blob: 6b9bc283fdea306c0946d4f3db13d5a798657fc9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.identity.tokens;
using zx;
/// A long-lived OAuth 2.0 Refresh Token.
table OauthRefreshToken {
/// The content of the token.
// Note no maximum size is defined. The OAuth spec states clients should
// avoid making assumptions about token sizes. No max size is guaranteed to
// accomodate all implementations but we do not know of any implementation
// where token size exceeds a few kilobytes so exceeding the maximum size of
// a FIDL message is very unlikely.
1: string content;
/// A unique identifier for the account that the token refers to, as
/// specified by the authorization server.
2: AccountId account_id;
/// An OAuth 2.0 Access Token.
table OauthAccessToken {
/// The content of the token.
// Note no maximum size is defined. The OAuth spec states clients should
// avoid making assumptions about token sizes. No max size is guaranteed to
// accomodate all implementations but we do not know of any implementation
// where token size exceeds a few kilobytes so exceeding the maximum size of
// a FIDL message is very unlikely.
1: string content;
/// The UTC time at which the token will expire. If the field is absent the
/// token does not have a fixed expiry time.
2: zx.time expiry_time;
/// An OpenID Connect ID Token.
table OpenIdToken {
/// The content of the JSON Web Token.
// Note no maximum size is defined. The OpenID Connect spec does not provide
// an upper bound but we do not know of any implementation where size
// exceeds a few kilobytes so exceeding the maximum size of a FIDL message
// is very unlikely.
1: string content;
/// The UTC time at which the token will expire. If the field is absent the
/// token does not have a fixed expiry time.
2: zx.time expiry_time;
/// The reponse from an OpenID Connect UserInfo endpoint.
table OpenIdUserInfo {
/// The subject to which this info applies.
1: string:255 subject;
/// The user's full name.
// Note no maximum size is defined. The OpenID Connect spec does not provide
// an upper bound but we do not know of any implementation where size
// exceeds a few hundred bytes so exceeding the maximum size of a FIDL
// message is very unlikely.
2: string name;
/// The user's email address.
// Note no maximum size is defined. The OpenID Connect spec does not provide
// an upper bound but we do not know of any implementation where size
// exceeds a few kilobytes so exceeding the maximum size of a FIDL message
// is very unlikely.
3: string email;
/// A URL to a profile picture for the user.
// Note no maximum size is defined. The OpenID Connect spec does not provide
// an upper bound but we do not know of any implementation where size
// exceeds a few kilobytes so exceeding the maximum size of a FIDL message
// is very unlikely.
4: string picture;