blob: bc94182309d1b63a8093145b0a765cb588bd1b38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/ui/keyboard/focus/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/keyboard/focus/cpp/fidl_test_base.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding_set.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/testing/component_context_provider.h>
namespace root_presenter::testing {
// A fake server for "fuchsia.ui.keyboard.focus.Controller".
// It does very little: it can be bound as a server for this protocol, responds with a success on
// each call to Notify (the only method), and keeps a count on how many times Notify has been
// called.
class FakeKeyboardFocusController
: public fuchsia::ui::keyboard::focus::testing::Controller_TestBase {
// Creates a new fake keyboard focus controller. The `context_provider` is used to
// connect to the FIDL endpoints needed.
explicit FakeKeyboardFocusController(sys::testing::ComponentContextProvider& context_provider);
~FakeKeyboardFocusController() override = default;
// Call to get a working handler for this protocol. It still needs to be exposed as a service.
fidl::InterfaceRequestHandler<fuchsia::ui::keyboard::focus::Controller> GetHandler(
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = nullptr);
// Sets a callback to be invoked when a `Notify` call is received. The callback will be passed
// the value of the ViewRef that was forwarded.
void SetOnNotify(std::function<void(const fuchsia::ui::views::ViewRef&)> on_notify_callback);
void NotImplemented_(const std::string& name) final {}
// Implements `fuchsia.ui.keyboard.focus.Controller.Notify`.
void Notify(fuchsia::ui::views::ViewRef view_ref, NotifyCallback callback) override;
// Returns the number of calls issued to this fake.
int num_calls() const { return num_calls_; }
// Returns the kernel object ID (koid) of the last view ref that was received.
zx_koid_t get_last_view_ref_koid();
fidl::BindingSet<fuchsia::ui::keyboard::focus::Controller> bindings_;
int num_calls_{};
std::function<void(const fuchsia::ui::views::ViewRef& received_view_ref)> on_notify_callback_;
} // namespace root_presenter::testing