blob: b6cd8abdae9ff10c0e4740a24f870fa8974f17b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using zx;
/// Maximum number of multicast filters that a device will hold in `MacState`.
// NOTE: this number mirrors the number in the low level banjo definition in
// [``] which was chosen, in turn, based on common maximum
// number of multicast groups supported in established OSes.
const uint32 MAX_MULTICAST_FILTERS = 64;
/// Maximum number of pending [``] or
/// [``] that are allowed.
// NOTE: This number is chosen arbitrarily to maintain a determined upper bound on memory
// consumption for a `Device` instance.
const uint32 MAX_PENDING_OPERATIONS = 32;
/// Signals set in the `eventpair` returned by [``].
bits Signals : uint32 {
/// Indicates that write buffers are available to be used through
/// [``].
WRITABLE = 0x01000000; // ZX_USER_SIGNAL_0
/// Indicates that read buffers are available to be used through
/// [``].
READABLE = 0x02000000; // ZX_USER_SIGNAL_1
/// Maximum supported MTU.
// NOTE: Selected as the smallest power of 2 that will fit conventional jumbo frame sizes of 9KB.
// Source: The value is chosen arbitrarily low (while
// abiding by the conventional jumbo frame sizes) to encourage sensible memory usage for clients of
// the NetworkDevice interface, as receive buffers must be at least MTU-sized for valid operation.
const uint32 MAX_MTU = 16384;
/// Common configuration used to create a `Device` or `DevicePair`.
table BaseConfig {
/// Device MTU (maximum transmit unit).
/// If a value greater than `MAX_MTU` is provided, creating a device will fail.
/// Defaults to `MAX_MTU`.
1: uint32 mtu;
/// Supported Rx frame types for device. Required.
/// Must be non-empty, otherwise creating the device will fail.
2: vector<> rx_types;
/// Supported Tx frame types on device. Required.
/// Must be non-empty, otherwise creating the device will fail.
3: vector<> tx_types;
/// Report frame metadata on receiving frames. Defaults to `false`.
4: bool report_metadata;
/// Minimum requested TX buffer length, in bytes. Defaults to zero.
5: uint32 min_tx_buffer_length;
/// Configuration used to create a [``].
table DeviceConfig {
/// Common configuration. Required.
1: BaseConfig base;
/// Start device with link online. Defaults to `false`.
2: bool online;
/// If `true`, [``] and [``]
/// will block returning until the corresponding buffers are available to complete the call.
/// Defaults to `false`.
3: bool blocking;
/// MAC address to report. If provided, device will support the
/// [``] protocol through `ConnectProtocols`.
4: mac;
/// Configuration used to create a [``].
table DevicePairConfig {
/// Common configuration. Required.
1: BaseConfig base;
/// If `true`, transmit buffers on the left end will be dropped if no receive buffers are
/// available on the right end to receive it. Otherwise, transmit buffers will wait until a
/// receive buffer is available to copy them to. Defaults to `false`.
2: bool fallible_transmit_left;
/// Like `fallible_transmit_left` but allows writes to the right end to be fallible.
3: bool fallible_transmit_right;
/// MAC address to report on the left side of the pair. If provided, the left device will
/// support the [``] protocol through `ConnectProtocols`.
4: mac_left;
/// Same as `mac_left`, but for the right side of the pair.
5: mac_right;
/// State associated with Mac Address filtering.
/// Devices never perform any MAC address filtering, but they implement the
/// [``] interface and store the values to be retrieved
/// through the [``] structure.
table MacState {
/// The currently configured MAC Address filtering mode.
1: mode;
/// The full list of configured multicast address filtering.
2: vector<>:MAX_MULTICAST_FILTERS multicast_filters;
/// Internal device state.
table InternalState {
/// Mac addressing state. Will only be provided if `mac` is provided in the `Config`
/// structure upon creation of the device.
1: MacState mac;
/// `true` if there is a session currently opened and running with the `Device`'s network device
/// endpoint.
2: bool has_session;
/// Extra frame metadata.
/// This is an opaque holder for extra information that is associated with Network Device data
/// frames.
// NOTE(brunodalbo): NetworkDevice's `InfoType` definition is still in its infancy. This solution
// allows access to the raw bytes in the sidecar metadata. We expect that this will envolve into a
// more type-safe solution which will be more transparent.
struct FrameMetadata {
/// Additional frame information type. info_type;
/// Additional frame information value.
bytes:4096 info;
/// Frame flags. `RxFlags` for `WriteFrame` and `TxFlags` for `ReadFrame`.
uint32 flags;
/// Collection of request protocols that tun devices can offer.
resource table Protocols {
/// Connection request to the [``] protocol.
/// The request is always fulfilled.
1: request<> network_device;
/// Connection request to the [``] protocol.
/// The request will be immediately closed if the device was not created with a MAC address.
2: request<> mac_addressing;
/// A frame written to or read from a [``].
/// Required fields must always be provided to [``] and are always
/// present when returned by [``].
table Frame {
/// The type identifying this frame's payload. Required.
1: frame_type;
/// The frame's payload. Required. Must be non-empty.
2: bytes:MAX_MTU data;
/// Metadata associated with the frame.
3: FrameMetadata meta;
/// Provides control over the created device.
/// The lifetime of the device is tied to the channel over which this protocol is served; closing a
/// `Device` channel will trigger the destruction and deallocation of the underlying device, as well
/// as all associated endpoints.
protocol Device {
/// Writes a frame to the device (data coming from network-end).
/// Returns `ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE` if the device is offline.
/// If the device was created with the [``] option set to
/// `true`, calls to `WriteFrame` will block until there is one buffer available to fulfill the
/// request. Up to [``] calls to `WriteFrame` may be
/// enqueued in such a way, after which `ZX_ERR_NO_RESOURCES` is returned.
/// Alternatively, if `blocking` is set to `false` calls to `WriteFrame` will return
/// `ZX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT` if there are no buffers available to fulfill the request.
WriteFrame(Frame frame) -> () error zx.status;
/// Gets the next frame from the device (data coming from host-end).
/// If the device was created with the [``] option set to
/// `true`, calls to `ReadFrame` will block until there is a frame available to be read. Up to
/// [``] calls to `ReadFrame` may be enqueued in such a
/// way, after which `ZX_ERR_NO_RESOURCES` is returned.
/// Alternatively, if `blocking` is set to `false` calls to `ReadFrame` will return
/// `ZX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT` if there are no frames to be read.
ReadFrame() -> (Frame frame) error zx.status;
/// Retrieves an eventpair that is signalled with `SIGNAL_READABLE` and `SIGNAL_WRITABLE` when
/// read and write buffers are available, respectively.
GetSignals() -> (zx.handle:EVENTPAIR signals);
/// Gets a snapshot of the device's internal state.
GetState() -> (InternalState state);
/// Observes changes to internal state.
/// The first call will always return the current internal state, subsequent calls will block
/// until the internal state differs from the last one returned from a `WatchState` call.
/// `WatchState` does not provide full history of internal state changes. It is possible that
/// intermediary internal state changes are missed in between `WatchState` calls.
WatchState() -> (InternalState state);
/// Sets the device's online status.
/// The online status is visible through [``]. Once
/// `SetOnline` returns, the status reported through `GetStatus` is guaranteed to be the one
/// passed to `SetOnline`, no guarantees can be made otherwise due to the asynchronous nature of
/// multi-channel operations.
SetOnline(bool online) -> ();
/// Connects to the requested protocols for this `Device`.
ConnectProtocols(Protocols protos);
/// A collection of connection requests to ends of a [``].
/// Used to connect to a `DevicePair` through [``].
resource table DevicePairEnds {
/// Connection request to protocols on the left end.
1: Protocols left;
/// Connection request to protocols on the right end.
2: Protocols right;
/// Provides control over a pair of network devices.
/// A `DevicePair` is a simpler version of `Device` that "shorts" two network device interfaces,
/// named its "left" and "right" ends. The internal state of a `DevicePair` is not accessible, like
/// it is for `Device` and it provides a more streamlined (and considerably faster) pair of
/// [``]s (and optionally
/// [``]s). The transmit side of the left end is connected to
/// the receive side of the right end, and vice-versa. A `DevicePair`'s online signal is handled
/// internally (online if any of the ends has an active data session), and if MAC addresses are
/// provided on creation, the only supported MAC filtering mode is `PROMISCUOUS`. The lifetime of
/// the underlying devices is tied to the `DevicePair` channel, closing a `DevicePair` channel will
/// trigger the destruction and deallocation of the underlying devices.
protocol DevicePair {
/// Connects to the requested protocols of this `DevicePair`.
ConnectProtocols(DevicePairEnds requests);
/// Control interface.
/// `Control` allows creating an arbitrary number of `Device`s and `DevicePair`s.
protocol Control {
/// Creates a `Device` with given `config`.
/// If `config` is not valid or the device could not be created, `device` is closed with an
/// error epitaph.
CreateDevice(DeviceConfig config, request<Device> device);
/// Creates a `DevicePair` with given `config`.
/// If `config` is not valid or the device could not be created, `device_pair` is closed
/// with an error epitaph.
CreatePair(DevicePairConfig config, request<DevicePair> device_pair);