, # in-place
def run_remote(self) -> int:
prepare_status = self.prepare()
if prepare_status != 0:
return prepare_status
return self.remote_action.run_with_main_args(self._main_args)
def run_local(self) -> int:
# don't bother with remote action preparation
# or any of the remote action features.
def run(self) -> int:
if self.local_only:
return self.run_local()
return self.run_remote()
def main(argv: Sequence[str]) -> int:
rust_remote_action = RustRemoteAction(
argv, # [remote options] -- rustc-compile-command...
if __name__ == "__main__":