blob: 4e2ba8387c9834d01a62bbb59df3eb52811aa065 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering};
use crate::task::TaskLocalsWrapper;
/// The key for accessing a task-local value.
/// Every task-local value is lazily initialized on first access and destroyed when the task
/// completes.
pub struct LocalKey<T: Send + 'static> {
pub __init: fn() -> T,
pub __key: AtomicU32,
impl<T: Send + 'static> LocalKey<T> {
/// Gets a reference to the task-local value with this key.
/// The passed closure receives a reference to the task-local value.
/// The task-local value will be lazily initialized if this task has not accessed it before.
/// # Panics
/// This function will panic if not called within the context of a task created by
/// [`block_on`], [`spawn`], or [`Builder::spawn`].
/// [`block_on`]: fn.block_on.html
/// [`spawn`]: fn.spawn.html
/// [`Builder::spawn`]: struct.Builder.html#method.spawn
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// #
/// use std::cell::Cell;
/// use async_std::task;
/// use async_std::prelude::*;
/// task_local! {
/// static NUMBER: Cell<u32> = Cell::new(5);
/// }
/// task::block_on(async {
/// let v = NUMBER.with(|c| c.get());
/// assert_eq!(v, 5);
/// });
/// ```
pub fn with<F, R>(&'static self, f: F) -> R
F: FnOnce(&T) -> R,
.expect("`LocalKey::with` called outside the context of a task")
/// Attempts to get a reference to the task-local value with this key.
/// The passed closure receives a reference to the task-local value.
/// The task-local value will be lazily initialized if this task has not accessed it before.
/// This function returns an error if not called within the context of a task created by
/// [`block_on`], [`spawn`], or [`Builder::spawn`].
/// [`block_on`]: fn.block_on.html
/// [`spawn`]: fn.spawn.html
/// [`Builder::spawn`]: struct.Builder.html#method.spawn
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// #
/// use std::cell::Cell;
/// use async_std::task;
/// use async_std::prelude::*;
/// task_local! {
/// static VAL: Cell<u32> = Cell::new(5);
/// }
/// task::block_on(async {
/// let v = VAL.try_with(|c| c.get());
/// assert_eq!(v, Ok(5));
/// });
/// // Returns an error because not called within the context of a task.
/// assert!(VAL.try_with(|c| c.get()).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn try_with<F, R>(&'static self, f: F) -> Result<R, AccessError>
F: FnOnce(&T) -> R,
TaskLocalsWrapper::get_current(|task| unsafe {
// Prepare the numeric key, initialization function, and the map of task-locals.
let key = self.key();
let init = || Box::new((self.__init)()) as Box<dyn Send>;
// Get the value in the map of task-locals, or initialize and insert one.
let value: *const dyn Send = task.locals().get_or_insert(key, init);
// Call the closure with the value passed as an argument.
f(&*(value as *const T))
.ok_or(AccessError { _private: () })
/// Returns the numeric key associated with this task-local.
fn key(&self) -> u32 {
fn init(key: &AtomicU32) -> u32 {
static COUNTER: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(1);
let counter = COUNTER.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
if counter > u32::max_value() / 2 {
match key.compare_and_swap(0, counter, Ordering::AcqRel) {
0 => counter,
k => k,
match self.__key.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
0 => init(&self.__key),
k => k,
/// An error returned by [`LocalKey::try_with`].
/// [`LocalKey::try_with`]: struct.LocalKey.html#method.try_with
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct AccessError {
_private: (),
impl fmt::Debug for AccessError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl fmt::Display for AccessError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
"already destroyed or called outside the context of a task".fmt(f)
impl Error for AccessError {}
/// A key-value entry in a map of task-locals.
struct Entry {
/// Key identifying the task-local variable.
key: u32,
/// Value stored in this entry.
value: Box<dyn Send>,
/// A map that holds task-locals.
pub(crate) struct LocalsMap {
/// A list of key-value entries sorted by the key.
entries: UnsafeCell<Option<Vec<Entry>>>,
impl LocalsMap {
/// Creates an empty map of task-locals.
pub fn new() -> LocalsMap {
LocalsMap {
entries: UnsafeCell::new(Some(Vec::new())),
/// Returns a task-local value associated with `key` or inserts one constructed by `init`.
pub fn get_or_insert(&self, key: u32, init: impl FnOnce() -> Box<dyn Send>) -> &dyn Send {
match unsafe { (*self.entries.get()).as_mut() } {
None => panic!("can't access task-locals while the task is being dropped"),
Some(entries) => {
let index = match entries.binary_search_by_key(&key, |e| e.key) {
Ok(i) => i,
Err(i) => {
let value = init();
entries.insert(i, Entry { key, value });
/// Clears the map and drops all task-locals.
/// This method is only safe to call at the end of the task.
pub unsafe fn clear(&self) {
// Since destructors may attempt to access task-locals, we musnt't hold a mutable reference
// to the `Vec` while dropping them. Instead, we first take the `Vec` out and then drop it.
let entries = (*self.entries.get()).take();