blob: 06deff585a1bfcacf50185119a938827ca6edbcc [file] [log] [blame]
//! This module provides capabilities for managing a cache of rendered glyphs in
//! GPU memory, with the goal of minimisng the size and frequency of glyph
//! uploads to GPU memory from the CPU.
//! This module is optional, and not compiled by default. To use it enable the
//! `gpu_cache` feature in your Cargo.toml.
//! Typical applications that render directly with hardware graphics APIs (e.g.
//! games) need text rendering. There is not yet a performant solution for high
//! quality text rendering directly on the GPU that isn't experimental research
//! work. Quality is often critical for legibility, so many applications use
//! text or individual characters that have been rendered on the CPU. This is
//! done either ahead-of-time, giving a fixed set of fonts, characters, and
//! sizes that can be used at runtime, or dynamically as text is required. This
//! latter scenario is more flexible and the focus of this module.
//! To minimise the CPU load and texture upload bandwidth saturation, recently
//! used glyphs should be cached on the GPU for use by future frames. This
//! module provides a mechanism for maintaining such a cache in the form of a
//! single packed 2D GPU texture. When a rendered glyph is requested, it is
//! either retrieved from its location in the texture if it is present or room
//! is made in the cache (if necessary), the CPU renders the glyph then it is
//! uploaded into a gap in the texture to be available for GPU rendering. This
//! cache uses a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache eviction scheme - glyphs in the
//! cache that have not been used recently are as a rule of thumb not likely to
//! be used again soon, so they are the best candidates for eviction to make
//! room for required glyphs.
//! The API for the cache does not assume a particular graphics API. The
//! intended usage is to queue up glyphs that need to be present for the current
//! frame using `Cache::queue_glyph`, update the cache to ensure that the queued
//! glyphs are present using `Cache::cache_queued` (providing a function for
//! uploading pixel data), then when it's time to render call `Cache::rect_for`
//! to get the UV coordinates in the cache texture for each glyph. For a
//! concrete use case see the `gpu_cache` example.
//! Cache dimensions are immutable. If you need to change the dimensions of the
//! cache texture (e.g. due to high cache pressure), rebuild a new `Cache`.
//! Either from scratch or with `CacheBuilder::rebuild`.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! # use rusttype::{Font, gpu_cache::Cache, point, Scale};
//! # use std::error::Error;
//! # fn example() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
//! # let font_data: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf");
//! # let font: Font<'static> = Font::from_bytes(font_data)?;
//! # let glyph = font.glyph('a').scaled(Scale::uniform(25.0)).positioned(point(0.0, 0.0));
//! # let glyph2 = glyph.clone();
//! # let update_gpu_texture = |_, _| {};
//! // Build a default Cache.
//! let mut cache = Cache::builder().build();
//! // Queue some positioned glyphs needed for the next frame.
//! cache.queue_glyph(0, glyph);
//! // Cache all queued glyphs somewhere in the cache texture.
//! // If new glyph data has been drawn the closure is called to upload
//! // the pixel data to GPU memory.
//! cache.cache_queued(|region, data| update_gpu_texture(region, data))?;
//! # let glyph = glyph2;
//! // Lookup a positioned glyph's texture location
//! if let Ok(Some((uv_rect, screen_rect))) = cache.rect_for(0, &glyph) {
//! // Generate vertex data, etc
//! }
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
use crate::{point, vector, GlyphId, Point, PositionedGlyph, Rect, Vector};
use linked_hash_map::LinkedHashMap;
use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap, FxHasher};
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::error;
use std::fmt;
use std::hash::BuildHasherDefault;
type FxBuildHasher = BuildHasherDefault<FxHasher>;
/// Texture coordinates (floating point) of the quad for a glyph in the cache,
/// as well as the pixel-space (integer) coordinates that this region should be
/// drawn at.
pub type TextureCoords = (Rect<f32>, Rect<i32>);
type FontId = usize;
/// Indicates where a glyph texture is stored in the cache
/// (row position, glyph index in row)
type TextureRowGlyphIndex = (u32, u32);
/// Texture lookup key that uses scale & offset as integers attained
/// by dividing by the relevant tolerance.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct LossyGlyphInfo {
font_id: FontId,
glyph_id: GlyphId,
/// x & y scales divided by `scale_tolerance` & rounded
scale_over_tolerance: (u32, u32),
/// Normalised subpixel positions divided by `position_tolerance` & rounded
/// `u16` is enough as subpixel position `[-0.5, 0.5]` converted to `[0, 1]`
/// divided by the min `position_tolerance` (`0.001`) is small.
offset_over_tolerance: (u16, u16),
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct ByteArray2d {
inner_array: Vec<u8>,
row: usize,
col: usize,
impl ByteArray2d {
pub fn zeros(row: usize, col: usize) -> Self {
ByteArray2d {
inner_array: vec![0; row * col],
fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8] {
fn get_vec_index(&self, row: usize, col: usize) -> usize {
row < self.row,
"row out of range: row={}, given={}",
col < self.col,
"column out of range: col={}, given={}",
row * self.col + col
impl std::ops::Index<(usize, usize)> for ByteArray2d {
type Output = u8;
fn index(&self, (row, col): (usize, usize)) -> &u8 {
&self.inner_array[self.get_vec_index(row, col)]
impl std::ops::IndexMut<(usize, usize)> for ByteArray2d {
fn index_mut(&mut self, (row, col): (usize, usize)) -> &mut u8 {
let vec_index = self.get_vec_index(row, col);
&mut self.inner_array[vec_index]
/// Row of pixel data
struct Row {
/// Row pixel height
height: u32,
/// Pixel width current in use by glyphs
width: u32,
glyphs: Vec<GlyphTexInfo>,
struct GlyphTexInfo {
glyph_info: LossyGlyphInfo,
/// Actual (lossless) normalised subpixel offset of rasterized glyph
offset: Vector<f32>,
tex_coords: Rect<u32>,
trait PaddingAware {
fn unpadded(self) -> Self;
impl PaddingAware for Rect<u32> {
/// A padded texture has 1 extra pixel on all sides
fn unpadded(mut self) -> Self {
self.min.x += 1;
self.min.y += 1;
self.max.x -= 1;
self.max.y -= 1;
/// An implementation of a dynamic GPU glyph cache. See the module documentation
/// for more information.
pub struct Cache<'font> {
scale_tolerance: f32,
position_tolerance: f32,
width: u32,
height: u32,
rows: LinkedHashMap<u32, Row, FxBuildHasher>,
/// Mapping of row gaps bottom -> top
space_start_for_end: FxHashMap<u32, u32>,
/// Mapping of row gaps top -> bottom
space_end_for_start: FxHashMap<u32, u32>,
queue: Vec<(FontId, PositionedGlyph<'font>)>,
all_glyphs: FxHashMap<LossyGlyphInfo, TextureRowGlyphIndex>,
pad_glyphs: bool,
multithread: bool,
/// Builder & rebuilder for `Cache`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rusttype::gpu_cache::Cache;
/// // Create a cache with all default values set explicitly
/// // equivalent to `Cache::builder().build()`
/// let default_cache = Cache::builder()
/// .dimensions(256, 256)
/// .scale_tolerance(0.1)
/// .position_tolerance(0.1)
/// .pad_glyphs(true)
/// .multithread(true)
/// .build();
/// // Create a cache with all default values, except with a dimension of 1024x1024
/// let bigger_cache = Cache::builder().dimensions(1024, 1024).build();
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct CacheBuilder {
dimensions: (u32, u32),
scale_tolerance: f32,
position_tolerance: f32,
pad_glyphs: bool,
multithread: bool,
impl Default for CacheBuilder {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
dimensions: (256, 256),
scale_tolerance: 0.1,
position_tolerance: 0.1,
pad_glyphs: true,
multithread: true,
impl CacheBuilder {
/// `width` & `height` dimensions of the 2D texture that will hold the
/// cache contents on the GPU.
/// This must match the dimensions of the actual texture used, otherwise
/// `cache_queued` will try to cache into coordinates outside the bounds of
/// the texture.
/// # Example (set to default value)
/// ```
/// # use rusttype::gpu_cache::Cache;
/// let cache = Cache::builder().dimensions(256, 256).build();
/// ```
pub fn dimensions(mut self, width: u32, height: u32) -> Self {
self.dimensions = (width, height);
/// Specifies the tolerances (maximum allowed difference) for judging
/// whether an existing glyph in the cache is close enough to the
/// requested glyph in scale to be used in its place. Due to floating
/// point inaccuracies a min value of `0.001` is enforced.
/// Both `scale_tolerance` and `position_tolerance` are measured in pixels.
/// Tolerances produce even steps for scale and subpixel position. Only a
/// single glyph texture will be used within a single step. For example,
/// `scale_tolerance = 0.1` will have a step `9.95-10.05` so similar glyphs
/// with scale `9.98` & `10.04` will match.
/// A typical application will produce results with no perceptible
/// inaccuracies with `scale_tolerance` and `position_tolerance` set to
/// 0.1. Depending on the target DPI higher tolerance may be acceptable.
/// # Example (set to default value)
/// ```
/// # use rusttype::gpu_cache::Cache;
/// let cache = Cache::builder().scale_tolerance(0.1).build();
/// ```
pub fn scale_tolerance<V: Into<f32>>(mut self, scale_tolerance: V) -> Self {
self.scale_tolerance = scale_tolerance.into();
/// Specifies the tolerances (maximum allowed difference) for judging
/// whether an existing glyph in the cache is close enough to the requested
/// glyph in subpixel offset to be used in its place. Due to floating
/// point inaccuracies a min value of `0.001` is enforced.
/// Both `scale_tolerance` and `position_tolerance` are measured in pixels.
/// Tolerances produce even steps for scale and subpixel position. Only a
/// single glyph texture will be used within a single step. For example,
/// `scale_tolerance = 0.1` will have a step `9.95-10.05` so similar glyphs
/// with scale `9.98` & `10.04` will match.
/// Note that since `position_tolerance` is a tolerance of subpixel
/// offsets, setting it to 1.0 or higher is effectively a "don't care"
/// option.
/// A typical application will produce results with no perceptible
/// inaccuracies with `scale_tolerance` and `position_tolerance` set to
/// 0.1. Depending on the target DPI higher tolerance may be acceptable.
/// # Example (set to default value)
/// ```
/// # use rusttype::gpu_cache::Cache;
/// let cache = Cache::builder().position_tolerance(0.1).build();
/// ```
pub fn position_tolerance<V: Into<f32>>(mut self, position_tolerance: V) -> Self {
self.position_tolerance = position_tolerance.into();
/// Pack glyphs in texture with a padding of a single zero alpha pixel to
/// avoid bleeding from interpolated shader texture lookups near edges.
/// If glyphs are never transformed this may be set to `false` to slightly
/// improve the glyph packing.
/// # Example (set to default value)
/// ```
/// # use rusttype::gpu_cache::Cache;
/// let cache = Cache::builder().pad_glyphs(true).build();
/// ```
pub fn pad_glyphs(mut self, pad_glyphs: bool) -> Self {
self.pad_glyphs = pad_glyphs;
/// When multiple CPU cores are available spread rasterization work across
/// all cores.
/// Significantly reduces worst case latency in multicore environments.
/// # Example (set to default value)
/// ```
/// # use rusttype::gpu_cache::Cache;
/// let cache = Cache::builder().multithread(true).build();
/// ```
pub fn multithread(mut self, multithread: bool) -> Self {
self.multithread = multithread;
fn validated(self) -> Self {
assert!(self.scale_tolerance >= 0.0);
assert!(self.position_tolerance >= 0.0);
let scale_tolerance = self.scale_tolerance.max(0.001);
let position_tolerance = self.position_tolerance.max(0.001);
let multithread = self.multithread && num_cpus::get() > 1;
Self {
/// Constructs a new cache. Note that this is just the CPU side of the
/// cache. The GPU texture is managed by the user.
/// # Panics
/// `scale_tolerance` or `position_tolerance` are less than or equal to
/// zero.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use rusttype::gpu_cache::Cache;
/// let cache = Cache::builder().build();
/// ```
pub fn build<'a>(self) -> Cache<'a> {
let CacheBuilder {
dimensions: (width, height),
} = self.validated();
Cache {
rows: LinkedHashMap::default(),
space_start_for_end: {
let mut m = HashMap::default();
m.insert(height, 0);
space_end_for_start: {
let mut m = HashMap::default();
m.insert(0, height);
queue: Vec::new(),
all_glyphs: HashMap::default(),
/// Rebuilds a cache with new attributes. Carries over the existing cache
/// queue unmodified.
/// # Panics
/// `scale_tolerance` or `position_tolerance` are less than or equal to
/// zero.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use rusttype::gpu_cache::Cache;
/// # let mut cache = Cache::builder().build();
/// // Rebuild the cache with different dimensions
/// cache.to_builder().dimensions(768, 768).rebuild(&mut cache);
/// ```
pub fn rebuild(self, cache: &mut Cache) {
let CacheBuilder {
dimensions: (width, height),
} = self.validated();
cache.width = width;
cache.height = height;
cache.scale_tolerance = scale_tolerance;
cache.position_tolerance = position_tolerance;
cache.pad_glyphs = pad_glyphs;
cache.multithread = multithread;
/// Returned from `Cache::rect_for`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum CacheReadErr {
/// Indicates that the requested glyph is not present in the cache
impl fmt::Display for CacheReadErr {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", error::Error::description(self))
impl error::Error for CacheReadErr {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
match *self {
CacheReadErr::GlyphNotCached => "Glyph not cached",
/// Returned from `Cache::cache_queued`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum CacheWriteErr {
/// At least one of the queued glyphs is too big to fit into the cache, even
/// if all other glyphs are removed.
/// Not all of the requested glyphs can fit into the cache, even if the
/// cache is completely cleared before the attempt.
impl fmt::Display for CacheWriteErr {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", error::Error::description(self))
impl error::Error for CacheWriteErr {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
match *self {
CacheWriteErr::GlyphTooLarge => "Glyph too large",
CacheWriteErr::NoRoomForWholeQueue => "No room for whole queue",
/// Successful method of caching of the queue.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum CachedBy {
/// Added any additional glyphs into the texture without affecting
/// the position of any already cached glyphs in the latest queue.
/// Glyphs not in the latest queue may have been removed.
/// Fit the glyph queue by re-ordering all glyph texture positions.
/// Previous texture positions are no longer valid.
fn normalised_offset_from_position(position: Point<f32>) -> Vector<f32> {
let mut offset = vector(position.x.fract(), position.y.fract());
if offset.x > 0.5 {
offset.x -= 1.0;
} else if offset.x < -0.5 {
offset.x += 1.0;
if offset.y > 0.5 {
offset.y -= 1.0;
} else if offset.y < -0.5 {
offset.y += 1.0;
impl<'font> Cache<'font> {
/// Returns a default `CacheBuilder`.
pub fn builder() -> CacheBuilder {
/// Returns the current scale tolerance for the cache.
pub fn scale_tolerance(&self) -> f32 {
/// Returns the current subpixel position tolerance for the cache.
pub fn position_tolerance(&self) -> f32 {
/// Returns the cache texture dimensions assumed by the cache. For proper
/// operation this should match the dimensions of the used GPU texture.
pub fn dimensions(&self) -> (u32, u32) {
(self.width, self.height)
/// Queue a glyph for caching by the next call to `cache_queued`. `font_id`
/// is used to disambiguate glyphs from different fonts. The user should
/// ensure that `font_id` is unique to the font the glyph is from.
pub fn queue_glyph(&mut self, font_id: usize, glyph: PositionedGlyph<'font>) {
if glyph.pixel_bounding_box().is_some() {
self.queue.push((font_id, glyph));
/// Clears the cache. Does not affect the glyph queue.
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
self.space_end_for_start.insert(0, self.height);
self.space_start_for_end.insert(self.height, 0);
/// Clears the glyph queue.
pub fn clear_queue(&mut self) {
/// Returns a `CacheBuilder` with this cache's attributes.
pub fn to_builder(&self) -> CacheBuilder {
CacheBuilder {
dimensions: (self.width, self.height),
position_tolerance: self.position_tolerance,
scale_tolerance: self.scale_tolerance,
pad_glyphs: self.pad_glyphs,
multithread: self.multithread,
/// Returns glyph info with accuracy according to the set tolerances.
fn lossy_info_for(&self, font_id: FontId, glyph: &PositionedGlyph<'font>) -> LossyGlyphInfo {
let scale = glyph.scale();
let offset = normalised_offset_from_position(glyph.position());
LossyGlyphInfo {
scale_over_tolerance: (
(scale.x / self.scale_tolerance + 0.5) as u32,
(scale.y / self.scale_tolerance + 0.5) as u32,
// convert [-0.5, 0.5] -> [0, 1] then divide
offset_over_tolerance: (
((offset.x + 0.5) / self.position_tolerance + 0.5) as u16,
((offset.y + 0.5) / self.position_tolerance + 0.5) as u16,
/// Caches the queued glyphs. If this is unsuccessful, the queue is
/// untouched. Any glyphs cached by previous calls to this function may be
/// removed from the cache to make room for the newly queued glyphs. Thus if
/// you want to ensure that a glyph is in the cache, the most recently
/// cached queue must have contained that glyph.
/// `uploader` is the user-provided function that should perform the texture
/// uploads to the GPU. The information provided is the rectangular region
/// to insert the pixel data into, and the pixel data itself. This data is
/// provided in horizontal scanline format (row major), with stride equal to
/// the rectangle width.
/// If successful returns a `CachedBy` that can indicate the validity of
/// previously cached glyph textures.
pub fn cache_queued<F: FnMut(Rect<u32>, &[u8])>(
&mut self,
mut uploader: F,
) -> Result<CachedBy, CacheWriteErr> {
let mut queue_success = true;
let from_empty = self.all_glyphs.is_empty();
let (mut in_use_rows, mut uncached_glyphs) = {
let mut in_use_rows =
HashSet::with_capacity_and_hasher(self.rows.len(), FxBuildHasher::default());
let mut uncached_glyphs = Vec::with_capacity(self.queue.len());
// divide glyphs into texture rows where a matching glyph texture
// already exists & glyphs where new textures must be cached
for (font_id, ref glyph) in &self.queue {
let glyph_info = self.lossy_info_for(*font_id, glyph);
if let Some((row, ..)) = self.all_glyphs.get(&glyph_info) {
} else {
uncached_glyphs.push((glyph, glyph_info));
(in_use_rows, uncached_glyphs)
for row in &in_use_rows {
// tallest first gives better packing
// can use 'sort_unstable' as order of equal elements is unimportant
.sort_unstable_by_key(|(glyph, ..)| -glyph.pixel_bounding_box().unwrap().height());
let mut draw_and_upload = Vec::with_capacity(uncached_glyphs.len());
'per_glyph: for (glyph, glyph_info) in uncached_glyphs {
// glyph may match a texture cached by a previous iteration
if self.all_glyphs.contains_key(&glyph_info) {
// Not cached, so add it:
let (width, height) = {
let bb = glyph.pixel_bounding_box().unwrap();
if self.pad_glyphs {
(bb.width() as u32 + 2, bb.height() as u32 + 2)
} else {
(bb.width() as u32, bb.height() as u32)
if width >= self.width || height >= self.height {
return Result::Err(CacheWriteErr::GlyphTooLarge);
// find row to put the glyph in, most used rows first
let mut row_top = None;
for (top, row) in self.rows.iter().rev() {
if row.height >= height && self.width - row.width >= width {
// found a spot on an existing row
row_top = Some(*top);
if row_top.is_none() {
let mut gap = None;
// See if there is space for a new row
for (start, end) in &self.space_end_for_start {
if end - start >= height {
gap = Some((*start, *end));
if gap.is_none() {
// Remove old rows until room is available
while !self.rows.is_empty() {
// check that the oldest row isn't also in use
if !in_use_rows.contains(self.rows.front().unwrap().0) {
// Remove row
let (top, row) = self.rows.pop_front().unwrap();
for g in row.glyphs {
let (mut new_start, mut new_end) = (top, top + row.height);
// Update the free space maps
// Combine with neighbouring free space if possible
if let Some(end) = self.space_end_for_start.remove(&new_end) {
new_end = end;
if let Some(start) = self.space_start_for_end.remove(&new_start) {
new_start = start;
self.space_start_for_end.insert(new_end, new_start);
self.space_end_for_start.insert(new_start, new_end);
if new_end - new_start >= height {
// The newly formed gap is big enough
gap = Some((new_start, new_end));
// all rows left are in use
// try a clean insert of all needed glyphs
// if that doesn't work, fail
else if from_empty {
// already trying a clean insert, don't do it again
return Err(CacheWriteErr::NoRoomForWholeQueue);
} else {
// signal that a retry is needed
queue_success = false;
break 'per_glyph;
let (gap_start, gap_end) = gap.unwrap();
// fill space for new row
let new_space_start = gap_start + height;
if new_space_start == gap_end {
} else {
self.space_end_for_start.insert(new_space_start, gap_end);
self.space_start_for_end.insert(gap_end, new_space_start);
// add the row
Row {
width: 0,
glyphs: Vec::new(),
row_top = Some(gap_start);
let row_top = row_top.unwrap();
// calculate the target rect
let row = self.rows.get_refresh(&row_top).unwrap();
let tex_coords = Rect {
min: point(row.width, row_top),
max: point(row.width + width, row_top + height),
draw_and_upload.push((tex_coords, glyph));
// add the glyph to the row
row.glyphs.push(GlyphTexInfo {
offset: normalised_offset_from_position(glyph.position()),
row.width += width;
.insert(glyph_info, (row_top, row.glyphs.len() as u32 - 1));
if queue_success {
let glyph_count = draw_and_upload.len();
if self.multithread && glyph_count > 1 {
// multithread rasterization
use crossbeam_deque::Steal;
use std::{
sync::mpsc::{self, TryRecvError},
let rasterize_queue = crossbeam_deque::Injector::new();
let (to_main, from_stealers) = mpsc::channel();
let pad_glyphs = self.pad_glyphs;
for el in draw_and_upload {
crossbeam_utils::thread::scope(|scope| {
for _ in 0..num_cpus::get().min(glyph_count).saturating_sub(1) {
let rasterize_queue = &rasterize_queue;
let to_main = to_main.clone();
scope.spawn(move |_| loop {
match rasterize_queue.steal() {
Steal::Success((tex_coords, glyph)) => {
let pixels = draw_glyph(tex_coords, glyph, pad_glyphs);
to_main.send((tex_coords, pixels)).unwrap();
Steal::Empty => break,
Steal::Retry => {}
let mut workers_finished = false;
loop {
match rasterize_queue.steal() {
Steal::Success((tex_coords, glyph)) => {
let pixels = draw_glyph(tex_coords, glyph, pad_glyphs);
uploader(tex_coords, pixels.as_slice());
Steal::Empty if workers_finished => break,
Steal::Empty | Steal::Retry => {}
while !workers_finished {
match from_stealers.try_recv() {
Ok((tex_coords, pixels)) => {
uploader(tex_coords, pixels.as_slice())
Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => workers_finished = true,
Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => break,
} else {
// single thread rasterization
for (tex_coords, glyph) in draw_and_upload {
let pixels = draw_glyph(tex_coords, glyph, self.pad_glyphs);
uploader(tex_coords, pixels.as_slice());
if queue_success {
} else {
// clear the cache then try again with optimal packing
self.cache_queued(uploader).map(|_| CachedBy::Reordering)
/// Retrieves the (floating point) texture coordinates of the quad for a
/// glyph in the cache, as well as the pixel-space (integer) coordinates
/// that this region should be drawn at. These pixel-space coordinates
/// assume an origin at the top left of the quad. In the majority of cases
/// these pixel-space coordinates should be identical to the bounding box of
/// the input glyph. They only differ if the cache has returned a substitute
/// glyph that is deemed close enough to the requested glyph as specified by
/// the cache tolerance parameters.
/// A sucessful result is `Some` if the glyph is not an empty glyph (no
/// shape, and thus no rect to return).
/// Ensure that `font_id` matches the `font_id` that was passed to
/// `queue_glyph` with this `glyph`.
pub fn rect_for(
font_id: usize,
glyph: &PositionedGlyph,
) -> Result<Option<TextureCoords>, CacheReadErr> {
if glyph.pixel_bounding_box().is_none() {
return Ok(None);
let (row, index) = self
.get(&self.lossy_info_for(font_id, glyph))
let (tex_width, tex_height) = (self.width as f32, self.height as f32);
let GlyphTexInfo {
tex_coords: mut tex_rect,
offset: tex_offset,
} = self.rows[&row].glyphs[*index as usize];
if self.pad_glyphs {
tex_rect = tex_rect.unpadded();
let uv_rect = Rect {
min: point(
tex_rect.min.x as f32 / tex_width,
tex_rect.min.y as f32 / tex_height,
max: point(
tex_rect.max.x as f32 / tex_width,
tex_rect.max.y as f32 / tex_height,
let local_bb = glyph
.positioned(point(0.0, 0.0) + tex_offset)
let min_from_origin =
point(local_bb.min.x as f32, local_bb.min.y as f32) - (point(0.0, 0.0) + tex_offset);
let ideal_min = min_from_origin + glyph.position();
let min = point(ideal_min.x.round() as i32, ideal_min.y.round() as i32);
let bb_offset = min - local_bb.min;
let bb = Rect {
max: local_bb.max + bb_offset,
Ok(Some((uv_rect, bb)))
fn draw_glyph(tex_coords: Rect<u32>, glyph: &PositionedGlyph<'_>, pad_glyphs: bool) -> ByteArray2d {
let mut pixels = ByteArray2d::zeros(tex_coords.height() as usize, tex_coords.width() as usize);
if pad_glyphs {
glyph.draw(|x, y, v| {
let v = (v * 255.0).round().max(0.0).min(255.0) as u8;
// `+ 1` accounts for top/left glyph padding
pixels[(y as usize + 1, x as usize + 1)] = v;
} else {
glyph.draw(|x, y, v| {
let v = (v * 255.0).round().max(0.0).min(255.0) as u8;
pixels[(y as usize, x as usize)] = v;
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::{Font, FontCollection, Scale};
use approx::*;
fn cache_test() {
let font_data = include_bytes!("../fonts/wqy-microhei/WenQuanYiMicroHei.ttf");
let font = FontCollection::from_bytes(font_data as &[u8])
let mut cache = Cache::builder()
.dimensions(32, 32)
let strings = [
("Hello World!", 15.0),
("Hello World!", 14.0),
("Hello World!", 10.0),
("Hello World!", 15.0),
("Hello World!", 14.0),
("Hello World!", 10.0),
for &(string, scale) in &strings {
println!("Caching {:?}", (string, scale));
for glyph in font.layout(string, Scale::uniform(scale), point(0.0, 0.0)) {
cache.queue_glyph(0, glyph);
cache.cache_queued(|_, _| {}).unwrap();
fn need_to_check_whole_cache() {
let font_data = include_bytes!("../fonts/wqy-microhei/WenQuanYiMicroHei.ttf");
let font = Font::from_bytes(font_data as &[u8]).unwrap();
let glyph = font.glyph('l');
let small = glyph.clone().scaled(Scale::uniform(10.0));
let large = glyph.clone().scaled(Scale::uniform(10.05));
let small_left = small.clone().positioned(point(0.0, 0.0));
let large_left = large.clone().positioned(point(0.0, 0.0));
let large_right = large.clone().positioned(point(-0.2, 0.0));
let mut cache = Cache::builder()
.dimensions(32, 32)
cache.queue_glyph(0, small_left.clone());
// Next line is noop since it's within the scale tolerance of small_left:
cache.queue_glyph(0, large_left.clone());
cache.queue_glyph(0, large_right.clone());
cache.cache_queued(|_, _| {}).unwrap();
cache.rect_for(0, &small_left).unwrap();
cache.rect_for(0, &large_left).unwrap();
cache.rect_for(0, &large_right).unwrap();
fn lossy_info() {
let font_data = include_bytes!("../fonts/wqy-microhei/WenQuanYiMicroHei.ttf");
let font = Font::from_bytes(font_data as &[u8]).unwrap();
let glyph = font.glyph('l');
let small = glyph.clone().scaled(Scale::uniform(9.91));
let near = glyph.clone().scaled(Scale::uniform(10.09));
let far = glyph.clone().scaled(Scale::uniform(10.11));
let really_far = glyph.clone().scaled(Scale::uniform(12.0));
let small_pos = small.clone().positioned(point(0.0, 0.0));
let match_1 = near.clone().positioned(point(-10.0, -0.1));
let match_2 = near.clone().positioned(point(5.1, 0.24));
let match_3 = small.clone().positioned(point(-100.2, 50.1));
let miss_1 = far.clone().positioned(point(0.0, 0.0));
let miss_2 = really_far.clone().positioned(point(0.0, 0.0));
let miss_3 = small.clone().positioned(point(0.3, 0.0));
let cache = Cache::builder()
let small_info = cache.lossy_info_for(0, &small_pos);
assert_eq!(small_info, cache.lossy_info_for(0, &match_1));
assert_eq!(small_info, cache.lossy_info_for(0, &match_2));
assert_eq!(small_info, cache.lossy_info_for(0, &match_3));
assert_ne!(small_info, cache.lossy_info_for(0, &miss_1));
assert_ne!(small_info, cache.lossy_info_for(0, &miss_2));
assert_ne!(small_info, cache.lossy_info_for(0, &miss_3));
fn cache_to_builder() {
let cache = CacheBuilder {
dimensions: (32, 64),
scale_tolerance: 0.2,
position_tolerance: 0.3,
pad_glyphs: false,
multithread: false,
let to_builder: CacheBuilder = cache.to_builder();
assert_eq!(to_builder.dimensions, (32, 64));
assert_relative_eq!(to_builder.scale_tolerance, 0.2);
assert_relative_eq!(to_builder.position_tolerance, 0.3);
assert_eq!(to_builder.pad_glyphs, false);
assert_eq!(to_builder.multithread, false);
fn builder_rebuild() {
let mut cache = Cache::builder()
.dimensions(32, 64)
let font = Font::from_bytes(
include_bytes!("../fonts/wqy-microhei/WenQuanYiMicroHei.ttf") as &[u8],
.positioned(point(0.0, 0.0)),
cache.cache_queued(|_, _| {}).unwrap();
.positioned(point(0.0, 0.0)),
.dimensions(64, 128)
.rebuild(&mut cache);
assert_eq!(cache.width, 64);
assert_eq!(cache.height, 128);
assert_relative_eq!(cache.scale_tolerance, 0.05);
assert_relative_eq!(cache.position_tolerance, 0.15);
assert_eq!(cache.pad_glyphs, true);
assert_eq!(cache.multithread, false);
"cache should have been cleared"
assert_eq!(cache.queue.len(), 1, "cache should have an unchanged queue");
/// Provide to caller that the cache was re-ordered to fit the latest queue
fn return_cache_by_reordering() {
let font_data = include_bytes!("../fonts/wqy-microhei/WenQuanYiMicroHei.ttf");
let font = FontCollection::from_bytes(font_data as &[u8])
let mut cache = Cache::builder()
.dimensions(36, 27)
for glyph in font.layout("ABCDEFG", Scale::uniform(16.0), point(0.0, 0.0)) {
cache.queue_glyph(0, glyph);
assert_eq!(cache.cache_queued(|_, _| {}), Ok(CachedBy::Adding));
for glyph in font.layout("DEFGHIJK", Scale::uniform(16.0), point(0.0, 0.0)) {
cache.queue_glyph(0, glyph);
assert_eq!(cache.cache_queued(|_, _| {}), Ok(CachedBy::Reordering));