blob: 922fa71e47c08829a50df17cfdb33b8bca5d258e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/fidlcat/command_line_options.h"
#include <lib/cmdline/args_parser.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/log_settings.h>
#include <regex.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "tools/fidlcat/lib/decode_options.h"
namespace fidlcat {
int constexpr kMinColumns = 80;
const char* const kHelpIntro = R"(fidlcat [ <options> ] [ command [args] ]
fidlcat will run the specified command until it exits. It will intercept and
record all fidl calls invoked by the process. The command may be of the form
"run <component URL>", in which case the given component will be launched.
fidlcat will return the code 1 if its parameters are invalid.
fidlcat expects a debug agent to be running on the target device. It will
return the code 2 if it cannot connect to the debug agent.
const char* const kRemoteHostHelp = R"( --connect
The host and port of the debug agent running on the target Fuchsia
instance, of the form [<ipv6_addr>]:port.)";
const char* const kRemotePidHelp = R"( --remote-pid
The koid of the remote process. Can be passed multiple times.)";
const char* const kRemoteNameHelp = R"( --remote-name=<regexp>
-f <regexp>
Adds a filter to the default job that will cause fidlcat to attach
to existing or future processes whose names match this regexp.
For example:
--remote-name echo_client.*.cmx
--remote-name echo_client
Multiple filters can be specified to match more than one process.)";
const char* const kExtraNameHelp = R"( --extra-name=<regexp>
Like --remote-name, it monitors some processes. However, for these
processes, monitoring starts only when one of of the "--remote-name"
process is launched. Also, fidlcat stops when the last "--remote-name"
process stops (even if some "--extra-name" processes are still
monitored). You must specify at least one filter with --remote-name if
you use this option (without --remote-name, nothing would be displayed).)";
const char* const kSaveHelp = R"( --save=<path>
Save the session using protobuf in the specified file. All events are
saved including the messages which have been filtered out by --messages
or --exclude-messages.)";
const char* const kDisplayProtoHelp = R"( --display-proto=<path>
Loads a previously saved session and displays the raw protobuf dump of the file.)";
const char* const kReplayHelp = R"( --replay=<path>
Replay a previously saved session. You can filter the messages displayed
using --messages and/or --exclude-messages.)";
const char* const kFidlIrPathHelp = R"( --fidl-ir-path=<path>|@argfile
Adds the given path as a repository for FIDL IR, in the form of .fidl.json
files. Passing a file adds the given file. Passing a directory adds all
of the .fidl.json files in that directory and any directory transitively
reachable from there. An argfile contains a newline-separated list of
.fidl.json files relative to the directory containing the argfile; passing
an argfile (starting with the '@' character) adds all files listed in that
argfile. This switch can be passed multiple times to add multiple
const char* const kSymbolPathHelp = R"( --symbol-path=<path>
-s <path>
Adds the given directory or file to the symbol search path. Multiple
-s switches can be passed to add multiple locations. When a directory
path is passed, the directory will be enumerated non-recursively to
index all ELF files, unless the directory contains a .build-id
subdirectory, in which case that directory is assumed to contain an index
of all ELF files within. When a .txt file is passed, it will be treated
as a mapping database from build ID to file path. Otherwise, the path
will be loaded as an ELF file (if possible).)";
const char kSymbolRepoPathHelp[] = R"( --symbol-repo-path=<path>
Adds the given directory to the symbol search path. Multiple
--symbol-repo-path switches can be passed to add multiple locations. the
path is always assumed to be a directory, unlike with -s, and the
directory is assumed to contain an index of all ELF files in the same
style as the .build-id folder as used with the -s option. This is useful
if your build ID index is not named .build-id)";
const char kSymbolCacheHelp[] = R"( --symbol-cache=<path>
Path where we can keep a symbol cache. A folder called <path>/.build-id
will be created if it does not exist, and symbols will be read from this
location as though you had specified "-s <path>". If a symbol server has
been specified, downloaded symbols will be stored in the .build-id
const char kSymbolServerHelp[] = R"( --symbol-server=<url>
When symbols are missing, attempt to download them from the given URL.
will be loaded as an ELF file (if possible).)";
const char* const kSyscallFilterHelp = R"( --syscalls
A regular expression which selects the syscalls to decode and display.
Can be passed multiple times.
By default, only zx_channel_.* syscalls are displayed.
To display all the syscalls, use: --syscalls=".*")";
const char* const kExcludeSyscallFilterHelp = R"( --exclude-syscalls
A regular expression which selects the syscalls to not decode and display.
Can be passed multiple times.
To be displayed, a syscall must verify --syscalls and not verify
To display all the syscalls but the zx_handle syscalls, use:
--syscalls=".*" --exclude-syscalls="zx_handle_.*")";
const char* const kMessageFilterHelp = R"( --messages
A regular expression which selects the messages to display.
To display a message, the method name must satisfy the regexp.
This option can be specified multiple times.
Message filtering works on the method's fully qualified name.)";
const char* const kExcludeMessageFilterHelp = R"( --exclude-messages
A regular expression which selects the messages to not display.
If a message method name satisfy the regexp, the message is not displayed
(even if it satifies --messages).
This option can be specified multiple times.
Message filtering works on the method's fully qualified name.)";
const char* const kTriggerFilterHelp = R"( --trigger
Start displaying messages and syscalls only when a message for which the
method name satisfies the filter is found.
This option can be specified multiple times.
Message filtering works on the method's fully qualified name.)";
const char* const kPrettyPrintHelp = R"( --pretty-print
Use a formated print instead of JSON.)";
const char* const kWithProcessInfoHelp = R"( --with-process-info
Display the process name, process id and thread id on each line.)";
const char* const kStackHelp = R"( --stack=<value>
The amount of stack frame to display:
- 0: no stack (default value)
- 1: call site (1 to 4 levels)
- 2: full stack frame (adds some overhead))";
const char* const kColorsHelp = R"( --colors=[never|auto|always]
For pretty print, use colors:
- never
- auto: only if running in a terminal (default value)
- always)";
const char* const kColumnsHelp = R"( --columns=<size>
For pretty print, width of the display. By default, on a terminal, use
the terminal width.)";
const char* const kDumpMessagesHelp = R"( --dump-messages
Always display the message binary dump even if we can decode the message.
By default the dump is only displayed if we can't decode the message.)";
const char* const kVerbosityHelp = R"( --verbose=<number or log level>
The log verbosity. Legal values are "info", "warning", "error", "fatal",
or a number, starting from 0. Extra verbosity comes with higher levels)";
const char* const kQuietHelp = R"( --quiet=<number or log level>
The log verbosity. Legal values are "info", "warning", "error", "fatal",
or a number, starting from 0. Extra verbosity comes with lower levels.)";
const char* const kLogFileHelp = R"( --log-file=<pathspec>
The name of a file to which the log should be written.)";
const char* const kCompareHelp = R"( --compare=<path>
Compare output with the one stored in the given file)";
const char kQuitAgentOnExit[] = R"( --quit-agent-on-exit
Will send a quit message to a connected debug agent in order for it to
shutdown. This is so that fidlcat doesn't leak unwanted debug agents on
"on-the-fly" debugging sessions.)";
const char* const kHelpHelp = R"( --help
Prints all command-line switches.)";
// Sets the process log settings. The |level| is the value of the setting (as
// passed to --quiet or --verbose), |multiplier| is a value by which a numerical
// setting will be multiplied (basically, -1 for verbose and 1 for quiet), and
// |settings| contains the output.
bool SetLogSettings(const std::string& level, int multiplier, syslog::LogSettings* settings) {
if (level == "trace") {
settings->min_log_level = syslog::LOG_TRACE;
} else if (level == "debug") {
settings->min_log_level = syslog::LOG_DEBUG;
} else if (level == "info") {
settings->min_log_level = syslog::LOG_INFO;
} else if (level == "warning") {
settings->min_log_level = syslog::LOG_WARNING;
} else if (level == "error") {
settings->min_log_level = syslog::LOG_ERROR;
} else if (level == "fatal") {
settings->min_log_level = syslog::LOG_FATAL;
} else if (fxl::StringToNumberWithError(level, &settings->min_log_level)) {
settings->min_log_level =
syslog::LOG_INFO + (multiplier * (multiplier > 0 ? syslog::LogSeverityStepSize
: syslog::LogVerbosityStepSize));
} else {
return false;
return true;
cmdline::Status ProcessLogOptions(const CommandLineOptions* options) {
syslog::LogSettings settings;
if (options->verbose) {
if (!SetLogSettings(*options->verbose, -1, &settings)) {
return cmdline::Status::Error("Unable to parse verbose setting \"" + *options->verbose +
if (options->quiet) {
if (!SetLogSettings(*options->quiet, 1, &settings)) {
return cmdline::Status::Error("Unable to parse quiet setting \"" + *options->quiet + "\"");
if (options->log_file) {
settings.log_file = *options->log_file;
return cmdline::Status::Ok();
std::string ParseCommandLine(int argc, const char* argv[], CommandLineOptions* options,
DecodeOptions* decode_options, DisplayOptions* display_options,
std::vector<std::string>* params) {
cmdline::ArgsParser<CommandLineOptions> parser;
parser.AddSwitch("connect", 'r', kRemoteHostHelp, &CommandLineOptions::connect);
parser.AddSwitch("remote-pid", 'p', kRemotePidHelp, &CommandLineOptions::remote_pid);
parser.AddSwitch("remote-name", 'f', kRemoteNameHelp, &CommandLineOptions::remote_name);
parser.AddSwitch("extra-name", 0, kExtraNameHelp, &CommandLineOptions::extra_name);
parser.AddSwitch("save", 0, kSaveHelp, &CommandLineOptions::save);
parser.AddSwitch("display-proto", 0, kDisplayProtoHelp, &CommandLineOptions::display_proto);
parser.AddSwitch("replay", 0, kReplayHelp, &CommandLineOptions::replay);
parser.AddSwitch("fidl-ir-path", 0, kFidlIrPathHelp, &CommandLineOptions::fidl_ir_paths);
parser.AddSwitch("symbol-path", 's', kSymbolPathHelp, &CommandLineOptions::symbol_paths);
parser.AddSwitch("symbol-repo-path", 0, kSymbolRepoPathHelp,
parser.AddSwitch("symbol-cache", 's', kSymbolCacheHelp, &CommandLineOptions::symbol_cache_path);
parser.AddSwitch("symbol-server", 's', kSymbolServerHelp, &CommandLineOptions::symbol_servers);
parser.AddSwitch("syscalls", 0, kSyscallFilterHelp, &CommandLineOptions::syscall_filters);
parser.AddSwitch("exclude-syscalls", 0, kExcludeSyscallFilterHelp,
parser.AddSwitch("messages", 0, kMessageFilterHelp, &CommandLineOptions::message_filters);
parser.AddSwitch("exclude-messages", 0, kExcludeMessageFilterHelp,
parser.AddSwitch("trigger", 0, kTriggerFilterHelp, &CommandLineOptions::trigger_filters);
parser.AddSwitch("pretty-print", 0, kPrettyPrintHelp, &CommandLineOptions::pretty_print);
parser.AddSwitch("with-process-info", 0, kWithProcessInfoHelp,
parser.AddSwitch("compare", 'c', kCompareHelp, &CommandLineOptions::compare_file);
parser.AddSwitch("stack", 0, kStackHelp, &CommandLineOptions::stack_level);
parser.AddSwitch("colors", 0, kColorsHelp, &CommandLineOptions::colors);
parser.AddSwitch("columns", 0, kColumnsHelp, &CommandLineOptions::columns);
parser.AddSwitch("dump-messages", 0, kDumpMessagesHelp, &CommandLineOptions::dump_messages);
parser.AddSwitch("verbose", 'v', kVerbosityHelp, &CommandLineOptions::verbose);
parser.AddSwitch("quiet", 'q', kQuietHelp, &CommandLineOptions::quiet);
parser.AddSwitch("log-file", 0, kLogFileHelp, &CommandLineOptions::log_file);
parser.AddSwitch("quit-agent-on-exit", 0, kQuitAgentOnExit,
bool requested_help = false;
parser.AddGeneralSwitch("help", 'h', kHelpHelp, [&requested_help]() { requested_help = true; });
cmdline::Status status = parser.Parse(argc, argv, options, params);
if (status.has_error()) {
return status.error_message();
status = ProcessLogOptions(options);
if (status.has_error()) {
return status.error_message();
bool watch = !options->remote_name.empty() || !options->remote_pid.empty() ||
(std::find(params->begin(), params->end(), "run") != params->end());
bool display_proto = !options->display_proto.empty();
bool replay = !options->replay.empty();
int command_count = (watch ? 1 : 0) + (display_proto ? 1 : 0) + (replay ? 1 : 0);
if (requested_help || (command_count != 1) ||
(!options->extra_name.empty() && options->remote_name.empty())) {
status = cmdline::Status::Error(kHelpIntro + parser.GetHelp());
if (status.has_error()) {
return status.error_message();
return "";
decode_options->stack_level = options->stack_level;
if (options->syscall_filters.empty()) {
regex_t r;
regcomp(&r, "zx_channel_.*", REG_EXTENDED);
} else if ((options->syscall_filters.size() != 1) || (options->syscall_filters[0] != ".*")) {
for (const auto& filter : options->syscall_filters) {
regex_t r;
if (regcomp(&r, filter.c_str(), REG_EXTENDED) == 0) {
} else {
return "Bad filter for --syscalls: " + filter;
for (const auto& filter : options->exclude_syscall_filters) {
regex_t r;
if (regcomp(&r, filter.c_str(), REG_EXTENDED) == 0) {
} else {
return "Bad filter for --exclude-syscalls: " + filter;
for (const auto& filter : options->message_filters) {
regex_t r;
if (regcomp(&r, filter.c_str(), REG_EXTENDED) == 0) {
} else {
return "Bad filter for --messages: " + filter;
for (const auto& filter : options->exclude_message_filters) {
regex_t r;
if (regcomp(&r, filter.c_str(), REG_EXTENDED) == 0) {
} else {
return "Bad filter for --exclude-messages: " + filter;
for (const auto& filter : options->trigger_filters) {
regex_t r;
if (regcomp(&r, filter.c_str(), REG_EXTENDED) == 0) {
} else {
return "Bad filter for --trigger: " + filter;
decode_options->save = options->save;
display_options->pretty_print = options->pretty_print;
display_options->with_process_info = options->with_process_info;
struct winsize term_size;
term_size.ws_col = 0;
int ioctl_result = ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &term_size);
if (options->columns == 0) {
display_options->columns = term_size.ws_col;
display_options->columns = std::max(display_options->columns, kMinColumns);
} else {
display_options->columns = options->columns;
display_options->dump_messages = options->dump_messages;
if (options->pretty_print) {
display_options->needs_colors =
((options->colors == "always") || ((options->colors == "auto") && (ioctl_result != -1))) &&
return "";
namespace {
bool EndsWith(const std::string& value, const std::string& suffix) {
if (suffix.size() > value.size()) {
return false;
return std::equal(suffix.rbegin(), suffix.rend(), value.rbegin());
} // namespace
void ExpandFidlPathsFromOptions(std::vector<std::string> cli_ir_paths,
std::vector<std::string>& paths,
std::vector<std::string>& bad_paths) {
// Strip out argfiles before doing path processing.
for (int64_t i = cli_ir_paths.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
std::string& path = cli_ir_paths[i];
if (, 1, "@") == 0) {
std::filesystem::path real_path(path.substr(1));
auto enclosing_directory = real_path.parent_path();
std::string file = path.substr(1);
cli_ir_paths.erase(cli_ir_paths.begin() + i);
std::ifstream infile(file, std::ifstream::in);
if (!infile.good()) {
std::string jsonfile_path;
while (infile >> jsonfile_path) {
if (std::filesystem::path(jsonfile_path).is_relative()) {
jsonfile_path = enclosing_directory.string() +
std::filesystem::path::preferred_separator + jsonfile_path;
std::set<std::string> checked_dirs;
// Repeat until cli_ir_paths is empty:
// If it is a directory, add the directory contents to the cli_ir_paths.
// If it is a .fidl.json file, add it to |paths|.
while (!cli_ir_paths.empty()) {
std::string current_string = cli_ir_paths.back();
std::filesystem::path current_path = current_string;
if (std::filesystem::is_directory(current_path)) {
for (auto& dir_ent : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(current_path)) {
std::string ent_name = dir_ent.path().string();
if (std::filesystem::is_directory(ent_name)) {
auto found = checked_dirs.find(ent_name);
if (found == checked_dirs.end()) {
} else if (EndsWith(ent_name, ".fidl.json")) {
} else if (std::filesystem::is_regular_file(current_path) &&
EndsWith(current_string, ".fidl.json")) {
} else {
} // namespace fidlcat