blob: 518d46a928ecbb473ae4c86ea894cb1a64e58e58 [file] [log] [blame]
use {
use ::std::rc::Rc;
use ::std::cell::RefCell;
use ::std::collections::{ HashMap, HashSet };
use ::std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Tag {
marker: Symbol,
other: Symbol
struct EditInfo {
tag: Tag,
constraint: Constraint,
constant: f64
/// A constraint solver using the Cassowary algorithm. For proper usage please see the top level crate documentation.
pub struct Solver {
cns: HashMap<Constraint, Tag>,
var_data: HashMap<Variable, (f64, Symbol, usize)>,
var_for_symbol: HashMap<Symbol, Variable>,
public_changes: Vec<(Variable, f64)>,
changed: HashSet<Variable>,
should_clear_changes: bool,
rows: HashMap<Symbol, Box<Row>>,
edits: HashMap<Variable, EditInfo>,
infeasible_rows: Vec<Symbol>, // never contains external symbols
objective: Rc<RefCell<Row>>,
artificial: Option<Rc<RefCell<Row>>>,
id_tick: usize
impl Solver {
/// Construct a new solver.
pub fn new() -> Solver {
Solver {
cns: HashMap::new(),
var_data: HashMap::new(),
var_for_symbol: HashMap::new(),
public_changes: Vec::new(),
changed: HashSet::new(),
should_clear_changes: false,
rows: HashMap::new(),
edits: HashMap::new(),
infeasible_rows: Vec::new(),
objective: Rc::new(RefCell::new(Row::new(0.0))),
artificial: None,
id_tick: 1
pub fn add_constraints<'a, I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a Constraint>>(
&mut self,
constraints: I) -> Result<(), AddConstraintError>
for constraint in constraints {
/// Add a constraint to the solver.
pub fn add_constraint(&mut self, constraint: Constraint) -> Result<(), AddConstraintError> {
if self.cns.contains_key(&constraint) {
return Err(AddConstraintError::DuplicateConstraint);
// Creating a row causes symbols to reserved for the variables
// in the constraint. If this method exits with an exception,
// then its possible those variables will linger in the var map.
// Since its likely that those variables will be used in other
// constraints and since exceptional conditions are uncommon,
// i'm not too worried about aggressive cleanup of the var map.
let (mut row, tag) = self.create_row(&constraint);
let mut subject = Solver::choose_subject(&row, &tag);
// If chooseSubject could find a valid entering symbol, one
// last option is available if the entire row is composed of
// dummy variables. If the constant of the row is zero, then
// this represents redundant constraints and the new dummy
// marker can enter the basis. If the constant is non-zero,
// then it represents an unsatisfiable constraint.
if subject.type_() == SymbolType::Invalid && Solver::all_dummies(&row) {
if !near_zero(row.constant) {
return Err(AddConstraintError::UnsatisfiableConstraint);
} else {
subject = tag.marker;
// If an entering symbol still isn't found, then the row must
// be added using an artificial variable. If that fails, then
// the row represents an unsatisfiable constraint.
if subject.type_() == SymbolType::Invalid {
if !try!(self.add_with_artificial_variable(&row)
.map_err(|e| AddConstraintError::InternalSolverError(e.0))) {
return Err(AddConstraintError::UnsatisfiableConstraint);
} else {
self.substitute(subject, &row);
if subject.type_() == SymbolType::External && row.constant != 0.0 {
let v = self.var_for_symbol[&subject];
self.rows.insert(subject, row);
self.cns.insert(constraint, tag);
// Optimizing after each constraint is added performs less
// aggregate work due to a smaller average system size. It
// also ensures the solver remains in a consistent state.
let objective = self.objective.clone();
try!(self.optimise(&objective).map_err(|e| AddConstraintError::InternalSolverError(e.0)));
/// Remove a constraint from the solver.
pub fn remove_constraint(&mut self, constraint: &Constraint) -> Result<(), RemoveConstraintError> {
let tag = try!(self.cns.remove(constraint).ok_or(RemoveConstraintError::UnknownConstraint));
// Remove the error effects from the objective function
// *before* pivoting, or substitutions into the objective
// will lead to incorrect solver results.
self.remove_constraint_effects(constraint, &tag);
// If the marker is basic, simply drop the row. Otherwise,
// pivot the marker into the basis and then drop the row.
if let None = self.rows.remove(&tag.marker) {
let (leaving, mut row) = try!(self.get_marker_leaving_row(tag.marker)
"Failed to find leaving row.")));
row.solve_for_symbols(leaving, tag.marker);
self.substitute(tag.marker, &row);
// Optimizing after each constraint is removed ensures that the
// solver remains consistent. It makes the solver api easier to
// use at a small tradeoff for speed.
let objective = self.objective.clone();
try!(self.optimise(&objective).map_err(|e| RemoveConstraintError::InternalSolverError(e.0)));
// Check for and decrease the reference count for variables referenced by the constraint
// If the reference count is zero remove the variable from the variable map
for term in &constraint.expr().terms {
if !near_zero(term.coefficient) {
let mut should_remove = false;
if let Some(&mut (_, _, ref mut count)) = self.var_data.get_mut(&term.variable) {
*count -= 1;
should_remove = *count == 0;
if should_remove {
/// Test whether a constraint has been added to the solver.
pub fn has_constraint(&self, constraint: &Constraint) -> bool {
/// Add an edit variable to the solver.
/// This method should be called before the `suggest_value` method is
/// used to supply a suggested value for the given edit variable.
pub fn add_edit_variable(&mut self, v: Variable, strength: f64) -> Result<(), AddEditVariableError> {
if self.edits.contains_key(&v) {
return Err(AddEditVariableError::DuplicateEditVariable);
let strength = ::strength::clip(strength);
if strength == ::strength::REQUIRED {
return Err(AddEditVariableError::BadRequiredStrength);
let cn = Constraint::new(Expression::from_term(Term::new(v.clone(), 1.0)),
self.edits.insert(v.clone(), EditInfo {
tag: self.cns[&cn].clone(),
constraint: cn,
constant: 0.0
/// Remove an edit variable from the solver.
pub fn remove_edit_variable(&mut self, v: Variable) -> Result<(), RemoveEditVariableError> {
if let Some(constraint) = self.edits.remove(&v).map(|e| e.constraint) {
.map_err(|e| match e {
RemoveConstraintError::UnknownConstraint =>
RemoveEditVariableError::InternalSolverError("Edit constraint not in system"),
RemoveConstraintError::InternalSolverError(s) =>
} else {
/// Test whether an edit variable has been added to the solver.
pub fn has_edit_variable(&self, v: &Variable) -> bool {
/// Suggest a value for the given edit variable.
/// This method should be used after an edit variable has been added to
/// the solver in order to suggest the value for that variable.
pub fn suggest_value(&mut self, variable: Variable, value: f64) -> Result<(), SuggestValueError> {
let (info_tag_marker, info_tag_other, delta) = {
let info = try!(self.edits.get_mut(&variable).ok_or(SuggestValueError::UnknownEditVariable));
let delta = value - info.constant;
info.constant = value;
(info.tag.marker, info.tag.other, delta)
// tag.marker and tag.other are never external symbols
// The nice version of the following code runs into non-lexical borrow issues.
// Ideally the `if row...` code would be in the body of the if. Pretend that it is.
let infeasible_rows = &mut self.infeasible_rows;
if self.rows.get_mut(&info_tag_marker)
if row.add(-delta) < 0.0 {
} else if self.rows.get_mut(&info_tag_other)
if row.add(delta) < 0.0 {
} else {
for (symbol, row) in &mut self.rows {
let coeff = row.coefficient_for(info_tag_marker);
let diff = delta * coeff;
if diff != 0.0 && symbol.type_() == SymbolType::External {
let v = self.var_for_symbol[symbol];
// inline var_changed - borrow checker workaround
if self.should_clear_changes {
self.should_clear_changes = false;
if coeff != 0.0 &&
row.add(diff) < 0.0 &&
symbol.type_() != SymbolType::External
try!(self.dual_optimise().map_err(|e| SuggestValueError::InternalSolverError(e.0)));
return Ok(());
fn var_changed(&mut self, v: Variable) {
if self.should_clear_changes {
self.should_clear_changes = false;
/// Fetches all changes to the values of variables since the last call to this function.
/// The list of changes returned is not in a specific order. Each change comprises the variable changed and
/// the new value of that variable.
pub fn fetch_changes(&mut self) -> &[(Variable, f64)] {
if self.should_clear_changes {
self.should_clear_changes = false;
} else {
self.should_clear_changes = true;
for &v in &self.changed {
if let Some(var_data) = self.var_data.get_mut(&v) {
let new_value = self.rows.get(&var_data.1).map(|r| r.constant).unwrap_or(0.0);
let old_value = var_data.0;
if old_value != new_value {
self.public_changes.push((v, new_value));
var_data.0 = new_value;
/// Reset the solver to the empty starting condition.
/// This method resets the internal solver state to the empty starting
/// condition, as if no constraints or edit variables have been added.
/// This can be faster than deleting the solver and creating a new one
/// when the entire system must change, since it can avoid unnecessary
/// heap (de)allocations.
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
self.should_clear_changes = false;
*self.objective.borrow_mut() = Row::new(0.0);
self.artificial = None;
self.id_tick = 1;
/// Get the symbol for the given variable.
/// If a symbol does not exist for the variable, one will be created.
fn get_var_symbol(&mut self, v: Variable) -> Symbol {
let id_tick = &mut self.id_tick;
let var_for_symbol = &mut self.var_for_symbol;
let value = self.var_data.entry(v).or_insert_with(|| {
let s = Symbol(*id_tick, SymbolType::External);
var_for_symbol.insert(s, v);
*id_tick += 1;
(::std::f64::NAN, s, 0)
value.2 += 1;
/// Create a new Row object for the given constraint.
/// The terms in the constraint will be converted to cells in the row.
/// Any term in the constraint with a coefficient of zero is ignored.
/// This method uses the `getVarSymbol` method to get the symbol for
/// the variables added to the row. If the symbol for a given cell
/// variable is basic, the cell variable will be substituted with the
/// basic row.
/// The necessary slack and error variables will be added to the row.
/// If the constant for the row is negative, the sign for the row
/// will be inverted so the constant becomes positive.
/// The tag will be updated with the marker and error symbols to use
/// for tracking the movement of the constraint in the tableau.
fn create_row(&mut self, constraint: &Constraint) -> (Box<Row>, Tag) {
let expr = constraint.expr();
let mut row = Row::new(expr.constant);
// Substitute the current basic variables into the row.
for term in &expr.terms {
if !near_zero(term.coefficient) {
let symbol = self.get_var_symbol(term.variable);
if let Some(other_row) = self.rows.get(&symbol) {
row.insert_row(other_row, term.coefficient);
} else {
row.insert_symbol(symbol, term.coefficient);
let mut objective = self.objective.borrow_mut();
// Add the necessary slack, error, and dummy variables.
let tag = match constraint.op() {
RelationalOperator::GreaterOrEqual |
RelationalOperator::LessOrEqual => {
let coeff = if constraint.op() == RelationalOperator::LessOrEqual {
} else {
let slack = Symbol(self.id_tick, SymbolType::Slack);
self.id_tick += 1;
row.insert_symbol(slack, coeff);
if constraint.strength() < ::strength::REQUIRED {
let error = Symbol(self.id_tick, SymbolType::Error);
self.id_tick += 1;
row.insert_symbol(error, -coeff);
objective.insert_symbol(error, constraint.strength());
Tag {
marker: slack,
other: error
} else {
Tag {
marker: slack,
other: Symbol::invalid()
RelationalOperator::Equal => {
if constraint.strength() < ::strength::REQUIRED {
let errplus = Symbol(self.id_tick, SymbolType::Error);
self.id_tick += 1;
let errminus = Symbol(self.id_tick, SymbolType::Error);
self.id_tick += 1;
row.insert_symbol(errplus, -1.0); // v = eplus - eminus
row.insert_symbol(errminus, 1.0); // v - eplus + eminus = 0
objective.insert_symbol(errplus, constraint.strength());
objective.insert_symbol(errminus, constraint.strength());
Tag {
marker: errplus,
other: errminus
} else {
let dummy = Symbol(self.id_tick, SymbolType::Dummy);
self.id_tick += 1;
row.insert_symbol(dummy, 1.0);
Tag {
marker: dummy,
other: Symbol::invalid()
// Ensure the row has a positive constant.
if row.constant < 0.0 {
(Box::new(row), tag)
/// Choose the subject for solving for the row.
/// This method will choose the best subject for using as the solve
/// target for the row. An invalid symbol will be returned if there
/// is no valid target.
/// The symbols are chosen according to the following precedence:
/// 1) The first symbol representing an external variable.
/// 2) A negative slack or error tag variable.
/// If a subject cannot be found, an invalid symbol will be returned.
fn choose_subject(row: &Row, tag: &Tag) -> Symbol {
for s in row.cells.keys() {
if s.type_() == SymbolType::External {
return *s
if tag.marker.type_() == SymbolType::Slack || tag.marker.type_() == SymbolType::Error {
if row.coefficient_for(tag.marker) < 0.0 {
return tag.marker;
if tag.other.type_() == SymbolType::Slack || tag.other.type_() == SymbolType::Error {
if row.coefficient_for(tag.other) < 0.0 {
return tag.other;
/// Add the row to the tableau using an artificial variable.
/// This will return false if the constraint cannot be satisfied.
fn add_with_artificial_variable(&mut self, row: &Row) -> Result<bool, InternalSolverError> {
// Create and add the artificial variable to the tableau
let art = Symbol(self.id_tick, SymbolType::Slack);
self.id_tick += 1;
self.rows.insert(art, Box::new(row.clone()));
self.artificial = Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(row.clone())));
// Optimize the artificial objective. This is successful
// only if the artificial objective is optimized to zero.
let artificial = self.artificial.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
let success = near_zero(artificial.borrow().constant);
self.artificial = None;
// If the artificial variable is basic, pivot the row so that
// it becomes basic. If the row is constant, exit early.
if let Some(mut row) = self.rows.remove(&art) {
if row.cells.is_empty() {
return Ok(success);
let entering = Solver::any_pivotable_symbol(&row); // never External
if entering.type_() == SymbolType::Invalid {
return Ok(false); // unsatisfiable (will this ever happen?)
row.solve_for_symbols(art, entering);
self.substitute(entering, &row);
self.rows.insert(entering, row);
// Remove the artificial row from the tableau
for (_, row) in &mut self.rows {
/// Substitute the parametric symbol with the given row.
/// This method will substitute all instances of the parametric symbol
/// in the tableau and the objective function with the given row.
fn substitute(&mut self, symbol: Symbol, row: &Row) {
for (&other_symbol, other_row) in &mut self.rows {
let constant_changed = other_row.substitute(symbol, row);
if other_symbol.type_() == SymbolType::External && constant_changed {
let v = self.var_for_symbol[&other_symbol];
// inline var_changed
if self.should_clear_changes {
self.should_clear_changes = false;
if other_symbol.type_() != SymbolType::External && other_row.constant < 0.0 {
self.objective.borrow_mut().substitute(symbol, row);
if let Some(artificial) = self.artificial.as_ref() {
artificial.borrow_mut().substitute(symbol, row);
/// Optimize the system for the given objective function.
/// This method performs iterations of Phase 2 of the simplex method
/// until the objective function reaches a minimum.
fn optimise(&mut self, objective: &RefCell<Row>) -> Result<(), InternalSolverError> {
loop {
let entering = Solver::get_entering_symbol(&objective.borrow());
if entering.type_() == SymbolType::Invalid {
return Ok(());
let (leaving, mut row) = try!(self.get_leaving_row(entering)
.ok_or(InternalSolverError("The objective is unbounded")));
// pivot the entering symbol into the basis
row.solve_for_symbols(leaving, entering);
self.substitute(entering, &row);
if entering.type_() == SymbolType::External && row.constant != 0.0 {
let v = self.var_for_symbol[&entering];
self.rows.insert(entering, row);
/// Optimize the system using the dual of the simplex method.
/// The current state of the system should be such that the objective
/// function is optimal, but not feasible. This method will perform
/// an iteration of the dual simplex method to make the solution both
/// optimal and feasible.
fn dual_optimise(&mut self) -> Result<(), InternalSolverError> {
while !self.infeasible_rows.is_empty() {
let leaving = self.infeasible_rows.pop().unwrap();
let row = if let Entry::Occupied(entry) = self.rows.entry(leaving) {
if entry.get().constant < 0.0 {
} else {
} else {
if let Some(mut row) = row {
let entering = self.get_dual_entering_symbol(&row);
if entering.type_() == SymbolType::Invalid {
return Err(InternalSolverError("Dual optimise failed."));
// pivot the entering symbol into the basis
row.solve_for_symbols(leaving, entering);
self.substitute(entering, &row);
if entering.type_() == SymbolType::External && row.constant != 0.0 {
let v = self.var_for_symbol[&entering];
self.rows.insert(entering, row);
/// Compute the entering variable for a pivot operation.
/// This method will return first symbol in the objective function which
/// is non-dummy and has a coefficient less than zero. If no symbol meets
/// the criteria, it means the objective function is at a minimum, and an
/// invalid symbol is returned.
/// Could return an External symbol
fn get_entering_symbol(objective: &Row) -> Symbol {
for (symbol, value) in &objective.cells {
if symbol.type_() != SymbolType::Dummy && *value < 0.0 {
return *symbol;
/// Compute the entering symbol for the dual optimize operation.
/// This method will return the symbol in the row which has a positive
/// coefficient and yields the minimum ratio for its respective symbol
/// in the objective function. The provided row *must* be infeasible.
/// If no symbol is found which meats the criteria, an invalid symbol
/// is returned.
/// Could return an External symbol
fn get_dual_entering_symbol(&self, row: &Row) -> Symbol {
let mut entering = Symbol::invalid();
let mut ratio = ::std::f64::INFINITY;
let objective = self.objective.borrow();
for (symbol, value) in &row.cells {
if *value > 0.0 && symbol.type_() != SymbolType::Dummy {
let coeff = objective.coefficient_for(*symbol);
let r = coeff / *value;
if r < ratio {
ratio = r;
entering = *symbol;
/// Get the first Slack or Error symbol in the row.
/// If no such symbol is present, and Invalid symbol will be returned.
/// Never returns an External symbol
fn any_pivotable_symbol(row: &Row) -> Symbol {
for symbol in row.cells.keys() {
if symbol.type_() == SymbolType::Slack || symbol.type_() == SymbolType::Error {
return *symbol;
/// Compute the row which holds the exit symbol for a pivot.
/// This method will return an iterator to the row in the row map
/// which holds the exit symbol. If no appropriate exit symbol is
/// found, the end() iterator will be returned. This indicates that
/// the objective function is unbounded.
/// Never returns a row for an External symbol
fn get_leaving_row(&mut self, entering: Symbol) -> Option<(Symbol, Box<Row>)> {
let mut ratio = ::std::f64::INFINITY;
let mut found = None;
for (symbol, row) in &self.rows {
if symbol.type_() != SymbolType::External {
let temp = row.coefficient_for(entering);
if temp < 0.0 {
let temp_ratio = -row.constant / temp;
if temp_ratio < ratio {
ratio = temp_ratio;
found = Some(*symbol);
}|s| (s, self.rows.remove(&s).unwrap()))
/// Compute the leaving row for a marker variable.
/// This method will return an iterator to the row in the row map
/// which holds the given marker variable. The row will be chosen
/// according to the following precedence:
/// 1) The row with a restricted basic varible and a negative coefficient
/// for the marker with the smallest ratio of -constant / coefficient.
/// 2) The row with a restricted basic variable and the smallest ratio
/// of constant / coefficient.
/// 3) The last unrestricted row which contains the marker.
/// If the marker does not exist in any row, the row map end() iterator
/// will be returned. This indicates an internal solver error since
/// the marker *should* exist somewhere in the tableau.
fn get_marker_leaving_row(&mut self, marker: Symbol) -> Option<(Symbol, Box<Row>)> {
let mut r1 = ::std::f64::INFINITY;
let mut r2 = r1;
let mut first = None;
let mut second = None;
let mut third = None;
for (symbol, row) in &self.rows {
let c = row.coefficient_for(marker);
if c == 0.0 {
if symbol.type_() == SymbolType::External {
third = Some(*symbol);
} else if c < 0.0 {
let r = -row.constant / c;
if r < r1 {
r1 = r;
first = Some(*symbol);
} else {
let r = row.constant / c;
if r < r2 {
r2 = r;
second = Some(*symbol);
.and_then(|s| {
if s.type_() == SymbolType::External && self.rows[&s].constant != 0.0 {
let v = self.var_for_symbol[&s];
.map(|r| (s, r))
/// Remove the effects of a constraint on the objective function.
fn remove_constraint_effects(&mut self, cn: &Constraint, tag: &Tag) {
if tag.marker.type_() == SymbolType::Error {
self.remove_marker_effects(tag.marker, cn.strength());
} else if tag.other.type_() == SymbolType::Error {
self.remove_marker_effects(tag.other, cn.strength());
/// Remove the effects of an error marker on the objective function.
fn remove_marker_effects(&mut self, marker: Symbol, strength: f64) {
if let Some(row) = self.rows.get(&marker) {
self.objective.borrow_mut().insert_row(row, -strength);
} else {
self.objective.borrow_mut().insert_symbol(marker, -strength);
/// Test whether a row is composed of all dummy variables.
fn all_dummies(row: &Row) -> bool {
for symbol in row.cells.keys() {
if symbol.type_() != SymbolType::Dummy {
return false;
/// Get the stored value for a variable.
/// Normally values should be retrieved and updated using `fetch_changes`, but
/// this method can be used for debugging or testing.
pub fn get_value(&self, v: Variable) -> f64 {
self.var_data.get(&v).and_then(|s| {
self.rows.get(&s.1).map(|r| r.constant)