blob: d9b3945b3cc0cf62d66d330541b3e3588c85e2bc [file] [log] [blame]
// This module provides an NFA compiler using Thompson's construction
// algorithm. The compiler takes a regex-syntax::Hir as input and emits an NFA
// graph as output. The NFA graph is structured in a way that permits it to be
// executed by a virtual machine and also used to efficiently build a DFA.
// The compiler deals with a slightly expanded set of NFA states that notably
// includes an empty node that has exactly one epsilon transition to the next
// state. In other words, it's a "goto" instruction if one views Thompson's NFA
// as a set of bytecode instructions. These goto instructions are removed in
// a subsequent phase before returning the NFA to the caller. The purpose of
// these empty nodes is that they make the construction algorithm substantially
// simpler to implement. We remove them before returning to the caller because
// they can represent substantial overhead when traversing the NFA graph
// (either while searching using the NFA directly or while building a DFA).
// In the future, it would be nice to provide a Glushkov compiler as well,
// as it would work well as a bit-parallel NFA for smaller regexes. But
// the Thompson construction is one I'm more familiar with and seems more
// straight-forward to deal with when it comes to large Unicode character
// classes.
// Internally, the compiler uses interior mutability to improve composition
// in the face of the borrow checker. In particular, we'd really like to be
// able to write things like this:
// self.c_concat(exprs.iter().map(|e| self.c(e)))
// Which elegantly uses iterators to build up a sequence of compiled regex
// sub-expressions and then hands it off to the concatenating compiler
// routine. Without interior mutability, the borrow checker won't let us
// borrow `self` mutably both inside and outside the closure at the same
// time.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::mem;
use regex_syntax::hir::{self, Hir, HirKind};
use regex_syntax::utf8::{Utf8Range, Utf8Sequences};
use classes::ByteClassSet;
use error::{Error, Result};
use nfa::map::{Utf8BoundedMap, Utf8SuffixKey, Utf8SuffixMap};
use nfa::range_trie::RangeTrie;
use nfa::{State, StateID, Transition, NFA};
/// Config knobs for the NFA compiler. See the builder's methods for more
/// docs on each one.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct Config {
anchored: bool,
allow_invalid_utf8: bool,
reverse: bool,
shrink: bool,
impl Default for Config {
fn default() -> Config {
Config {
anchored: false,
allow_invalid_utf8: false,
reverse: false,
shrink: true,
/// A builder for compiling an NFA.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Builder {
config: Config,
impl Builder {
/// Create a new NFA builder with its default configuration.
pub fn new() -> Builder {
Builder { config: Config::default() }
/// Compile the given high level intermediate representation of a regular
/// expression into an NFA.
/// If there was a problem building the NFA, then an error is returned.
/// For example, if the regex uses unsupported features (such as zero-width
/// assertions), then an error is returned.
pub fn build(&self, expr: &Hir) -> Result<NFA> {
let mut nfa = NFA::always_match();
self.build_with(&mut Compiler::new(), &mut nfa, expr)?;
/// Compile the given high level intermediate representation of a regular
/// expression into the NFA given using the given compiler. Callers may
/// prefer this over `build` if they would like to reuse allocations while
/// compiling many regular expressions.
/// On success, the given NFA is completely overwritten with the NFA
/// produced by the compiler.
/// If there was a problem building the NFA, then an error is returned. For
/// example, if the regex uses unsupported features (such as zero-width
/// assertions), then an error is returned. When an error is returned,
/// the contents of `nfa` are unspecified and should not be relied upon.
/// However, it can still be reused in subsequent calls to this method.
pub fn build_with(
compiler: &mut Compiler,
nfa: &mut NFA,
expr: &Hir,
) -> Result<()> {
compiler.compile(nfa, expr)
/// Set whether matching must be anchored at the beginning of the input.
/// When enabled, a match must begin at the start of the input. When
/// disabled, the NFA will act as if the pattern started with a `.*?`,
/// which enables a match to appear anywhere.
/// By default this is disabled.
pub fn anchored(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut Builder {
self.config.anchored = yes;
/// When enabled, the builder will permit the construction of an NFA that
/// may match invalid UTF-8.
/// When disabled (the default), the builder is guaranteed to produce a
/// regex that will only ever match valid UTF-8 (otherwise, the builder
/// will return an error).
pub fn allow_invalid_utf8(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut Builder {
self.config.allow_invalid_utf8 = yes;
/// Reverse the NFA.
/// A NFA reversal is performed by reversing all of the concatenated
/// sub-expressions in the original pattern, recursively. The resulting
/// NFA can be used to match the pattern starting from the end of a string
/// instead of the beginning of a string.
/// Reversing the NFA is useful for building a reverse DFA, which is most
/// useful for finding the start of a match.
pub fn reverse(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut Builder {
self.config.reverse = yes;
/// Apply best effort heuristics to shrink the NFA at the expense of more
/// time/memory.
/// This is enabled by default. Generally speaking, if one is using an NFA
/// to compile DFA, then the extra time used to shrink the NFA will be
/// more than made up for during DFA construction (potentially by a lot).
/// In other words, enabling this can substantially decrease the overall
/// amount of time it takes to build a DFA.
/// The only reason to disable this if you want to compile an NFA and start
/// using it as quickly as possible without needing to build a DFA.
pub fn shrink(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut Builder {
self.config.shrink = yes;
/// A compiler that converts a regex abstract syntax to an NFA via Thompson's
/// construction. Namely, this compiler permits epsilon transitions between
/// states.
/// Users of this crate cannot use a compiler directly. Instead, all one can
/// do is create one and use it via the
/// [`Builder::build_with`](struct.Builder.html#method.build_with)
/// method. This permits callers to reuse compilers in order to amortize
/// allocations.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Compiler {
/// The set of compiled NFA states. Once a state is compiled, it is
/// assigned a state ID equivalent to its index in this list. Subsequent
/// compilation can modify previous states by adding new transitions.
states: RefCell<Vec<CState>>,
/// The configuration from the builder.
config: Config,
/// State used for compiling character classes to UTF-8 byte automata.
/// State is not retained between character class compilations. This just
/// serves to amortize allocation to the extent possible.
utf8_state: RefCell<Utf8State>,
/// State used for arranging character classes in reverse into a trie.
trie_state: RefCell<RangeTrie>,
/// State used for caching common suffixes when compiling reverse UTF-8
/// automata (for Unicode character classes).
utf8_suffix: RefCell<Utf8SuffixMap>,
/// A map used to re-map state IDs when translating the compiler's internal
/// NFA state representation to the external NFA representation.
remap: RefCell<Vec<StateID>>,
/// A set of compiler internal state IDs that correspond to states that are
/// exclusively epsilon transitions, i.e., goto instructions, combined with
/// the state that they point to. This is used to record said states while
/// transforming the compiler's internal NFA representation to the external
/// form.
empties: RefCell<Vec<(StateID, StateID)>>,
/// A compiler intermediate state representation for an NFA that is only used
/// during compilation. Once compilation is done, `CState`s are converted to
/// `State`s, which have a much simpler representation.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum CState {
/// An empty state whose only purpose is to forward the automaton to
/// another state via en epsilon transition. These are useful during
/// compilation but are otherwise removed at the end.
Empty { next: StateID },
/// A state that only transitions to `next` if the current input byte is
/// in the range `[start, end]` (inclusive on both ends).
Range { range: Transition },
/// A state with possibly many transitions, represented in a sparse
/// fashion. Transitions are ordered lexicographically by input range.
/// As such, this may only be used when every transition has equal
/// priority. (In practice, this is only used for encoding large UTF-8
/// automata.)
Sparse { ranges: Vec<Transition> },
/// An alternation such that there exists an epsilon transition to all
/// states in `alternates`, where matches found via earlier transitions
/// are preferred over later transitions.
Union { alternates: Vec<StateID> },
/// An alternation such that there exists an epsilon transition to all
/// states in `alternates`, where matches found via later transitions
/// are preferred over earlier transitions.
/// This "reverse" state exists for convenience during compilation that
/// permits easy construction of non-greedy combinations of NFA states.
/// At the end of compilation, Union and UnionReverse states are merged
/// into one Union type of state, where the latter has its epsilon
/// transitions reversed to reflect the priority inversion.
UnionReverse { alternates: Vec<StateID> },
/// A match state. There is exactly one such occurrence of this state in
/// an NFA.
/// A value that represents the result of compiling a sub-expression of a
/// regex's HIR. Specifically, this represents a sub-graph of the NFA that
/// has an initial state at `start` and a final state at `end`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct ThompsonRef {
start: StateID,
end: StateID,
impl Compiler {
/// Create a new compiler.
pub fn new() -> Compiler {
Compiler {
states: RefCell::new(vec![]),
config: Config::default(),
utf8_state: RefCell::new(Utf8State::new()),
trie_state: RefCell::new(RangeTrie::new()),
utf8_suffix: RefCell::new(Utf8SuffixMap::new(1000)),
remap: RefCell::new(vec![]),
empties: RefCell::new(vec![]),
/// Clear any memory used by this compiler such that it is ready to compile
/// a new regex.
/// It is preferrable to reuse a compiler if possible in order to reuse
/// allocations.
fn clear(&self) {
// We don't need to clear anything else since they are cleared on
// their own and only when they are used.
/// Configure this compiler from the builder's knobs.
/// The compiler is always reconfigured by the builder before using it to
/// build an NFA.
fn configure(&mut self, config: Config) {
self.config = config;
/// Convert the current intermediate NFA to its final compiled form.
fn compile(&self, nfa: &mut NFA, expr: &Hir) -> Result<()> {
nfa.anchored = self.config.anchored;
let mut start = self.add_empty();
if !nfa.anchored {
let compiled = if self.config.allow_invalid_utf8 {
} else {
self.patch(start, compiled.start);
start = compiled.end;
let compiled = self.c(&expr)?;
let match_id = self.add_match();
self.patch(start, compiled.start);
self.patch(compiled.end, match_id);
/// Finishes the compilation process and populates the provide NFA with
/// the final graph.
fn finish(&self, nfa: &mut NFA) {
let mut bstates = self.states.borrow_mut();
let mut remap = self.remap.borrow_mut();
remap.resize(bstates.len(), 0);
let mut empties = self.empties.borrow_mut();
// We don't reuse allocations here becuase this is what we're
// returning.
let mut byteset = ByteClassSet::new();
// The idea here is to convert our intermediate states to their final
// form. The only real complexity here is the process of converting
// transitions, which are expressed in terms of state IDs. The new
// set of states will be smaller because of partial epsilon removal,
// so the state IDs will not be the same.
for (id, bstate) in bstates.iter_mut().enumerate() {
match *bstate {
CState::Empty { next } => {
// Since we're removing empty states, we need to handle
// them later since we don't yet know which new state this
// empty state will be mapped to.
empties.push((id, next));
CState::Range { ref range } => {
remap[id] = nfa.states.len();
byteset.set_range(range.start, range.end);
nfa.states.push(State::Range { range: range.clone() });
CState::Sparse { ref mut ranges } => {
remap[id] = nfa.states.len();
let ranges = mem::replace(ranges, vec![]);
for r in &ranges {
byteset.set_range(r.start, r.end);
nfa.states.push(State::Sparse {
ranges: ranges.into_boxed_slice(),
CState::Union { ref mut alternates } => {
remap[id] = nfa.states.len();
let alternates = mem::replace(alternates, vec![]);
nfa.states.push(State::Union {
alternates: alternates.into_boxed_slice(),
CState::UnionReverse { ref mut alternates } => {
remap[id] = nfa.states.len();
let mut alternates = mem::replace(alternates, vec![]);
nfa.states.push(State::Union {
alternates: alternates.into_boxed_slice(),
CState::Match => {
remap[id] = nfa.states.len();
for &(empty_id, mut empty_next) in empties.iter() {
// empty states can point to other empty states, forming a chain.
// So we must follow the chain until the end, which must end at
// a non-empty state, and therefore, a state that is correctly
// remapped. We are guaranteed to terminate because our compiler
// never builds a loop among empty states.
while let CState::Empty { next } = bstates[empty_next] {
empty_next = next;
remap[empty_id] = remap[empty_next];
for state in &mut nfa.states {
// The compiler always begins the NFA at the first state.
nfa.start = remap[0];
nfa.byte_classes = byteset.byte_classes();
fn c(&self, expr: &Hir) -> Result<ThompsonRef> {
match *expr.kind() {
HirKind::Empty => {
let id = self.add_empty();
Ok(ThompsonRef { start: id, end: id })
HirKind::Literal(hir::Literal::Unicode(ch)) => {
let mut buf = [0; 4];
let it = ch
.encode_utf8(&mut buf)
.map(|&b| Ok(self.c_range(b, b)));
HirKind::Literal(hir::Literal::Byte(b)) => Ok(self.c_range(b, b)),
HirKind::Class(hir::Class::Bytes(ref cls)) => {
HirKind::Class(hir::Class::Unicode(ref cls)) => {
HirKind::Repetition(ref rep) => self.c_repetition(rep),
HirKind::Group(ref group) => self.c(&*group.hir),
HirKind::Concat(ref exprs) => {
self.c_concat(exprs.iter().map(|e| self.c(e)))
HirKind::Alternation(ref exprs) => {
self.c_alternation(exprs.iter().map(|e| self.c(e)))
HirKind::Anchor(_) => Err(Error::unsupported_anchor()),
HirKind::WordBoundary(_) => Err(Error::unsupported_word()),
fn c_concat<I>(&self, mut it: I) -> Result<ThompsonRef>
I: DoubleEndedIterator<Item = Result<ThompsonRef>>,
let first =
if self.config.reverse { it.next_back() } else { };
let ThompsonRef { start, mut end } = match first {
Some(result) => result?,
None => return Ok(self.c_empty()),
loop {
let next =
if self.config.reverse { it.next_back() } else { };
let compiled = match next {
Some(result) => result?,
None => break,
self.patch(end, compiled.start);
end = compiled.end;
Ok(ThompsonRef { start, end })
fn c_alternation<I>(&self, mut it: I) -> Result<ThompsonRef>
I: Iterator<Item = Result<ThompsonRef>>,
let first ="alternations must be non-empty")?;
let second = match {
None => return Ok(first),
Some(result) => result?,
let union = self.add_union();
let end = self.add_empty();
self.patch(union, first.start);
self.patch(first.end, end);
self.patch(union, second.start);
self.patch(second.end, end);
for result in it {
let compiled = result?;
self.patch(union, compiled.start);
self.patch(compiled.end, end);
Ok(ThompsonRef { start: union, end })
fn c_repetition(&self, rep: &hir::Repetition) -> Result<ThompsonRef> {
match rep.kind {
hir::RepetitionKind::ZeroOrOne => {
self.c_zero_or_one(&rep.hir, rep.greedy)
hir::RepetitionKind::ZeroOrMore => {
self.c_at_least(&rep.hir, rep.greedy, 0)
hir::RepetitionKind::OneOrMore => {
self.c_at_least(&rep.hir, rep.greedy, 1)
hir::RepetitionKind::Range(ref rng) => match *rng {
hir::RepetitionRange::Exactly(count) => {
self.c_exactly(&rep.hir, count)
hir::RepetitionRange::AtLeast(m) => {
self.c_at_least(&rep.hir, rep.greedy, m)
hir::RepetitionRange::Bounded(min, max) => {
self.c_bounded(&rep.hir, rep.greedy, min, max)
fn c_bounded(
expr: &Hir,
greedy: bool,
min: u32,
max: u32,
) -> Result<ThompsonRef> {
let prefix = self.c_exactly(expr, min)?;
if min == max {
return Ok(prefix);
// It is tempting here to compile the rest here as a concatenation
// of zero-or-one matches. i.e., for `a{2,5}`, compile it as if it
// were `aaa?a?a?`. The problem here is that it leads to this program:
// >000000: 61 => 01
// 000001: 61 => 02
// 000002: alt(03, 04)
// 000003: 61 => 04
// 000004: alt(05, 06)
// 000005: 61 => 06
// 000006: alt(07, 08)
// 000007: 61 => 08
// 000008: MATCH
// And effectively, once you hit state 2, the epsilon closure will
// include states 3, 5, 5, 6, 7 and 8, which is quite a bit. It is
// better to instead compile it like so:
// >000000: 61 => 01
// 000001: 61 => 02
// 000002: alt(03, 08)
// 000003: 61 => 04
// 000004: alt(05, 08)
// 000005: 61 => 06
// 000006: alt(07, 08)
// 000007: 61 => 08
// 000008: MATCH
// So that the epsilon closure of state 2 is now just 3 and 8.
let empty = self.add_empty();
let mut prev_end = prefix.end;
for _ in min..max {
let union = if greedy {
} else {
let compiled = self.c(expr)?;
self.patch(prev_end, union);
self.patch(union, compiled.start);
self.patch(union, empty);
prev_end = compiled.end;
self.patch(prev_end, empty);
Ok(ThompsonRef { start: prefix.start, end: empty })
fn c_at_least(
expr: &Hir,
greedy: bool,
n: u32,
) -> Result<ThompsonRef> {
if n == 0 {
let union = if greedy {
} else {
let compiled = self.c(expr)?;
self.patch(union, compiled.start);
self.patch(compiled.end, union);
Ok(ThompsonRef { start: union, end: union })
} else if n == 1 {
let compiled = self.c(expr)?;
let union = if greedy {
} else {
self.patch(compiled.end, union);
self.patch(union, compiled.start);
Ok(ThompsonRef { start: compiled.start, end: union })
} else {
let prefix = self.c_exactly(expr, n - 1)?;
let last = self.c(expr)?;
let union = if greedy {
} else {
self.patch(prefix.end, last.start);
self.patch(last.end, union);
self.patch(union, last.start);
Ok(ThompsonRef { start: prefix.start, end: union })
fn c_zero_or_one(&self, expr: &Hir, greedy: bool) -> Result<ThompsonRef> {
let union =
if greedy { self.add_union() } else { self.add_reverse_union() };
let compiled = self.c(expr)?;
let empty = self.add_empty();
self.patch(union, compiled.start);
self.patch(union, empty);
self.patch(compiled.end, empty);
Ok(ThompsonRef { start: union, end: empty })
fn c_exactly(&self, expr: &Hir, n: u32) -> Result<ThompsonRef> {
let it = (0..n).map(|_| self.c(expr));
fn c_byte_class(&self, cls: &hir::ClassBytes) -> Result<ThompsonRef> {
let end = self.add_empty();
let mut trans = Vec::with_capacity(cls.ranges().len());
for r in cls.iter() {
trans.push(Transition {
start: r.start(),
end: r.end(),
next: end,
Ok(ThompsonRef { start: self.add_sparse(trans), end })
fn c_unicode_class(&self, cls: &hir::ClassUnicode) -> Result<ThompsonRef> {
// If all we have are ASCII ranges wrapped in a Unicode package, then
// there is zero reason to bring out the big guns. We can fit all ASCII
// ranges within a single sparse transition.
if cls.is_all_ascii() {
let end = self.add_empty();
let mut trans = Vec::with_capacity(cls.ranges().len());
for r in cls.iter() {
assert!(r.start() <= '\x7F');
assert!(r.end() <= '\x7F');
trans.push(Transition {
start: r.start() as u8,
end: r.end() as u8,
next: end,
Ok(ThompsonRef { start: self.add_sparse(trans), end })
} else if self.config.reverse {
if !self.config.shrink {
// When we don't want to spend the extra time shrinking, we
// compile the UTF-8 automaton in reverse using something like
// the "naive" approach, but will attempt to re-use common
// suffixes.
} else {
// When we want to shrink our NFA for reverse UTF-8 automata,
// we cannot feed UTF-8 sequences directly to the UTF-8
// compiler, since the UTF-8 compiler requires all sequences
// to be lexicographically sorted. Instead, we organize our
// sequences into a range trie, which can then output our
// sequences in the correct order. Unfortunately, building the
// range trie is fairly expensive (but not nearly as expensive
// as building a DFA). Hence the reason why the 'shrink' option
// exists, so that this path can be toggled off.
let mut trie = self.trie_state.borrow_mut();
for rng in cls.iter() {
for mut seq in Utf8Sequences::new(rng.start(), rng.end()) {
let mut utf8_state = self.utf8_state.borrow_mut();
let mut utf8c = Utf8Compiler::new(self, &mut *utf8_state);
trie.iter(|seq| {
} else {
// In the forward direction, we always shrink our UTF-8 automata
// because we can stream it right into the UTF-8 compiler. There
// is almost no downside (in either memory or time) to using this
// approach.
let mut utf8_state = self.utf8_state.borrow_mut();
let mut utf8c = Utf8Compiler::new(self, &mut *utf8_state);
for rng in cls.iter() {
for seq in Utf8Sequences::new(rng.start(), rng.end()) {
// For reference, the code below is the "naive" version of compiling a
// UTF-8 automaton. It is deliciously simple (and works for both the
// forward and reverse cases), but will unfortunately produce very
// large NFAs. When compiling a forward automaton, the size difference
// can sometimes be an order of magnitude. For example, the '\w' regex
// will generate about ~3000 NFA states using the naive approach below,
// but only 283 states when using the approach above. This is because
// the approach above actually compiles a *minimal* (or near minimal,
// because of the bounded hashmap) UTF-8 automaton.
// The code below is kept as a reference point in order to make it
// easier to understand the higher level goal here.
let it = cls
.flat_map(|rng| Utf8Sequences::new(rng.start(), rng.end()))
.map(|seq| {
let it = seq
.map(|rng| Ok(self.c_range(rng.start, rng.end)));
fn c_unicode_class_reverse_with_suffix(
cls: &hir::ClassUnicode,
) -> Result<ThompsonRef> {
// N.B. It would likely be better to cache common *prefixes* in the
// reverse direction, but it's not quite clear how to do that. The
// advantage of caching suffixes is that it does give us a win, and
// has a very small additional overhead.
let mut cache = self.utf8_suffix.borrow_mut();
let union = self.add_union();
let alt_end = self.add_empty();
for urng in cls.iter() {
for seq in Utf8Sequences::new(urng.start(), urng.end()) {
let mut end = alt_end;
for brng in seq.as_slice() {
let key = Utf8SuffixKey {
from: end,
start: brng.start,
end: brng.end,
let hash = cache.hash(&key);
if let Some(id) = cache.get(&key, hash) {
end = id;
let compiled = self.c_range(brng.start, brng.end);
self.patch(compiled.end, end);
end = compiled.start;
cache.set(key, hash, end);
self.patch(union, end);
Ok(ThompsonRef { start: union, end: alt_end })
fn c_range(&self, start: u8, end: u8) -> ThompsonRef {
let id = self.add_range(start, end);
ThompsonRef { start: id, end: id }
fn c_empty(&self) -> ThompsonRef {
let id = self.add_empty();
ThompsonRef { start: id, end: id }
fn c_unanchored_prefix_valid_utf8(&self) -> Result<ThompsonRef> {
self.c(&Hir::repetition(hir::Repetition {
kind: hir::RepetitionKind::ZeroOrMore,
greedy: false,
hir: Box::new(Hir::any(false)),
fn c_unanchored_prefix_invalid_utf8(&self) -> Result<ThompsonRef> {
self.c(&Hir::repetition(hir::Repetition {
kind: hir::RepetitionKind::ZeroOrMore,
greedy: false,
hir: Box::new(Hir::any(true)),
fn patch(&self, from: StateID, to: StateID) {
match self.states.borrow_mut()[from] {
CState::Empty { ref mut next } => {
*next = to;
CState::Range { ref mut range } => { = to;
CState::Sparse { .. } => {
panic!("cannot patch from a sparse NFA state")
CState::Union { ref mut alternates } => {
CState::UnionReverse { ref mut alternates } => {
CState::Match => {}
fn add_empty(&self) -> StateID {
let id = self.states.borrow().len();
self.states.borrow_mut().push(CState::Empty { next: 0 });
fn add_range(&self, start: u8, end: u8) -> StateID {
let id = self.states.borrow().len();
let trans = Transition { start, end, next: 0 };
let state = CState::Range { range: trans };
fn add_sparse(&self, ranges: Vec<Transition>) -> StateID {
if ranges.len() == 1 {
let id = self.states.borrow().len();
let state = CState::Range { range: ranges[0] };
return id;
let id = self.states.borrow().len();
let state = CState::Sparse { ranges };
fn add_union(&self) -> StateID {
let id = self.states.borrow().len();
let state = CState::Union { alternates: vec![] };
fn add_reverse_union(&self) -> StateID {
let id = self.states.borrow().len();
let state = CState::UnionReverse { alternates: vec![] };
fn add_match(&self) -> StateID {
let id = self.states.borrow().len();
struct Utf8Compiler<'a> {
nfac: &'a Compiler,
state: &'a mut Utf8State,
target: StateID,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Utf8State {
compiled: Utf8BoundedMap,
uncompiled: Vec<Utf8Node>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Utf8Node {
trans: Vec<Transition>,
last: Option<Utf8LastTransition>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Utf8LastTransition {
start: u8,
end: u8,
impl Utf8State {
fn new() -> Utf8State {
Utf8State { compiled: Utf8BoundedMap::new(5000), uncompiled: vec![] }
fn clear(&mut self) {
impl<'a> Utf8Compiler<'a> {
fn new(nfac: &'a Compiler, state: &'a mut Utf8State) -> Utf8Compiler<'a> {
let target = nfac.add_empty();
let mut utf8c = Utf8Compiler { nfac, state, target };
fn finish(&mut self) -> ThompsonRef {
let node = self.pop_root();
let start = self.compile(node);
ThompsonRef { start, end: }
fn add(&mut self, ranges: &[Utf8Range]) {
let prefix_len = ranges
.take_while(|&(range, node)| {
node.last.as_ref().map_or(false, |t| {
(t.start, t.end) == (range.start, range.end)
assert!(prefix_len < ranges.len());
fn compile_from(&mut self, from: usize) {
let mut next =;
while from + 1 < self.state.uncompiled.len() {
let node = self.pop_freeze(next);
next = self.compile(node);
fn compile(&mut self, node: Vec<Transition>) -> StateID {
let hash = self.state.compiled.hash(&node);
if let Some(id) = self.state.compiled.get(&node, hash) {
return id;
let id = self.nfac.add_sparse(node.clone());
self.state.compiled.set(node, hash, id);
fn add_suffix(&mut self, ranges: &[Utf8Range]) {
let last = self
.expect("non-empty nodes");
self.state.uncompiled[last].last = Some(Utf8LastTransition {
start: ranges[0].start,
end: ranges[0].end,
for r in &ranges[1..] {
self.state.uncompiled.push(Utf8Node {
trans: vec![],
last: Some(Utf8LastTransition { start: r.start, end: r.end }),
fn add_empty(&mut self) {
self.state.uncompiled.push(Utf8Node { trans: vec![], last: None });
fn pop_freeze(&mut self, next: StateID) -> Vec<Transition> {
let mut uncompiled = self.state.uncompiled.pop().unwrap();
fn pop_root(&mut self) -> Vec<Transition> {
assert_eq!(self.state.uncompiled.len(), 1);
self.state.uncompiled.pop().expect("non-empty nodes").trans
fn top_last_freeze(&mut self, next: StateID) {
let last = self
.expect("non-empty nodes");
impl Utf8Node {
fn set_last_transition(&mut self, next: StateID) {
if let Some(last) = self.last.take() {
self.trans.push(Transition {
start: last.start,
end: last.end,
mod tests {
use regex_syntax::hir::Hir;
use regex_syntax::ParserBuilder;
use super::{Builder, State, StateID, Transition, NFA};
fn parse(pattern: &str) -> Hir {
fn build(pattern: &str) -> NFA {
fn s_byte(byte: u8, next: StateID) -> State {
let trans = Transition { start: byte, end: byte, next };
State::Range { range: trans }
fn s_range(start: u8, end: u8, next: StateID) -> State {
let trans = Transition { start, end, next };
State::Range { range: trans }
fn s_sparse(ranges: &[(u8, u8, StateID)]) -> State {
let ranges = ranges
.map(|&(start, end, next)| Transition { start, end, next })
State::Sparse { ranges }
fn s_union(alts: &[StateID]) -> State {
State::Union { alternates: alts.to_vec().into_boxed_slice() }
fn s_match() -> State {
fn errors() {
// unsupported anchors
// unsupported word boundaries
// Test that building an unanchored NFA has an appropriate `.*?` prefix.
fn compile_unanchored_prefix() {
// When the machine can only match valid UTF-8.
let nfa = Builder::new().anchored(false).build(&parse(r"a")).unwrap();
// There should be many states since the `.` in `.*?` matches any
// Unicode scalar value.
assert_eq!(11, nfa.len());
assert_eq!(nfa.states[10], s_match());
assert_eq!(nfa.states[9], s_byte(b'a', 10));
// When the machine can match invalid UTF-8.
let nfa = Builder::new()
s_union(&[2, 1]),
s_range(0, 255, 0),
s_byte(b'a', 3),
fn compile_empty() {
assert_eq!(build("").states, &[s_match(),]);
fn compile_literal() {
assert_eq!(build("a").states, &[s_byte(b'a', 1), s_match(),]);
&[s_byte(b'a', 1), s_byte(b'b', 2), s_match(),]
&[s_byte(0xE2, 1), s_byte(0x98, 2), s_byte(0x83, 3), s_match(),]
// Check that non-UTF-8 literals work.
let hir = ParserBuilder::new()
let nfa = Builder::new()
assert_eq!(nfa.states, &[s_byte(b'\xFF', 1), s_match(),]);
fn compile_class() {
&[s_range(b'a', b'z', 1), s_match(),]
&[s_sparse(&[(b'a', b'c', 1), (b'x', b'z', 1)]), s_match()]
&[s_range(0xB1, 0xB4, 2), s_byte(0xCE, 0), s_match()]
s_range(0xB1, 0xB4, 5),
s_range(0x99, 0x9E, 5),
s_byte(0xA4, 1),
s_byte(0x9F, 2),
s_sparse(&[(0xCE, 0xCE, 0), (0xF0, 0xF0, 3)]),
s_byte(0x83, 3),
s_byte(0x98, 0),
s_sparse(&[(b'a', b'z', 3), (0xE2, 0xE2, 1)]),
fn compile_repetition() {
&[s_union(&[1, 2]), s_byte(b'a', 2), s_match(),]
&[s_union(&[2, 1]), s_byte(b'a', 2), s_match(),]
fn compile_group() {
&[s_byte(b'a', 1), s_byte(b'b', 2), s_union(&[1, 3]), s_match(),]
&[s_byte(b'a', 1), s_byte(b'b', 2), s_match(),]
&[s_byte(b'a', 1), s_byte(b'b', 2), s_union(&[0, 3]), s_match(),]
fn compile_alternation() {
&[s_byte(b'a', 3), s_byte(b'b', 3), s_union(&[0, 1]), s_match(),]
&[s_byte(b'b', 2), s_union(&[2, 0]), s_match(),]
&[s_byte(b'a', 2), s_union(&[0, 2]), s_match(),]