blob: c1757701a549ef29b51d122a8488823f9eddca36 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Parallel iterator types for [inclusive ranges][std::range],
//! the type for values created by `a..=b` expressions
//! You will rarely need to interact with this module directly unless you have
//! need to name one of the iterator types.
//! ```
//! use rayon::prelude::*;
//! let r = (0..=100u64).into_par_iter()
//! .sum();
//! // compare result with sequential calculation
//! assert_eq!((0..=100).sum::<u64>(), r);
//! ```
//! [std::range]:
use crate::iter::plumbing::*;
use crate::iter::*;
use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
/// Parallel iterator over an inclusive range, implemented for all integer types.
/// **Note:** The `zip` operation requires `IndexedParallelIterator`
/// which is only implemented for `u8`, `i8`, `u16`, and `i16`.
/// ```
/// use rayon::prelude::*;
/// let p = (0..=25u16).into_par_iter()
/// .zip(0..=25u16)
/// .filter(|&(x, y)| x % 5 == 0 || y % 5 == 0)
/// .map(|(x, y)| x * y)
/// .sum::<u16>();
/// let s = (0..=25u16).zip(0..=25u16)
/// .filter(|&(x, y)| x % 5 == 0 || y % 5 == 0)
/// .map(|(x, y)| x * y)
/// .sum();
/// assert_eq!(p, s);
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Iter<T> {
range: RangeInclusive<T>,
impl<T> Iter<T>
RangeInclusive<T>: Clone + Iterator<Item = T> + DoubleEndedIterator,
/// Returns `Some((start, end))` for `start..=end`, or `None` if it is exhausted.
/// Note that `RangeInclusive` does not specify the bounds of an exhausted iterator,
/// so this is a way for us to figure out what we've got. Thankfully, all of the
/// integer types we care about can be trivially cloned.
fn bounds(&self) -> Option<(T, T)> {
Some((self.range.clone().next()?, self.range.clone().next_back()?))
impl<T> IntoParallelIterator for RangeInclusive<T>
Iter<T>: ParallelIterator,
type Item = <Iter<T> as ParallelIterator>::Item;
type Iter = Iter<T>;
fn into_par_iter(self) -> Self::Iter {
Iter { range: self }
macro_rules! convert {
( $self:ident . $method:ident ( $( $arg:expr ),* ) ) => {
if let Some((start, end)) = $self.bounds() {
if let Some(end) = end.checked_add(1) {
(start..end).into_par_iter().$method($( $arg ),*)
} else {
(start..end).into_par_iter().chain(once(end)).$method($( $arg ),*)
} else {
empty::<Self::Item>().$method($( $arg ),*)
macro_rules! parallel_range_impl {
( $t:ty ) => {
impl ParallelIterator for Iter<$t> {
type Item = $t;
fn drive_unindexed<C>(self, consumer: C) -> C::Result
C: UnindexedConsumer<Self::Item>,
fn opt_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
macro_rules! indexed_range_impl {
( $t:ty ) => {
parallel_range_impl! { $t }
impl IndexedParallelIterator for Iter<$t> {
fn drive<C>(self, consumer: C) -> C::Result
C: Consumer<Self::Item>,
fn len(&self) -> usize {
fn with_producer<CB>(self, callback: CB) -> CB::Output
CB: ProducerCallback<Self::Item>,
// all RangeInclusive<T> with ExactSizeIterator
indexed_range_impl! {u8}
indexed_range_impl! {u16}
indexed_range_impl! {i8}
indexed_range_impl! {i16}
// other RangeInclusive<T> with just Iterator
parallel_range_impl! {usize}
parallel_range_impl! {isize}
parallel_range_impl! {u32}
parallel_range_impl! {i32}
parallel_range_impl! {u64}
parallel_range_impl! {i64}
parallel_range_impl! {u128}
parallel_range_impl! {i128}
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
fn test_u32_opt_len() {
use std::u32;
assert_eq!(Some(101), (0..=100u32).into_par_iter().opt_len());
Some(u32::MAX as usize),
(0..=u32::MAX - 1).into_par_iter().opt_len()
Some(u32::MAX as usize + 1),
fn test_u64_opt_len() {
use std::{u64, usize};
assert_eq!(Some(101), (0..=100u64).into_par_iter().opt_len());
(0..=usize::MAX as u64 - 1).into_par_iter().opt_len()
assert_eq!(None, (0..=usize::MAX as u64).into_par_iter().opt_len());
assert_eq!(None, (0..=u64::MAX).into_par_iter().opt_len());
fn test_u128_opt_len() {
use std::{u128, usize};
assert_eq!(Some(101), (0..=100u128).into_par_iter().opt_len());
(0..=usize::MAX as u128 - 1).into_par_iter().opt_len()
assert_eq!(None, (0..=usize::MAX as u128).into_par_iter().opt_len());
assert_eq!(None, (0..=u128::MAX).into_par_iter().opt_len());
// `usize as i64` can overflow, so make sure to wrap it appropriately
// when using the `opt_len` "indexed" mode.
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
fn test_usize_i64_overflow() {
use crate::ThreadPoolBuilder;
use std::i64;
let iter = (-2..=i64::MAX).into_par_iter();
assert_eq!(iter.opt_len(), Some(i64::MAX as usize + 3));
// always run with multiple threads to split into, or this will take forever...
let pool = ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(8).build().unwrap();
pool.install(|| assert_eq!(iter.find_last(|_| true), Some(i64::MAX)));