blob: da30c625cd080fb1d62128bf898fcd722581a1b7 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::fmt;
use style::Style;
/// Styles have a special `Debug` implementation that only shows the fields that
/// are set. Fields that haven’t been touched aren’t included in the output.
/// This behaviour gets bypassed when using the alternate formatting mode
/// `format!("{:#?}")`.
/// use ansi_term::Colour::{Red, Blue};
/// assert_eq!("Style { fg(Red), on(Blue), bold, italic }",
/// format!("{:?}", Red.on(Blue).bold().italic()));
impl fmt::Debug for Style {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if fmt.alternate() {
.field("foreground", &self.foreground)
.field("background", &self.background)
.field("blink", &self.is_blink)
.field("bold", &self.is_bold)
.field("dimmed", &self.is_dimmed)
.field("hidden", &self.is_hidden)
.field("italic", &self.is_italic)
.field("reverse", &self.is_reverse)
.field("strikethrough", &self.is_strikethrough)
.field("underline", &self.is_underline)
else if self.is_plain() {
fmt.write_str("Style {}")
else {
fmt.write_str("Style { ")?;
let mut written_anything = false;
if let Some(fg) = self.foreground {
if written_anything { fmt.write_str(", ")? }
written_anything = true;
write!(fmt, "fg({:?})", fg)?
if let Some(bg) = self.background {
if written_anything { fmt.write_str(", ")? }
written_anything = true;
write!(fmt, "on({:?})", bg)?
let mut write_flag = |name| {
if written_anything { fmt.write_str(", ")? }
written_anything = true;
if self.is_blink { write_flag("blink")? }
if self.is_bold { write_flag("bold")? }
if self.is_dimmed { write_flag("dimmed")? }
if self.is_hidden { write_flag("hidden")? }
if self.is_italic { write_flag("italic")? }
if self.is_reverse { write_flag("reverse")? }
if self.is_strikethrough { write_flag("strikethrough")? }
if self.is_underline { write_flag("underline")? }
write!(fmt, " }}")
mod test {
use style::Colour::*;
use style::Style;
fn style() -> Style {
macro_rules! test {
($name: ident: $obj: expr => $result: expr) => {
fn $name() {
assert_eq!($result, format!("{:?}", $obj));
test!(empty: style() => "Style {}");
test!(bold: style().bold() => "Style { bold }");
test!(italic: style().italic() => "Style { italic }");
test!(both: style().bold().italic() => "Style { bold, italic }");
test!(red: Red.normal() => "Style { fg(Red) }");
test!(redblue: Red.normal().on(RGB(3, 2, 4)) => "Style { fg(Red), on(RGB(3, 2, 4)) }");
Red.on(Blue).blink().bold().dimmed().hidden().italic().reverse().strikethrough().underline() =>
"Style { fg(Red), on(Blue), blink, bold, dimmed, hidden, italic, reverse, strikethrough, underline }");
fn long_and_detailed() {
let debug = r##"Style {
foreground: Some(
background: None,
blink: false,
bold: true,
dimmed: false,
hidden: false,
italic: false,
reverse: false,
strikethrough: false,
underline: false
assert_eq!(debug, format!("{:#?}", Blue.bold()));