blob: dbb7e64eb8a4ab81d00256dc3f8c2c73dcbcda8d [file] [log] [blame]
// This module defines a common API for caching internal runtime state.
// The `thread_local` crate provides an extremely optimized version of this.
// However, if the perf-cache feature is disabled, then we drop the
// thread_local dependency and instead use a pretty naive caching mechanism
// with a mutex.
// Strictly speaking, the CachedGuard isn't necessary for the much more
// flexible thread_local API, but implementing thread_local's API doesn't
// seem possible in purely safe code.
pub use self::imp::{Cached, CachedGuard};
#[cfg(feature = "perf-cache")]
mod imp {
use thread_local::CachedThreadLocal;
pub struct Cached<T: Send>(CachedThreadLocal<T>);
pub struct CachedGuard<'a, T: 'a>(&'a T);
impl<T: Send> Cached<T> {
pub fn new() -> Cached<T> {
pub fn get_or(&self, create: impl FnOnce() -> T) -> CachedGuard<T> {
CachedGuard(self.0.get_or(|| create()))
impl<'a, T: Send> CachedGuard<'a, T> {
pub fn value(&self) -> &T {
#[cfg(not(feature = "perf-cache"))]
mod imp {
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::panic::UnwindSafe;
use std::sync::Mutex;
pub struct Cached<T: Send> {
stack: Mutex<Vec<T>>,
/// When perf-cache is enabled, the thread_local crate is used, and
/// its CachedThreadLocal impls Send, Sync and UnwindSafe, but NOT
/// RefUnwindSafe. However, a Mutex impls RefUnwindSafe. So in order
/// to keep the APIs consistent regardless of whether perf-cache is
/// enabled, we force this type to NOT impl RefUnwindSafe too.
/// Ideally, we should always impl RefUnwindSafe, but it seems a little
/// tricky to do that right now.
/// See also:
_phantom: PhantomData<Box<dyn Send + Sync + UnwindSafe>>,
pub struct CachedGuard<'a, T: 'a + Send> {
cache: &'a Cached<T>,
value: Option<T>,
impl<T: Send> Cached<T> {
pub fn new() -> Cached<T> {
Cached { stack: Mutex::new(vec![]), _phantom: PhantomData }
pub fn get_or(&self, create: impl FnOnce() -> T) -> CachedGuard<T> {
let mut stack = self.stack.lock().unwrap();
match stack.pop() {
None => CachedGuard { cache: self, value: Some(create()) },
Some(value) => CachedGuard { cache: self, value: Some(value) },
fn put(&self, value: T) {
let mut stack = self.stack.lock().unwrap();
impl<'a, T: Send> CachedGuard<'a, T> {
pub fn value(&self) -> &T {
impl<'a, T: Send> Drop for CachedGuard<'a, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(value) = self.value.take() {