blob: 7070d6b2573f2b5874f7e66436e4935c87256c51 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Utilities for tracking time.
//! This module provides a number of types for executing code after a set period
//! of time.
//! * `Delay` is a future that does no work and completes at a specific `Instant`
//! in time.
//! * `Interval` is a stream yielding a value at a fixed period. It is
//! initialized with a `Duration` and repeatedly yields each time the duration
//! elapses.
//! * `Timeout`: Wraps a future or stream, setting an upper bound to the amount
//! of time it is allowed to execute. If the future or stream does not
//! complete in time, then it is canceled and an error is returned.
//! * `DelayQueue`: A queue where items are returned once the requested delay
//! has expired.
//! These types are sufficient for handling a large number of scenarios
//! involving time.
//! These types must be used from within the context of the `Runtime`.
//! # Examples
//! Wait 100ms and print "Hello World!"
//! ```
//! use tokio::time::delay_for;
//! use std::time::Duration;
//! #[tokio::main]
//! async fn main() {
//! delay_for(Duration::from_millis(100)).await;
//! println!("100 ms have elapsed");
//! }
//! ```
//! Require that an operation takes no more than 300ms. Note that this uses the
//! `timeout` function on the `FutureExt` trait. This trait is included in the
//! prelude.
//! ```
//! use tokio::time::{timeout, Duration};
//! async fn long_future() {
//! // do work here
//! }
//! # async fn dox() {
//! let res = timeout(Duration::from_secs(1), long_future()).await;
//! if res.is_err() {
//! println!("operation timed out");
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
mod clock;
pub(crate) use self::clock::Clock;
#[cfg(feature = "test-util")]
pub use clock::{advance, pause, resume};
pub mod delay_queue;
pub use delay_queue::DelayQueue;
mod delay;
pub use delay::{delay_for, delay_until, Delay};
pub(crate) mod driver;
mod error;
pub use error::Error;
mod instant;
pub use self::instant::Instant;
mod interval;
pub use interval::{interval, interval_at, Interval};
mod timeout;
pub use timeout::{timeout, timeout_at, Elapsed, Timeout};
cfg_stream! {
mod throttle;
pub use throttle::{throttle, Throttle};
mod wheel;
mod tests;
// Re-export for convenience
pub use std::time::Duration;
// ===== Internal utils =====
enum Round {
/// Convert a `Duration` to milliseconds, rounding up and saturating at
/// `u64::MAX`.
/// The saturating is fine because `u64::MAX` milliseconds are still many
/// million years.
fn ms(duration: Duration, round: Round) -> u64 {
const NANOS_PER_MILLI: u32 = 1_000_000;
const MILLIS_PER_SEC: u64 = 1_000;
// Round up.
let millis = match round {
Round::Up => (duration.subsec_nanos() + NANOS_PER_MILLI - 1) / NANOS_PER_MILLI,
Round::Down => duration.subsec_millis(),