blob: 51ec6b88d3635157721fd905ab2cfe1ab1c02fd0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package rust
import (
fidlcommon "fidl/compiler/backend/common"
fidlir "fidl/compiler/backend/types"
gidlir "gidl/ir"
gidlmixer "gidl/mixer"
func escapeStr(value string) string {
var (
buf bytes.Buffer
src = []byte(value)
dstLen = hex.EncodedLen(len(src))
dst = make([]byte, dstLen)
hex.Encode(dst, src)
for i := 0; i < dstLen; i += 2 {
return buf.String()
func visit(value interface{}, decl gidlmixer.Declaration) string {
switch value := value.(type) {
case bool:
return strconv.FormatBool(value)
case int64, uint64, float64:
switch decl := decl.(type) {
case gidlmixer.PrimitiveDeclaration:
suffix := primitiveTypeName(decl.Subtype())
return fmt.Sprintf("%v%s", value, suffix)
case *gidlmixer.BitsDecl:
primitive := visit(value, &decl.Underlying)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s::from_bits(%v).unwrap()", declName(decl), primitive)
case *gidlmixer.EnumDecl:
primitive := visit(value, &decl.Underlying)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s::from_primitive(%v).unwrap()", declName(decl), primitive)
case string:
var expr string
if fidlcommon.PrintableASCII(value) {
expr = fmt.Sprintf("String::from(%q)", value)
} else {
expr = fmt.Sprintf("std::str::from_utf8(b\"%s\").unwrap().to_string()", escapeStr(value))
return wrapNullable(decl, expr)
case gidlir.Record:
switch decl := decl.(type) {
case *gidlmixer.StructDecl:
return onStruct(value, decl)
case *gidlmixer.TableDecl:
return onTable(value, decl)
case *gidlmixer.UnionDecl:
return onUnion(value, decl)
case []interface{}:
switch decl := decl.(type) {
case *gidlmixer.ArrayDecl:
return onList(value, decl)
case *gidlmixer.VectorDecl:
return onList(value, decl)
case nil:
if !decl.IsNullable() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("got nil for non-nullable type: %T", decl))
return "None"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("not implemented: %T", value))
func declName(decl gidlmixer.NamedDeclaration) string {
return identifierName(decl.Name())
// TODO(fxb/39407): Move into a common library outside GIDL.
func identifierName(qualifiedName string) string {
parts := strings.Split(qualifiedName, "/")
lastPartsIndex := len(parts) - 1
for i, part := range parts {
if i == lastPartsIndex {
parts[i] = fidlcommon.ToUpperCamelCase(part)
} else {
parts[i] = fidlcommon.ToSnakeCase(part)
return strings.Join(parts, "::")
func primitiveTypeName(subtype fidlir.PrimitiveSubtype) string {
switch subtype {
case fidlir.Bool:
return "bool"
case fidlir.Int8:
return "i8"
case fidlir.Uint8:
return "u8"
case fidlir.Int16:
return "i16"
case fidlir.Uint16:
return "u16"
case fidlir.Int32:
return "i32"
case fidlir.Uint32:
return "u32"
case fidlir.Int64:
return "i64"
case fidlir.Uint64:
return "u64"
case fidlir.Float32:
return "f32"
case fidlir.Float64:
return "f64"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected subtype %v", subtype))
func wrapNullable(decl gidlmixer.Declaration, valueStr string) string {
if !decl.IsNullable() {
return valueStr
switch decl.(type) {
case *gidlmixer.ArrayDecl, *gidlmixer.VectorDecl, *gidlmixer.StringDecl:
return fmt.Sprintf("Some(%s)", valueStr)
case *gidlmixer.StructDecl, *gidlmixer.UnionDecl:
return fmt.Sprintf("Some(Box::new(%s))", valueStr)
case *gidlmixer.BoolDecl, *gidlmixer.IntegerDecl, *gidlmixer.FloatDecl, *gidlmixer.TableDecl:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("decl %v should not be nullable", decl))
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected decl %v", decl))
func onStruct(value gidlir.Record, decl *gidlmixer.StructDecl) string {
var structFields []string
providedKeys := make(map[string]struct{}, len(value.Fields))
for _, field := range value.Fields {
if field.Key.IsUnknown() {
panic("unknown field not supported")
providedKeys[field.Key.Name] = struct{}{}
fieldName := fidlcommon.ToSnakeCase(field.Key.Name)
fieldDecl, ok := decl.Field(field.Key.Name)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %s not found", field.Key.Name))
fieldValueStr := visit(field.Value, fieldDecl)
structFields = append(structFields, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", fieldName, fieldValueStr))
for _, key := range decl.FieldNames() {
if _, ok := providedKeys[key]; !ok {
fieldName := fidlcommon.ToSnakeCase(key)
structFields = append(structFields, fmt.Sprintf("%s: None", fieldName))
valueStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s { %s }", declName(decl), strings.Join(structFields, ", "))
return wrapNullable(decl, valueStr)
func onTable(value gidlir.Record, decl *gidlmixer.TableDecl) string {
var tableFields []string
providedKeys := make(map[string]struct{}, len(value.Fields))
for _, field := range value.Fields {
if field.Key.IsUnknown() {
panic("unknown field not supported")
providedKeys[field.Key.Name] = struct{}{}
fieldName := fidlcommon.ToSnakeCase(field.Key.Name)
fieldDecl, ok := decl.Field(field.Key.Name)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %s not found", field.Key.Name))
fieldValueStr := visit(field.Value, fieldDecl)
tableFields = append(tableFields, fmt.Sprintf("%s: Some(%s)", fieldName, fieldValueStr))
for _, key := range decl.FieldNames() {
if _, ok := providedKeys[key]; !ok {
fieldName := fidlcommon.ToSnakeCase(key)
tableFields = append(tableFields, fmt.Sprintf("%s: None", fieldName))
valueStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s { %s }", declName(decl), strings.Join(tableFields, ", "))
return wrapNullable(decl, valueStr)
func onUnion(value gidlir.Record, decl *gidlmixer.UnionDecl) string {
if len(value.Fields) != 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("union has %d fields, expected 1", len(value.Fields)))
field := value.Fields[0]
if field.Key.IsUnknown() {
panic("unknown field not supported")
fieldName := fidlcommon.ToUpperCamelCase(field.Key.Name)
fieldDecl, ok := decl.Field(field.Key.Name)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %s not found", field.Key.Name))
fieldValueStr := visit(field.Value, fieldDecl)
valueStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s::%s(%s)", declName(decl), fieldName, fieldValueStr)
return wrapNullable(decl, valueStr)
func onList(value []interface{}, decl gidlmixer.ListDeclaration) string {
var elements []string
elemDecl := decl.Elem()
for _, item := range value {
elements = append(elements, visit(item, elemDecl))
elementsStr := strings.Join(elements, ", ")
switch decl.(type) {
case *gidlmixer.ArrayDecl:
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", elementsStr)
case *gidlmixer.VectorDecl:
return fmt.Sprintf("vec![%s]", elementsStr)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected decl %v", decl))