blob: 020592fcaaafdbc12023b2d24d1964442021038a [file] [log] [blame]
//! # Configs
//! There isn't just one type of Base64; that would be too simple. You need to choose a character
//! set (standard or URL-safe), padding suffix (yes/no), and line wrap (line length, line ending).
//! The `Config` struct encapsulates this info. There are some common configs included: `STANDARD`,
//! `MIME`, etc. You can also make your own `Config` if needed.
//! The functions that don't have `config` in the name (e.g. `encode()` and `decode()`) use the
//! `STANDARD` config .
//! The functions that write to a slice (the ones that end in `_slice`) are generally the fastest
//! because they don't need to resize anything. If it fits in your workflow and you care about
//! performance, keep using the same buffer (growing as need be) and use the `_slice` methods for
//! the best performance.
//! # Encoding
//! Several different encoding functions are available to you depending on your desire for
//! convenience vs performance.
//! | Function | Output | Allocates |
//! | ----------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------ |
//! | `encode` | Returns a new `String` | Always |
//! | `encode_config` | Returns a new `String` | Always |
//! | `encode_config_buf` | Appends to provided `String` | Only if `String` needs to grow |
//! | `encode_config_slice` | Writes to provided `&[u8]` | Never |
//! All of the encoding functions that take a `Config` will pad, line wrap, etc, as per the config.
//! # Decoding
//! Just as for encoding, there are different decoding functions available.
//! Note that all decode functions that take a config will allocate a copy of the input if you
//! specify a config that requires whitespace to be stripped. If you care about speed, don't use
//! formats that line wrap and then require whitespace stripping.
//! | Function | Output | Allocates |
//! | ----------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------ |
//! | `decode` | Returns a new `Vec<u8>` | Always |
//! | `decode_config` | Returns a new `Vec<u8>` | Always |
//! | `decode_config_buf` | Appends to provided `Vec<u8>` | Only if `Vec` needs to grow |
//! | `decode_config_slice` | Writes to provided `&[u8]` | Never |
//! Unlike encoding, where all possible input is valid, decoding can fail (see `DecodeError`).
//! Input can be invalid because it has invalid characters or invalid padding. (No padding at all is
//! valid, but excess padding is not.)
//! Whitespace in the input is invalid unless `strip_whitespace` is enabled in the `Config` used.
//! # Panics
//! If length calculations result in overflowing `usize`, a panic will result.
//! The `_slice` flavors of encode or decode will panic if the provided output slice is too small,
missing_docs, trivial_casts, trivial_numeric_casts, unused_extern_crates, unused_import_braces,
unused_results, variant_size_differences, warnings
extern crate byteorder;
mod chunked_encoder;
pub mod display;
mod line_wrap;
mod tables;
use line_wrap::{line_wrap, line_wrap_parameters};
mod encode;
pub use encode::{encode, encode_config, encode_config_buf, encode_config_slice};
mod decode;
pub use decode::{decode, decode_config, decode_config_buf, decode_config_slice, DecodeError};
mod tests;
/// Available encoding character sets
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum CharacterSet {
/// The standard character set (uses `+` and `/`)
/// The URL safe character set (uses `-` and `_`)
/// The `crypt(3)` character set (uses `./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`)
impl CharacterSet {
fn encode_table(&self) -> &'static [u8; 64] {
match *self {
CharacterSet::Standard => tables::STANDARD_ENCODE,
CharacterSet::UrlSafe => tables::URL_SAFE_ENCODE,
CharacterSet::Crypt => tables::CRYPT_ENCODE,
fn decode_table(&self) -> &'static [u8; 256] {
match *self {
CharacterSet::Standard => tables::STANDARD_DECODE,
CharacterSet::UrlSafe => tables::URL_SAFE_DECODE,
CharacterSet::Crypt => tables::CRYPT_DECODE,
/// Line ending used in optional line wrapping.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum LineEnding {
/// Unix-style \n
/// Windows-style \r\n
impl LineEnding {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
match *self {
LineEnding::LF => 1,
LineEnding::CRLF => 2,
/// Line wrap configuration.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum LineWrap {
/// Don't wrap.
/// Wrap lines with the specified length and line ending. The length must be > 0.
Wrap(usize, LineEnding),
/// Contains configuration parameters for base64 encoding
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Config {
/// Character set to use
char_set: CharacterSet,
/// True to pad output with `=` characters
pad: bool,
/// Remove whitespace before decoding, at the cost of an allocation. Whitespace is defined
/// according to POSIX-locale `isspace`, meaning \n \r \f \t \v and space.
strip_whitespace: bool,
/// ADT signifying whether to linewrap output, and if so by how many characters and with what
/// ending
line_wrap: LineWrap,
impl Config {
/// Create a new `Config`.
pub fn new(
char_set: CharacterSet,
pad: bool,
strip_whitespace: bool,
input_line_wrap: LineWrap,
) -> Config {
let line_wrap = match input_line_wrap {
LineWrap::Wrap(0, _) => LineWrap::NoWrap,
_ => input_line_wrap,
Config {
/// Standard character set with padding.
pub const STANDARD: Config = Config {
char_set: CharacterSet::Standard,
pad: true,
strip_whitespace: false,
line_wrap: LineWrap::NoWrap,
/// Standard character set without padding.
pub const STANDARD_NO_PAD: Config = Config {
char_set: CharacterSet::Standard,
pad: false,
strip_whitespace: false,
line_wrap: LineWrap::NoWrap,
/// As per standards for MIME encoded messages
pub const MIME: Config = Config {
char_set: CharacterSet::Standard,
pad: true,
strip_whitespace: true,
line_wrap: LineWrap::Wrap(76, LineEnding::CRLF),
/// URL-safe character set with padding
pub const URL_SAFE: Config = Config {
char_set: CharacterSet::UrlSafe,
pad: true,
strip_whitespace: false,
line_wrap: LineWrap::NoWrap,
/// URL-safe character set without padding
pub const URL_SAFE_NO_PAD: Config = Config {
char_set: CharacterSet::UrlSafe,
pad: false,
strip_whitespace: false,
line_wrap: LineWrap::NoWrap,
/// As per `crypt(3)` requirements
pub const CRYPT: Config = Config {
char_set: CharacterSet::Crypt,
pad: false,
strip_whitespace: false,
line_wrap: LineWrap::NoWrap,