blob: 62ad484eec351c2f713fd1c33b91604b7a94661c [file] [log] [blame]
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "sync"), allow(dead_code, unreachable_pub))]
//! A channel for sending a single message between asynchronous tasks.
use crate::loom::cell::UnsafeCell;
use crate::loom::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
use crate::loom::sync::Arc;
use std::fmt;
use std::future::Future;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::{self, AcqRel, Acquire};
use std::task::Poll::{Pending, Ready};
use std::task::{Context, Poll, Waker};
/// Sends a value to the associated `Receiver`.
/// Instances are created by the [`channel`](fn@channel) function.
pub struct Sender<T> {
inner: Option<Arc<Inner<T>>>,
/// Receive a value from the associated `Sender`.
/// Instances are created by the [`channel`](fn@channel) function.
pub struct Receiver<T> {
inner: Option<Arc<Inner<T>>>,
pub mod error {
//! Oneshot error types
use std::fmt;
/// Error returned by the `Future` implementation for `Receiver`.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct RecvError(pub(super) ());
/// Error returned by the `try_recv` function on `Receiver`.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum TryRecvError {
/// The send half of the channel has not yet sent a value.
/// The send half of the channel was dropped without sending a value.
// ===== impl RecvError =====
impl fmt::Display for RecvError {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(fmt, "channel closed")
impl std::error::Error for RecvError {}
// ===== impl TryRecvError =====
impl fmt::Display for TryRecvError {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
TryRecvError::Empty => write!(fmt, "channel empty"),
TryRecvError::Closed => write!(fmt, "channel closed"),
impl std::error::Error for TryRecvError {}
use self::error::*;
struct Inner<T> {
/// Manages the state of the inner cell
state: AtomicUsize,
/// The value. This is set by `Sender` and read by `Receiver`. The state of
/// the cell is tracked by `state`.
value: UnsafeCell<Option<T>>,
/// The task to notify when the receiver drops without consuming the value.
tx_task: UnsafeCell<MaybeUninit<Waker>>,
/// The task to notify when the value is sent.
rx_task: UnsafeCell<MaybeUninit<Waker>>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct State(usize);
/// Create a new one-shot channel for sending single values across asynchronous
/// tasks.
/// The function returns separate "send" and "receive" handles. The `Sender`
/// handle is used by the producer to send the value. The `Receiver` handle is
/// used by the consumer to receive the value.
/// Each handle can be used on separate tasks.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use tokio::sync::oneshot;
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
/// tokio::spawn(async move {
/// if let Err(_) = tx.send(3) {
/// println!("the receiver dropped");
/// }
/// });
/// match rx.await {
/// Ok(v) => println!("got = {:?}", v),
/// Err(_) => println!("the sender dropped"),
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn channel<T>() -> (Sender<T>, Receiver<T>) {
let inner = Arc::new(Inner {
state: AtomicUsize::new(State::new().as_usize()),
value: UnsafeCell::new(None),
tx_task: UnsafeCell::new(MaybeUninit::uninit()),
rx_task: UnsafeCell::new(MaybeUninit::uninit()),
let tx = Sender {
inner: Some(inner.clone()),
let rx = Receiver { inner: Some(inner) };
(tx, rx)
impl<T> Sender<T> {
/// Attempts to send a value on this channel, returning it back if it could
/// not be sent.
/// The function consumes `self` as only one value may ever be sent on a
/// one-shot channel.
/// A successful send occurs when it is determined that the other end of the
/// channel has not hung up already. An unsuccessful send would be one where
/// the corresponding receiver has already been deallocated. Note that a
/// return value of `Err` means that the data will never be received, but
/// a return value of `Ok` does *not* mean that the data will be received.
/// It is possible for the corresponding receiver to hang up immediately
/// after this function returns `Ok`.
/// # Examples
/// Send a value to another task
/// ```
/// use tokio::sync::oneshot;
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
/// tokio::spawn(async move {
/// if let Err(_) = tx.send(3) {
/// println!("the receiver dropped");
/// }
/// });
/// match rx.await {
/// Ok(v) => println!("got = {:?}", v),
/// Err(_) => println!("the sender dropped"),
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn send(mut self, t: T) -> Result<(), T> {
let inner = self.inner.take().unwrap();
inner.value.with_mut(|ptr| unsafe {
*ptr = Some(t);
if !inner.complete() {
return Err(inner
.with_mut(|ptr| unsafe { (*ptr).take() }.unwrap()));
#[doc(hidden)] // TODO: remove
pub fn poll_closed(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<()> {
// Keep track of task budget
let inner = self.inner.as_ref().unwrap();
let mut state = State::load(&inner.state, Acquire);
if state.is_closed() {
return Poll::Ready(());
if state.is_tx_task_set() {
let will_notify = unsafe { inner.with_tx_task(|w| w.will_wake(cx.waker())) };
if !will_notify {
state = State::unset_tx_task(&inner.state);
if state.is_closed() {
// Set the flag again so that the waker is released in drop
return Ready(());
} else {
unsafe { inner.drop_tx_task() };
if !state.is_tx_task_set() {
// Attempt to set the task
unsafe {
// Update the state
state = State::set_tx_task(&inner.state);
if state.is_closed() {
return Ready(());
/// Waits for the associated [`Receiver`] handle to close.
/// A [`Receiver`] is closed by either calling [`close`] explicitly or the
/// [`Receiver`] value is dropped.
/// This function is useful when paired with `select!` to abort a
/// computation when the receiver is no longer interested in the result.
/// # Return
/// Returns a `Future` which must be awaited on.
/// [`Receiver`]: Receiver
/// [`close`]: Receiver::close
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage
/// ```
/// use tokio::sync::oneshot;
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let (mut tx, rx) = oneshot::channel::<()>();
/// tokio::spawn(async move {
/// drop(rx);
/// });
/// tx.closed().await;
/// println!("the receiver dropped");
/// }
/// ```
/// Paired with select
/// ```
/// use tokio::sync::oneshot;
/// use tokio::time::{self, Duration};
/// use futures::{select, FutureExt};
/// async fn compute() -> String {
/// // Complex computation returning a `String`
/// # "hello".to_string()
/// }
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let (mut tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
/// tokio::spawn(async move {
/// select! {
/// _ = tx.closed().fuse() => {
/// // The receiver dropped, no need to do any further work
/// }
/// value = compute().fuse() => {
/// tx.send(value).unwrap()
/// }
/// }
/// });
/// // Wait for up to 10 seconds
/// let _ = time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(10), rx).await;
/// }
/// ```
pub async fn closed(&mut self) {
use crate::future::poll_fn;
poll_fn(|cx| self.poll_closed(cx)).await
/// Returns `true` if the associated [`Receiver`] handle has been dropped.
/// A [`Receiver`] is closed by either calling [`close`] explicitly or the
/// [`Receiver`] value is dropped.
/// If `true` is returned, a call to `send` will always result in an error.
/// [`Receiver`]: Receiver
/// [`close`]: Receiver::close
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use tokio::sync::oneshot;
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
/// assert!(!tx.is_closed());
/// drop(rx);
/// assert!(tx.is_closed());
/// assert!(tx.send("never received").is_err());
/// }
/// ```
pub fn is_closed(&self) -> bool {
let inner = self.inner.as_ref().unwrap();
let state = State::load(&inner.state, Acquire);
impl<T> Drop for Sender<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(inner) = self.inner.as_ref() {
impl<T> Receiver<T> {
/// Prevents the associated [`Sender`] handle from sending a value.
/// Any `send` operation which happens after calling `close` is guaranteed
/// to fail. After calling `close`, `Receiver::poll`] should be called to
/// receive a value if one was sent **before** the call to `close`
/// completed.
/// This function is useful to perform a graceful shutdown and ensure that a
/// value will not be sent into the channel and never received.
/// [`Sender`]: Sender
/// # Examples
/// Prevent a value from being sent
/// ```
/// use tokio::sync::oneshot;
/// use tokio::sync::oneshot::error::TryRecvError;
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let (tx, mut rx) = oneshot::channel();
/// assert!(!tx.is_closed());
/// rx.close();
/// assert!(tx.is_closed());
/// assert!(tx.send("never received").is_err());
/// match rx.try_recv() {
/// Err(TryRecvError::Closed) => {}
/// _ => unreachable!(),
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// Receive a value sent **before** calling `close`
/// ```
/// use tokio::sync::oneshot;
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let (tx, mut rx) = oneshot::channel();
/// assert!(tx.send("will receive").is_ok());
/// rx.close();
/// let msg = rx.try_recv().unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(msg, "will receive");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn close(&mut self) {
let inner = self.inner.as_ref().unwrap();
/// Attempts to receive a value.
/// If a pending value exists in the channel, it is returned. If no value
/// has been sent, the current task **will not** be registered for
/// future notification.
/// This function is useful to call from outside the context of an
/// asynchronous task.
/// # Return
/// - `Ok(T)` if a value is pending in the channel.
/// - `Err(TryRecvError::Empty)` if no value has been sent yet.
/// - `Err(TryRecvError::Closed)` if the sender has dropped without sending
/// a value.
/// # Examples
/// `try_recv` before a value is sent, then after.
/// ```
/// use tokio::sync::oneshot;
/// use tokio::sync::oneshot::error::TryRecvError;
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let (tx, mut rx) = oneshot::channel();
/// match rx.try_recv() {
/// // The channel is currently empty
/// Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => {}
/// _ => unreachable!(),
/// }
/// // Send a value
/// tx.send("hello").unwrap();
/// match rx.try_recv() {
/// Ok(value) => assert_eq!(value, "hello"),
/// _ => unreachable!(),
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// `try_recv` when the sender dropped before sending a value
/// ```
/// use tokio::sync::oneshot;
/// use tokio::sync::oneshot::error::TryRecvError;
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let (tx, mut rx) = oneshot::channel::<()>();
/// drop(tx);
/// match rx.try_recv() {
/// // The channel will never receive a value.
/// Err(TryRecvError::Closed) => {}
/// _ => unreachable!(),
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn try_recv(&mut self) -> Result<T, TryRecvError> {
let result = if let Some(inner) = self.inner.as_ref() {
let state = State::load(&inner.state, Acquire);
if state.is_complete() {
match unsafe { inner.consume_value() } {
Some(value) => Ok(value),
None => Err(TryRecvError::Closed),
} else if state.is_closed() {
} else {
// Not ready, this does not clear `inner`
return Err(TryRecvError::Empty);
} else {
panic!("called after complete");
self.inner = None;
impl<T> Drop for Receiver<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(inner) = self.inner.as_ref() {
impl<T> Future for Receiver<T> {
type Output = Result<T, RecvError>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
// If `inner` is `None`, then `poll()` has already completed.
let ret = if let Some(inner) = self.as_ref().get_ref().inner.as_ref() {
} else {
panic!("called after complete");
self.inner = None;
impl<T> Inner<T> {
fn complete(&self) -> bool {
let prev = State::set_complete(&self.state);
if prev.is_closed() {
return false;
if prev.is_rx_task_set() {
// TODO: Consume waker?
unsafe {
fn poll_recv(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<T, RecvError>> {
// Keep track of task budget
// Load the state
let mut state = State::load(&self.state, Acquire);
if state.is_complete() {
match unsafe { self.consume_value() } {
Some(value) => Ready(Ok(value)),
None => Ready(Err(RecvError(()))),
} else if state.is_closed() {
} else {
if state.is_rx_task_set() {
let will_notify = unsafe { self.with_rx_task(|w| w.will_wake(cx.waker())) };
// Check if the task is still the same
if !will_notify {
// Unset the task
state = State::unset_rx_task(&self.state);
if state.is_complete() {
// Set the flag again so that the waker is released in drop
return match unsafe { self.consume_value() } {
Some(value) => Ready(Ok(value)),
None => Ready(Err(RecvError(()))),
} else {
unsafe { self.drop_rx_task() };
if !state.is_rx_task_set() {
// Attempt to set the task
unsafe {
// Update the state
state = State::set_rx_task(&self.state);
if state.is_complete() {
match unsafe { self.consume_value() } {
Some(value) => Ready(Ok(value)),
None => Ready(Err(RecvError(()))),
} else {
} else {
/// Called by `Receiver` to indicate that the value will never be received.
fn close(&self) {
let prev = State::set_closed(&self.state);
if prev.is_tx_task_set() && !prev.is_complete() {
unsafe {
/// Consumes the value. This function does not check `state`.
unsafe fn consume_value(&self) -> Option<T> {
self.value.with_mut(|ptr| (*ptr).take())
unsafe fn with_rx_task<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
F: FnOnce(&Waker) -> R,
self.rx_task.with(|ptr| {
let waker: *const Waker = (&*ptr).as_ptr();
unsafe fn with_tx_task<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
F: FnOnce(&Waker) -> R,
self.tx_task.with(|ptr| {
let waker: *const Waker = (&*ptr).as_ptr();
unsafe fn drop_rx_task(&self) {
self.rx_task.with_mut(|ptr| {
let ptr: *mut Waker = (&mut *ptr).as_mut_ptr();
unsafe fn drop_tx_task(&self) {
self.tx_task.with_mut(|ptr| {
let ptr: *mut Waker = (&mut *ptr).as_mut_ptr();
unsafe fn set_rx_task(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) {
self.rx_task.with_mut(|ptr| {
let ptr: *mut Waker = (&mut *ptr).as_mut_ptr();
unsafe fn set_tx_task(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) {
self.tx_task.with_mut(|ptr| {
let ptr: *mut Waker = (&mut *ptr).as_mut_ptr();
unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for Inner<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: Send> Sync for Inner<T> {}
impl<T> Drop for Inner<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let state = State(self.state.with_mut(|v| *v));
if state.is_rx_task_set() {
unsafe {
if state.is_tx_task_set() {
unsafe {
impl<T: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for Inner<T> {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed;
.field("state", &State::load(&self.state, Relaxed))
const RX_TASK_SET: usize = 0b00001;
const VALUE_SENT: usize = 0b00010;
const CLOSED: usize = 0b00100;
const TX_TASK_SET: usize = 0b01000;
impl State {
fn new() -> State {
fn is_complete(self) -> bool {
fn set_complete(cell: &AtomicUsize) -> State {
// TODO: This could be `Release`, followed by an `Acquire` fence *if*
// the `RX_TASK_SET` flag is set. However, `loom` does not support
// fences yet.
let val = cell.fetch_or(VALUE_SENT, AcqRel);
fn is_rx_task_set(self) -> bool {
fn set_rx_task(cell: &AtomicUsize) -> State {
let val = cell.fetch_or(RX_TASK_SET, AcqRel);
State(val | RX_TASK_SET)
fn unset_rx_task(cell: &AtomicUsize) -> State {
let val = cell.fetch_and(!RX_TASK_SET, AcqRel);
State(val & !RX_TASK_SET)
fn is_closed(self) -> bool {
self.0 & CLOSED == CLOSED
fn set_closed(cell: &AtomicUsize) -> State {
// Acquire because we want all later writes (attempting to poll) to be
// ordered after this.
let val = cell.fetch_or(CLOSED, Acquire);
fn set_tx_task(cell: &AtomicUsize) -> State {
let val = cell.fetch_or(TX_TASK_SET, AcqRel);
State(val | TX_TASK_SET)
fn unset_tx_task(cell: &AtomicUsize) -> State {
let val = cell.fetch_and(!TX_TASK_SET, AcqRel);
State(val & !TX_TASK_SET)
fn is_tx_task_set(self) -> bool {
fn as_usize(self) -> usize {
fn load(cell: &AtomicUsize, order: Ordering) -> State {
let val = cell.load(order);
impl fmt::Debug for State {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("is_complete", &self.is_complete())
.field("is_closed", &self.is_closed())
.field("is_rx_task_set", &self.is_rx_task_set())
.field("is_tx_task_set", &self.is_tx_task_set())