blob: c4102519494d89a11ca5d1c726d2f75895041e73 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::msgs::enums::CipherSuite;
use crate::msgs::enums::{AlertDescription, HandshakeType};
use crate::session::{Session, SessionCommon};
use crate::keylog::{KeyLog, NoKeyLog};
use crate::suites::{SupportedCipherSuite, ALL_CIPHERSUITES};
use crate::msgs::handshake::CertificatePayload;
use crate::msgs::enums::SignatureScheme;
use crate::msgs::enums::{ContentType, ProtocolVersion};
use crate::msgs::handshake::ClientExtension;
use crate::msgs::message::Message;
use crate::verify;
use crate::anchors;
use crate::sign;
use crate::error::TLSError;
use crate::key;
use crate::vecbuf::WriteV;
#[cfg(feature = "logging")]
use crate::log::trace;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::io;
use std::fmt;
use std::mem;
use sct;
use webpki;
mod hs;
mod tls12;
mod tls13;
mod common;
pub mod handy;
/// A trait for the ability to store client session data.
/// The keys and values are opaque.
/// Both the keys and values should be treated as
/// **highly sensitive data**, containing enough key material
/// to break all security of the corresponding session.
/// `put` is a mutating operation; this isn't expressed
/// in the type system to allow implementations freedom in
/// how to achieve interior mutability. `Mutex` is a common
/// choice.
pub trait StoresClientSessions : Send + Sync {
/// Stores a new `value` for `key`. Returns `true`
/// if the value was stored.
fn put(&self, key: Vec<u8>, value: Vec<u8>) -> bool;
/// Returns the latest value for `key`. Returns `None`
/// if there's no such value.
fn get(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>>;
/// A trait for the ability to choose a certificate chain and
/// private key for the purposes of client authentication.
pub trait ResolvesClientCert : Send + Sync {
/// With the server-supplied acceptable issuers in `acceptable_issuers`,
/// the server's supported signature schemes in `sigschemes`,
/// return a certificate chain and signing key to authenticate.
/// `acceptable_issuers` is undecoded and unverified by the rustls
/// library, but it should be expected to contain a DER encodings
/// of X501 NAMEs.
/// Return None to continue the handshake without any client
/// authentication. The server may reject the handshake later
/// if it requires authentication.
fn resolve(&self,
acceptable_issuers: &[&[u8]],
sigschemes: &[SignatureScheme])
-> Option<sign::CertifiedKey>;
/// Return true if any certificates at all are available.
fn has_certs(&self) -> bool;
/// Common configuration for (typically) all connections made by
/// a program.
/// Making one of these can be expensive, and should be
/// once per process rather than once per connection.
pub struct ClientConfig {
/// List of ciphersuites, in preference order.
pub ciphersuites: Vec<&'static SupportedCipherSuite>,
/// Collection of root certificates.
pub root_store: anchors::RootCertStore,
/// Which ALPN protocols we include in our client hello.
/// If empty, no ALPN extension is sent.
pub alpn_protocols: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
/// How we store session data or tickets.
pub session_persistence: Arc<dyn StoresClientSessions>,
/// Our MTU. If None, we don't limit TLS message sizes.
pub mtu: Option<usize>,
/// How to decide what client auth certificate/keys to use.
pub client_auth_cert_resolver: Arc<dyn ResolvesClientCert>,
/// Whether to support RFC5077 tickets. You must provide a working
/// `session_persistence` member for this to have any meaningful
/// effect.
/// The default is true.
pub enable_tickets: bool,
/// Supported versions, in no particular order. The default
/// is all supported versions.
pub versions: Vec<ProtocolVersion>,
/// Collection of certificate transparency logs.
/// If this collection is empty, then certificate transparency
/// checking is disabled.
pub ct_logs: Option<&'static [&'static sct::Log<'static>]>,
/// Whether to send the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension
/// during the client handshake.
/// The default is true.
pub enable_sni: bool,
/// How to verify the server certificate chain.
verifier: Arc<dyn verify::ServerCertVerifier>,
/// How to output key material for debugging. The default
/// does nothing.
pub key_log: Arc<dyn KeyLog>,
/// Whether to send data on the first flight ("early data") in
/// TLS 1.3 handshakes.
/// The default is false.
pub enable_early_data: bool,
impl Default for ClientConfig {
fn default() -> Self { Self::new() }
impl ClientConfig {
/// Make a `ClientConfig` with a default set of ciphersuites,
/// no root certificates, no ALPN protocols, and no client auth.
/// The default session persistence provider stores up to 32
/// items in memory.
pub fn new() -> ClientConfig {
ClientConfig {
ciphersuites: ALL_CIPHERSUITES.to_vec(),
root_store: anchors::RootCertStore::empty(),
alpn_protocols: Vec::new(),
session_persistence: handy::ClientSessionMemoryCache::new(32),
mtu: None,
client_auth_cert_resolver: Arc::new(handy::FailResolveClientCert {}),
enable_tickets: true,
versions: vec![ProtocolVersion::TLSv1_3, ProtocolVersion::TLSv1_2],
ct_logs: None,
enable_sni: true,
verifier: Arc::new(verify::WebPKIVerifier::new()),
key_log: Arc::new(NoKeyLog {}),
enable_early_data: false,
/// We support a given TLS version if it's quoted in the configured
/// versions *and* at least one ciphersuite for this version is
/// also configured.
pub fn supports_version(&self, v: ProtocolVersion) -> bool {
self.versions.contains(&v) && self.ciphersuites.iter().any(|cs| cs.usable_for_version(v))
pub fn get_verifier(&self) -> &dyn verify::ServerCertVerifier {
/// Set the ALPN protocol list to the given protocol names.
/// Overwrites any existing configured protocols.
/// The first element in the `protocols` list is the most
/// preferred, the last is the least preferred.
pub fn set_protocols(&mut self, protocols: &[Vec<u8>]) {
/// Sets persistence layer to `persist`.
pub fn set_persistence(&mut self, persist: Arc<dyn StoresClientSessions>) {
self.session_persistence = persist;
/// Sets MTU to `mtu`. If None, the default is used.
/// If Some(x) then x must be greater than 5 bytes.
pub fn set_mtu(&mut self, mtu: &Option<usize>) {
// Internally our MTU relates to fragment size, and does
// not include the TLS header overhead.
// Externally the MTU is the whole packet size. The difference
if let Some(x) = *mtu {
use crate::msgs::fragmenter;
debug_assert!(x > fragmenter::PACKET_OVERHEAD);
self.mtu = Some(x - fragmenter::PACKET_OVERHEAD);
} else {
self.mtu = None;
/// Sets a single client authentication certificate and private key.
/// This is blindly used for all servers that ask for client auth.
/// `cert_chain` is a vector of DER-encoded certificates,
/// `key_der` is a DER-encoded RSA or ECDSA private key.
pub fn set_single_client_cert(&mut self,
cert_chain: Vec<key::Certificate>,
key_der: key::PrivateKey) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
let resolver = handy::AlwaysResolvesClientCert::new(cert_chain, &key_der)?;
self.client_auth_cert_resolver = Arc::new(resolver);
/// Access configuration options whose use is dangerous and requires
/// extra care.
#[cfg(feature = "dangerous_configuration")]
pub fn dangerous(&mut self) -> danger::DangerousClientConfig {
danger::DangerousClientConfig { cfg: self }
/// Container for unsafe APIs
#[cfg(feature = "dangerous_configuration")]
pub mod danger {
use std::sync::Arc;
use super::ClientConfig;
use super::verify::ServerCertVerifier;
/// Accessor for dangerous configuration options.
pub struct DangerousClientConfig<'a> {
/// The underlying ClientConfig
pub cfg: &'a mut ClientConfig
impl<'a> DangerousClientConfig<'a> {
/// Overrides the default `ServerCertVerifier` with something else.
pub fn set_certificate_verifier(&mut self,
verifier: Arc<dyn ServerCertVerifier>) {
self.cfg.verifier = verifier;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum EarlyDataState {
pub struct EarlyData {
state: EarlyDataState,
left: usize,
impl EarlyData {
fn new() -> EarlyData {
EarlyData {
left: 0,
state: EarlyDataState::Disabled,
fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool {
match self.state {
EarlyDataState::Ready | EarlyDataState::Accepted => true,
_ => false
fn is_accepted(&self) -> bool {
match self.state {
EarlyDataState::Accepted | EarlyDataState::AcceptedFinished => true,
_ => false
fn enable(&mut self, max_data: usize) {
assert_eq!(self.state, EarlyDataState::Disabled);
self.state = EarlyDataState::Ready;
self.left = max_data;
fn rejected(&mut self) {
trace!("EarlyData rejected");
self.state = EarlyDataState::Rejected;
fn accepted(&mut self) {
trace!("EarlyData accepted");
assert_eq!(self.state, EarlyDataState::Ready);
self.state = EarlyDataState::Accepted;
fn finished(&mut self) {
trace!("EarlyData finished");
self.state = match self.state {
EarlyDataState::Accepted => EarlyDataState::AcceptedFinished,
_ => panic!("bad EarlyData state"),
fn check_write(&mut self, sz: usize) -> io::Result<usize> {
match self.state {
EarlyDataState::Disabled => unreachable!(),
EarlyDataState::Ready | EarlyDataState::Accepted => {
let take = if self.left < sz {
mem::replace(&mut self.left, 0)
} else {
self.left -= sz;
| EarlyDataState::AcceptedFinished => {
fn bytes_left(&self) -> usize {
/// Stub that implements io::Write and dispatches to `write_early_data`.
pub struct WriteEarlyData<'a> {
sess: &'a mut ClientSessionImpl,
impl<'a> WriteEarlyData<'a> {
fn new(sess: &'a mut ClientSessionImpl) -> WriteEarlyData<'a> {
WriteEarlyData { sess }
/// How many bytes you may send. Writes will become short
/// once this reaches zero.
pub fn bytes_left(&self) -> usize {
impl<'a> io::Write for WriteEarlyData<'a> {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
pub struct ClientSessionImpl {
pub config: Arc<ClientConfig>,
pub alpn_protocol: Option<Vec<u8>>,
pub common: SessionCommon,
pub error: Option<TLSError>,
pub state: Option<Box<dyn hs::State + Send + Sync>>,
pub server_cert_chain: CertificatePayload,
pub early_data: EarlyData,
pub resumption_ciphersuite: Option<&'static SupportedCipherSuite>,
impl fmt::Debug for ClientSessionImpl {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl ClientSessionImpl {
pub fn new(config: &Arc<ClientConfig>) -> ClientSessionImpl {
ClientSessionImpl {
config: config.clone(),
alpn_protocol: None,
common: SessionCommon::new(config.mtu, true),
error: None,
state: None,
server_cert_chain: Vec::new(),
early_data: EarlyData::new(),
resumption_ciphersuite: None,
pub fn start_handshake(&mut self, hostname: webpki::DNSName, extra_exts: Vec<ClientExtension>) {
self.state = Some(hs::start_handshake(self, hostname, extra_exts));
pub fn get_cipher_suites(&self) -> Vec<CipherSuite> {
let mut ret = Vec::new();
for cs in &self.config.ciphersuites {
// We don't do renegotation at all, in fact.
pub fn find_cipher_suite(&self, suite: CipherSuite) -> Option<&'static SupportedCipherSuite> {
for scs in &self.config.ciphersuites {
if scs.suite == suite {
return Some(scs);
pub fn wants_read(&self) -> bool {
// We want to read more data all the time, except when we
// have unprocessed plaintext. This provides back-pressure
// to the TCP buffers.
// This also covers the handshake case, because we don't have
// readable plaintext before handshake has completed.
pub fn wants_write(&self) -> bool {
pub fn is_handshaking(&self) -> bool {
pub fn set_buffer_limit(&mut self, len: usize) {
pub fn process_msg(&mut self, mut msg: Message) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
// TLS1.3: drop CCS at any time during handshaking
if self.common.is_tls13()
&& msg.is_content_type(ContentType::ChangeCipherSpec)
&& self.is_handshaking() {
trace!("Dropping CCS");
return Ok(());
// Decrypt if demanded by current state.
if self.common.record_layer.is_decrypting() {
let dm = self.common.decrypt_incoming(msg)?;
msg = dm;
// For handshake messages, we need to join them before parsing
// and processing.
if self.common.handshake_joiner.want_message(&msg) {
.ok_or_else(|| {
return self.process_new_handshake_messages();
// Now we can fully parse the message payload.
if !msg.decode_payload() {
return Err(TLSError::CorruptMessagePayload(msg.typ));
// For alerts, we have separate logic.
if msg.is_content_type(ContentType::Alert) {
return self.common.process_alert(msg);
pub fn process_new_handshake_messages(&mut self) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
while let Some(msg) = self.common.handshake_joiner.frames.pop_front() {
fn queue_unexpected_alert(&mut self) {
fn reject_renegotiation_attempt(&mut self) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
/// Process `msg`. First, we get the current state. Then we ask what messages
/// that state expects, enforced via `check_message`. Finally, we ask the handler
/// to handle the message.
fn process_main_protocol(&mut self, msg: Message) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
// For TLS1.2, outside of the handshake, send rejection alerts for
// renegotation requests. These can occur any time.
if msg.is_handshake_type(HandshakeType::HelloRequest) &&
!self.common.is_tls13() &&
!self.is_handshaking() {
return self.reject_renegotiation_attempt();
let state = self.state.take().unwrap();
.map_err(|err| {
self.state = Some(state.handle(self, msg)?);
pub fn process_new_packets(&mut self) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
if let Some(ref err) = self.error {
return Err(err.clone());
if self.common.message_deframer.desynced {
return Err(TLSError::CorruptMessage);
while let Some(msg) = self.common.message_deframer.frames.pop_front() {
match self.process_msg(msg) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(err) => {
self.error = Some(err.clone());
return Err(err);
pub fn get_peer_certificates(&self) -> Option<Vec<key::Certificate>> {
if self.server_cert_chain.is_empty() {
return None;
let mut r = Vec::new();
for cert in &self.server_cert_chain {
pub fn get_alpn_protocol(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
pub fn get_protocol_version(&self) -> Option<ProtocolVersion> {
pub fn get_negotiated_ciphersuite(&self) -> Option<&'static SupportedCipherSuite> {
pub fn write_early_data(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
.and_then(|sz| {
fn export_keying_material(&self,
output: &mut [u8],
label: &[u8],
context: Option<&[u8]>) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
.ok_or_else(|| TLSError::HandshakeNotComplete)
.and_then(|st| st.export_keying_material(output, label, context))
fn send_some_plaintext(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
let mut st = self.state.take();
.map(|st| st.perhaps_write_key_update(self));
self.state = st;
/// This represents a single TLS client session.
pub struct ClientSession {
// We use the pimpl idiom to hide unimportant details.
pub(crate) imp: ClientSessionImpl,
impl ClientSession {
/// Make a new ClientSession. `config` controls how
/// we behave in the TLS protocol, `hostname` is the
/// hostname of who we want to talk to.
pub fn new(config: &Arc<ClientConfig>, hostname: webpki::DNSNameRef) -> ClientSession {
let mut imp = ClientSessionImpl::new(config);
imp.start_handshake(hostname.into(), vec![]);
ClientSession { imp }
/// Returns an `io::Write` implementor you can write bytes to
/// to send TLS1.3 early data (a.k.a. "0-RTT data") to the server.
/// This returns None in many circumstances when the capability to
/// send early data is not available, including but not limited to:
/// - The server hasn't been talked to previously.
/// - The server does not support resumption.
/// - The server does not support early data.
/// - The resumption data for the server has expired.
/// The server specifies a maximum amount of early data. You can
/// learn this limit through the returned object, and writes through
/// it will process only this many bytes.
/// The server can choose not to accept any sent early data --
/// in this case the data is lost but the connection continues. You
/// can tell this happened using `is_early_data_accepted`.
pub fn early_data(&mut self) -> Option<WriteEarlyData> {
if self.imp.early_data.is_enabled() {
Some(WriteEarlyData::new(&mut self.imp))
} else {
/// Returns True if the server signalled it will process early data.
/// If you sent early data and this returns false at the end of the
/// handshake then the server will not process the data. This
/// is not an error, but you may wish to resend the data.
pub fn is_early_data_accepted(&self) -> bool {
impl Session for ClientSession {
fn read_tls(&mut self, rd: &mut dyn io::Read) -> io::Result<usize> {
/// Writes TLS messages to `wr`.
fn write_tls(&mut self, wr: &mut dyn io::Write) -> io::Result<usize> {
fn writev_tls(&mut self, wr: &mut dyn WriteV) -> io::Result<usize> {
fn process_new_packets(&mut self) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
fn wants_read(&self) -> bool {
fn wants_write(&self) -> bool {
fn is_handshaking(&self) -> bool {
fn set_buffer_limit(&mut self, len: usize) {
fn send_close_notify(&mut self) {
fn get_peer_certificates(&self) -> Option<Vec<key::Certificate>> {
fn get_alpn_protocol(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
fn get_protocol_version(&self) -> Option<ProtocolVersion> {
fn export_keying_material(&self,
output: &mut [u8],
label: &[u8],
context: Option<&[u8]>) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
self.imp.export_keying_material(output, label, context)
fn get_negotiated_ciphersuite(&self) -> Option<&'static SupportedCipherSuite> {
impl io::Read for ClientSession {
/// Obtain plaintext data received from the peer over
/// this TLS connection.
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
impl io::Write for ClientSession {
/// Send the plaintext `buf` to the peer, encrypting
/// and authenticating it. Once this function succeeds
/// you should call `write_tls` which will output the
/// corresponding TLS records.
/// This function buffers plaintext sent before the
/// TLS handshake completes, and sends it as soon
/// as it can. This buffer is of *unlimited size* so
/// writing much data before it can be sent will
/// cause excess memory usage.
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {