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#![deny(missing_docs, warnings)]
// We aim at older rust too, one without dyn
#![allow(unknown_lints, bare_trait_objects, renamed_and_removed_lints)]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "unstable-weak", feature(weak_into_raw))]
//! Making [`Arc`][Arc] itself atomic
//! The library provides a type that is somewhat similar to what `RwLock<Arc<T>>` is or
//! `Atomic<Arc<T>>` would be if it existed, optimized for read-mostly update-seldom scenarios,
//! with consistent performance characteristics.
//! # Motivation
//! There are many situations in which one might want to have some data structure that is often
//! read and seldom updated. Some examples might be a configuration of a service, routing tables,
//! snapshot of some data that is renewed every few minutes, etc.
//! In all these cases one needs:
//! * Being able to read the current value of the data structure, *fast*.
//! * Using the same version of the data structure over longer period of time ‒ a query should be
//! answered by a consistent version of data, a packet should be routed either by an old or by a
//! new version of the routing table but not by a combination, etc.
//! * Perform an update without disrupting the processing.
//! The first idea would be to use [`RwLock<T>`][RwLock] and keep a read-lock for the whole time of
//! processing. Update would, however, pause all processing until done.
//! Better option would be to have [`RwLock<Arc<T>>`][RwLock]. Then one would lock, clone the [Arc]
//! and unlock. This suffers from CPU-level contention (on the lock and on the reference count of
//! the [Arc]) which makes it relatively slow. Depending on the implementation, an update may be
//! blocked for arbitrary long time by a steady inflow of readers.
//! ```rust
//! # extern crate once_cell;
//! # use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
//! # use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
//! # struct RoutingTable; struct Packet; impl RoutingTable { fn route(&self, _: Packet) {} }
//! static ROUTING_TABLE: Lazy<RwLock<Arc<RoutingTable>>> = Lazy::new(|| {
//! RwLock::new(Arc::new(RoutingTable))
//! });
//! fn process_packet(packet: Packet) {
//! let table = Arc::clone(&;
//! table.route(packet);
//! }
//! # fn main() { process_packet(Packet); }
//! ```
//! The [ArcSwap] can be used instead, which solves the above problems and has better performance
//! characteristics than the [RwLock], both in contended and non-contended scenarios.
//! ```rust
//! # extern crate arc_swap;
//! # extern crate once_cell;
//! # use arc_swap::ArcSwap;
//! # use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
//! # struct RoutingTable; struct Packet; impl RoutingTable { fn route(&self, _: Packet) {} }
//! static ROUTING_TABLE: Lazy<ArcSwap<RoutingTable>> = Lazy::new(|| {
//! ArcSwap::from_pointee(RoutingTable)
//! });
//! fn process_packet(packet: Packet) {
//! let table = ROUTING_TABLE.load();
//! table.route(packet);
//! }
//! # fn main() { process_packet(Packet); }
//! ```
//! # Type aliases
//! The most interesting types in the crate are the [ArcSwap] and [ArcSwapOption] (the latter
//! similar to `Atomic<Option<Arc<T>>>`). These are the types users will want to use.
//! Note, however, that these are type aliases of the [ArcSwapAny]. While that type is the
//! low-level implementation and usually isn't referred to directly in the user code, all the
//! relevant methods (and therefore documentation) is on it.
//! # Atomic orderings
//! Each operation on the [ArcSwapAny] type callable concurrently (eg. [load], but not
//! [into_inner]) contains at least one SeqCst atomic read-write operation, therefore even
//! operations on different instances have a defined global order of operations.
//! # Less usual needs
//! There are some utilities that make the crate useful in more places than just the basics
//! described above.
//! The [load_signal_safe] method can be safely used inside unix signal handlers (it is the only
//! one guaranteed to be safe there).
//! The [Cache] allows further speed improvements over simply using [load] every time. The downside
//! is less comfortable API (the caller needs to keep the cache around). Also, a cache may keep the
//! older version of the value alive even when it is not in active use, until the cache is
//! re-validated.
//! The [access] module (and similar traits in the [cache] module) allows shielding independent
//! parts of application from each other and from the exact structure of the *whole* configuration.
//! This helps structuring the application and giving it access only to its own parts of the
//! configuration.
//! Finally, the [gen_lock] module allows further customization of low-level locking/concurrency
//! details.
//! # Performance characteristics
//! There are several performance advantages of [ArcSwap] over [RwLock].
//! ## Lock-free readers
//! All the read operations are always [lock-free]. Most of the time, they are actually
//! [wait-free], the notable exception is the first [load] access in each thread (across all the
//! instances of [ArcSwap]), as it sets up some thread-local data structures.
//! Whenever the documentation talks about *contention* in the context of [ArcSwap], it talks about
//! contention on the CPU level ‒ multpile cores having to deal with accessing the same cache line.
//! This slows things down (compared to each one accessing its own cache line), but an eventual
//! progress is still guaranteed and the cost is significantly lower than parking threads as with
//! mutex-style contention.
//! Unfortunately writers are *not* [lock-free]. A reader stuck (suspended/killed) in a critical
//! section (few instructions long in case of [load]) may block a writer from completion.
//! Nevertheless, a steady inflow of new readers nor other writers will not block the writer.
//! ## Speeds
//! The base line speed of read operations is similar to using an *uncontended* [`Mutex`][Mutex].
//! However, [load] suffers no contention from any other read operations and only slight
//! ones during updates. The [`load_full`][load_full] operation is additionally contended only on
//! the reference count of the [Arc] inside ‒ so, in general, while [Mutex] rapidly
//! loses its performance when being in active use by multiple threads at once and
//! [RwLock] is slow to start with, [ArcSwap] mostly keeps its performance even when read by many
//! threads in parallel.
//! Write operations are considered expensive. A write operation is more expensive than access to
//! an *uncontended* [Mutex] and on some architectures even slower than uncontended
//! [RwLock]. However, it is faster than either under contention.
//! There are some (very unscientific) [benchmarks] within the source code of the library.
//! The exact numbers are highly dependant on the machine used (both absolute numbers and relative
//! between different data structures). Not only architectures have a huge impact (eg. x86 vs ARM),
//! but even AMD vs. Intel or two different Intel processors. Therefore, if what matters is more
//! the speed than the wait-free guarantees, you're advised to do your own measurements.
//! Further speed improvements may be gained by the use of the [Cache].
//! ## Consistency
//! The combination of [wait-free] guarantees of readers and no contention between concurrent
//! [load]s provides *consistent* performance characteristics of the synchronization mechanism.
//! This might be important for soft-realtime applications (the CPU-level contention caused by a
//! recent update/write operation might be problematic for some hard-realtime cases, though).
//! ## Choosing the right reading operation
//! There are several load operations available. While the general go-to one should be
//! [load], there may be situations in which the others are a better match.
//! The [load] usually only borrows the instance from the shared [ArcSwap]. This makes
//! it faster, because different threads don't contend on the reference count. There are two
//! situations when this borrow isn't possible. If the content gets changed, all existing
//! [`Guard`][Guard]s are promoted to contain an owned instance. The promotion is done by the
//! writer, but the readers still need to decrement the reference counts of the old instance when
//! they no longer use it, contending on the count.
//! The other situation derives from internal implementation. The number of borrows each thread can
//! have at each time (across all [Guard]s) is limited. If this limit is exceeded, an onwed
//! instance is created instead.
//! Therefore, if you intend to hold onto the loaded value for extended time span, you may prefer
//! [load_full]. It loads the pointer instance (`Arc`) without borrowing, which is
//! slower (because of the possible contention on the reference count), but doesn't consume one of
//! the borrow slots, which will make it more likely for following [load]s to have a slot
//! available. Similarly, if some API needs an owned `Arc`, [load_full] is more convenient.
//! There's also [load_signal_safe]. This is the only method guaranteed to be
//! safely usable inside a unix signal handler. It has no advantages outside of them, so it makes
//! it kind of niche one.
//! Additionally, it is possible to use a [`Cache`][Cache] to get further speed improvement at the
//! cost of less comfortable API and possibly keeping the older values alive for longer than
//! necessary.
//! # Examples
//! ```rust
//! extern crate arc_swap;
//! extern crate crossbeam_utils;
//! use std::sync::Arc;
//! use arc_swap::ArcSwap;
//! use crossbeam_utils::thread;
//! fn main() {
//! let config = ArcSwap::from(Arc::new(String::default()));
//! thread::scope(|scope| {
//! scope.spawn(|_| {
//! let new_conf = Arc::new("New configuration".to_owned());
//! });
//! for _ in 0..10 {
//! scope.spawn(|_| {
//! loop {
//! let cfg = config.load();
//! if !cfg.is_empty() {
//! assert_eq!(**cfg, "New configuration");
//! return;
//! }
//! }
//! });
//! }
//! }).unwrap();
//! }
//! ```
//! # Features
//! The `unstable-weak` feature adds the ability to use arc-swap with the [Weak] pointer too,
//! through the [ArcSwapWeak] type. This requires the nightly Rust compiler. Also, the interface
//! and support **is not** part of API stability guarantees and may be arbitrarily changed or
//! removed in future releases (it is mostly waiting for the `weak_into_raw` nightly feature to
//! stabilize before stabilizing it in this crate).
//! # Internal details
//! The crate uses a hybrid approach of stripped-down hazard pointers and something close to a
//! sharded spin lock with asymmetric read/write usage (called the generation lock).
//! Further details are described in comments inside the source code and in two blog posts:
//! * [Making `Arc` more atomic](
//! * [More tricks up in the ArcSwap's sleeve](
//! [Arc]:
//! [Weak]:
//! [RwLock]:
//! [Mutex]:
//! [lock-free]:
//! [wait-free]:
//! [load]: struct.ArcSwapAny.html#method.load
//! [into_inner]: struct.ArcSwapAny.html#method.into_inner
//! [load_full]: struct.ArcSwapAny.html#method.load_full
//! [load_signal_safe]: struct.ArcSwapAny.html#method.peek_signal_safe
//! [benchmarks]:
//! [ArcSwapWeak]: type.ArcSwapWeak.html
pub mod access;
mod as_raw;
pub mod cache;
mod compile_fail_tests;
mod debt;
pub mod gen_lock;
mod ref_cnt;
#[cfg(feature = "unstable-weak")]
mod weak;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter, Result as FmtResult};
use std::isize;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem::{self, ManuallyDrop};
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::process;
use std::ptr;
use std::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicPtr, AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;
use access::{Access, Map};
use as_raw::AsRaw;
pub use cache::Cache;
use debt::Debt;
use gen_lock::{Global, LockStorage, PrivateUnsharded, GEN_CNT};
pub use ref_cnt::RefCnt;
// # Implementation details
// The first idea would be to just use AtomicPtr with whatever the Arc::into_raw returns. Then
// replacing it would be fine (there's no need to update ref counts). The load needs to increment
// the reference count ‒ one still stays inside and another is returned to the caller. This is done
// by re-creating the Arc from the raw pointer and then cloning it, throwing one instance away
// (without destroying it).
// This approach has a problem. There's a short time between we read the raw pointer and increment
// the count. If some other thread replaces the stored Arc and throws it away, the ref count could
// drop to 0, get destroyed and we would be trying to bump ref counts in a ghost, which would be
// totally broken.
// To prevent this, we actually use two approaches in a hybrid manner.
// The first one is based on hazard pointers idea, but slightly modified. There's a global
// repository of pointers that owe a reference. When someone swaps a pointer, it walks this list
// and pays all the debts (and takes them out of the repository).
// For simplicity and performance, storing into the repository is fallible. If storing into the
// repository fails (because the thread used up all its own slots, or because the pointer got
// replaced in just the wrong moment and it can't confirm the reservation), unlike the full
// hazard-pointers approach, we don't retry, but fall back onto secondary strategy.
// Each reader registers itself so it can be tracked, but only as a number. Each writer first
// switches the pointer. Then it takes a snapshot of all the current readers and waits until all of
// them confirm bumping their reference count. Only then the writer returns to the caller, handing
// it the ownership of the Arc and allowing possible bad things (like being destroyed) to happen to
// it. This has its own disadvantages, so it is only the second approach.
// # Unsafety
// All the uses of the unsafe keyword is just to turn the raw pointer back to Arc. It originated
// from an Arc in the first place, so the only thing to ensure is it is still valid. That means its
// ref count never dropped to 0.
// At the beginning, there's ref count of 1 stored in the raw pointer (and maybe some others
// elsewhere, but we can't rely on these). This 1 stays there for the whole time the pointer is
// stored there. When the arc is replaced, this 1 is returned to the caller, so we just have to
// make sure no more readers access it by that time.
// # Tracking of readers
// The simple way would be to have a count of all readers that could be in the dangerous area
// between reading the pointer and bumping the reference count. We could „lock“ the ref count by
// incrementing this atomic counter and „unlock“ it when done. The writer would just have to
// busy-wait for this number to drop to 0 ‒ then there are no readers at all. This is safe, but a
// steady inflow of readers could make a writer wait forever.
// Therefore, we separate readers into two groups, odd and even ones (see below how). When we see
// both groups to drop to 0 (not necessarily at the same time, though), we are sure all the
// previous readers were flushed ‒ each of them had to be either odd or even.
// To do that, we define a generation. A generation is a number, incremented at certain times and a
// reader decides by this number if it is odd or even.
// One of the writers may increment the generation when it sees a zero in the next-generation's
// group (if the writer sees 0 in the odd group and the current generation is even, all the current
// writers are even ‒ so it remembers it saw odd-zero and increments the generation, so new readers
// start to appear in the odd group and the even has a chance to drop to zero later on). Only one
// writer does this switch, but all that witness the zero can remember it.
// We also split the reader threads into shards ‒ we have multiple copies of the counters, which
// prevents some contention and sharing of the cache lines. The writer reads them all and sums them
// up.
// # Leases and debts
// Instead of incrementing the reference count, the pointer reference can be owed. In such case, it
// is recorded into a global storage. As each thread has its own storage (the global storage is
// composed of multiple thread storages), the readers don't contend. When the pointer is no longer
// in use, the debt is erased.
// The writer pays all the existing debts, therefore the reader have the full Arc with ref count at
// that time. The reader is made aware the debt was paid and decrements the reference count.
// # Memory orders
// ## Synchronizing the data pointed to by the pointer.
// We have AcqRel (well, SeqCst, but that's included) on the swap and Acquire on the loads. In case
// of the double read around the debt allocation, we do that on the *second*, because of ABA.
// That's also why that SeqCst on the allocation of debt itself is not enough.
// ## The generation lock
// Second, the dangerous area when we borrowed the pointer but haven't yet incremented its ref
// count needs to stay between incrementing and decrementing the reader count (in either group). To
// accomplish that, using Acquire on the increment and Release on the decrement would be enough.
// The loads in the writer use Acquire to complete the edge and make sure no part of the dangerous
// area leaks outside of it in the writers view. This Acquire, however, forms the edge only with
// the *latest* decrement. By making both the increment and decrement AcqRel, we effectively chain
// the edges together.
// Now the hard part :-). We need to ensure that whatever zero a writer sees is not stale in the
// sense that it happened before the switch of the pointer. In other words, we need to make sure
// that at the time we start to look for the zeroes, we already see all the current readers. To do
// that, we need to synchronize the time lines of the pointer itself and the corresponding group
// counters. As these are separate, unrelated, atomics, it calls for SeqCst ‒ on the swap and on
// the increment. This'll guarantee that they'll know which happened first (either increment or the
// swap), making a base line for the following operations (load of the pointer or looking for
// zeroes).
// # Memory orders around debts
// The linked list of debt nodes only grows. The shape of the list (existence of nodes) is
// synchronized through Release on creation and Acquire on load on the head pointer.
// The debts work similar to locks ‒ Acquire and Release make all the pointer manipulation at the
// interval where it is written down. However, we use the SeqCst on the allocation of the debt for
// the same reason we do so with the generation lock.
// In case the writer pays the debt, it sees the new enough data (for the same reasons the stale
// zeroes are not seen). The reference count on the Arc is AcqRel and makes sure it is not
// destroyed too soon. The writer traverses all the slots, therefore they don't need to synchronize
// with each other.
// # Orderings on the rest
// We don't really care much if we use a stale generation number ‒ it only works to route the
// readers into one or another bucket, but even if it was completely wrong, it would only slow the
// waiting for 0 down. So, the increments of it are just hints.
// All other operations can be Relaxed (they either only claim something, which doesn't need to
// synchronize with anything else, or they are failed attempts at something ‒ and another attempt
// will be made, the successful one will do the necessary synchronization).
const MAX_GUARDS: usize = (isize::MAX) as usize;
/// Generation lock, to abstract locking and unlocking readers.
struct GenLock<'a> {
slot: &'a AtomicUsize,
impl<'a> GenLock<'a> {
/// Creates a generation lock.
fn new<S: LockStorage + 'a>(signal_safe: SignalSafety, lock_storage: &'a S) -> Self {
let shard = match signal_safe {
SignalSafety::Safe => 0,
SignalSafety::Unsafe => lock_storage.choose_shard(),
let gen = lock_storage.gen_idx().load(Ordering::Relaxed) % GEN_CNT;
// SeqCst: Acquire, so the dangerous section stays in. SeqCst to sync timelines with the
// swap on the ptr in writer thread.
let slot = &lock_storage.shards().as_ref()[shard].0[gen];
let old = slot.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
// The trick is taken from Arc.
if old > MAX_GUARDS {
GenLock { slot }
/// Removes a generation lock.
fn unlock(self) {
// Release, so the dangerous section stays in. Acquire to chain the operations.
self.slot.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
// Disarm the drop-bomb
/// A bomb so one doesn't forget to unlock generations.
#[cfg(debug_assertions)] // The bomb actually makes it ~20% slower, so don't put it into production
impl<'a> Drop for GenLock<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unreachable!("Forgot to unlock generation");
/// How the [Guard] content is protected.
enum Protection<'l> {
/// The [Guard] contains independent value and doesn't have to be protected in any way.
/// One ref-count is owed in the given debt and needs to be paid on release of the [Guard].
Debt(&'static Debt),
/// It is locked by a generation lock, needs to be unlocked.
impl<'l> From<Option<&'static Debt>> for Protection<'l> {
fn from(debt: Option<&'static Debt>) -> Self {
match debt {
Some(d) => Protection::Debt(d),
None => Protection::Unprotected,
/// A temporary storage of the pointer.
/// This guard object is returned from most loading methods (with the notable exception of
/// [`load_full`](struct.ArcSwapAny.html#method.load_full)). It dereferences to the smart pointer
/// loaded, so most operations are to be done using that.
pub struct Guard<'l, T: RefCnt> {
inner: ManuallyDrop<T>,
protection: Protection<'l>,
impl<'a, T: RefCnt> Guard<'a, T> {
/// Turns the given guard into an unprotected, independent one.
/// It'll not hold any locks, will have no debts and will contain full-featured value inside
/// that even can outlive the ArcSwap it originated from.
fn unprotected(mut lease: Self) -> Guard<'static, T> {
match mem::replace(&mut, Protection::Unprotected) {
// Not protected, nothing to unprotect.
Protection::Unprotected => (),
// If we owe, we need to create a new copy of the Arc. But if it gets payed in the
// meantime, then we have to release it again, because it is extra. We can't check
// first because of races.
Protection::Debt(debt) => {
let ptr = T::as_ptr(&lease.inner);
if !<T>(ptr) {
unsafe { T::dec(ptr) };
// If we had a lock, we first need to create our own copy, then unlock.
Protection::Lock(lock) => {
// The ptr::read & forget is something like a cheating move. We can't move it out, because
// we have a destructor and Rust doesn't allow us to do that.
let inner = ManuallyDrop::new(unsafe { ptr::read(lease.inner.deref()) });
Guard {
protection: Protection::Unprotected,
/// Converts it into the held value.
/// This, on occasion, may be a tiny bit faster than cloning the Arc or whatever is being held
/// inside.
// Associated function on purpose, because of deref
#[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(wrong_self_convention))]
pub fn into_inner(lease: Self) -> T {
let unprotected = Guard::unprotected(lease);
// The ptr::read & forget is something like a cheating move. We can't move it out, because
// we have a destructor and Rust doesn't allow us to do that.
let res = unsafe { ptr::read(unprotected.inner.deref()) };
impl<'a, T: RefCnt> Deref for Guard<'a, T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
impl<'a, T: Debug + RefCnt> Debug for Guard<'a, T> {
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter) -> FmtResult {
impl<'a, T: Display + RefCnt> Display for Guard<'a, T> {
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter) -> FmtResult {
impl<'a, T: RefCnt> Drop for Guard<'a, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
match mem::replace(&mut, Protection::Unprotected) {
// We have our own copy of Arc, so we don't need a protection. Do nothing (but release
// the Arc below).
Protection::Unprotected => (),
// If we owed something, just return the debt. We don't have a pointer owned, so
// nothing to release.
Protection::Debt(debt) => {
let ptr = T::as_ptr(&self.inner);
if<T>(ptr) {
// But if the debt was already paid for us, we need to release the pointer, as we
// were effectively already in the Unprotected mode.
// Similarly, we don't have anything owned, we just unlock and be done with it.
Protection::Lock(lock) => {
// Equivalent to T::dec(ptr)
unsafe { ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.inner) };
/// Comparison of two pointer-like things.
// A and B are likely to *be* references, or thin wrappers around that. Calling that with extra
// reference is just annoying.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(needless_pass_by_value))]
fn ptr_eq<Base, A, B>(a: A, b: B) -> bool
A: AsRaw<Base>,
B: AsRaw<Base>,
let a = a.as_raw();
let b = b.as_raw();
ptr::eq(a, b)
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum SignalSafety {
/// When waiting to something, yield the thread every so many iterations so something else might
/// get a chance to run and release whatever is being held.
const YIELD_EVERY: usize = 16;
/// An atomic storage for a reference counted smart pointer like [`Arc`] or `Option<Arc>`.
/// This is a storage where a smart pointer may live. It can be read and written atomically from
/// several threads, but doesn't act like a pointer itself.
/// One can be created [`from`] an [`Arc`]. To get the pointer back, use the
/// [`load`](#method.load).
/// # Note
/// This is the common generic implementation. This allows sharing the same code for storing
/// both `Arc` and `Option<Arc>` (and possibly other similar types).
/// In your code, you most probably want to interact with it through the
/// [`ArcSwap`](type.ArcSwap.html) and [`ArcSwapOption`](type.ArcSwapOption.html) aliases. However,
/// the methods they share are described here and are applicable to both of them. That's why the
/// examples here use `ArcSwap` ‒ but they could as well be written with `ArcSwapOption` or
/// `ArcSwapAny`.
/// # Type parameters
/// * `T`: The smart pointer to be kept inside. This crate provides implementation for `Arc<_>` and
/// `Option<Arc<_>>` (`Rc` too, but that one is not practically useful). But third party could
/// provide implementations of the [`RefCnt`] trait and plug in others.
/// * `S`: This describes where the generation lock is stored and how it works (this allows tuning
/// some of the performance trade-offs). See the [`LockStorage`][LockStorage] trait.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// # use std::sync::Arc;
/// # use arc_swap::ArcSwap;
/// let arc = Arc::new(42);
/// let arc_swap = ArcSwap::from(arc);
/// assert_eq!(42, **arc_swap.load());
/// // It can be read multiple times
/// assert_eq!(42, **arc_swap.load());
/// // Put a new one in there
/// let new_arc = Arc::new(0);
/// assert_eq!(42, *arc_swap.swap(new_arc));
/// assert_eq!(0, **arc_swap.load());
/// ```
/// [`Arc`]:
/// [`from`]:
/// [`RefCnt`]: trait.RefCnt.html
pub struct ArcSwapAny<T: RefCnt, S: LockStorage = Global> {
// Notes: AtomicPtr needs Sized
/// The actual pointer, extracted from the Arc.
ptr: AtomicPtr<T::Base>,
/// We are basically an Arc in disguise. Inherit parameters from Arc by pretending to contain
/// it.
_phantom_arc: PhantomData<T>,
lock_storage: S,
impl<T: RefCnt, S: LockStorage> From<T> for ArcSwapAny<T, S> {
fn from(val: T) -> Self {
// The AtomicPtr requires *mut in its interface. We are more like *const, so we cast it.
// However, we always go back to *const right away when we get the pointer on the other
// side, so it should be fine.
let ptr = T::into_ptr(val);
Self {
ptr: AtomicPtr::new(ptr),
_phantom_arc: PhantomData,
lock_storage: S::default(),
impl<T: RefCnt, S: LockStorage> Drop for ArcSwapAny<T, S> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let ptr = *self.ptr.get_mut();
// To pay any possible debts
// We are getting rid of the one stored ref count
unsafe { T::dec(ptr) };
impl<T: RefCnt, S: LockStorage> Clone for ArcSwapAny<T, S> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
impl<T, S: LockStorage> Debug for ArcSwapAny<T, S>
T: Debug + RefCnt,
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter) -> FmtResult {
impl<T, S: LockStorage> Display for ArcSwapAny<T, S>
T: Display + RefCnt,
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter) -> FmtResult {
impl<T: RefCnt + Default, S: LockStorage> Default for ArcSwapAny<T, S> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<T: RefCnt, S: LockStorage> ArcSwapAny<T, S> {
/// Constructs a new value.
pub fn new(val: T) -> Self {
/// Extracts the value inside.
pub fn into_inner(mut self) -> T {
let ptr = *self.ptr.get_mut();
// To pay all the debts
unsafe { T::from_ptr(ptr) }
/// Loads the value.
/// This makes another copy of the held pointer and returns it, atomically (it is
/// safe even when other thread stores into the same instance at the same time).
/// The method is lock-free and wait-free, but usually more expensive than
/// [`load`](#method.load).
pub fn load_full(&self) -> T {
fn lock_internal(&self, signal_safe: SignalSafety) -> Guard<'_, T> {
let gen = GenLock::new(signal_safe, &self.lock_storage);
let ptr = self.ptr.load(Ordering::Acquire);
let inner = ManuallyDrop::new(unsafe { T::from_ptr(ptr) });
Guard {
protection: Protection::Lock(gen),
/// An async-signal-safe version of [`load`](#method.load)
/// This method uses only restricted set of primitives to be async-signal-safe, so it can be
/// used inside unix signal handlers. It has no advantages outside of them and it has its own
/// downsides, so there's no reason to use it outside of them.
/// # Warning
/// While the method itself is lock-free (it will not be blocked by anything other threads do),
/// methods that write are blocked from completion until the returned
/// [`Guard`](struct.Guard.html) is dropped. This includes [`store`](,
/// [`compare_and_swap`](#method.compare_and_swap) and [`rcu`](#method.rcu) and destruction of
/// the `ArcSwapAny` instance.
/// By default, the locks are *shared* across all the instances in the program, therefore it
/// blocks writes even to *other* `ArcSwapAny` instances. It is possible to use a private lock
/// (which is recommended if you want to do use this method) by using the
/// [`IndependentArcSwap`](type.IndependentArcSwap.html) type alias.
pub fn load_signal_safe(&self) -> Guard<'_, T> {
fn load_fallible(&self) -> Option<Guard<'static, T>> {
// Relaxed is good enough here, see the Acquire below
let ptr = self.ptr.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
// Try to get a debt slot. If not possible, fail.
let debt = Debt::new(ptr as usize)?;
let confirm = self.ptr.load(Ordering::Acquire);
let inner = ManuallyDrop::new(unsafe { T::from_ptr(ptr) });
if ptr == confirm {
// Successfully got a debt
Some(Guard {
protection: Protection::Debt(debt),
} else if<T>(ptr) {
// It changed in the meantime, we return the debt (that is on the outdated pointer,
// possibly destroyed) and fail.
} else {
// It changed in the meantime, but the debt for the previous pointer was already paid
// for by someone else, so we are fine using it.
Some(Guard {
protection: Protection::Unprotected,
/// Provides a temporary borrow of the object inside.
/// This returns a proxy object allowing access to the thing held inside. However, there's
/// only limited amount of possible cheap proxies in existence for each thread ‒ if more are
/// created, it falls back to equivalent of [`load_full`](#method.load_full) internally.
/// This is therefore a good choice to use for eg. searching a data structure or juggling the
/// pointers around a bit, but not as something to store in larger amounts. The rule of thumb
/// is this is suited for local variables on stack, but not in long-living data structures.
/// # Consistency
/// In case multiple related operations are to be done on the loaded value, it is generally
/// recommended to call `load` just once and keep the result over calling it multiple times.
/// First, keeping it is usually faster. But more importantly, the value can change between the
/// calls to load, returning different objects, which could lead to logical inconsistency.
/// Keeping the result makes sure the same object is used.
/// ```rust
/// # use arc_swap::ArcSwap;
/// struct Point {
/// x: usize,
/// y: usize,
/// }
/// fn print_broken(p: &ArcSwap<Point>) {
/// // This is broken, because the x and y may come from different points,
/// // combining into an invalid point that never existed.
/// println!("X: {}", p.load().x);
/// // If someone changes the content now, between these two loads, we
/// // have a problem
/// println!("Y: {}", p.load().y);
/// }
/// fn print_correct(p: &ArcSwap<Point>) {
/// // Here we take a snapshot of one specific point so both x and y come
/// // from the same one.
/// let point = p.load();
/// println!("X: {}", point.x);
/// println!("Y: {}", point.y);
/// }
/// # let p = ArcSwap::from_pointee(Point { x: 10, y: 20 });
/// # print_correct(&p);
/// # print_broken(&p);
/// ```
pub fn load(&self) -> Guard<'static, T> {
.unwrap_or_else(|| Guard::unprotected(self.lock_internal(SignalSafety::Unsafe)))
/// Replaces the value inside this instance.
/// Further loads will yield the new value. Uses [`swap`](#method.swap) internally.
pub fn store(&self, val: T) {
/// Exchanges the value inside this instance.
/// Note that this method is *not* lock-free. In particular, it is possible to block this
/// method by using the [`load_signal_safe`](#method.load_signal_safe), but
/// [`load`](#method.load) may also block it for very short time (several CPU instructions). If
/// this happens, `swap` will busy-wait in the meantime.
/// It is also possible to cause a deadlock (eg. this is an example of *broken* code):
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use std::sync::Arc;
/// # use arc_swap::ArcSwap;
/// let shared = ArcSwap::from(Arc::new(42));
/// let guard = shared.load_signal_safe();
/// // This will deadlock, because the guard is still active here and swap
/// // can't pull the value from under its feet.
/// shared.swap(Arc::new(0));
/// # drop(guard);
/// ```
pub fn swap(&self, new: T) -> T {
let new = T::into_ptr(new);
// AcqRel needed to publish the target of the new pointer and get the target of the old
// one.
// SeqCst to synchronize the time lines with the group counters.
let old = self.ptr.swap(new, Ordering::SeqCst);
unsafe { T::from_ptr(old) }
/// Swaps the stored Arc if it equals to `current`.
/// If the current value of the `ArcSwapAny` equals to `current`, the `new` is stored inside.
/// If not, nothing happens.
/// The previous value (no matter if the swap happened or not) is returned. Therefore, if the
/// returned value is equal to `current`, the swap happened. You want to do a pointer-based
/// comparison to determine it.
/// In other words, if the caller „guesses“ the value of current correctly, it acts like
/// [`swap`](#method.swap), otherwise it acts like [`load_full`](#method.load_full) (including
/// the limitations).
/// The `current` can be specified as `&Arc`, [`Guard`](struct.Guard.html),
/// [`&Guards`](struct.Guards.html) or as a raw pointer.
pub fn compare_and_swap<C: AsRaw<T::Base>>(&self, current: C, new: T) -> Guard<T> {
let cur_ptr = current.as_raw();
let new = T::into_ptr(new);
// As noted above, this method has either semantics of load or of store. We don't know
// which ones upfront, so we need to implement safety measures for both.
let gen = GenLock::new(SignalSafety::Unsafe, &self.lock_storage);
let previous_ptr = self.ptr.compare_and_swap(cur_ptr, new, Ordering::SeqCst);
let swapped = ptr::eq(cur_ptr, previous_ptr);
// Drop it here, because:
// * We can't drop it before the compare_and_swap ‒ in such case, it could get recycled,
// put into the pointer by another thread with a different value and create a fake
// success (ABA).
// * We drop it before waiting for readers, because it could have been a Guard with a
// generation lock. In such case, the caller doesn't have it any more and can't check if
// it succeeded, but that's OK.
let debt = if swapped {
// New went in, previous out, but their ref counts are correct. So nothing to do here.
} else {
// Previous is a new copy of what is inside (and it stays there as well), so bump its
// ref count. New is thrown away so dec its ref count (but do it outside of the
// gen-lock).
// We try to do that by registering a debt and only if that fails by actually bumping
// the ref.
let debt = Debt::new(previous_ptr as usize);
if debt.is_none() {
let previous = unsafe { T::from_ptr(previous_ptr) };
if swapped {
// We swapped. Before releasing the (possibly only) ref count of previous to user, wait
// for all readers to make sure there are no more untracked copies of it.
} else {
// We didn't swap, so new is black-holed.
unsafe { T::dec(new) };
let inner = ManuallyDrop::new(unsafe { T::from_ptr(previous_ptr) });
Guard {
protection: debt.into(),
/// Wait until all readers go away.
fn wait_for_readers(&self, old: *const T::Base) {
let mut seen_group = [false; GEN_CNT];
let mut iter = 0usize;
while !seen_group.iter().all(|seen| *seen) {
// Note that we don't need the snapshot to be consistent. We just need to see both
// halves being zero, not necessarily at the same time.
let gen = self.lock_storage.gen_idx().load(Ordering::Relaxed);
let groups = self
.fold([0, 0], |[a1, a2], s| {
let [v1, v2] = s.snapshot();
[a1 + v1, a2 + v2]
// Should we increment the generation? Is the next one empty?
let next_gen = gen.wrapping_add(1);
if groups[next_gen % GEN_CNT] == 0 {
// Replace it only if someone else didn't do it in the meantime
.compare_and_swap(gen, next_gen, Ordering::Relaxed);
for i in 0..GEN_CNT {
seen_group[i] = seen_group[i] || (groups[i] == 0);
iter = iter.wrapping_add(1);
if iter % YIELD_EVERY == 0 {
} else {
/// Read-Copy-Update of the pointer inside.
/// This is useful in read-heavy situations with several threads that sometimes update the data
/// pointed to. The readers can just repeatedly use [`load`](#method.load) without any locking.
/// The writer uses this method to perform the update.
/// In case there's only one thread that does updates or in case the next version is
/// independent of the previous one, simple [`swap`](#method.swap) or [`store`](
/// is enough. Otherwise, it may be needed to retry the update operation if some other thread
/// made an update in between. This is what this method does.
/// # Examples
/// This will *not* work as expected, because between loading and storing, some other thread
/// might have updated the value.
/// ```rust
/// # extern crate arc_swap;
/// # extern crate crossbeam_utils;
/// #
/// # use std::sync::Arc;
/// #
/// # use arc_swap::ArcSwap;
/// # use crossbeam_utils::thread;
/// #
/// let cnt = ArcSwap::from_pointee(0);
/// thread::scope(|scope| {
/// for _ in 0..10 {
/// scope.spawn(|_| {
/// let inner = cnt.load_full();
/// // Another thread might have stored some other number than what we have
/// // between the load and store.
///*inner + 1));
/// });
/// }
/// }).unwrap();
/// // This will likely fail:
/// // assert_eq!(10, *cnt.load_full());
/// ```
/// This will, but it can call the closure multiple times to retry:
/// ```rust
/// # extern crate arc_swap;
/// # extern crate crossbeam_utils;
/// #
/// # use arc_swap::ArcSwap;
/// # use crossbeam_utils::thread;
/// #
/// let cnt = ArcSwap::from_pointee(0);
/// thread::scope(|scope| {
/// for _ in 0..10 {
/// scope.spawn(|_| cnt.rcu(|inner| **inner + 1));
/// }
/// }).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(10, *cnt.load_full());
/// ```
/// Due to the retries, you might want to perform all the expensive operations *before* the
/// rcu. As an example, if there's a cache of some computations as a map, and the map is cheap
/// to clone but the computations are not, you could do something like this:
/// ```rust
/// # extern crate arc_swap;
/// # extern crate crossbeam_utils;
/// # extern crate once_cell;
/// #
/// # use std::collections::HashMap;
/// #
/// # use arc_swap::ArcSwap;
/// # use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
/// #
/// fn expensive_computation(x: usize) -> usize {
/// x * 2 // Let's pretend multiplication is *really expensive expensive*
/// }
/// type Cache = HashMap<usize, usize>;
/// static CACHE: Lazy<ArcSwap<Cache>> = Lazy::new(|| ArcSwap::default());
/// fn cached_computation(x: usize) -> usize {
/// let cache = CACHE.load();
/// if let Some(result) = cache.get(&x) {
/// return *result;
/// }
/// // Not in cache. Compute and store.
/// // The expensive computation goes outside, so it is not retried.
/// let result = expensive_computation(x);
/// CACHE.rcu(|cache| {
/// // The cheaper clone of the cache can be retried if need be.
/// let mut cache = HashMap::clone(&cache);
/// cache.insert(x, result);
/// cache
/// });
/// result
/// }
/// assert_eq!(42, cached_computation(21));
/// assert_eq!(42, cached_computation(21));
/// ```
/// # The cost of cloning
/// Depending on the size of cache above, the cloning might not be as cheap. You can however
/// use persistent data structures ‒ each modification creates a new data structure, but it
/// shares most of the data with the old one (which is usually accomplished by using `Arc`s
/// inside to share the unchanged values). Something like
/// [`rpds`]( or [`im`]( might do
/// what you need.
pub fn rcu<R, F>(&self, mut f: F) -> T
F: FnMut(&T) -> R,
R: Into<T>,
let mut cur = self.load();
loop {
let new = f(&cur).into();
let prev = self.compare_and_swap(&cur, new);
let swapped = ptr_eq(&cur, &prev);
if swapped {
return Guard::into_inner(prev);
} else {
cur = prev;
/// Provides an access to an up to date projection of the carried data.
/// # Motivation
/// Sometimes, an application consists of components. Each component has its own configuration
/// structure. The whole configuration contains all the smaller config parts.
/// For the sake of separation and abstraction, it is not desirable to pass the whole
/// configuration to each of the components. This allows the component to take only access to
/// its own part.
/// # Lifetimes & flexibility
/// This method is not the most flexible way, as the returned type borrows into the `ArcSwap`.
/// To provide access into eg. `Arc<ArcSwap<T>>`, you can create the [`Map`] type directly.
/// # Performance
/// As the provided function is called on each load from the shared storage, it should
/// generally be cheap. It is expected this will usually be just referencing of a field inside
/// the structure.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// extern crate arc_swap;
/// extern crate crossbeam_utils;
/// use std::sync::Arc;
/// use arc_swap::ArcSwap;
/// use arc_swap::access::Access;
/// struct Cfg {
/// value: usize,
/// }
/// fn print_many_times<V: Access<usize>>(value: V) {
/// for _ in 0..25 {
/// let value = value.load();
/// println!("{}", *value);
/// }
/// }
/// let shared = ArcSwap::from_pointee(Cfg { value: 0 });
/// let mapped =|c: &Cfg| &c.value);
/// crossbeam_utils::thread::scope(|s| {
/// // Will print some zeroes and some twos
/// s.spawn(|_| print_many_times(mapped));
/// s.spawn(|_| { value: 2 })));
/// }).expect("Something panicked in a thread");
/// ```
pub fn map<I, R, F>(&self, f: F) -> Map<&Self, I, F>
F: Fn(&I) -> &R,
Self: Access<I>,
Map::new(self, f)
/// An atomic storage for `Arc`.
/// This is a type alias only. Most of its methods are described on
/// [`ArcSwapAny`](struct.ArcSwapAny.html).
pub type ArcSwap<T> = ArcSwapAny<Arc<T>>;
impl<T, S: LockStorage> ArcSwapAny<Arc<T>, S> {
/// A convenience constructor directly from the pointed-to value.
/// Direct equivalent for `ArcSwap::new(Arc::new(val))`.
pub fn from_pointee(val: T) -> Self {
/// An [`rcu`](struct.ArcSwapAny.html#method.rcu) which waits to be the sole owner of the
/// original value and unwraps it.
/// This one works the same way as the [`rcu`](struct.ArcSwapAny.html#method.rcu) method, but
/// works on the inner type instead of `Arc`. After replacing the original, it waits until
/// there are no other owners of the arc and unwraps it.
/// Possible use case might be an RCU with a structure that is rather slow to drop ‒ if it was
/// left to random reader (the last one to hold the old value), it could cause a timeout or
/// jitter in a query time. With this, the deallocation is done in the updater thread,
/// therefore outside of the hot path.
/// # Warning
/// Note that if you store a copy of the `Arc` somewhere except the `ArcSwap` itself for
/// extended period of time, this'll busy-wait the whole time. Unless you need the assurance
/// the `Arc` is deconstructed here, prefer [`rcu`](#method.rcu).
pub fn rcu_unwrap<R, F>(&self, mut f: F) -> T
F: FnMut(&T) -> R,
R: Into<Arc<T>>,
let mut wrapped = self.rcu(|prev| f(&*prev));
loop {
match Arc::try_unwrap(wrapped) {
Ok(val) => return val,
Err(w) => {
wrapped = w;
/// An atomic storage for `Option<Arc>`.
/// This is very similar to [`ArcSwap`](type.ArcSwap.html), but allows storing NULL values, which
/// is useful in some situations.
/// This is a type alias only. Most of the methods are described on
/// [`ArcSwapAny`](struct.ArcSwapAny.html). Even though the examples there often use `ArcSwap`,
/// they are applicable to `ArcSwapOption` with appropriate changes.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::sync::Arc;
/// use arc_swap::ArcSwapOption;
/// let shared = ArcSwapOption::from(None);
/// assert!(shared.load_full().is_none());
/// assert!(shared.swap(Some(Arc::new(42))).is_none());
/// assert_eq!(42, **shared.load_full().as_ref().unwrap());
/// ```
pub type ArcSwapOption<T> = ArcSwapAny<Option<Arc<T>>>;
impl<T, S: LockStorage> ArcSwapAny<Option<Arc<T>>, S> {
/// A convenience constructor directly from a pointed-to value.
/// This just allocates the `Arc` under the hood.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use arc_swap::ArcSwapOption;
/// let empty: ArcSwapOption<usize> = ArcSwapOption::from_pointee(None);
/// assert!(empty.load().is_none());
/// let non_empty: ArcSwapOption<usize> = ArcSwapOption::from_pointee(42);
/// assert_eq!(42, **non_empty.load().as_ref().unwrap());
/// ```
pub fn from_pointee<V: Into<Option<T>>>(val: V) -> Self {
/// A convenience constructor for an empty value.
/// This is equivalent to `ArcSwapOption::new(None)`.
pub fn empty() -> Self {
/// An atomic storage that doesn't share the internal generation locks with others.
/// This makes it bigger and it also might suffer contention (on the HW level) if used from many
/// threads at once. But using [`load_signal_safe`](struct.ArcSwapAny.html#method.load_signal_safe)
/// will not block writes on other instances.
/// ```rust
/// # use std::sync::Arc;
/// # use arc_swap::{ArcSwap, IndependentArcSwap};
/// // This one shares locks with others.
/// let shared = ArcSwap::from_pointee(42);
/// // But this one has an independent lock.
/// let independent = IndependentArcSwap::from_pointee(42);
/// // This'll hold a lock so any writers there wouldn't complete
/// let l = independent.load_signal_safe();
/// // But the lock doesn't influence the shared one, so this goes through just fine
/// assert_eq!(42, **l);
/// ```
pub type IndependentArcSwap<T> = ArcSwapAny<Arc<T>, PrivateUnsharded>;
/// Arc swap for the [Weak] pointer.
/// This is similar to [ArcSwap], but it doesn't store [Arc], it stores [Weak]. It doesn't keep the
/// data alive when pointed to.
/// This is a type alias only. Most of the methods are described on the
/// [`ArcSwapAny`](struct.ArcSwapAny.html).
/// [Weak]: std::sync::Weak
#[cfg(feature = "unstable-weak")]
pub type ArcSwapWeak<T> = ArcSwapAny<std::sync::Weak<T>>;
mod tests {
extern crate crossbeam_utils;
use std::panic;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
use std::sync::Barrier;
use self::crossbeam_utils::thread;
use super::*;
/// Similar to the one in doc tests of the lib, but more times and more intensive (we want to
/// torture it a bit).
/// Takes some time, presumably because this starts 21 000 threads during its lifetime and 20
/// 000 of them just wait in a tight loop for the other thread to happen.
fn publish() {
for _ in 0..100 {
let config = ArcSwap::<String>::default();
let ended = AtomicUsize::new(0);
thread::scope(|scope| {
for _ in 0..20 {
scope.spawn(|_| loop {
let cfg = config.load_full();
if !cfg.is_empty() {
assert_eq!(*cfg, "New configuration");
ended.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
scope.spawn(|_| {
let new_conf = Arc::new("New configuration".to_owned());;
assert_eq!(20, ended.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
let arc = config.load_full();
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&arc));
assert_eq!(0, Arc::weak_count(&arc));
/// Similar to the doc tests of ArcSwap, but happens more times.
fn swap_load() {
for _ in 0..100 {
let arc = Arc::new(42);
let arc_swap = ArcSwap::from(Arc::clone(&arc));
assert_eq!(42, **arc_swap.load());
// It can be read multiple times
assert_eq!(42, **arc_swap.load());
// Put a new one in there
let new_arc = Arc::new(0);
assert_eq!(42, *arc_swap.swap(Arc::clone(&new_arc)));
assert_eq!(0, **arc_swap.load());
// One loaded here, one in the arc_swap, one in new_arc
let loaded = arc_swap.load_full();
assert_eq!(3, Arc::strong_count(&loaded));
assert_eq!(0, Arc::weak_count(&loaded));
// The original got released from the arc_swap
assert_eq!(1, Arc::strong_count(&arc));
assert_eq!(0, Arc::weak_count(&arc));
/// Two different writers publish two series of values. The readers check that it is always
/// increasing in each serie.
/// For performance, we try to reuse the threads here.
fn multi_writers() {
let first_value = Arc::new((0, 0));
let shared = ArcSwap::from(Arc::clone(&first_value));
const WRITER_CNT: usize = 2;
const READER_CNT: usize = 3;
const ITERATIONS: usize = 100;
const SEQ: usize = 50;
let barrier = Barrier::new(READER_CNT + WRITER_CNT);
thread::scope(|scope| {
for w in 0..WRITER_CNT {
// We need to move w into the closure. But we want to just reference the other
// things.
let barrier = &barrier;
let shared = &shared;
let first_value = &first_value;
scope.spawn(move |_| {
for _ in 0..ITERATIONS {
for i in 0..SEQ {, i + 1)));
for _ in 0..READER_CNT {
scope.spawn(|_| {
for _ in 0..ITERATIONS {
let mut previous = [0; 2];
let mut last = Arc::clone(&first_value);
loop {
let cur = shared.load();
if Arc::ptr_eq(&last, &cur) {
let (w, s) = **cur;
assert!(previous[w] < s);
previous[w] = s;
last = Guard::into_inner(cur);
if s == SEQ {
/// Make sure the reference count and compare_and_swap works as expected.
fn cas_ref_cnt() {
const ITERATIONS: usize = 50;
let shared = ArcSwap::from(Arc::new(0));
for i in 0..ITERATIONS {
let orig = shared.load_full();
assert_eq!(i, *orig);
if i % 2 == 1 {
// One for orig, one for shared
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&orig));
let n1 = Arc::new(i + 1);
// Fill up the slots sometimes
let fillup = || {
if i % 2 == 0 {
Some((0..50).map(|_| shared.load()).collect::<Vec<_>>())
} else {
let guards = fillup();
// Success
let prev = shared.compare_and_swap(&orig, Arc::clone(&n1));
assert!(ptr_eq(&orig, &prev));
// One for orig, one for prev
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&orig));
// One for n1, one for shared
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&n1));
assert_eq!(i + 1, **shared.load());
let n2 = Arc::new(i);
let guards = fillup();
// Failure
let prev = Guard::into_inner(shared.compare_and_swap(&orig, Arc::clone(&n2)));
assert!(ptr_eq(&n1, &prev));
// One for orig
assert_eq!(1, Arc::strong_count(&orig));
// One for n1, one for shared, one for prev
assert_eq!(3, Arc::strong_count(&n1));
// n2 didn't get increased
assert_eq!(1, Arc::strong_count(&n2));
assert_eq!(i + 1, **shared.load());
let a = shared.load_full();
// One inside shared, one for a
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&a));
// Only a now
assert_eq!(1, Arc::strong_count(&a));
/// Multiple RCUs interacting.
fn rcu() {
const ITERATIONS: usize = 50;
const THREADS: usize = 10;
let shared = ArcSwap::from(Arc::new(0));
thread::scope(|scope| {
for _ in 0..THREADS {
scope.spawn(|_| {
for _ in 0..ITERATIONS {
shared.rcu(|old| **old + 1);
assert_eq!(THREADS * ITERATIONS, **shared.load());
/// Multiple RCUs interacting, with unwrapping.
fn rcu_unwrap() {
const ITERATIONS: usize = 50;
const THREADS: usize = 10;
let shared = ArcSwap::from(Arc::new(0));
thread::scope(|scope| {
for _ in 0..THREADS {
scope.spawn(|_| {
for _ in 0..ITERATIONS {
shared.rcu_unwrap(|old| *old + 1);
assert_eq!(THREADS * ITERATIONS, **shared.load());
/// Handling null/none values
fn nulls() {
let shared = ArcSwapOption::from(Some(Arc::new(0)));
let orig = shared.swap(None);
assert_eq!(1, Arc::strong_count(&orig.unwrap()));
let null = shared.load();
let a = Arc::new(42);
let orig = shared.compare_and_swap(ptr::null(), Some(Arc::clone(&a)));
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&a));
let orig = Guard::into_inner(shared.compare_and_swap(&None::<Arc<_>>, None));
assert_eq!(3, Arc::strong_count(&a));
assert!(ptr_eq(&a, &orig));
/// We have a callback in RCU. Check what happens if we access the value from within.
fn recursive() {
let shared = ArcSwap::from(Arc::new(0));
shared.rcu(|i| {
if **i < 10 {
shared.rcu(|i| **i + 1);
assert_eq!(10, **shared.load());
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&shared.load_full()));
/// A panic from within the rcu callback should not change anything.
fn rcu_panic() {
let shared = ArcSwap::from(Arc::new(0));
assert!(panic::catch_unwind(|| shared.rcu(|_| -> usize { panic!() })).is_err());
assert_eq!(1, Arc::strong_count(&shared.swap(Arc::new(42))));
/// Accessing the value inside ArcSwap with Guards (and checks for the reference counts).
fn load_cnt() {
let a = Arc::new(0);
let shared = ArcSwap::from(Arc::clone(&a));
// One in shared, one in a
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&a));
let guard = shared.load();
assert_eq!(0, **guard);
// The guard doesn't have its own ref count now
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&a));
let guard_2 = shared.load();
// Unlike with guard, this does not deadlock;
// But now, each guard got a full Arc inside it
assert_eq!(3, Arc::strong_count(&a));
// And when we get rid of them, they disappear
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&a));
let _b = Arc::clone(&guard);
assert_eq!(3, Arc::strong_count(&a));
// We can drop the guard it came from
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&a));
let guard = shared.load();
assert_eq!(1, **guard);
// We can still use the guard after the shared disappears
assert_eq!(1, **guard);
let ptr = Arc::clone(&guard);
// One in shared, one in guard
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&ptr));
assert_eq!(1, Arc::strong_count(&ptr));
/// There can be only limited amount of leases on one thread. Following ones are created, but
/// contain full Arcs.
fn lease_overflow() {
let a = Arc::new(0);
let shared = ArcSwap::from(Arc::clone(&a));
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&a));
let mut guards = (0..1000).map(|_| shared.load()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let count = Arc::strong_count(&a);
assert!(count > 2);
let guard = shared.load();
assert_eq!(count + 1, Arc::strong_count(&a));
assert_eq!(count, Arc::strong_count(&a));
// When we delete the first one, it didn't have an Arc in it, so the ref count doesn't drop
// But new one reuses now vacant the slot and doesn't create a new Arc
let _guard = shared.load();
assert_eq!(count, Arc::strong_count(&a));
fn load_null() {
let shared = ArcSwapOption::<usize>::default();
let guard = shared.load();
assert_eq!(42, **shared.load().as_ref().unwrap());
fn from_into() {
let a = Arc::new(42);
let shared = ArcSwap::new(a);
let guard = shared.load();
let a = shared.into_inner();
assert_eq!(42, *a);
assert_eq!(2, Arc::strong_count(&a));
assert_eq!(1, Arc::strong_count(&a));
// Note on the Relaxed order here. This should be enough, because there's that barrier.wait
// in between that should do the synchronization of happens-before for us. And using SeqCst
// would probably not help either, as there's nothing else with SeqCst here in this test to
// relate it to.
struct ReportDrop(Arc<AtomicUsize>);
impl Drop for ReportDrop {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
const ITERATIONS: usize = 50;
/// Interaction of two threads about a guard and dropping it.
/// We make sure everything works in timely manner (eg. dropping of stuff) even if multiple
/// threads interact.
/// The idea is:
/// * Thread 1 loads a value.
/// * Thread 2 replaces the shared value. The original value is not destroyed.
/// * Thread 1 drops the guard. The value is destroyed and this is observable in both threads.
fn guard_drop_in_thread() {
for _ in 0..ITERATIONS {
let cnt = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let shared = ArcSwap::from_pointee(ReportDrop(cnt.clone()));
assert_eq!(cnt.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0, "Dropped prematurely");
// We need the threads to wait for each other at places.
let sync = Barrier::new(2);
thread::scope(|scope| {
scope.spawn(|_| {
let guard = shared.load();
// Thread 2 replaces the shared value. We wait for it to confirm.
assert_eq!(cnt.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1, "Value not dropped");
// Let thread 2 know we already dropped it.
scope.spawn(|_| {
// Thread 1 loads, we wait for that
assert_eq!(cnt.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0, "Dropped while still in use");
// Let thread 2 know we replaced it
// Thread 1 drops its guard. We wait for it to confirm.
assert_eq!(cnt.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1, "Value not dropped");
/// Check dropping a lease in a different thread than it was created doesn't cause any
/// problems.
fn guard_drop_in_another_thread() {
for _ in 0..ITERATIONS {
let cnt = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let shared = ArcSwap::from_pointee(ReportDrop(cnt.clone()));
assert_eq!(cnt.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0, "Dropped prematurely");
let guard = shared.load();
assert_eq!(cnt.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0, "Dropped prematurely");
thread::scope(|scope| {
scope.spawn(|_| {
assert_eq!(cnt.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1, "Not dropped");
/// Similar, but for peek guard.
fn signal_drop_in_another_thread() {
for _ in 0..ITERATIONS {
let cnt = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let shared = ArcSwap::from_pointee(ReportDrop(cnt.clone()));
assert_eq!(cnt.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0, "Dropped prematurely");
let guard = shared.load_signal_safe();
// We can't drop here, sorry. Or, not even replace, as that would deadlock.
thread::scope(|scope| {
scope.spawn(|_| {
assert_eq!(cnt.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0, "Dropped prematurely");
assert_eq!(cnt.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1, "Not dropped");
fn load_option() {
let shared = ArcSwapOption::from_pointee(42);
// The type here is not needed in real code, it's just addition test the type matches.
let opt: Option<_> = Guard::into_inner(shared.load());
assert_eq!(42, *opt.unwrap());;
// Check stuff can get formatted
fn debug_impl() {
let shared = ArcSwap::from_pointee(42);
assert_eq!("ArcSwapAny(42)", &format!("{:?}", shared));
assert_eq!("42", &format!("{:?}", shared.load()));
fn display_impl() {
let shared = ArcSwap::from_pointee(42);
assert_eq!("42", &format!("{}", shared));
assert_eq!("42", &format!("{}", shared.load()));
// The following "tests" are not run, only compiled. They check that things that should be
// Send/Sync actually are.
fn _check_stuff_is_send_sync() {
let shared = ArcSwap::from_pointee(42);
let moved = ArcSwap::from_pointee(42);
let shared_ref = &shared;
let lease = shared.load();
let lease_ref = &lease;
let lease = shared.load();
let guard = shared.load_signal_safe();
let guard_ref = &guard;
let guard = shared.load_signal_safe();
thread::scope(|s| {
s.spawn(move |_| {
let _ = guard;
let _ = guard_ref;
let _ = lease;
let _ = lease_ref;
let _ = shared_ref;
let _ = moved;