blob: 095cd6feaeab734abc6a238fd343d286c4cc61cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@Timeout(Duration(seconds: 60))
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:sl4f/sl4f.dart' as sl4f;
import 'util.dart';
const String archivistPath =
const String appmgrPath =
void main() {
sl4f.Sl4f sl4fDriver;
sl4f.Inspect inspect;
setUp(() async {
sl4fDriver = sl4f.Sl4f.fromEnvironment();
await sl4fDriver.startServer();
inspect = sl4f.Inspect(sl4fDriver);
// Wait until some data shows up for archivist.
// In E2E tests sometimes the system just started up, and appmgr did not have a chance to expose data on Archivist yet.
// Appmgr will expose the needed information once it processes the start event for Archvist.
var values = [];
while (values.isEmpty) {
values = await getInspectValues(
inspect, '$archivistPath/*/@samples/*:cpu_time');
tearDown(() async {
await sl4fDriver.stopServer();
test('appmgr exposes cpu metrics for archivist', () async {
await getInspectValues(inspect, '$archivistPath/*/@samples/*:cpu_time'),
multiValue(greaterThan(0), length: greaterThan(0)));
await getInspectValues(
inspect, '$archivistPath/*/@samples/*:queue_time'),
multiValue(greaterThan(0), length: greaterThan(0)));
await getInspectValues(
inspect, '$archivistPath/*/@samples/*:timestamp'),
multiValue(greaterThan(0), length: greaterThan(0)));
test('appmgr exposes cpu metrics for itself', () async {
expect(await getInspectValues(inspect, '$appmgrPath/*/@samples/*:cpu_time'),
multiValue(greaterThan(0), length: greaterThan(0)));
await getInspectValues(inspect, '$appmgrPath/*/@samples/*:queue_time'),
multiValue(greaterThan(0), length: greaterThan(0)));
await getInspectValues(inspect, '$appmgrPath/*/@samples/*:timestamp'),
multiValue(greaterThan(0), length: greaterThan(0)));
test('appmgr exposes stats on measurement time', () async {
await getInspectValues(
inspect, 'core/appmgr:root/cpu_stats:process_time_ns'),
test('appmgr exposes the number of tracked tasks', () async {
await getInspectValues(
inspect, 'core/appmgr:root/cpu_stats:task_count'),
test('appmgr is not out of inspect space', () async {
var size = await getInspectValues(
inspect, 'core/appmgr:root/inspect_stats:current_size');
var maxSize = await getInspectValues(
inspect, 'core/appmgr:root/inspect_stats:maximum_size');
expect(size, singleValue(greaterThan(0)));
expect(maxSize, singleValue(greaterThan(0)));
expect(maxSize, singleValue(greaterThan(size[0])));
test('appmgr is not out of inspect space for measurements', () async {
var size = await getInspectValues(inspect,
var maxSize = await getInspectValues(inspect,
expect(size, singleValue(greaterThan(0)));
expect(maxSize, singleValue(greaterThan(0)));
expect(maxSize, singleValue(greaterThan(size[0])));
test('appmgr exposes overall recent cpu usage', () async {
var allParams = await getInspectValues(
inspect, 'core/appmgr:root/cpu_stats/recent_usage:*');
expect(allParams, multiValue(isNonNegative, length: equals(6)));