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/* Copyright 2016 The encode_unicode Developers
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
*> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
*>, at your option. This file may not be
* copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
//! Boilerplatey error types
extern crate core;
use self::core::fmt::{self,Display,Formatter};
use std::error::Error;
macro_rules! description {($err:ty, $desc:expr) => {
impl $err {
pub fn description(&self) -> &'static str {
impl Error for $err {
fn description(&self) -> &'static str {
impl Display for $err {
fn fmt(&self, fmtr: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(fmtr, "{}", self.description())
macro_rules! single_cause {(#[$doc1:meta] #[$doc2:meta] $err:ident => $desc:expr) => {
// Rust 1.15 doesn't understand $(#[$doc:meta])* $:ident
#[derive(Clone,Copy, Debug, PartialEq,Eq)]
pub struct $err;
description!{$err, |_| $desc }
/// Cannot tell whether an `u16` needs an extra unit,
/// because it's a trailing surrogate itself.
InvalidUtf16FirstUnit => "is a trailing surrogate"
/// Cannot create an `Utf8Char` or `Utf16Char` from the first codepoint of a str,
/// because there are none.
EmptyStrError => "is empty"
/// Cannot create an `Utf8Char` from a standalone `u8`
/// that is not an ASCII character.
NonAsciiError => "is not an ASCII character"
/// Cannot create an `Utf16Char` from a standalone `u16` that is not a
/// codepoint in the basic multilingual plane, but part of a suurrogate pair.
NonBMPError => "is not a codepoint in the basic multilingual plane"
macro_rules! simple {(#[$tydoc:meta] $err:ident {
$($(#[$vardoc:meta])* ::$variant:ident => $string:expr),+,
} ) => {
#[derive(Clone,Copy, Debug, PartialEq,Eq)]
pub enum $err {
$($(#[$vardoc])* $variant),*
description!{$err, |e: &$err| match *e {$($err::$variant=>$string),*} }
simple!{/// Reasons why an `u32` is not a valid UTF codepoint.
InvalidCodepoint {
/// It's reserved for UTF-16 surrogate pairs."
::Utf16Reserved => "is reserved for UTF-16 surrogate pairs",
/// It's higher than the highest codepoint (which is 0x10ffff).
::TooHigh => "is higher than the highest codepoint",
use self::InvalidCodepoint::*;
impl InvalidCodepoint {
/// Get the range of values for which this error would be given.
pub fn error_range(self) -> (u32,u32) {match self {
Utf16Reserved => (0xd8_00, 0xdf_ff),
TooHigh => (0x00_10_ff_ff, 0xff_ff_ff_ff),
simple!{/// Reasons why one or two `u16`s are not valid UTF-16, in sinking precedence.
InvalidUtf16Tuple {
/// The first unit is a trailing/low surrogate, which is never valid.
/// Note that the value of a low surrogate is actually higher than a high surrogate.
::FirstIsTrailingSurrogate => "the first unit is a trailing / low surrogate, which is never valid",
/// You provided a second unit, but the first one stands on its own.
::SuperfluousSecond => "the second unit is superfluous",
/// The first and only unit requires a second unit.
::MissingSecond => "the first unit requires a second unit",
/// The first unit requires a second unit, but it's not a trailing/low surrogate.
/// Note that the value of a low surrogate is actually higher than a high surrogate.
::InvalidSecond => "the required second unit is not a trailing / low surrogate",
simple!{/// Reasons why a slice of `u16`s doesn't start with valid UTF-16.
InvalidUtf16Slice {
/// The slice is empty.
::EmptySlice => "the slice is empty",
/// The first unit is a low surrogate.
::FirstLowSurrogate => "the first unit is a trailing surrogate",
/// The first and only unit requires a second unit.
::MissingSecond => "the first and only unit requires a second one",
/// The first unit requires a second one, but it's not a trailing surrogate.
::SecondNotLowSurrogate => "the required second unit is not a trailing surrogate",
simple!{/// Types of invalid sequences encountered by `Utf16CharParser`.
Utf16PairError {
/// A trailing surrogate was not preceeded by a leading surrogate.
::UnexpectedTrailingSurrogate => "a trailing surrogate was not preceeded by a leading surrogate",
/// A leading surrogate was followed by an unit that was not a trailing surrogate.
::UnmatchedLeadingSurrogate => "a leading surrogate was followed by an unit that was not a trailing surrogate",
/// A trailing surrogate was expected when the end was reached.
::Incomplete => "a trailing surrogate was expected when the end was reached",
simple!{/// Reasons why `Utf8Char::from_str()` or `Utf16Char::from_str()` failed.
FromStrError {
/// `Utf8Char` or `Utf16Char` cannot store more than a single codepoint.
::MultipleCodepoints => "has more than one codepoint",
/// `Utf8Char` or `Utf16Char` cannot be empty.
::Empty => "is empty",
simple!{/// Reasons why a byte is not the start of a UTF-8 codepoint.
InvalidUtf8FirstByte {
/// Sequences cannot be longer than 4 bytes. Is given for values >= 240.
::TooLongSeqence => "is greater than 247 (UTF-8 sequences cannot be longer than four bytes)",
/// This byte belongs to a previous sequence. Is given for values between 128 and 192 (exclusive).
::ContinuationByte => "is a continuation of a previous sequence",
use self::InvalidUtf8FirstByte::*;
macro_rules! complex {
{$($sub:ty => $to:expr,)*}
{$($desc:pat => $string:expr),+,}
=> $use_cause:expr =>
{$($cause:pat => $result:expr),+,} $(#[$causedoc:meta])*
) => {
$(impl From<$sub> for $err {
fn from(error: $sub) -> $err {
impl $err {
pub fn description(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self{ $($desc => $string,)* }
/// A hack to avoid two Display impls
fn cause(&self) -> Option<&Display> {None}
impl Error for $err {
fn description(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self{ $($desc => $string,)* }
fn cause(&self) -> Option<&Error> {
match *self{ $($cause => $result,)* }
impl Display for $err {
fn fmt(&self, fmtr: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match (self.cause(), $use_cause) {
(Some(d),true) => write!(fmtr, "{}: {}", self.description(), d),
_ => write!(fmtr, "{}", self.description()),
/// Reasons why a byte sequence is not valid UTF-8, excluding invalid codepoint.
/// In sinking precedence.
#[derive(Clone,Copy, Debug, PartialEq,Eq)]
pub enum InvalidUtf8 {
/// Something is wrong with the first byte.
/// The byte at index 1...3 should be a continuation byte,
/// but dosesn't fit the pattern 0b10xx_xxxx.
/// There are too many leading zeros: it could be a byte shorter.
/// [Decoding this could allow someone to input otherwise prohibited
/// characters and sequences, such as "../"](
use self::InvalidUtf8::*;
complex!{InvalidUtf8 {
InvalidUtf8FirstByte => FirstByte,
} {
FirstByte(TooLongSeqence) => "the first byte is greater than 239 (UTF-8 sequences cannot be longer than four bytes)",
FirstByte(ContinuationByte) => "the first byte is a continuation of a previous sequence",
OverLong => "the sequence contains too many zeros and could be shorter",
NotAContinuationByte(_) => "the sequence is too short",
} => false => {
FirstByte(ref cause) => Some(cause),
_ => None,
}/// Returns `Some` if the error is a `InvalidUtf8FirstByte`.
/// Reasons why a byte array is not valid UTF-8, in sinking precedence.
#[derive(Clone,Copy, Debug, PartialEq,Eq)]
pub enum InvalidUtf8Array {
/// Not a valid UTF-8 sequence.
/// Not a valid unicode codepoint.
complex!{InvalidUtf8Array {
InvalidUtf8 => InvalidUtf8Array::Utf8,
InvalidCodepoint => InvalidUtf8Array::Codepoint,
} {
InvalidUtf8Array::Utf8(_) => "the sequence is invalid UTF-8",
InvalidUtf8Array::Codepoint(_) => "the encoded codepoint is invalid",
} => true => {
InvalidUtf8Array::Utf8(ref u) => Some(u),
InvalidUtf8Array::Codepoint(ref c) => Some(c),
}/// Always returns `Some`.
/// Reasons why a byte slice is not valid UTF-8, in sinking precedence.
#[derive(Clone,Copy, Debug, PartialEq,Eq)]
pub enum InvalidUtf8Slice {
/// Something is certainly wrong with the first byte.
/// The encoded codepoint is invalid:
/// The slice is too short; n bytes was required.
complex!{InvalidUtf8Slice {
InvalidUtf8 => InvalidUtf8Slice::Utf8,
InvalidCodepoint => InvalidUtf8Slice::Codepoint,
} {
InvalidUtf8Slice::Utf8(_) => "the sequence is invalid UTF-8",
InvalidUtf8Slice::Codepoint(_) => "the encoded codepoint is invalid",
InvalidUtf8Slice::TooShort(1) => "the slice is empty",
InvalidUtf8Slice::TooShort(_) => "the slice is shorter than the sequence",
} => true => {
InvalidUtf8Slice::Utf8(ref u) => Some(u),
InvalidUtf8Slice::Codepoint(ref c) => Some(c),
InvalidUtf8Slice::TooShort(_) => None,