blob: 357441782b8d3164776e3a580580cd6aa9ef1e59 [file] [log] [blame]
//! A crate to wait on a child process with a particular timeout.
//! This crate is an implementation for Unix and Windows of the ability to wait
//! on a child process with a timeout specified. On Windows the implementation
//! is fairly trivial as it's just a call to `WaitForSingleObject` with a
//! timeout argument, but on Unix the implementation is much more involved. The
//! current implementation registeres a `SIGCHLD` handler and initializes some
//! global state. If your application is otherwise handling `SIGCHLD` then bugs
//! may arise.
//! # Example
//! ```no_run
//! use std::process::Command;
//! use wait_timeout::ChildExt;
//! use std::time::Duration;
//! let mut child = Command::new("foo").spawn().unwrap();
//! let one_sec = Duration::from_secs(1);
//! let status_code = match child.wait_timeout(one_sec).unwrap() {
//! Some(status) => status.code(),
//! None => {
//! // child hasn't exited yet
//! child.kill().unwrap();
//! child.wait().unwrap().code()
//! }
//! };
//! ```
#![deny(missing_docs, warnings)]
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
extern crate libc;
use std::fmt;
use std::io;
use std::process::Child;
use std::time::Duration;
/// Exit status from a child process.
/// This type mirrors that in `std::process` but currently must be distinct as
/// the one in `std::process` cannot be created.
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ExitStatus(imp::ExitStatus);
#[cfg(unix)] #[path = ""]
mod imp;
#[cfg(windows)] #[path = ""]
mod imp;
/// Extension methods for the standard `std::process::Child` type.
pub trait ChildExt {
/// Deprecated, use `wait_timeout` instead.
fn wait_timeout_ms(&mut self, ms: u32) -> io::Result<Option<ExitStatus>> {
self.wait_timeout(Duration::from_millis(ms as u64))
/// Wait for this child to exit, timing out after `ms` milliseconds have
/// elapsed.
/// If `Ok(None)` is returned then the timeout period elapsed without the
/// child exiting, and if `Ok(Some(..))` is returned then the child exited
/// with the specified exit code.
/// # Warning
/// Currently this function must be called with great care. If the child
/// has already been waited on (e.g. `wait` returned a success) then this
/// function will either wait on another process or fail spuriously on some
/// platforms. This function may only be reliably called if the process has
/// not already been waited on.
/// Additionally, once this method completes the original child cannot be
/// waited on reliably. The `wait` method on the original child may return
/// spurious errors or have odd behavior on some platforms. If this
/// function returns `Ok(None)`, however, it is safe to wait on the child
/// with the normal libstd `wait` method.
fn wait_timeout(&mut self, dur: Duration) -> io::Result<Option<ExitStatus>>;
impl ChildExt for Child {
fn wait_timeout(&mut self, dur: Duration) -> io::Result<Option<ExitStatus>> {
imp::wait_timeout(self, dur).map(|m|
impl ExitStatus {
/// Returns whether this exit status represents a successful execution.
/// This typically means that the child process successfully exited with a
/// status code of 0.
pub fn success(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns the code associated with the child's exit event.
/// On Unix this can return `None` if the child instead exited because of a
/// signal. On Windows, however, this will always return `Some`.
pub fn code(&self) -> Option<i32> {
/// Returns the Unix signal which terminated this process.
/// Note that on Windows this will always return `None` and on Unix this
/// will return `None` if the process successfully exited otherwise.
pub fn unix_signal(&self) -> Option<i32> {
impl fmt::Display for ExitStatus {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if let Some(c) = self.code() {
write!(f, "exit code: {}", c)
} else if let Some(s) = self.unix_signal() {
write!(f, "signal: {}", s)
} else {
write!(f, "exit status: unknown")