blob: 947b8883fb979aeeb09a2b07d226f523d054c10f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
AddressType, BondingData, LeData, Ltk, RemoteKey, SecurityProperties,
use crate::harness::host_driver::{expect_eq, expect_remote_device, HostDriverHarness};
// TODO(armansito|xow): Add tests for BR/EDR and dual mode bond data.
fn new_le_bond_data(id: &str, address: &str, has_ltk: bool) -> BondingData {
BondingData {
identifier: id.to_string(),
local_address: "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF".to_string(),
name: None,
le: Some(Box::new(LeData {
address: address.to_string(),
address_type: AddressType::LeRandom,
connection_parameters: None,
services: vec![],
ltk: if has_ltk {
Some(Box::new(Ltk {
key: RemoteKey {
security_properties: SecurityProperties {
authenticated: true,
secure_connections: false,
encryption_key_size: 16,
value: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16],
key_size: 16,
ediv: 1,
rand: 2,
} else {
irk: None,
csrk: None,
bredr: None,
async fn add_bonds(
state: &HostDriverHarness,
mut bonds: Vec<BondingData>,
) -> Result<(Status), Error> {
await!(state.host_proxy().add_bonded_devices(&mut bonds.iter_mut()).err_into())
const TEST_ID1: &str = "1234";
const TEST_ID2: &str = "2345";
const TEST_ADDR1: &str = "01:02:03:04:05:06";
const TEST_ADDR2: &str = "06:05:04:03:02:01";
// Tests initializing bonded LE devices.
pub async fn test_add_bonded_devices_success(test_state: HostDriverHarness) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Devices should be initially empty.
let devices = await!(test_state.host_proxy().list_devices())?;
expect_eq!(vec![], devices)?;
let bond_data1 = new_le_bond_data(TEST_ID1, TEST_ADDR1, true /* has LTK */);
let bond_data2 = new_le_bond_data(TEST_ID2, TEST_ADDR2, true /* has LTK */);
let status = await!(add_bonds(&test_state, vec![bond_data1, bond_data2]))?;
// We should receive notifications for the newly added devices.
let expected1 = expectation::peer::address(TEST_ADDR1)
let expected2 = expectation::peer::address(TEST_ADDR2)
await!(test_state.expect_peer(None, expected1))?;
await!(test_state.expect_peer(None, expected2))?;
let devices = await!(test_state.host_proxy().list_devices())?;
expect_eq!(2, devices.len())?;
expect_true!(devices.iter().any(|dev| dev.address == TEST_ADDR1))?;
expect_true!(devices.iter().any(|dev| dev.address == TEST_ADDR2))?;
pub async fn test_add_bonded_devices_no_ltk_fails(
test_state: HostDriverHarness,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Devices should be initially empty.
let devices = await!(test_state.host_proxy().list_devices())?;
expect_eq!(vec![], devices)?;
// Inserting a bonded device without a LTK should fail.
let bond_data = new_le_bond_data(TEST_ID1, TEST_ADDR1, false /* no LTK */);
let status = await!(add_bonds(&test_state, vec![bond_data]))?;
let devices = await!(test_state.host_proxy().list_devices())?;
expect_eq!(vec![], devices)?;
pub async fn test_add_bonded_devices_duplicate_entry(
test_state: HostDriverHarness,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Devices should be initially empty.
let devices = await!(test_state.host_proxy().list_devices())?;
expect_eq!(vec![], devices)?;
// Initialize one entry.
let bond_data = new_le_bond_data(TEST_ID1, TEST_ADDR1, true /* with LTK */);
let status = await!(add_bonds(&test_state, vec![bond_data]))?;
// We should receive a notification for the newly added device.
let expected = expectation::peer::address(TEST_ADDR1)
await!(test_state.expect_peer(None, expected.clone()))?;
let devices = await!(test_state.host_proxy().list_devices())?;
expect_eq!(1, devices.len())?;
// Adding an entry with the existing id should fail.
let bond_data = new_le_bond_data(TEST_ID1, TEST_ADDR2, true /* with LTK */);
let status = await!(add_bonds(&test_state, vec![bond_data]))?;
// Adding an entry with a different ID but existing address should fail.
let bond_data = new_le_bond_data(TEST_ID2, TEST_ADDR1, true /* with LTK */);
let status = await!(add_bonds(&test_state, vec![bond_data]))?;
// Tests that adding a list of bonding data with malformed content succeeds for the valid entries
// but reports an error.
pub async fn test_add_bonded_devices_invalid_entry(
test_state: HostDriverHarness,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Devices should be initially empty.
let devices = await!(test_state.host_proxy().list_devices())?;
expect_eq!(vec![], devices)?;
// Add one entry with no LTK (invalid) and one with (valid). This should create an entry for the
// valid device but report an error for the invalid entry.
let no_ltk = new_le_bond_data(TEST_ID1, TEST_ADDR1, false);
let with_ltk = new_le_bond_data(TEST_ID2, TEST_ADDR2, true);
let status = await!(add_bonds(&test_state, vec![no_ltk, with_ltk]))?;
let expected = expectation::peer::address(TEST_ADDR2)
await!(test_state.expect_peer(None, expected.clone()))?;
let devices = await!(test_state.host_proxy().list_devices())?;
expect_eq!(1, devices.len())?;
expect_remote_device(&test_state, TEST_ADDR2, &expected)?;