blob: dbd6dc3df01973ac98eaef64d21eb6e7360cda5c [file] [log] [blame]
use core::fmt;
use crate::Terminator;
// This may just be one of the more complicated CSV parsers you'll come across.
// The implementation never allocates and consists of both a functional NFA
// parser and a DFA parser. The DFA parser is the work horse and we could elide
// much of the work involved in making the NFA parser work, but the NFA parser
// is much easier to debug. The NFA parser is tested alongside the DFA parser,
// so they should never be out of sync.
// The basic structure of the implementation is to encode the NFA parser as
// an explicit state machine in code. The DFA is then generated by populating
// a transition table on the stack by exhaustively enumerating all possible
// states on all possible inputs (this is possible because the number of states
// and the number of inputs is very small).
// Note that some pieces of the NFA parser (such as the NFA state machine) are
// required. In particular, the translation from the NFA to the DFA depends on
// the configuration of the CSV parser as given by the caller, and indeed, this
// is one of the key performance benefits of the DFA: it doesn't have any
// overhead (other than a bigger transition table) associated with the number
// of configuration options.
// This code is too clever for its own good. As such, changes to some parts of
// the code may have a non-obvious impact on other parts. This is mostly
// motivated by trying to keep the DFA transition table as small as possible,
// since it is stored on the stack. Here are some tips that may save you some
// time:
// * If you add a new NFA state, then you also need to consider how it impacts
// the DFA. If all of the incoming transitions into an NFA state are
// epsilon transitions, then it probably isn't materialized in the DFA.
// If the NFA state indicates that a field or a record has been parsed, then
// it should be considered final. Let the comments in `NfaState` be your
// guide.
// * If you add a new configuration knob to the parser, then you may need to
// modify the `TRANS_CLASSES` constant below. The `TRANS_CLASSES` constant
// indicates the total number of discriminating bytes in the DFA. And if you
// modify `TRANS_CLASSES`, you probably also need to modify `build_dfa` to
// add a new class. For example, in order to add parsing support for
// comments, I bumped `TRANS_CLASSES` from `6` to `7` and added the comment
// byte (if one exists) to the list of classes in `build_dfa`.
// * The special DFA start state doubles as the final state once all input
// from the caller has been exhausted. We must be careful to guard this
// case analysis on whether the input is actually exhausted, since the start
// state is an otherwise valid state.
/// A pull based CSV reader.
/// This reader parses CSV data using a finite state machine. Callers can
/// extract parsed data incrementally using one of the `read` methods.
/// Note that this CSV reader is somewhat encoding agnostic. The source data
/// needs to be at least ASCII compatible. There is no support for specifying
/// the full gamut of Unicode delimiters/terminators/quotes/escapes. Instead,
/// any byte can be used, although callers probably want to stick to the ASCII
/// subset (`<= 0x7F`).
/// # Usage
/// A reader has two different ways to read CSV data, each with their own
/// trade offs.
/// * `read_field` - Copies a single CSV field into an output buffer while
/// unescaping quotes. This is simple to use and doesn't require storing an
/// entire record contiguously in memory, but it is slower.
/// * `read_record` - Copies an entire CSV record into an output buffer while
/// unescaping quotes. The ending positions of each field are copied into
/// an additional buffer. This is harder to use and requires larger output
/// buffers, but it is faster than `read_field` since it amortizes more
/// costs.
/// # RFC 4180
/// [RFC 4180](
/// is the closest thing to a specification for CSV data. Unfortunately,
/// CSV data that is seen in the wild can vary significantly. Often, the CSV
/// data is outright invalid. Instead of fixing the producers of bad CSV data,
/// we have seen fit to make consumers much more flexible in what they accept.
/// This reader continues that tradition, and therefore, isn't technically
/// compliant with RFC 4180. In particular, this reader will never return an
/// error and will always find *a* parse.
/// Here are some detailed differences from RFC 4180:
/// * CRLF, LF and CR are each treated as a single record terminator by
/// default.
/// * Records are permitted to be of varying length.
/// * Empty lines (that do not include other whitespace) are ignored.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Reader {
/// A table-based DFA for parsing CSV.
dfa: Dfa,
/// The current DFA state, if the DFA is used.
dfa_state: DfaState,
/// The current NFA state, if the NFA is used.
nfa_state: NfaState,
/// The delimiter that separates fields.
delimiter: u8,
/// The terminator that separates records.
term: Terminator,
/// The quotation byte.
quote: u8,
/// Whether to recognize escaped quotes.
escape: Option<u8>,
/// Whether to recognized doubled quotes.
double_quote: bool,
/// If enabled, lines beginning with this byte are ignored.
comment: Option<u8>,
/// If enabled (the default), then quotes are respected. When disabled,
/// quotes are not treated specially.
quoting: bool,
/// Whether to use the NFA for parsing.
/// Generally this is for debugging. There's otherwise no good reason
/// to avoid the DFA.
use_nfa: bool,
/// The current line number.
line: u64,
/// Whether this parser has ever read anything.
has_read: bool,
/// The current position in the output buffer when reading a record.
output_pos: usize,
impl Default for Reader {
fn default() -> Reader {
Reader {
dfa: Dfa::new(),
dfa_state: DfaState::start(),
nfa_state: NfaState::StartRecord,
delimiter: b',',
term: Terminator::default(),
quote: b'"',
escape: None,
double_quote: true,
comment: None,
quoting: true,
use_nfa: false,
line: 1,
has_read: false,
output_pos: 0,
/// Builds a CSV reader with various configuration knobs.
/// This builder can be used to tweak the field delimiter, record terminator
/// and more for parsing CSV. Once a CSV `Reader` is built, its configuration
/// cannot be changed.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct ReaderBuilder {
rdr: Reader,
impl ReaderBuilder {
/// Create a new builder.
pub fn new() -> ReaderBuilder {
/// Build a CSV parser from this configuration.
pub fn build(&self) -> Reader {
let mut rdr = self.rdr.clone();
/// The field delimiter to use when parsing CSV.
/// The default is `b','`.
pub fn delimiter(&mut self, delimiter: u8) -> &mut ReaderBuilder {
self.rdr.delimiter = delimiter;
/// The record terminator to use when parsing CSV.
/// A record terminator can be any single byte. The default is a special
/// value, `Terminator::CRLF`, which treats any occurrence of `\r`, `\n`
/// or `\r\n` as a single record terminator.
pub fn terminator(&mut self, term: Terminator) -> &mut ReaderBuilder {
self.rdr.term = term;
/// The quote character to use when parsing CSV.
/// The default is `b'"'`.
pub fn quote(&mut self, quote: u8) -> &mut ReaderBuilder {
self.rdr.quote = quote;
/// The escape character to use when parsing CSV.
/// In some variants of CSV, quotes are escaped using a special escape
/// character like `\` (instead of escaping quotes by doubling them).
/// By default, recognizing these idiosyncratic escapes is disabled.
pub fn escape(&mut self, escape: Option<u8>) -> &mut ReaderBuilder {
self.rdr.escape = escape;
/// Enable double quote escapes.
/// This is enabled by default, but it may be disabled. When disabled,
/// doubled quotes are not interpreted as escapes.
pub fn double_quote(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut ReaderBuilder {
self.rdr.double_quote = yes;
/// Enable or disable quoting.
/// This is enabled by default, but it may be disabled. When disabled,
/// quotes are not treated specially.
pub fn quoting(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut ReaderBuilder {
self.rdr.quoting = yes;
/// The comment character to use when parsing CSV.
/// If the start of a record begins with the byte given here, then that
/// line is ignored by the CSV parser.
/// This is disabled by default.
pub fn comment(&mut self, comment: Option<u8>) -> &mut ReaderBuilder {
self.rdr.comment = comment;
/// A convenience method for specifying a configuration to read ASCII
/// delimited text.
/// This sets the delimiter and record terminator to the ASCII unit
/// separator (`\x1F`) and record separator (`\x1E`), respectively.
pub fn ascii(&mut self) -> &mut ReaderBuilder {
/// Enable or disable the NFA for parsing CSV.
/// This is intended to be a debug option useful for debugging. The NFA
/// is always slower than the DFA.
pub fn nfa(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut ReaderBuilder {
self.rdr.use_nfa = yes;
/// The result of parsing at most one field from CSV data.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ReadFieldResult {
/// The caller provided input was exhausted before the end of a field or
/// record was found.
/// The caller provided output buffer was filled before an entire field
/// could be written to it.
/// The end of a field was found.
/// Note that when `record_end` is true, then the end of this field also
/// corresponds to the end of a record.
Field {
/// Whether this was the last field in a record or not.
record_end: bool,
/// All CSV data has been read.
/// This state can only be returned when an empty input buffer is provided
/// by the caller.
impl ReadFieldResult {
fn from_nfa(
state: NfaState,
inpdone: bool,
outdone: bool,
) -> ReadFieldResult {
match state {
NfaState::End => ReadFieldResult::End,
NfaState::EndRecord | NfaState::CRLF => {
ReadFieldResult::Field { record_end: true }
NfaState::EndFieldDelim => {
ReadFieldResult::Field { record_end: false }
_ => {
if !inpdone && outdone {
} else {
/// The result of parsing at most one field from CSV data while ignoring the
/// output.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ReadFieldNoCopyResult {
/// The caller provided input was exhausted before the end of a field or
/// record was found.
/// The end of a field was found.
/// Note that when `record_end` is true, then the end of this field also
/// corresponds to the end of a record.
Field {
/// Whether this was the last field in a record or not.
record_end: bool,
/// All CSV data has been read.
/// This state can only be returned when an empty input buffer is provided
/// by the caller.
/// The result of parsing at most one record from CSV data.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ReadRecordResult {
/// The caller provided input was exhausted before the end of a record was
/// found.
/// The caller provided output buffer was filled before an entire field
/// could be written to it.
/// The caller provided output buffer of field end poisitions was filled
/// before the next field could be parsed.
/// The end of a record was found.
/// All CSV data has been read.
/// This state can only be returned when an empty input buffer is provided
/// by the caller.
impl ReadRecordResult {
fn is_record(&self) -> bool {
*self == ReadRecordResult::Record
fn from_nfa(
state: NfaState,
inpdone: bool,
outdone: bool,
endsdone: bool,
) -> ReadRecordResult {
match state {
NfaState::End => ReadRecordResult::End,
NfaState::EndRecord | NfaState::CRLF => ReadRecordResult::Record,
_ => {
if !inpdone && outdone {
} else if !inpdone && endsdone {
} else {
/// The result of parsing at most one record from CSV data while ignoring
/// output.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ReadRecordNoCopyResult {
/// The caller provided input was exhausted before the end of a record was
/// found.
/// The end of a record was found.
/// All CSV data has been read.
/// This state can only be returned when an empty input buffer is provided
/// by the caller.
/// What should be done with input bytes during an NFA transition
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum NfaInputAction {
// Do not consume an input byte
// Copy input byte to a caller-provided output buffer
// Consume but do not copy input byte (for example, seeing a field
// delimiter will consume an input byte but should not copy it to the
// output buffer.
/// An NFA state is a state that can be visited in the NFA parser.
/// Given the simplicity of the machine, a subset of NFA states double as DFA
/// states. NFA states that only have incoming epsilon transitions are
/// optimized out when converting the machine to a DFA.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum NfaState {
// These states aren't used in the DFA, so we
// assign them meaningless numbers.
EndFieldTerm = 200,
InRecordTerm = 201,
End = 202,
// All states below are DFA states.
StartRecord = 0,
StartField = 1,
InField = 2,
InQuotedField = 3,
InEscapedQuote = 4,
InDoubleEscapedQuote = 5,
InComment = 6,
// All states below are "final field" states.
// Namely, they indicate that a field has been parsed.
EndFieldDelim = 7,
// All states below are "final record" states.
// Namely, they indicate that a record has been parsed.
EndRecord = 8,
CRLF = 9,
/// A list of NFA states that have an explicit representation in the DFA.
const NFA_STATES: &'static [NfaState] = &[
impl NfaState {
/// Returns true if this state indicates that a field has been parsed.
fn is_field_final(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
| NfaState::EndRecord
| NfaState::CRLF
| NfaState::EndFieldDelim => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if this state indicates that a record has been parsed.
fn is_record_final(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
NfaState::End | NfaState::EndRecord | NfaState::CRLF => true,
_ => false,
impl Reader {
/// Create a new CSV reader with a default parser configuration.
pub fn new() -> Reader {
/// Reset the parser such that it behaves as if it had never been used.
/// This may be useful when reading CSV data in a random access pattern.
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
self.dfa_state = self.dfa.new_state(NfaState::StartRecord);
self.nfa_state = NfaState::StartRecord;
self.line = 1;
self.has_read = false;
/// Return the current line number as measured by the number of occurrences
/// of `\n`.
/// Line numbers starts at `1` and are reset when `reset` is called.
pub fn line(&self) -> u64 {
/// Set the line number.
/// This is useful after a call to `reset` where the caller knows the
/// line number from some additional context.
pub fn set_line(&mut self, line: u64) {
self.line = line;
/// Parse a single CSV field in `input` and copy field data to `output`.
/// This routine requires a caller provided buffer of CSV data as the
/// `input` and a caller provided buffer, `output`, in which to store field
/// data extracted from `input`. The field data copied to `output` will
/// have its quotes unescaped.
/// Calling this routine parses at most a single field and returns
/// three values indicating the state of the parser. The first value, a
/// `ReadFieldResult`, tells the caller what to do next. For example, if
/// the entire input was read or if the output buffer was filled before
/// a full field had been read, then `ReadFieldResult::InputEmpty` or
/// `ReadFieldResult::OutputFull` is returned, respectively. See the
/// documentation for `ReadFieldResult` for more details.
/// The other two values returned correspond to the number of bytes
/// read from `input` and written to `output`, respectively.
/// # Termination
/// This reader interprets an empty `input` buffer as an indication that
/// there is no CSV data left to read. Namely, when the caller has
/// exhausted all CSV data, the caller should continue to call `read` with
/// an empty input buffer until `ReadFieldResult::End` is returned.
/// # Errors
/// This CSV reader can never return an error. Instead, it prefers *a*
/// parse over *no* parse.
pub fn read_field(
&mut self,
input: &[u8],
output: &mut [u8],
) -> (ReadFieldResult, usize, usize) {
let (input, bom_nin) = self.strip_utf8_bom(input);
let (res, nin, nout) = if self.use_nfa {
self.read_field_nfa(input, output)
} else {
self.read_field_dfa(input, output)
self.has_read = true;
(res, nin + bom_nin, nout)
/// Parse a single CSV record in `input` and copy each field contiguously
/// to `output`, with the end position of each field written to `ends`.
/// **NOTE**: This method is more cumbersome to use than `read_field`, but
/// it can be faster since it amortizes more work.
/// This routine requires a caller provided buffer of CSV data as the
/// `input` and two caller provided buffers to store the unescaped field
/// data (`output`) and the end position of each field in the record
/// (`fields`).
/// Calling this routine parses at most a single record and returns four
/// values indicating the state of the parser. The first value, a
/// `ReadRecordResult`, tells the caller what to do next. For example, if
/// the entire input was read or if the output buffer was filled before a
/// full field had been read, then `ReadRecordResult::InputEmpty` or
/// `ReadRecordResult::OutputFull` is returned, respectively. Similarly, if
/// the `ends` buffer is full, then `ReadRecordResult::OutputEndsFull` is
/// returned. See the documentation for `ReadRecordResult` for more
/// details.
/// The other three values correspond to the number of bytes read from
/// `input`, the number of bytes written to `output` and the number of
/// end positions written to `ends`, respectively.
/// The end positions written to `ends` are constructed as if there was
/// a single contiguous buffer in memory containing the entire row, even
/// if `ReadRecordResult::OutputFull` was returned in the middle of reading
/// a row.
/// # Termination
/// This reader interprets an empty `input` buffer as an indication that
/// there is no CSV data left to read. Namely, when the caller has
/// exhausted all CSV data, the caller should continue to call `read` with
/// an empty input buffer until `ReadRecordResult::End` is returned.
/// # Errors
/// This CSV reader can never return an error. Instead, it prefers *a*
/// parse over *no* parse.
pub fn read_record(
&mut self,
input: &[u8],
output: &mut [u8],
ends: &mut [usize],
) -> (ReadRecordResult, usize, usize, usize) {
let (input, bom_nin) = self.strip_utf8_bom(input);
let (res, nin, nout, nend) = if self.use_nfa {
self.read_record_nfa(input, output, ends)
} else {
self.read_record_dfa(input, output, ends)
self.has_read = true;
(res, nin + bom_nin, nout, nend)
/// Strip off a possible UTF-8 BOM at the start of a file. Quick note that
/// this method will fail to strip off the BOM if only part of the BOM is
/// buffered. Hopefully that won't happen very often.
fn strip_utf8_bom<'a>(&self, input: &'a [u8]) -> (&'a [u8], usize) {
let (input, nin) = if {
&& input.len() >= 3
&& &input[0..3] == b"\xef\xbb\xbf"
} {
(&input[3..], 3)
} else {
(input, 0)
(input, nin)
fn read_record_dfa(
&mut self,
input: &[u8],
output: &mut [u8],
ends: &mut [usize],
) -> (ReadRecordResult, usize, usize, usize) {
if input.is_empty() {
let s = self.transition_final_dfa(self.dfa_state);
let res =
self.dfa.new_read_record_result(s, true, false, false, false);
// This part is a little tricky. When reading the final record,
// the last result the caller will get is an InputEmpty, and while
// they'll have everything they need in `output`, they'll be
// missing the final end position of the final field in `ends`.
// We insert that here, but we must take care to handle the case
// where `ends` doesn't have enough space. If it doesn't have
// enough space, then we also can't transition to the next state.
return match res {
ReadRecordResult::Record => {
if ends.is_empty() {
return (ReadRecordResult::OutputEndsFull, 0, 0, 0);
self.dfa_state = s;
ends[0] = self.output_pos;
self.output_pos = 0;
(res, 0, 0, 1)
_ => {
self.dfa_state = s;
(res, 0, 0, 0)
if output.is_empty() {
return (ReadRecordResult::OutputFull, 0, 0, 0);
if ends.is_empty() {
return (ReadRecordResult::OutputEndsFull, 0, 0, 0);
let (mut nin, mut nout, mut nend) = (0, 0, 0);
let mut state = self.dfa_state;
while nin < input.len() && nout < output.len() && nend < ends.len() {
let (s, has_out) = self.dfa.get_output(state, input[nin]);
self.line += (input[nin] == b'\n') as u64;
state = s;
if has_out {
output[nout] = input[nin];
nout += 1;
nin += 1;
if state >= self.dfa.final_field {
ends[nend] = self.output_pos + nout;
nend += 1;
if state > self.dfa.final_field {
if state == self.dfa.in_field || state == self.dfa.in_quoted {
.scan_and_copy(input, &mut nin, output, &mut nout);
let res = self.dfa.new_read_record_result(
nin >= input.len(),
nout >= output.len(),
nend >= ends.len(),
self.dfa_state = state;
if res.is_record() {
self.output_pos = 0;
} else {
self.output_pos += nout;
(res, nin, nout, nend)
fn read_field_dfa(
&mut self,
input: &[u8],
output: &mut [u8],
) -> (ReadFieldResult, usize, usize) {
if input.is_empty() {
self.dfa_state = self.transition_final_dfa(self.dfa_state);
let res = self.dfa.new_read_field_result(
return (res, 0, 0);
if output.is_empty() {
return (ReadFieldResult::OutputFull, 0, 0);
let (mut nin, mut nout) = (0, 0);
let mut state = self.dfa_state;
while nin < input.len() && nout < output.len() {
let b = input[nin];
self.line += (b == b'\n') as u64;
let (s, has_out) = self.dfa.get_output(state, b);
state = s;
if has_out {
output[nout] = b;
nout += 1;
nin += 1;
if state >= self.dfa.final_field {
let res = self.dfa.new_read_field_result(
nin >= input.len(),
nout >= output.len(),
self.dfa_state = state;
(res, nin, nout)
/// Perform the final state transition, i.e., when the caller indicates
/// that the input has been exhausted.
fn transition_final_dfa(&self, state: DfaState) -> DfaState {
// If we''ve already emitted a record or think we're ready to start
// parsing a new record, then we should sink into the final state
// and never move from there. (pro-tip: the start state doubles as
// the final state!)
if state >= self.dfa.final_record || state.is_start() {
} else {
/// Write the transition tables for the DFA based on this parser's
/// configuration.
fn build_dfa(&mut self) {
// A naive DFA transition table has
// `cells = (# number of states) * (# size of alphabet)`. While we
// could get away with that, the table would have `10 * 256 = 2560`
// entries. Even worse, in order to avoid a multiplication instruction
// when computing the next transition, we store the starting index of
// each state's row, which would not be representible in a single byte.
// So we'd need a `u16`, which doubles our transition table size to
// ~5KB. This is a lot to put on the stack, even though it probably
// fits in the L1 cache of most modern CPUs.
// To avoid this, we note that while our "true" alphabet
// has 256 distinct possibilities, the DFA itself is only
// discriminatory on a very small subset of that alphabet. For
// example, assuming neither `a` nor `b` are set as special
// quote/comment/escape/delimiter/terminator bytes, they are otherwise
// indistinguishable to the DFA, so it would be OK to treat them as
// if they were equivalent. That is, they are in the same equivalence
// class.
// As it turns out, using this logic, we can shrink our effective
// alphabet down to 7 equivalence classes:
// 1. The field delimiter.
// 2. The record terminator.
// 3. If the record terminator is CRLF, then CR and LF are
// distinct equivalence classes.
// 4. The quote byte.
// 5. The escape byte.
// 6. The comment byte.
// 7. Everything else.
// We add those equivalence classes here. If more configuration knobs
// are added to the parser with more discriminating bytes, then this
// logic will need to be adjusted further.
// Even though this requires an extra bit of indirection when computing
// the next transition, microbenchmarks say that it doesn't make much
// of a difference. Perhaps because everything fits into the L1 cache.
if self.quoting {
if let Some(escape) = self.escape {
if let Some(comment) = self.comment {
match self.term {
Terminator::Any(b) => self.dfa.classes.add(b),
Terminator::CRLF => {
_ => unreachable!(),
// Build the DFA transition table by computing the DFA state for all
// possible combinations of state and input byte.
for &state in NFA_STATES {
for c in (0..256).map(|c| c as u8) {
let mut nfa_result = (state, NfaInputAction::Epsilon);
// Consume NFA states until we hit a non-epsilon transition.
while nfa_result.0 != NfaState::End
&& nfa_result.1 == NfaInputAction::Epsilon
nfa_result = self.transition_nfa(nfa_result.0, c);
let from = self.dfa.new_state(state);
let to = self.dfa.new_state(nfa_result.0);
nfa_result.1 == NfaInputAction::CopyToOutput,
self.dfa_state = self.dfa.new_state(NfaState::StartRecord);
// The NFA implementation follows. The transition_final_nfa and
// transition_nfa methods are required for the DFA to operate. The
// rest are included for completeness (and debugging). Note that this
// NFA implementation is included in most of the CSV parser tests below.
fn read_record_nfa(
&mut self,
input: &[u8],
output: &mut [u8],
ends: &mut [usize],
) -> (ReadRecordResult, usize, usize, usize) {
if input.is_empty() {
let s = self.transition_final_nfa(self.nfa_state);
let res = ReadRecordResult::from_nfa(s, false, false, false);
return match res {
ReadRecordResult::Record => {
if ends.is_empty() {
return (ReadRecordResult::OutputEndsFull, 0, 0, 0);
self.nfa_state = s;
ends[0] = self.output_pos;
self.output_pos = 0;
(res, 0, 0, 1)
_ => {
self.nfa_state = s;
(res, 0, 0, 0)
if output.is_empty() {
return (ReadRecordResult::OutputFull, 0, 0, 0);
if ends.is_empty() {
return (ReadRecordResult::OutputEndsFull, 0, 0, 0);
let (mut nin, mut nout, mut nend) = (0, self.output_pos, 0);
let mut state = self.nfa_state;
while nin < input.len() && nout < output.len() && nend < ends.len() {
let (s, io) = self.transition_nfa(state, input[nin]);
match io {
NfaInputAction::CopyToOutput => {
output[nout] = input[nin];
nout += 1;
nin += 1;
NfaInputAction::Discard => {
nin += 1;
NfaInputAction::Epsilon => {}
state = s;
if state.is_field_final() {
ends[nend] = nout;
nend += 1;
if state != NfaState::EndFieldDelim {
let res = ReadRecordResult::from_nfa(
nin >= input.len(),
nout >= output.len(),
nend >= ends.len(),
self.nfa_state = state;
self.output_pos = if res.is_record() { 0 } else { nout };
(res, nin, nout, nend)
fn read_field_nfa(
&mut self,
input: &[u8],
output: &mut [u8],
) -> (ReadFieldResult, usize, usize) {
if input.is_empty() {
self.nfa_state = self.transition_final_nfa(self.nfa_state);
let res = ReadFieldResult::from_nfa(self.nfa_state, false, false);
return (res, 0, 0);
if output.is_empty() {
// If the output buffer is empty, then we can never make progress,
// so just quit now.
return (ReadFieldResult::OutputFull, 0, 0);
let (mut nin, mut nout) = (0, 0);
let mut state = self.nfa_state;
while nin < input.len() && nout < output.len() {
let (s, io) = self.transition_nfa(state, input[nin]);
match io {
NfaInputAction::CopyToOutput => {
output[nout] = input[nin];
nout += 1;
nin += 1;
NfaInputAction::Discard => {
nin += 1;
NfaInputAction::Epsilon => (),
state = s;
if state.is_field_final() {
let res = ReadFieldResult::from_nfa(
nin >= input.len(),
nout >= output.len(),
self.nfa_state = state;
(res, nin, nout)
/// Compute the final NFA transition after all caller-provided input has
/// been exhausted.
fn transition_final_nfa(&self, state: NfaState) -> NfaState {
use self::NfaState::*;
match state {
End | StartRecord | EndRecord | InComment | CRLF => End,
StartField | EndFieldDelim | EndFieldTerm | InField
| InQuotedField | InEscapedQuote | InDoubleEscapedQuote
| InRecordTerm => EndRecord,
/// Compute the next NFA state given the current NFA state and the current
/// input byte.
/// This returns the next NFA state along with an NfaInputAction that
/// indicates what should be done with the input byte (nothing for an epsilon
/// transition, copied to a caller provided output buffer, or discarded).
fn transition_nfa(
state: NfaState,
c: u8,
) -> (NfaState, NfaInputAction) {
use self::NfaState::*;
match state {
End => (End, NfaInputAction::Epsilon),
StartRecord => {
if self.term.equals(c) {
(StartRecord, NfaInputAction::Discard)
} else if self.comment == Some(c) {
(InComment, NfaInputAction::Discard)
} else {
(StartField, NfaInputAction::Epsilon)
EndRecord => (StartRecord, NfaInputAction::Epsilon),
StartField => {
if self.quoting && self.quote == c {
(InQuotedField, NfaInputAction::Discard)
} else if self.delimiter == c {
(EndFieldDelim, NfaInputAction::Discard)
} else if self.term.equals(c) {
(EndFieldTerm, NfaInputAction::Epsilon)
} else {
(InField, NfaInputAction::CopyToOutput)
EndFieldDelim => (StartField, NfaInputAction::Epsilon),
EndFieldTerm => (InRecordTerm, NfaInputAction::Epsilon),
InField => {
if self.delimiter == c {
(EndFieldDelim, NfaInputAction::Discard)
} else if self.term.equals(c) {
(EndFieldTerm, NfaInputAction::Epsilon)
} else {
(InField, NfaInputAction::CopyToOutput)
InQuotedField => {
if self.quoting && self.quote == c {
(InDoubleEscapedQuote, NfaInputAction::Discard)
} else if self.quoting && self.escape == Some(c) {
(InEscapedQuote, NfaInputAction::Discard)
} else {
(InQuotedField, NfaInputAction::CopyToOutput)
InEscapedQuote => (InQuotedField, NfaInputAction::CopyToOutput),
InDoubleEscapedQuote => {
if self.quoting && self.double_quote && self.quote == c {
(InQuotedField, NfaInputAction::CopyToOutput)
} else if self.delimiter == c {
(EndFieldDelim, NfaInputAction::Discard)
} else if self.term.equals(c) {
(EndFieldTerm, NfaInputAction::Epsilon)
} else {
(InField, NfaInputAction::CopyToOutput)
InComment => {
if b'\n' == c {
(StartRecord, NfaInputAction::Discard)
} else {
(InComment, NfaInputAction::Discard)
InRecordTerm => {
if self.term.is_crlf() && b'\r' == c {
(CRLF, NfaInputAction::Discard)
} else {
(EndRecord, NfaInputAction::Discard)
CRLF => {
if b'\n' == c {
(StartRecord, NfaInputAction::Discard)
} else {
(StartRecord, NfaInputAction::Epsilon)
/// The number of slots in the DFA transition table.
/// This number is computed by multiplying the maximum number of transition
/// classes (7) by the total number of NFA states that are used in the DFA
/// (10).
/// The number of transition classes is determined by an equivalence class of
/// bytes, where every byte in the same equivalence classes is
/// indistinguishable from any other byte with respect to the DFA. For example,
/// if neither `a` nor `b` are specifed as a delimiter/quote/terminator/escape,
/// then the DFA will never discriminate between `a` or `b`, so they can
/// effectively be treated as identical. This reduces storage space
/// substantially.
/// The total number of NFA states (13) is greater than the total number of
/// NFA states that are in the DFA. In particular, any NFA state that can only
/// be reached by epsilon transitions will never have explicit usage in the
/// DFA.
const TRANS_CLASSES: usize = 7;
const DFA_STATES: usize = 10;
/// The number of possible transition classes. (See the comment on `TRANS_SIZE`
/// for more details.)
const CLASS_SIZE: usize = 256;
/// A representation of a DFA.
/// For the most part, this is a transition table, but various optimizations
/// have been applied to reduce its memory footprint.
struct Dfa {
/// The core transition table. Each row corresponds to the transitions for
/// each input equivalence class. (Input bytes are mapped to their
/// corresponding equivalence class with the `classes` map.)
/// DFA states are represented as an index corresponding to the start of
/// its row in this table.
trans: [DfaState; TRANS_SIZE],
/// A table with the same layout as `trans`, except its values indicate
/// whether a particular `(state, equivalence class)` pair should emit an
/// output byte.
has_output: [bool; TRANS_SIZE],
/// A map from input byte to equivalence class.
/// This is responsible for reducing the effective alphabet size from
/// 256 to `TRANS_CLASSES`.
classes: DfaClasses,
/// The DFA state corresponding to being inside an unquoted field.
in_field: DfaState,
/// The DFA state corresponding to being inside an quoted field.
in_quoted: DfaState,
/// The minimum DFA state that indicates a field has been parsed. All DFA
/// states greater than this are also final-field states.
final_field: DfaState,
/// The minimum DFA state that indicates a record has been parsed. All DFA
/// states greater than this are also final-record states.
final_record: DfaState,
impl Dfa {
fn new() -> Dfa {
Dfa {
trans: [DfaState(0); TRANS_SIZE],
has_output: [false; TRANS_SIZE],
classes: DfaClasses::new(),
in_field: DfaState(0),
in_quoted: DfaState(0),
final_field: DfaState(0),
final_record: DfaState(0),
fn new_state(&self, nfa_state: NfaState) -> DfaState {
let nclasses = self.classes.num_classes() as u8;
let idx = (nfa_state as u8).checked_mul(nclasses).unwrap();
fn new_state_final_end(&self) -> DfaState {
fn new_state_final_record(&self) -> DfaState {
fn get_output(&self, state: DfaState, c: u8) -> (DfaState, bool) {
let cls = self.classes.classes[c as usize];
let idx = state.0 as usize + cls as usize;
(self.trans[idx], self.has_output[idx])
fn set(&mut self, from: DfaState, c: u8, to: DfaState, output: bool) {
let cls = self.classes.classes[c as usize];
let idx = from.0 as usize + cls as usize;
self.trans[idx] = to;
self.has_output[idx] = output;
fn finish(&mut self) {
self.in_field = self.new_state(NfaState::InField);
self.in_quoted = self.new_state(NfaState::InQuotedField);
self.final_field = self.new_state(NfaState::EndFieldDelim);
self.final_record = self.new_state(NfaState::EndRecord);
fn new_read_field_result(
state: DfaState,
is_final_trans: bool,
inpdone: bool,
outdone: bool,
) -> ReadFieldResult {
if state >= self.final_record {
ReadFieldResult::Field { record_end: true }
} else if state == self.final_field {
ReadFieldResult::Field { record_end: false }
} else if is_final_trans && state.is_start() {
} else {
debug_assert!(state < self.final_field);
if !inpdone && outdone {
} else {
fn new_read_record_result(
state: DfaState,
is_final_trans: bool,
inpdone: bool,
outdone: bool,
endsdone: bool,
) -> ReadRecordResult {
if state >= self.final_record {
} else if is_final_trans && state.is_start() {
} else {
debug_assert!(state < self.final_record);
if !inpdone && outdone {
} else if !inpdone && endsdone {
} else {
/// A map from input byte to equivalence class.
struct DfaClasses {
classes: [u8; CLASS_SIZE],
next_class: usize,
impl DfaClasses {
fn new() -> DfaClasses {
DfaClasses { classes: [0; CLASS_SIZE], next_class: 1 }
fn add(&mut self, b: u8) {
if self.next_class > CLASS_SIZE {
panic!("added too many classes")
self.classes[b as usize] = self.next_class as u8;
self.next_class = self.next_class + 1;
fn num_classes(&self) -> usize {
self.next_class as usize
/// Scan and copy the input bytes to the output buffer quickly.
/// This assumes that the current state of the DFA is either `InField` or
/// `InQuotedField`. In this case, all bytes corresponding to the first
/// equivalence class (i.e., not a delimiter/quote/escape/etc.) are
/// guaranteed to never result in a state transition out of the current
/// state. This function takes advantage of that copies every byte from
/// `input` in the first equivalence class to `output`. Once a byte is seen
/// outside the first equivalence class, we quit and should fall back to
/// the main DFA loop.
fn scan_and_copy(
input: &[u8],
nin: &mut usize,
output: &mut [u8],
nout: &mut usize,
) {
while *nin < input.len()
&& *nout < output.len()
&& self.classes[input[*nin] as usize] == 0
output[*nout] = input[*nin];
*nin += 1;
*nout += 1;
/// A single DFA state.
/// A DFA state is represented by the starting index of its corresponding row
/// in the DFA transition table. This representation allows us to elide a
/// single multiplication instruction when computing the next transition for
/// a particular input byte.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
struct DfaState(u8);
impl DfaState {
fn start() -> DfaState {
fn is_start(&self) -> bool {
self.0 == 0
impl fmt::Debug for Dfa {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Dfa(N/A)")
impl fmt::Debug for DfaClasses {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
"DfaClasses {{ classes: N/A, next_class: {:?} }}",
impl Clone for Dfa {
fn clone(&self) -> Dfa {
let mut dfa = Dfa::new();
impl Clone for DfaClasses {
fn clone(&self) -> DfaClasses {
let mut x = DfaClasses::new();
mod tests {
use core::str;
use arrayvec::{ArrayString, ArrayVec};
use super::{ReadFieldResult, Reader, ReaderBuilder, Terminator};
type Csv = ArrayVec<[Row; 10]>;
type Row = ArrayVec<[Field; 10]>;
type Field = ArrayString<[u8; 10]>;
fn b(s: &str) -> &[u8] {
macro_rules! csv {
($([$($field:expr),*]),*) => {{
fn x() -> Csv {
let mut csv = Csv::new();
let mut row = Row::new();
macro_rules! parses_to {
($name:ident, $data:expr, $expected:expr) => {
parses_to!($name, $data, $expected, |builder| builder);
($name:ident, $data:expr, $expected:expr, $config:expr) => {
fn $name() {
let mut builder = ReaderBuilder::new();
$config(&mut builder);
let mut rdr =;
let got = parse_by_field(&mut rdr, $data);
let expected = $expected;
assert_eq!(expected, got, "nfa by field");
let mut builder = ReaderBuilder::new();
$config(&mut builder);
let mut rdr =;
let got = parse_by_record(&mut rdr, $data);
let expected = $expected;
assert_eq!(expected, got, "nfa by record");
let mut builder = ReaderBuilder::new();
$config(&mut builder);
let mut rdr =;
let got = parse_by_field(&mut rdr, $data);
let expected = $expected;
assert_eq!(expected, got, "dfa by field");
let mut builder = ReaderBuilder::new();
$config(&mut builder);
let mut rdr =;
let got = parse_by_record(&mut rdr, $data);
let expected = $expected;
assert_eq!(expected, got, "dfa by record");
fn parse_by_field(rdr: &mut Reader, data: &str) -> Csv {
let mut data = data.as_bytes();
let mut field = [0u8; 10];
let mut csv = Csv::new();
let mut row = Row::new();
let mut outpos = 0;
loop {
let (res, nin, nout) = rdr.read_field(data, &mut field[outpos..]);
data = &data[nin..];
outpos += nout;
match res {
ReadFieldResult::InputEmpty => {
if !data.is_empty() {
panic!("missing input data")
ReadFieldResult::OutputFull => panic!("field too large"),
ReadFieldResult::Field { record_end } => {
let s = str::from_utf8(&field[..outpos]).unwrap();
outpos = 0;
if record_end {
row = Row::new();
ReadFieldResult::End => {
return csv;
fn parse_by_record(rdr: &mut Reader, data: &str) -> Csv {
use crate::ReadRecordResult::*;
let mut data = data.as_bytes();
let mut record = [0; 1024];
let mut ends = [0; 10];
let mut csv = Csv::new();
let (mut outpos, mut endpos) = (0, 0);
loop {
let (res, nin, nout, nend) = rdr.read_record(
&mut record[outpos..],
&mut ends[endpos..],
data = &data[nin..];
outpos += nout;
endpos += nend;
match res {
InputEmpty => {
if !data.is_empty() {
panic!("missing input data")
OutputFull => panic!("record too large (out buffer)"),
OutputEndsFull => panic!("record too large (end buffer)"),
Record => {
let s = str::from_utf8(&record[..outpos]).unwrap();
let mut start = 0;
let mut row = Row::new();
for &end in &ends[..endpos] {
start = end;
outpos = 0;
endpos = 0;
End => return csv,
parses_to!(one_row_one_field, "a", csv![["a"]]);
parses_to!(one_row_many_fields, "a,b,c", csv![["a", "b", "c"]]);
parses_to!(one_row_trailing_comma, "a,b,", csv![["a", "b", ""]]);
parses_to!(one_row_one_field_lf, "a\n", csv![["a"]]);
parses_to!(one_row_many_fields_lf, "a,b,c\n", csv![["a", "b", "c"]]);
parses_to!(one_row_trailing_comma_lf, "a,b,\n", csv![["a", "b", ""]]);
parses_to!(one_row_one_field_crlf, "a\r\n", csv![["a"]]);
parses_to!(one_row_many_fields_crlf, "a,b,c\r\n", csv![["a", "b", "c"]]);
parses_to!(one_row_trailing_comma_crlf, "a,b,\r\n", csv![["a", "b", ""]]);
parses_to!(one_row_one_field_cr, "a\r", csv![["a"]]);
parses_to!(one_row_many_fields_cr, "a,b,c\r", csv![["a", "b", "c"]]);
parses_to!(one_row_trailing_comma_cr, "a,b,\r", csv![["a", "b", ""]]);
parses_to!(many_rows_one_field, "a\nb", csv![["a"], ["b"]]);
csv![["a", "b", "c"], ["x", "y", "z"]]
csv![["a", "b", ""], ["x", "y", ""]]
parses_to!(many_rows_one_field_lf, "a\nb\n", csv![["a"], ["b"]]);
csv![["a", "b", "c"], ["x", "y", "z"]]
csv![["a", "b", ""], ["x", "y", ""]]
parses_to!(many_rows_one_field_crlf, "a\r\nb\r\n", csv![["a"], ["b"]]);
csv![["a", "b", "c"], ["x", "y", "z"]]
csv![["a", "b", ""], ["x", "y", ""]]
parses_to!(many_rows_one_field_cr, "a\rb\r", csv![["a"], ["b"]]);
csv![["a", "b", "c"], ["x", "y", "z"]]
csv![["a", "b", ""], ["x", "y", ""]]
csv![["a", "b", "c"], ["x", "y", "z"]]
csv![["a", "b", "c"], ["x", "y", "z"]]
csv![["a", "b", "c"], ["x", "y", "z"]]
parses_to!(empty, "", csv![]);
parses_to!(empty_lines, "\n\n\n\n", csv![]);
csv![["a", "b"], ["x", "y"], ["m", "n"]]
parses_to!(empty_lines_crlf, "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n", csv![]);
csv![["a", "b"], ["x", "y"], ["m", "n"]]
parses_to!(empty_lines_mixed, "\r\n\n\r\n\n", csv![]);
csv![["a", "b"], ["x", "y"], ["m", "n"]]
parses_to!(empty_lines_cr, "\r\r\r\r", csv![]);
csv![["a", "b"], ["x", "y"], ["m", "n"]]
csv![["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]],
|b: &mut ReaderBuilder| {
csv![["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]],
|b: &mut ReaderBuilder| {
parses_to!(bom_at_start, "\u{feff}a", csv![["a"]]);
parses_to!(bom_in_field, "a\u{feff}", csv![["a\u{feff}"]]);
parses_to!(bom_at_field_start, "a,\u{feff}b", csv![["a", "\u{feff}b"]]);
parses_to!(quote_empty, "\"\"", csv![[""]]);
parses_to!(quote_lf, "\"\"\n", csv![[""]]);
parses_to!(quote_space, "\" \"", csv![[" "]]);
parses_to!(quote_inner_space, "\" a \"", csv![[" a "]]);
parses_to!(quote_outer_space, " \"a\" ", csv![[" \"a\" "]]);
parses_to!(quote_change, "zaz", csv![["a"]], |b: &mut ReaderBuilder| {
// This one is pretty hokey.
// I don't really know what the "right" behavior is.
|b: &mut ReaderBuilder| {
parses_to!(quote_no_escapes, r#""a\"b""#, csv![[r#"a\b""#]]);
|b: &mut ReaderBuilder| {
|b: &mut ReaderBuilder| {
|b: &mut ReaderBuilder| {
|b: &mut ReaderBuilder| {
csv![[r#""abc"#, r#"foo""#]],
|b: &mut ReaderBuilder| {
csv![["a", "b"]],
|b: &mut ReaderBuilder| {
csv![["a", "b"]],
|b: &mut ReaderBuilder| {
parses_to!(extra_record_crlf_1, "foo\n1\n", csv![["foo"], ["1"]]);
parses_to!(extra_record_crlf_2, "foo\r\n1\r\n", csv![["foo"], ["1"]]);
"foo\n# hi\nbar\n",
csv![["foo"], ["bar"]],
|b: &mut ReaderBuilder| {
"foo\n # hi\nbar\n",
csv![["foo"], [" # hi"], ["bar"]],
|b: &mut ReaderBuilder| {
"foo\n# hi\nbar\n",
csv![["foo"], ["# hi"], ["bar"]],
|b: &mut ReaderBuilder| {
csv![["foo", "b#ar", "baz"]],
|b: &mut ReaderBuilder| {
csv![["foo", "#bar", "baz"]],
|b: &mut ReaderBuilder| {
macro_rules! assert_read {
$rdr:expr, $input:expr, $output:expr,
$expect_in:expr, $expect_out:expr, $expect_res:expr
) => {{
let (res, nin, nout) = $rdr.read_field($input, $output);
assert_eq!($expect_in, nin);
assert_eq!($expect_out, nout);
assert_eq!($expect_res, res);
// This tests that feeding a new reader with an empty buffer sends us
// straight to End.
fn stream_empty() {
use crate::ReadFieldResult::*;
let mut rdr = Reader::new();
assert_read!(rdr, &[], &mut [], 0, 0, End);
// Test that a single space is treated as a single field.
fn stream_space() {
use crate::ReadFieldResult::*;
let mut rdr = Reader::new();
assert_read!(rdr, b(" "), &mut [0], 1, 1, InputEmpty);
assert_read!(rdr, &[], &mut [0], 0, 0, Field { record_end: true });
assert_read!(rdr, &[], &mut [0], 0, 0, End);
// Test that a single comma ...
fn stream_comma() {
use crate::ReadFieldResult::*;
let mut rdr = Reader::new();
assert_read!(rdr, b(","), &mut [0], 1, 0, Field { record_end: false });
assert_read!(rdr, &[], &mut [0], 0, 0, Field { record_end: true });
assert_read!(rdr, &[], &mut [0], 0, 0, End);
// Test that we can read a single large field in multiple output
// buffers.
fn stream_output_chunks() {
use crate::ReadFieldResult::*;
let mut inp = b("fooquux");
let out = &mut [0; 2];
let mut rdr = Reader::new();
assert_read!(rdr, inp, out, 2, 2, OutputFull);
assert_eq!(out, b("fo"));
inp = &inp[2..];
assert_read!(rdr, inp, out, 2, 2, OutputFull);
assert_eq!(out, b("oq"));
inp = &inp[2..];
assert_read!(rdr, inp, out, 2, 2, OutputFull);
assert_eq!(out, b("uu"));
inp = &inp[2..];
assert_read!(rdr, inp, out, 1, 1, InputEmpty);
assert_eq!(&out[..1], b("x"));
inp = &inp[1..];
assert_read!(rdr, &[], out, 0, 0, Field { record_end: true });
assert_read!(rdr, inp, out, 0, 0, End);
// Test that we can read a single large field across multiple input
// buffers.
fn stream_input_chunks() {
use crate::ReadFieldResult::*;
let out = &mut [0; 10];
let mut rdr = Reader::new();
assert_read!(rdr, b("fo"), out, 2, 2, InputEmpty);
assert_eq!(&out[..2], b("fo"));
assert_read!(rdr, b("oq"), &mut out[2..], 2, 2, InputEmpty);
assert_eq!(&out[..4], b("fooq"));
assert_read!(rdr, b("uu"), &mut out[4..], 2, 2, InputEmpty);
assert_eq!(&out[..6], b("fooquu"));
assert_read!(rdr, b("x"), &mut out[6..], 1, 1, InputEmpty);
assert_eq!(&out[..7], b("fooquux"));
assert_read!(rdr, &[], out, 0, 0, Field { record_end: true });
assert_read!(rdr, &[], out, 0, 0, End);
// Test we can read doubled quotes correctly in a stream.
fn stream_doubled_quotes() {
use crate::ReadFieldResult::*;
let out = &mut [0; 10];
let mut rdr = Reader::new();
assert_read!(rdr, b("\"fo\""), out, 4, 2, InputEmpty);
assert_eq!(&out[..2], b("fo"));
assert_read!(rdr, b("\"o"), &mut out[2..], 2, 2, InputEmpty);
assert_eq!(&out[..4], b("fo\"o"));
assert_read!(rdr, &[], out, 0, 0, Field { record_end: true });
assert_read!(rdr, &[], out, 0, 0, End);
// Test we can read escaped quotes correctly in a stream.
fn stream_escaped_quotes() {
use crate::ReadFieldResult::*;
let out = &mut [0; 10];
let mut builder = ReaderBuilder::new();
let mut rdr = builder.escape(Some(b'\\')).build();
assert_read!(rdr, b("\"fo\\"), out, 4, 2, InputEmpty);
assert_eq!(&out[..2], b("fo"));
assert_read!(rdr, b("\"o"), &mut out[2..], 2, 2, InputEmpty);
assert_eq!(&out[..4], b("fo\"o"));
assert_read!(rdr, &[], out, 0, 0, Field { record_end: true });
assert_read!(rdr, &[], out, 0, 0, End);
// Test that empty output buffers don't wreak havoc.
fn stream_empty_output() {
use crate::ReadFieldResult::*;
let out = &mut [0; 10];
let mut rdr = Reader::new();
Field { record_end: false }
assert_eq!(&out[..3], b("foo"));
assert_read!(rdr, b("bar"), &mut [], 0, 0, OutputFull);
assert_read!(rdr, b("bar"), out, 3, 3, InputEmpty);
assert_eq!(&out[..3], b("bar"));
assert_read!(rdr, &[], out, 0, 0, Field { record_end: true });
assert_read!(rdr, &[], out, 0, 0, End);
// Test that we can reset the parser mid-stream and count on it to do
// the right thing.
fn reset_works() {
use crate::ReadFieldResult::*;
let out = &mut [0; 10];
let mut rdr = Reader::new();
assert_read!(rdr, b("\"foo"), out, 4, 3, InputEmpty);
assert_eq!(&out[..3], b("foo"));
// Without reseting the parser state, the reader will remember that
// we're in a quoted field, and therefore interpret the leading double
// quotes below as a single quote and the trailing quote as a matching
// terminator. With the reset, however, the parser forgets the quoted
// field and treats the leading double quotes as a syntax quirk and
// drops them, in addition to hanging on to the trailing unmatched
// quote. (Matches Python's behavior.)
assert_read!(rdr, b("\"\"bar\""), out, 6, 4, InputEmpty);
assert_eq!(&out[..4], b("bar\""));
// Test the line number reporting is correct.
fn line_numbers() {
use crate::ReadFieldResult::*;
let out = &mut [0; 10];
let mut rdr = Reader::new();
assert_eq!(1, rdr.line());
assert_read!(rdr, b("\n\n\n\n"), out, 4, 0, InputEmpty);
assert_eq!(5, rdr.line());
assert_read!(rdr, b("foo,"), out, 4, 3, Field { record_end: false });
assert_eq!(5, rdr.line());
assert_read!(rdr, b("bar\n"), out, 4, 3, Field { record_end: true });
assert_eq!(6, rdr.line());
assert_read!(rdr, &[], &mut [0], 0, 0, End);
assert_eq!(6, rdr.line());
macro_rules! assert_read_record {
$rdr:expr, $input:expr, $output:expr, $ends:expr,
$expect_in:expr, $expect_out:expr,
$expect_end:expr, $expect_res:expr
) => {{
let (res, nin, nout, nend) =
$rdr.read_record($input, $output, $ends);
assert_eq!($expect_res, res, "result");
assert_eq!($expect_in, nin, "input");
assert_eq!($expect_out, nout, "output");
assert_eq!($expect_end, nend, "ends");
// Test that we can incrementally read a record.
fn stream_record() {
use crate::ReadRecordResult::*;
let mut inp = b("foo,bar\nbaz");
let out = &mut [0; 1024];
let ends = &mut [0; 10];
let mut rdr = Reader::new();
assert_read_record!(rdr, &inp, out, ends, 8, 6, 2, Record);
assert_eq!(ends[0], 3);
assert_eq!(ends[1], 6);
inp = &inp[8..];
assert_read_record!(rdr, &inp, out, ends, 3, 3, 0, InputEmpty);
inp = &inp[3..];
assert_read_record!(rdr, &inp, out, ends, 0, 0, 1, Record);
assert_eq!(ends[0], 3);
assert_read_record!(rdr, &inp, out, ends, 0, 0, 0, End);
// Test that if our output ends are full during the last read that
// we get an appropriate state returned.
fn stream_record_last_end_output_full() {
use crate::ReadRecordResult::*;
let mut inp = b("foo,bar\nbaz");
let out = &mut [0; 1024];
let ends = &mut [0; 10];
let mut rdr = Reader::new();
assert_read_record!(rdr, &inp, out, ends, 8, 6, 2, Record);
assert_eq!(ends[0], 3);
assert_eq!(ends[1], 6);
inp = &inp[8..];
assert_read_record!(rdr, &inp, out, ends, 3, 3, 0, InputEmpty);
inp = &inp[3..];
assert_read_record!(rdr, &inp, out, &mut [], 0, 0, 0, OutputEndsFull);
assert_read_record!(rdr, &inp, out, ends, 0, 0, 1, Record);
assert_eq!(ends[0], 3);
assert_read_record!(rdr, &inp, out, ends, 0, 0, 0, End);