blob: e380f65cc406e121721bf20f5c9ee4de19a64dbe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
core::cmp::{self, Ord, Ordering},
std::{convert::TryFrom, fmt, iter},
/// A child moniker locally identifies a child component instance using the name assigned by
/// its parent and its collection (if present). It is a building block for more complex monikers.
/// Display notation: "[collection:]name:instance_id".
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)]
pub struct ChildMoniker {
name: String,
collection: Option<String>,
instance: InstanceId,
rep: String,
pub type InstanceId = u32;
impl ChildMoniker {
pub fn new(name: String, collection: Option<String>, instance: InstanceId) -> Self {
let rep = if let Some(c) = collection.as_ref() {
format!("{}:{}:{}", c, name, instance)
} else {
format!("{}:{}", name, instance)
Self { name, collection, instance, rep }
/// Parses an `ChildMoniker` from a string.
/// Input strings should be of the format `<name>(:<collection>)?:<instance_id>`, e.g. `foo:42`
/// or `biz:foo:42`.
fn parse(rep: &str) -> Result<Self, MonikerError> {
let parts: Vec<_> = rep.split(":").collect();
let invalid = || MonikerError::invalid_moniker(rep);
// An instanced moniker is either just a name (static instance), or
// collection:name:instance_id.
if parts.len() != 2 && parts.len() != 3 {
return Err(invalid());
for p in parts.iter() {
if p.is_empty() {
return Err(invalid());
let (name, coll, instance) = match parts.len() == 3 {
true => {
let name = parts[1].to_string();
let coll = parts[0].to_string();
let instance: InstanceId = match parts[2].parse() {
Ok(i) => i,
_ => {
return Err(invalid());
(name, Some(coll), instance)
false => {
let instance: InstanceId = match parts[1].parse() {
Ok(i) => i,
_ => {
return Err(invalid());
(parts[0].to_string(), None, instance)
Ok(Self::new(name, coll, instance))
/// Converts this instanced moniker to a regular child moniker by stripping the instance id.
pub fn to_partial(&self) -> PartialMoniker {
PartialMoniker::new(, self.collection.clone())
/// Converts this child moniker to an instanced moniker.
pub fn from_partial(m: &PartialMoniker, instance: InstanceId) -> Self {
Self::new(, m.collection.clone(), instance)
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
pub fn collection(&self) -> Option<&str> {
self.collection.as_ref().map(|s| &**s)
pub fn instance(&self) -> InstanceId {
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
impl From<&str> for ChildMoniker {
fn from(rep: &str) -> Self {
ChildMoniker::parse(rep).expect(&format!("instanced moniker failed to parse: {}", rep))
impl Ord for ChildMoniker {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
(&self.collection, &, &self.instance).cmp(&(
impl PartialOrd for ChildMoniker {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl fmt::Display for ChildMoniker {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.as_str())
/// A variant of child moniker that does not distinguish between instances
/// Display notation: "name[:collection]".
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)]
pub struct PartialMoniker {
name: String,
collection: Option<String>,
rep: String,
impl PartialMoniker {
pub fn new(name: String, collection: Option<String>) -> Self {
let rep = if let Some(c) = collection.as_ref() {
format!("{}:{}", c, name)
} else {
PartialMoniker { name, collection, rep }
/// Parses a `PartialMoniker` from a string.
/// Input strings should be of the format `<name>(:<collection>)?`, e.g. `foo` or `biz:foo`.
fn parse(rep: &str) -> Result<Self, MonikerError> {
let mut parts = rep.split(":").fuse();
let invalid = || MonikerError::invalid_moniker(rep);
let first =;
let second =;
if || first.len() == 0 || second.map_or(false, |s| s.len() == 0) {
return Err(invalid());
let (name, coll) = match second {
Some(s) => (s, Some(first.to_string())),
None => (first, None),
Ok(PartialMoniker::new(name.to_string(), coll))
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
pub fn collection(&self) -> Option<&str> {
self.collection.as_ref().map(|s| &**s)
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
impl From<&str> for PartialMoniker {
fn from(rep: &str) -> Self {
PartialMoniker::parse(rep).expect(&format!("child moniker failed to parse: {}", rep))
impl Ord for PartialMoniker {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
(&self.collection, &, &
impl PartialOrd for PartialMoniker {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl fmt::Display for PartialMoniker {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.as_str())
/// An absolute moniker describes the identity of a component instance in terms of its path
/// relative to the root of the component instance tree.
/// A root moniker is a moniker with an empty path.
/// Absolute monikers are only used internally within the component manager. Externally,
/// components are referenced by encoded relative moniker so as to minimize the amount of
/// information which is disclosed about the overall structure of the component instance tree.
/// Display notation: "/", "/name1:1", "/name1:1/name2:2", ...
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)]
pub struct AbsoluteMoniker {
path: Vec<ChildMoniker>,
impl AbsoluteMoniker {
pub fn new(path: Vec<ChildMoniker>) -> AbsoluteMoniker {
AbsoluteMoniker { path }
fn parse(path: &Vec<&str>) -> Result<Self, MonikerError> {
let path: Result<Vec<ChildMoniker>, MonikerError> =
path.iter().map(|x| ChildMoniker::parse(x)).collect();
/// Parse the given string as an absolute moniker. The string should be a '/' delimited series
/// of child monikers without any instance identifiers, e.g. "/", or "/name1/name2" or
/// "/name1:collection1".
// TODO( Remove instance ID 0 assumption when removing instance IDs from
// AbsoluteMoniker/ChildMoniker (and rename to parse_str + add From<&str> impl).
pub fn parse_string_without_instances(input: &str) -> Result<Self, MonikerError> {
if input.chars().nth(0) != Some('/') {
return Err(MonikerError::invalid_moniker(input));
if input == "/" {
return Ok(Self::root());
let path = input[1..]
.map(|p||ok_p| ChildMoniker::from_partial(&ok_p, 0)))
.collect::<Result<_, MonikerError>>()?;
pub fn path(&self) -> &Vec<ChildMoniker> {
/// Indicates whether `other` is contained within the realm specified by
/// this AbsoluteMoniker.
pub fn contains_in_realm(&self, other: &AbsoluteMoniker) -> bool {
if other.path.len() < self.path.len() {
return false;
self.path.iter().enumerate().all(|item| *item.1 == other.path[item.0])
pub fn root() -> AbsoluteMoniker {
AbsoluteMoniker { path: vec![] }
pub fn leaf(&self) -> Option<&ChildMoniker> {
pub fn is_root(&self) -> bool {
pub fn parent(&self) -> Option<AbsoluteMoniker> {
if self.is_root() {
} else {
let l = self.path.len() - 1;
Some(AbsoluteMoniker { path: self.path[..l].to_vec() })
pub fn child(&self, child: ChildMoniker) -> AbsoluteMoniker {
let mut path = self.path.clone();
AbsoluteMoniker { path }
impl From<Vec<&str>> for AbsoluteMoniker {
fn from(rep: Vec<&str>) -> Self {
.expect(&format!("absolute moniker failed to parse: {:?}", &rep))
impl cmp::Ord for AbsoluteMoniker {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> cmp::Ordering {
let min_size = cmp::min(self.path.len(), other.path.len());
for i in 0..min_size {
if self.path[i] < other.path[i] {
return cmp::Ordering::Less;
} else if self.path[i] > other.path[i] {
return cmp::Ordering::Greater;
if self.path.len() > other.path.len() {
return cmp::Ordering::Greater;
} else if self.path.len() < other.path.len() {
return cmp::Ordering::Less;
return cmp::Ordering::Equal;
impl PartialOrd for AbsoluteMoniker {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl fmt::Display for AbsoluteMoniker {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
if self.path.is_empty() {
write!(f, "/")?;
} else {
for segment in &self.path {
write!(f, "/{}", segment.as_str())?
/// One of:
/// - An absolute moniker
/// - A marker representing component manager's realm
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)]
pub enum ExtendedMoniker {
/// The string representation of ExtendedMoniker::ComponentManager
const EXTENDED_MONIKER_COMPONENT_MANAGER_STR: &'static str = "<component_manager>";
impl ExtendedMoniker {
pub fn parse_string_without_instances(rep: &str) -> Result<Self, MonikerError> {
} else {
impl fmt::Display for ExtendedMoniker {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::ComponentInstance(m) => {
write!(f, "{}", m)?;
Self::ComponentManager => {
/// A relative moniker describes the identity of a component instance in terms of its path
/// relative to another (unspecified) component in the component instance tree.
/// A self-reference moniker is a moniker with both empty "up" and "down" paths.
/// Relative monikers consist of two paths called "up" and "down".
/// - The "up" path describes a sequence of child-to-parent traversals heading towards the root of
/// the component instance tree.
/// - The "down" path describes a sequence of parent-to-child traversals heading towards a
/// different component instance in the tree.
/// These paths are minimal: no suffix segments of the "up" path can be a prefix segments of the
/// "down" path. All such common segments must be elided as part of canonicalizing the relative
/// moniker prior to construction.
/// Naming child monikers along both the "upwards" and "downwards" paths provides a strong
/// guarantee that relative monikers are only meaningful when interpreted within isomorphic
/// component instance subtrees. (Compare with relative filesystem path notations which use ".."
/// to perform upwards traversal and offer correspondingly weaker guarantees.)
/// For example, if two sibling component instances named "A" and "B" both possess relative
/// monikers for another component instance named "C", then A's moniker for C and B's moniker
/// for C will be distinct.
/// Display notation: ".", "./down1", ".\up1/down1", ".\up1\up2/down1", ...
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RelativeMoniker {
up_path: Vec<ChildMoniker>,
down_path: Vec<ChildMoniker>,
impl RelativeMoniker {
pub fn new(up_path: Vec<ChildMoniker>, down_path: Vec<ChildMoniker>) -> RelativeMoniker {
RelativeMoniker { up_path, down_path }
pub fn from_absolute(from: &AbsoluteMoniker, to: &AbsoluteMoniker) -> RelativeMoniker {
let mut from_path = from.path().iter().peekable();
let mut to_path = to.path().iter().peekable();
while from_path.peek().is_some() && from_path.peek() == to_path.peek() {;;
let mut res = RelativeMoniker {
up_path: from_path.cloned().collect(),
down_path: to_path.cloned().collect(),
pub fn up_path(&self) -> &Vec<ChildMoniker> {
pub fn down_path(&self) -> &Vec<ChildMoniker> {
pub fn is_self(&self) -> bool {
self.up_path.is_empty() && self.down_path.is_empty()
pub fn to_string_without_instances(&self) -> String {
let mut res = ".".to_string();
for (segment, leading_char) in self
if let Some(collection) = segment.collection() {
/// Parses n `RelativeMoniker` from a string.
/// Input strings should be of the format
/// `.(\<name>(:<collection>)?:<instance_id>)*(/<name>(:<collection>)?:<instance_id>)*`, such
/// as `.\foo:42/bar:12/baz:54` or `./biz:foo:42`.
fn parse(rep: &str) -> Result<Self, MonikerError> {
if rep.chars().nth(0) != Some('.') {
return Err(MonikerError::invalid_moniker(rep));
let stripped_input = rep.strip_prefix(".").unwrap();
let mut up_vs_down = stripped_input.splitn(2, '/');
let set_one =;
let set_two =;
let up_string = set_one.strip_prefix("\\").unwrap_or(set_one);
let down_string = set_two.unwrap_or("");
if up_string == "" && down_string == "" {
return Ok(Self::new(vec![], vec![]));
if down_string.contains("\\") {
return Err(MonikerError::invalid_moniker(rep));
let up_path;
if up_string == "" {
up_path = vec![];
} else {
up_path = up_string
.collect::<Result<Vec<ChildMoniker>, MonikerError>>()?;
let down_path;
if down_string == "" {
down_path = vec![];
} else {
down_path = down_string
.collect::<Result<Vec<ChildMoniker>, MonikerError>>()?;
Ok(RelativeMoniker { up_path, down_path })
impl fmt::Display for RelativeMoniker {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, ".")?;
for segment in &self.up_path {
write!(f, "\\{}", segment)?
for segment in &self.down_path {
write!(f, "/{}", segment)?
impl TryFrom<&str> for RelativeMoniker {
type Error = MonikerError;
fn try_from(input: &str) -> Result<Self, MonikerError> {
/// Errors produced by `MonikerEnvironment`.
#[derive(Debug, Error, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum MonikerError {
#[error("invalid moniker: {}", rep)]
InvalidMoniker { rep: String },
impl MonikerError {
pub fn invalid_moniker(rep: impl Into<String>) -> MonikerError {
MonikerError::InvalidMoniker { rep: rep.into() }
mod tests {
use {super::*, anyhow::Error, std::convert::TryInto};
fn child_monikers() {
let m = ChildMoniker::new("test".to_string(), None, 42);
assert_eq!(None, m.collection());
assert_eq!(42, m.instance());
assert_eq!("test:42", m.as_str());
assert_eq!("test:42", format!("{}", m));
assert_eq!(m, ChildMoniker::from("test:42"));
assert_eq!("test", m.to_partial().as_str());
assert_eq!(m, ChildMoniker::from_partial(&"test".into(), 42));
let m = ChildMoniker::new("test".to_string(), Some("coll".to_string()), 42);
assert_eq!(Some("coll"), m.collection());
assert_eq!(42, m.instance());
assert_eq!("coll:test:42", m.as_str());
assert_eq!("coll:test:42", format!("{}", m));
assert_eq!(m, ChildMoniker::from("coll:test:42"));
assert_eq!("coll:test", m.to_partial().as_str());
assert_eq!(m, ChildMoniker::from_partial(&"coll:test".into(), 42));
assert!(ChildMoniker::parse("").is_err(), "cannot be empty");
assert!(ChildMoniker::parse(":").is_err(), "cannot be empty with colon");
assert!(ChildMoniker::parse("::").is_err(), "cannot be empty with double colon");
assert!(ChildMoniker::parse("f:").is_err(), "second part cannot be empty with colon");
assert!(ChildMoniker::parse(":1").is_err(), "first part cannot be empty with colon");
assert!(ChildMoniker::parse("f:f:").is_err(), "third part cannot be empty with colon");
assert!(ChildMoniker::parse("f::1").is_err(), "second part cannot be empty with colon");
assert!(ChildMoniker::parse(":f:1").is_err(), "first part cannot be empty with colon");
assert!(ChildMoniker::parse("f:f:1:1").is_err(), "more than three colons not allowed");
assert!(ChildMoniker::parse("f:f").is_err(), "second part must be int");
assert!(ChildMoniker::parse("f:f:f").is_err(), "third part must be int");
fn child_moniker_compare() {
let a = ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1);
let a2 = ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 2);
let aa = ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), Some("a".to_string()), 1);
let aa2 = ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), Some("a".to_string()), 2);
let ab = ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), Some("b".to_string()), 1);
let ba = ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), Some("a".to_string()), 1);
let bb = ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), Some("b".to_string()), 1);
let aa_same = ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), Some("a".to_string()), 1);
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, a.cmp(&a2));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, a2.cmp(&a));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, a2.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, aa.cmp(&a2));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, a.cmp(&ab));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, ab.cmp(&a));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, a.cmp(&ba));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, ba.cmp(&a));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, a.cmp(&bb));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, bb.cmp(&a));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, aa.cmp(&aa2));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, aa2.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, aa.cmp(&ab));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, ab.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, aa.cmp(&ba));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, ba.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, aa.cmp(&bb));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, bb.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, aa.cmp(&aa_same));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, aa_same.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, ab.cmp(&ba));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, ba.cmp(&ab));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, ab.cmp(&bb));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, bb.cmp(&ab));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, ba.cmp(&bb));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, bb.cmp(&ba));
fn partial_monikers() {
let m = PartialMoniker::new("test".to_string(), None);
assert_eq!(None, m.collection());
assert_eq!("test", m.as_str());
assert_eq!("test", format!("{}", m));
assert_eq!(m, PartialMoniker::from("test"));
let m = PartialMoniker::new("test".to_string(), Some("coll".to_string()));
assert_eq!(Some("coll"), m.collection());
assert_eq!("coll:test", m.as_str());
assert_eq!("coll:test", format!("{}", m));
assert_eq!(m, PartialMoniker::from("coll:test"));
assert!(PartialMoniker::parse("").is_err(), "cannot be empty");
assert!(PartialMoniker::parse(":").is_err(), "cannot be empty with colon");
assert!(PartialMoniker::parse("f:").is_err(), "second part cannot be empty with colon");
assert!(PartialMoniker::parse(":f").is_err(), "first part cannot be empty with colon");
assert!(PartialMoniker::parse("f:f:f").is_err(), "multiple colons not allowed");
fn partial_moniker_compare() {
let a = PartialMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None);
let aa = PartialMoniker::new("a".to_string(), Some("a".to_string()));
let ab = PartialMoniker::new("a".to_string(), Some("b".to_string()));
let ba = PartialMoniker::new("b".to_string(), Some("a".to_string()));
let bb = PartialMoniker::new("b".to_string(), Some("b".to_string()));
let aa_same = PartialMoniker::new("a".to_string(), Some("a".to_string()));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, a.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, aa.cmp(&a));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, a.cmp(&ab));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, ab.cmp(&a));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, a.cmp(&ba));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, ba.cmp(&a));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, a.cmp(&bb));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, bb.cmp(&a));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, aa.cmp(&ab));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, ab.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, aa.cmp(&ba));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, ba.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, aa.cmp(&bb));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, bb.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, aa.cmp(&aa_same));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, aa_same.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, ab.cmp(&ba));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, ba.cmp(&ab));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, ab.cmp(&bb));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, bb.cmp(&ab));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, ba.cmp(&bb));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, bb.cmp(&ba));
fn absolute_monikers() {
let root = AbsoluteMoniker::root();
assert_eq!(true, root.is_root());
assert_eq!("/", format!("{}", root));
assert_eq!(root, AbsoluteMoniker::from(vec![]));
let m = AbsoluteMoniker::new(vec![
ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1),
ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), Some("coll".to_string()), 2),
assert_eq!(false, m.is_root());
assert_eq!("/a:1/coll:b:2", format!("{}", m));
assert_eq!(m, AbsoluteMoniker::from(vec!["a:1", "coll:b:2"]));
assert_eq!(m.leaf(), Some(&ChildMoniker::from("coll:b:2")));
fn absolute_moniker_parent() {
let root = AbsoluteMoniker::root();
assert_eq!(true, root.is_root());
assert_eq!(None, root.parent());
let m = AbsoluteMoniker::new(vec![
ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1),
ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), None, 2),
assert_eq!("/a:1/b:2", format!("{}", m));
assert_eq!("/a:1", format!("{}", m.parent().unwrap()));
assert_eq!("/", format!("{}", m.parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap()));
assert_eq!(None, m.parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap().parent());
assert_eq!(m.leaf(), Some(&ChildMoniker::from("b:2")));
fn absolute_moniker_compare() {
let a = AbsoluteMoniker::new(vec![
ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1),
ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), None, 2),
ChildMoniker::new("c".to_string(), None, 3),
let a2 = AbsoluteMoniker::new(vec![
ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1),
ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), None, 3),
ChildMoniker::new("c".to_string(), None, 3),
let b = AbsoluteMoniker::new(vec![
ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1),
ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), None, 2),
ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), None, 3),
let c = AbsoluteMoniker::new(vec![
ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1),
ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), None, 2),
ChildMoniker::new("c".to_string(), None, 3),
ChildMoniker::new("d".to_string(), None, 4),
let d = AbsoluteMoniker::new(vec![
ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1),
ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), None, 2),
ChildMoniker::new("c".to_string(), None, 3),
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, a.cmp(&a2));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, a2.cmp(&a));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, a.cmp(&b));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, b.cmp(&a));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, a.cmp(&c));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, c.cmp(&a));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, a.cmp(&d));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, d.cmp(&a));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, b.cmp(&c));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, c.cmp(&b));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, b.cmp(&d));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, d.cmp(&b));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, c.cmp(&d));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, d.cmp(&c));
fn absolute_monikers_contains_in_realm() {
let root = AbsoluteMoniker::root();
let a = AbsoluteMoniker::new(vec![ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1)]);
let ab = AbsoluteMoniker::new(vec![
ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1),
ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), None, 2),
let abc = AbsoluteMoniker::new(vec![
ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1),
ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), None, 2),
ChildMoniker::new("c".to_string(), None, 3),
let abd = AbsoluteMoniker::new(vec![
ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1),
ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), None, 2),
ChildMoniker::new("d".to_string(), None, 3),
fn absolute_moniker_from_string_without_instance_id() -> Result<(), Error> {
let under_test = |s| AbsoluteMoniker::parse_string_without_instances(s);
assert_eq!(under_test("/")?, AbsoluteMoniker::root());
let a = ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 0);
let bb = ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), Some("b".to_string()), 0);
assert_eq!(under_test("/a")?, AbsoluteMoniker::new(vec![a.clone()]));
assert_eq!(under_test("/a/b:b")?, AbsoluteMoniker::new(vec![a.clone(), bb.clone()]));
AbsoluteMoniker::new(vec![a.clone(), bb.clone(), a.clone(), bb.clone()])
assert!(under_test("").is_err(), "cannot be empty");
assert!(under_test("a").is_err(), "must start with root");
assert!(under_test("a/b").is_err(), "must start with root");
assert!(under_test("//").is_err(), "path segments cannot be empty");
assert!(under_test("/a/").is_err(), "path segments cannot be empty");
assert!(under_test("/a//b").is_err(), "path segments cannot be empty");
assert!(under_test("/a:a:0").is_err(), "cannot contain instance id");
fn relative_monikers() {
let me = RelativeMoniker::new(vec![], vec![]);
assert_eq!(true, me.is_self());
assert_eq!(".", format!("{}", me));
let ancestor = RelativeMoniker::new(
ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1),
ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), None, 2),
assert_eq!(false, ancestor.is_self());
assert_eq!(".\\a:1\\b:2", format!("{}", ancestor));
let descendant = RelativeMoniker::new(
ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1),
ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), None, 2),
assert_eq!(false, descendant.is_self());
assert_eq!("./a:1/b:2", format!("{}", descendant));
let sibling = RelativeMoniker::new(
vec![ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1)],
vec![ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), None, 2)],
assert_eq!(false, sibling.is_self());
assert_eq!(".\\a:1/b:2", format!("{}", sibling));
let cousin = RelativeMoniker::new(
ChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1),
ChildMoniker::new("a0".to_string(), None, 1),
ChildMoniker::new("b0".to_string(), None, 2),
ChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), None, 2),
assert_eq!(false, cousin.is_self());
assert_eq!(".\\a:1\\a0:1/b0:2/b:2", format!("{}", cousin));
fn relative_monikers_from_absolute() {
let me = RelativeMoniker::from_absolute(&vec![].into(), &vec![].into());
assert_eq!(true, me.is_self());
assert_eq!(".", format!("{}", me));
let me = RelativeMoniker::from_absolute(
&vec!["a:1", "b:2", "c:3"].into(),
&vec!["a:1", "b:2", "c:3"].into(),
assert_eq!(true, me.is_self());
assert_eq!(".", format!("{}", me));
let ancestor = RelativeMoniker::from_absolute(&vec!["a:1", "b:2"].into(), &vec![].into());
assert_eq!(false, ancestor.is_self());
assert_eq!(".\\b:2\\a:1", format!("{}", ancestor));
let ancestor = RelativeMoniker::from_absolute(
&vec!["a:1", "b:2", "c:3", "d:4"].into(),
&vec!["a:1", "b:2"].into(),
assert_eq!(false, ancestor.is_self());
assert_eq!(".\\d:4\\c:3", format!("{}", ancestor));
let descendant = RelativeMoniker::from_absolute(&vec![].into(), &vec!["a:1", "b:2"].into());
assert_eq!(false, descendant.is_self());
assert_eq!("./a:1/b:2", format!("{}", descendant));
let descendant = RelativeMoniker::from_absolute(
&vec!["a:1", "b:2"].into(),
&vec!["a:1", "b:2", "c:3", "d:4"].into(),
assert_eq!(false, descendant.is_self());
assert_eq!("./c:3/d:4", format!("{}", descendant));
let sibling = RelativeMoniker::from_absolute(&vec!["a:1"].into(), &vec!["b:2"].into());
assert_eq!(false, sibling.is_self());
assert_eq!(".\\a:1/b:2", format!("{}", sibling));
let sibling =
RelativeMoniker::from_absolute(&vec!["c:3", "a:1"].into(), &vec!["c:3", "b:2"].into());
assert_eq!(false, sibling.is_self());
assert_eq!(".\\a:1/b:2", format!("{}", sibling));
let cousin = RelativeMoniker::from_absolute(
&vec!["a0:1", "a:1"].into(),
&vec!["b0:2", "b:2"].into(),
assert_eq!(false, cousin.is_self());
assert_eq!(".\\a:1\\a0:1/b0:2/b:2", format!("{}", cousin));
let cousin = RelativeMoniker::from_absolute(
&vec!["c:3", "d:4", "a0:1", "a:1"].into(),
&vec!["c:3", "d:4", "b0:2", "b:2"].into(),
assert_eq!(false, cousin.is_self());
assert_eq!(".\\a:1\\a0:1/b0:2/b:2", format!("{}", cousin));
fn extended_monikers_parse() {
assert!(ExtendedMoniker::parse_string_without_instances("").is_err(), "cannot be empty");
fn relative_monikers_parse() {
for (up_path, down_path, string_to_parse) in vec![
(vec![], vec![], "."),
(vec!["a:0"], vec![], ".\\a:0"),
(vec!["a:0", "b:1"], vec![], ".\\a:0\\b:1"),
(vec!["a:0"], vec!["b:1"], ".\\a:0/b:1"),
(vec!["a:0", "b:1"], vec!["c:2"], ".\\a:0\\b:1/c:2"),
(vec!["a:0", "b:1"], vec!["c:2", "d:3"], ".\\a:0\\b:1/c:2/d:3"),
(vec!["a:0"], vec!["b:1", "c:2"], ".\\a:0/b:1/c:2"),
(vec![], vec!["a:0", "b:1"], "./a:0/b:1"),
(vec![], vec!["a:0"], "./a:0"),
] {
let up_path = up_path
.map(|s| ChildMoniker::parse(s).unwrap())
let down_path = down_path
.map(|s| ChildMoniker::parse(s).unwrap())
RelativeMoniker::new(up_path, down_path),
for invalid_string_to_parse in vec![
] {
let res: Result<RelativeMoniker, MonikerError> = invalid_string_to_parse.try_into();
"didn't expect to correctly parse this: {:?}",