blob: 8e5e5e046b607e7128e94dcfd2409b111be0a4de [file] [log] [blame]
use std::future::Future;
/// Convert a type into a `Future`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use async_std::future::{Future, IntoFuture};
/// use async_std::io;
/// use async_std::pin::Pin;
/// struct Client;
/// impl Client {
/// pub async fn send(self) -> io::Result<()> {
/// // Send a request
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// }
/// impl IntoFuture for Client {
/// type Output = io::Result<()>;
/// type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Self::Output>>>;
/// fn into_future(self) -> Self::Future {
/// Box::pin(async {
/// self.send().await
/// })
/// }
/// }
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(unstable)))]
pub trait IntoFuture {
/// The type of value produced on completion.
type Output;
/// Which kind of future are we turning this into?
type Future: Future<Output = Self::Output>;
/// Create a future from a value
fn into_future(self) -> Self::Future;
impl<T: Future> IntoFuture for T {
type Output = T::Output;
type Future = T;
fn into_future(self) -> Self::Future {