blob: 5cb41e89eae8af022ccb976e6bd441a5b94c4b89 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::loom::sync::atomic::AtomicU8;
use crate::loom::sync::Mutex;
use crate::util::linked_list::{self, LinkedList};
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::future::Future;
use std::marker::PhantomPinned;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::ptr::NonNull;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst;
use std::task::{Context, Poll, Waker};
/// Notify a single task to wake up.
/// `Notify` provides a basic mechanism to notify a single task of an event.
/// `Notify` itself does not carry any data. Instead, it is to be used to signal
/// another task to perform an operation.
/// `Notify` can be thought of as a [`Semaphore`] starting with 0 permits.
/// [`notified().await`] waits for a permit to become available, and [`notify()`]
/// sets a permit **if there currently are no available permits**.
/// The synchronization details of `Notify` are similar to
/// [`thread::park`][park] and [`Thread::unpark`][unpark] from std. A [`Notify`]
/// value contains a single permit. [`notified().await`] waits for the permit to
/// be made available, consumes the permit, and resumes. [`notify()`] sets the
/// permit, waking a pending task if there is one.
/// If `notify()` is called **before** `notfied().await`, then the next call to
/// `notified().await` will complete immediately, consuming the permit. Any
/// subsequent calls to `notified().await` will wait for a new permit.
/// If `notify()` is called **multiple** times before `notified().await`, only a
/// **single** permit is stored. The next call to `notified().await` will
/// complete immediately, but the one after will wait for a new permit.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage.
/// ```
/// use tokio::sync::Notify;
/// use std::sync::Arc;
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let notify = Arc::new(Notify::new());
/// let notify2 = notify.clone();
/// tokio::spawn(async move {
/// notify2.notified().await;
/// println!("received notification");
/// });
/// println!("sending notification");
/// notify.notify();
/// }
/// ```
/// Unbound mpsc channel.
/// ```
/// use tokio::sync::Notify;
/// use std::collections::VecDeque;
/// use std::sync::Mutex;
/// struct Channel<T> {
/// values: Mutex<VecDeque<T>>,
/// notify: Notify,
/// }
/// impl<T> Channel<T> {
/// pub fn send(&self, value: T) {
/// self.values.lock().unwrap()
/// .push_back(value);
/// // Notify the consumer a value is available
/// self.notify.notify();
/// }
/// pub async fn recv(&self) -> T {
/// loop {
/// // Drain values
/// if let Some(value) = self.values.lock().unwrap().pop_front() {
/// return value;
/// }
/// // Wait for values to be available
/// self.notify.notified().await;
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// [park]: std::thread::park
/// [unpark]: std::thread::Thread::unpark
/// [`notified().await`]: Notify::notified()
/// [`notify()`]: Notify::notify()
/// [`Semaphore`]: crate::sync::Semaphore
pub struct Notify {
state: AtomicU8,
waiters: Mutex<LinkedList<Waiter>>,
struct Waiter {
/// Intrusive linked-list pointers
pointers: linked_list::Pointers<Waiter>,
/// Waiting task's waker
waker: Option<Waker>,
/// `true` if the notification has been assigned to this waiter.
notified: bool,
/// Should not be `Unpin`.
_p: PhantomPinned,
/// Future returned from `notified()`
struct Notified<'a> {
/// The `Notify` being received on.
notify: &'a Notify,
/// The current state of the receiving process.
state: State,
/// Entry in the waiter `LinkedList`.
waiter: UnsafeCell<Waiter>,
unsafe impl<'a> Send for Notified<'a> {}
unsafe impl<'a> Sync for Notified<'a> {}
enum State {
/// Initial "idle" state
const EMPTY: u8 = 0;
/// One or more threads are currently waiting to be notified.
const WAITING: u8 = 1;
/// Pending notification
const NOTIFIED: u8 = 2;
impl Notify {
/// Create a new `Notify`, initialized without a permit.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use tokio::sync::Notify;
/// let notify = Notify::new();
/// ```
pub fn new() -> Notify {
Notify {
state: AtomicU8::new(0),
waiters: Mutex::new(LinkedList::new()),
/// Wait for a notification.
/// Each `Notify` value holds a single permit. If a permit is available from
/// an earlier call to [`notify()`], then `notified().await` will complete
/// immediately, consuming that permit. Otherwise, `notified().await` waits
/// for a permit to be made available by the next call to `notify()`.
/// [`notify()`]: Notify::notify
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use tokio::sync::Notify;
/// use std::sync::Arc;
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let notify = Arc::new(Notify::new());
/// let notify2 = notify.clone();
/// tokio::spawn(async move {
/// notify2.notified().await;
/// println!("received notification");
/// });
/// println!("sending notification");
/// notify.notify();
/// }
/// ```
pub async fn notified(&self) {
Notified {
notify: self,
state: State::Init,
waiter: UnsafeCell::new(Waiter {
pointers: linked_list::Pointers::new(),
waker: None,
notified: false,
_p: PhantomPinned,
/// Notifies a waiting task
/// If a task is currently waiting, that task is notified. Otherwise, a
/// permit is stored in this `Notify` value and the **next** call to
/// [`notified().await`] will complete immediately consuming the permit made
/// available by this call to `notify()`.
/// At most one permit may be stored by `Notify`. Many sequential calls to
/// `notify` will result in a single permit being stored. The next call to
/// `notified().await` will complete immediately, but the one after that
/// will wait.
/// [`notified().await`]: Notify::notified()
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use tokio::sync::Notify;
/// use std::sync::Arc;
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// let notify = Arc::new(Notify::new());
/// let notify2 = notify.clone();
/// tokio::spawn(async move {
/// notify2.notified().await;
/// println!("received notification");
/// });
/// println!("sending notification");
/// notify.notify();
/// }
/// ```
pub fn notify(&self) {
// Load the current state
let mut curr = self.state.load(SeqCst);
// If the state is `EMPTY`, transition to `NOTIFIED` and return.
while let EMPTY | NOTIFIED = curr {
// The compare-exchange from `NOTIFIED` -> `NOTIFIED` is intended. A
// happens-before synchronization must happen between this atomic
// operation and a task calling `notified().await`.
let res = self.state.compare_exchange(curr, NOTIFIED, SeqCst, SeqCst);
match res {
// No waiters, no further work to do
Ok(_) => return,
Err(actual) => {
curr = actual;
// There are waiters, the lock must be acquired to notify.
let mut waiters = self.waiters.lock().unwrap();
// The state must be reloaded while the lock is held. The state may only
// transition out of WAITING while the lock is held.
curr = self.state.load(SeqCst);
if let Some(waker) = notify_locked(&mut waiters, &self.state, curr) {
impl Default for Notify {
fn default() -> Notify {
fn notify_locked(waiters: &mut LinkedList<Waiter>, state: &AtomicU8, curr: u8) -> Option<Waker> {
loop {
match curr {
let res = state.compare_exchange(curr, NOTIFIED, SeqCst, SeqCst);
match res {
Ok(_) => return None,
Err(actual) => {
assert!(actual == EMPTY || actual == NOTIFIED);, SeqCst);
return None;
// At this point, it is guaranteed that the state will not
// concurrently change as holding the lock is required to
// transition **out** of `WAITING`.
// Get a pending waiter
let mut waiter = waiters.pop_back().unwrap();
// Safety: `waiters` lock is still held.
let waiter = unsafe { waiter.as_mut() };
waiter.notified = true;
let waker = waiter.waker.take();
if waiters.is_empty() {
// As this the **final** waiter in the list, the state
// must be transitioned to `EMPTY`. As transitioning
// **from** `WAITING` requires the lock to be held, a
// `store` is sufficient., SeqCst);
return waker;
_ => unreachable!(),
// ===== impl Notified =====
impl Notified<'_> {
/// A custom `project` implementation is used in place of `pin-project-lite`
/// as a custom drop implementation is needed.
fn project(self: Pin<&mut Self>) -> (&Notify, &mut State, &UnsafeCell<Waiter>) {
unsafe {
// Safety: both `notify` and `state` are `Unpin`.
let me = self.get_unchecked_mut();
(&me.notify, &mut me.state, &me.waiter)
impl Future for Notified<'_> {
type Output = ();
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<()> {
use State::*;
let (notify, state, waiter) = self.project();
loop {
match *state {
Init => {
// Optimistically try acquiring a pending notification
let res = notify
.compare_exchange(NOTIFIED, EMPTY, SeqCst, SeqCst);
if res.is_ok() {
// Acquired the notification
*state = Done;
return Poll::Ready(());
// Acquire the lock and attempt to transition to the waiting
// state.
let mut waiters = notify.waiters.lock().unwrap();
// Reload the state with the lock held
let mut curr = notify.state.load(SeqCst);
// Transition the state to WAITING.
loop {
match curr {
EMPTY => {
// Transition to WAITING
let res = notify
.compare_exchange(EMPTY, WAITING, SeqCst, SeqCst);
if let Err(actual) = res {
assert_eq!(actual, NOTIFIED);
curr = actual;
} else {
WAITING => break,
// Try consuming the notification
let res = notify
.compare_exchange(NOTIFIED, EMPTY, SeqCst, SeqCst);
match res {
Ok(_) => {
// Acquired the notification
*state = Done;
return Poll::Ready(());
Err(actual) => {
assert_eq!(actual, EMPTY);
curr = actual;
_ => unreachable!(),
// Safety: called while locked.
unsafe {
(*waiter.get()).waker = Some(cx.waker().clone());
// Insert the waiter into the linked list
// safety: pointers from `UnsafeCell` are never null.
waiters.push_front(unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(waiter.get()) });
*state = Waiting;
Waiting => {
// Currently in the "Waiting" state, implying the caller has
// a waiter stored in the waiter list (guarded by
// `notify.waiters`). In order to access the waker fields,
// we must hold the lock.
let waiters = notify.waiters.lock().unwrap();
// Safety: called while locked
let w = unsafe { &mut *waiter.get() };
if w.notified {
// Our waker has been notified. Reset the fields and
// remove it from the list.
w.waker = None;
w.notified = false;
*state = Done;
} else {
// Update the waker, if necessary.
if !w.waker.as_ref().unwrap().will_wake(cx.waker()) {
w.waker = Some(cx.waker().clone());
return Poll::Pending;
// Explicit drop of the lock to indicate the scope that the
// lock is held. Because holding the lock is required to
// ensure safe access to fields not held within the lock, it
// is helpful to visualize the scope of the critical
// section.
Done => {
return Poll::Ready(());
impl Drop for Notified<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
use State::*;
// Safety: The type only transitions to a "Waiting" state when pinned.
let (notify, state, waiter) = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(self).project() };
// This is where we ensure safety. The `Notified` value is being
// dropped, which means we must ensure that the waiter entry is no
// longer stored in the linked list.
if let Waiting = *state {
let mut notify_state = WAITING;
let mut waiters = notify.waiters.lock().unwrap();
// `Notify.state` may be in any of the three states (Empty, Waiting,
// Notified). It doesn't actually matter what the atomic is set to
// at this point. We hold the lock and will ensure the atomic is in
// the correct state once th elock is dropped.
// Because the atomic state is not checked, at first glance, it may
// seem like this routine does not handle the case where the
// receiver is notified but has not yet observed the notification.
// If this happens, no matter how many notifications happen between
// this receiver being notified and the receive future dropping, all
// we need to do is ensure that one notification is returned back to
// the `Notify`. This is done by calling `notify_locked` if `self`
// has the `notified` flag set.
// remove the entry from the list
// safety: the waiter is only added to `waiters` by virtue of it
// being the only `LinkedList` available to the type.
unsafe { waiters.remove(NonNull::new_unchecked(waiter.get())) };
if waiters.is_empty() {
notify_state = EMPTY;
// If the state *should* be `NOTIFIED`, the call to
// `notify_locked` below will end up doing the
// `store(NOTIFIED)`. If a concurrent receiver races and
// observes the incorrect `EMPTY` state, it will then obtain the
// lock and block until `notify.state` is in the correct final
// state., SeqCst);
// See if the node was notified but not received. In this case, the
// notification must be sent to another waiter.
// Safety: with the entry removed from the linked list, there can be
// no concurrent access to the entry
let notified = unsafe { (*waiter.get()).notified };
if notified {
if let Some(waker) = notify_locked(&mut waiters, &notify.state, notify_state) {
/// # Safety
/// `Waiter` is forced to be !Unpin.
unsafe impl linked_list::Link for Waiter {
type Handle = NonNull<Waiter>;
type Target = Waiter;
fn as_raw(handle: &NonNull<Waiter>) -> NonNull<Waiter> {
unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: NonNull<Waiter>) -> NonNull<Waiter> {
unsafe fn pointers(mut target: NonNull<Waiter>) -> NonNull<linked_list::Pointers<Waiter>> {
NonNull::from(&mut target.as_mut().pointers)
fn is_unpin<T: Unpin>() {}