blob: ae812501648ff42000c8be7faa77a216974e3f3a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
package("a11y_manager") {
deps = [
binaries = [
name = "a11y_manager"
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/a11y_manager.cmx")
dest = "a11y_manager.cmx"
path = rebase_path("meta/a11y_manager.cml")
dest = ""
resources = [
# Needed to load Screen Reader strings.
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/en/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/ar-XB/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/da/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/de/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/de-CH/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/en-GB/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/en-XA/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/en-XC/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/es/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/es-419/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/fr/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/fr-CA/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/it/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/ja/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/ko/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/nb/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/fr/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/nl/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/no/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "assets/locales/sv/l10n.json"
# [START icudata_resource]
# Fuchsia's ICU does not have, and the locale data MUST
# be loaded from a file instead.
path = rebase_path("//third_party/icu/common/icudtl.dat")
dest = "icudtl.dat"
executable("bin") {
output_name = "a11y_manager"
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
include_dirs = [ "//third_party/glm" ]
source_set("lib") {
sources = [
public_deps = [
deps = [