blob: c21a5669a6c4a15a307a45ab86244410e77db85f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:zircon/zircon.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'error.dart';
import 'interface.dart';
import 'message.dart';
/// The different states that an [AsyncBinding] or [AsyncProxy] can be in.
enum InterfaceState {
/// The binding or proxy has not yet been bound.
/// The binding or proxy has been bound to a channel.
/// The binding or proxy has been closed.
/// An exception that's thrown if an [AsyncBinding] or [AsyncProxy] isn't in the required
/// state for the requested operation.
class FidlStateException extends FidlError {
/// Create a new [FidlStateException].
FidlStateException(String message) : super(message);
/// A class that holds and mutates the state of an [AsyncBinding] or [AsyncProxy],
/// represented as an [InterfaceState] value.
abstract class _Stateful {
InterfaceState _currentState = InterfaceState.unbound;
/// The controller for the stream of state changes.
final StreamController<InterfaceState> _streamController =
/// Gets the current state.
InterfaceState get state => _currentState;
/// Change the state.
set state(InterfaceState newState) {
if (_currentState == newState) {
// No change.
if (newState.index < _currentState.index) {
throw FidlStateException(
"Can't change InterfaceState from $_currentState to $newState.");
_currentState = newState;
/// A stream of state changes.
Stream<InterfaceState> get stateChanges =>;
/// Is this interface unbound?
bool get isUnbound => _currentState == InterfaceState.unbound;
/// Is this interface bound?
bool get isBound => _currentState == InterfaceState.bound;
/// A future that completes when the interface becomes bound.
Future<void> get whenBound {
if (_currentState == InterfaceState.unbound) {
return stateChanges.firstWhere((s) => s == InterfaceState.bound);
if (_currentState == InterfaceState.bound) {
return Future.value();
return Future.error(
FidlStateException('Interface will never become bound'));
/// Is this interface closed?
bool get isClosed => _currentState == InterfaceState.closed;
/// A future that completes when the interface is closed.
Future<void> get whenClosed {
if (_currentState == InterfaceState.closed) {
return Future.value();
return stateChanges.firstWhere((s) => s == InterfaceState.closed);
/// Listens for messages and dispatches them to an implementation of [T].
abstract class AsyncBinding<T> extends _Stateful {
/// Creates a binding object in an unbound state.
/// Rather than creating a [AsyncBinding<T>] object directly, you typically create
/// a `TBinding` object, which are subclasses of [AsyncBinding<T>] created by the
/// FIDL compiler for a specific interface.
AsyncBinding(this.$interfaceName) {
..onReadable = _handleReadable
..onError = _handleError;
/// The name of the interface [T] as a string.
/// This is used to generate meaningful error messages at runtime.
final String $interfaceName;
/// Returns an interface handle whose peer is bound to the given object.
/// Creates a channel pair, binds one of the channels to this object, and
/// returns the other channel. Messages sent over the returned channel will be
/// decoded and dispatched to `impl`.
/// The `impl` parameter must not be null.
InterfaceHandle<T> wrap(T impl) {
if (!isUnbound) {
throw FidlStateException("AsyncBinding<${$interfaceName}> isn't unbound");
ChannelPair pair = ChannelPair();
if (pair.status != ZX.OK) {
throw Exception(
"AsyncBinding<${$interfaceName}> couldn't create channel: ${getStringForStatus(pair.status)}");
_impl = impl;
state = InterfaceState.bound;
return InterfaceHandle<T>(pair.second);
/// Binds the given implementation to the given interface request.
/// Listens for messages on channel underlying the given interface request,
/// decodes them, and dispatches the decoded messages to `impl`.
/// This object must not already be bound.
/// The `impl` and `interfaceRequest` parameters must not be `null`. The
/// `channel` property of the given `interfaceRequest` must not be `null`.
/// Implementation note: in a generic context, the inferred type when creating
/// the `interfaceRequest` may be a super-class of `T`, possibly `Service`.
/// Since concrete classes of `AsyncBinding` are code generated, the type
/// parameter `T` will always be precise, even when used in a generic context.
/// As a result, we cannot type-bound `interfaceRequest` statically, and
/// should instead rely on dynamic behavior.
void bind(T impl, InterfaceRequest<dynamic> interfaceRequest) {
if (!isUnbound) {
throw FidlStateException("AsyncBinding<${$interfaceName}> isn't unbound");
if (impl == null) {
throw FidlError(
"AsyncBinding<${$interfaceName}> can't bind to a null impl");
Channel? channel = interfaceRequest.passChannel();
if (channel == null) {
throw FidlError(
"AsyncBinding<${$interfaceName}> can't bind to a null InterfaceRequest channel");
_impl = impl;
state = InterfaceState.bound;
/// Unbinds [impl] and returns the unbound channel as an interface request.
/// Stops listening for messages on the bound channel, wraps the channel in an
/// interface request of the appropriate type, and returns that interface
/// request.
/// The object must have previously been bound (e.g., using [bind]).
InterfaceRequest<T> unbind() {
if (!isBound) {
throw FidlStateException("AsyncBinding<${$interfaceName}> isn't bound");
final InterfaceRequest<T> result = InterfaceRequest<T>(_reader.unbind());
_impl = null;
state = InterfaceState.closed;
return result;
void _writeEpitaph(int statusCode) {
var bytes = ByteData(24)
..setUint32(0, 0) // txid (0 because not tracking this on server side)
..setUint8(4, 0) // flags
..setUint8(5, 0) // flags
..setUint8(6, 0) // flags
..setUint8(7, 0) // magic byte
..setUint64(8, epitaphOrdinal) // ordinal
..setInt32(16, statusCode); // body (epitaph struct), []);
/// Close the bound channel.
/// This function does nothing if the object is not bound.
void close([int? statusCode]) {
if (isBound) {
if (statusCode != null) {
_impl = null;
state = InterfaceState.closed;
/// The implementation of [T] bound using this object.
/// If this object is not bound, this property is null.
T? get impl => _impl;
T? _impl;
/// Decodes the given message and dispatches the decoded message to [impl].
/// This function is called by this object whenever a message arrives over a
/// bound channel.
void handleMessage(Message message, MessageSink respond);
void _handleReadable() {
final ReadResult result =!.queryAndRead();
if (result.bytes.lengthInBytes == 0) {
throw FidlError(
'AsyncBinding<${$interfaceName}> Unexpected empty message or error: $result');
final Message message = Message.fromReadResult(result);
if (!message.isCompatible()) {
throw FidlError(
'Incompatible wire format', FidlErrorCode.fidlUnknownMagic);
handleMessage(message, sendMessage);
/// Always called when the channel underneath closes.
void _handleError(ChannelReaderError error) {
/// TODO(ianloic): do something with [error].
/// Sends the given message over the bound channel.
/// If the channel is not bound, the handles inside the message are closed and
/// the message itself is discarded.
void sendMessage(Message response) {
if (!isBound) {
}, response.handles);
final ChannelReader _reader = ChannelReader();
/// Representation of a service that all [T] implementations should extend from.
abstract class Service {
/// Getter for the [ServiceData]
ServiceData? get $serviceData;
/// Exposes the ability to get a hold of the service runtime name and bindings.
abstract class ServiceData<T> {
/// Returns the generated runtime service name.
String getName();
/// Returns the generated runtime service bindings.
AsyncBinding getBinding();
/// Sends messages to a remote implementation of [T]
class AsyncProxy<T> {
/// Creates a proxy object with the given [ctrl].
/// Rather than creating [Proxy<T>] object directly, you typically create
/// `TProxy` objects, which are subclasses of [Proxy<T>] created by the FIDL
/// compiler for a specific interface.
/// The control plane for this proxy.
/// Methods that manipulate the local proxy (as opposed to sending messages
/// to the remote implementation of [T]) are exposed on this [ctrl] object to
/// avoid naming conflicts with the methods of [T].
final AsyncProxyController<T> ctrl;
// In general it's probably better to avoid adding fields and methods to this
// class. Names added to this class have to be mangled by bindings generation
// to avoid name conflicts.
/// A controller for Future based proxies.
class AsyncProxyController<T> extends _Stateful {
final ChannelReader _reader = ChannelReader();
final HashMap<int, Completer<dynamic>> _completerMap = HashMap();
int _nextTxid = 1;
/// Creates proxy controller.
/// Proxy controllers are not typically created directly. Instead, you
/// typically obtain an [AsyncProxyController<T>] object as the [AsyncProxy<T>.ctrl]
/// property of a `TProxy` object.
AsyncProxyController({this.$serviceName, this.$interfaceName}) {
..onReadable = _handleReadable
..onError = _handleError;
whenClosed.then((_) {
for (final Completer completer in _completerMap.values) {
if (!completer.isCompleted) {
'AsyncProxyController<${$interfaceName}> connection closed'));
}, onError: (_) {
// Ignore errors.
/// The service name associated with [T], if any.
/// Will be set if the `[Discoverable]` attribute is on the FIDL interface
/// definition. If set it will be the fully-qualified name of the interface.
/// This string is typically used with the `ServiceProvider` interface to
/// request an implementation of [T].
final String? $serviceName;
/// The name of the interface of [T].
/// Unlike [$serviceName] should always be set and won't be fully qualified.
/// This should only be used for debugging and logging purposes.
final String? $interfaceName;
/// Creates an interface request whose peer is bound to this interface proxy.
/// Creates a channel pair, binds one of the channels to this object, and
/// returns the other channel. Calls to the proxy will be encoded as messages
/// and sent to the returned channel.
/// The proxy must not already have been bound.
InterfaceRequest<T> request() {
if (!isUnbound) {
throw FidlStateException(
"AsyncProxyController<${$interfaceName}> isn't unbound");
ChannelPair pair = ChannelPair();
if (pair.status != ZX.OK) {
throw FidlError(
"AsyncProxyController<${$interfaceName}> couldn't create channel: ${getStringForStatus(pair.status)}");
state = InterfaceState.bound;
return InterfaceRequest<T>(pair.second);
/// Binds the proxy to the given interface handle.
/// Calls to the proxy will be encoded as messages and sent over the channel
/// underlying the given interface handle.
/// This object must not already be bound.
/// The `interfaceHandle` parameter must not be null. The `channel` property
/// of the given `interfaceHandle` must not be null.
void bind(InterfaceHandle<T> interfaceHandle) {
if (!isUnbound) {
throw FidlStateException(
"AsyncProxyController<${$interfaceName}> isn't unbound");
final channel = interfaceHandle.passChannel();
if (channel == null) {
throw FidlError(
"AsyncProxyController<${$interfaceName}> can't bind to null InterfaceHandle channel");
state = InterfaceState.bound;
/// Unbinds the proxy and returns the unbound channel as an interface handle.
/// Calls on the proxy will no longer be encoded as messages on the bound
/// channel.
/// The proxy must have previously been bound (e.g., using [bind]).
InterfaceHandle<T> unbind() {
if (!isBound) {
throw FidlStateException(
"AsyncProxyController<${$interfaceName}> isn't bound");
if (!_reader.isBound) {
throw FidlError(
"AsyncProxyController<${$interfaceName}> reader isn't bound");
state = InterfaceState.closed;
return InterfaceHandle<T>(_reader.unbind());
/// Close the channel bound to the proxy.
/// The proxy must have previously been bound (e.g., using [bind]).
void close() {
void _close(FidlError? error) {
if (isBound) {
state = InterfaceState.closed;
_completerMap.forEach((_, Completer<dynamic> completer) =>
completer.completeError(FidlStateException(error != null
? 'AsyncProxyController<${$interfaceName}> is closed with error: ${error.message}'
: 'AsyncProxyController<${$interfaceName}> is closed.')));
/// close the channel and forwards error to any open completers.
void proxyError(FidlError error) {
/// Called when an epitaph is received (from channel closure).
EpitaphHandler? onEpitaphReceived;
/// Called whenever this object receives a response on a bound channel.
/// Used by subclasses of [Proxy<T>] to receive responses to messages.
MessageSink? onResponse;
void _handleReadable() {
final ReadResult result =!.queryAndRead();
if (result.bytes.lengthInBytes == 0) {
'AsyncProxyController<${$interfaceName}>: Read from channel failed'));
try {
Message message = Message.fromReadResult(result);
final epitaphCallback = onEpitaphReceived;
final responseCallback = onResponse;
if (message.ordinal == epitaphOrdinal) {
int statusCode =;
if (epitaphCallback != null) {
} else if (responseCallback != null) {
} on FidlError catch (e) {
for (Handle handle in result.handles) {
/// Always called when the channel underneath closes.
void _handleError(ChannelReaderError error) {
/// Sends the given messages over the bound channel.
/// Used by subclasses of [Proxy<T>] to send encoded messages.
void sendMessage(Message message) {
if (!_reader.isBound) {
'AsyncProxyController<${$interfaceName}> is closed.'));
final int status =!.write(, message.handles);
if (status != ZX.OK) {
'AsyncProxyController<${$interfaceName}> failed to write to channel: ${} (status: $status)'));
/// Sends the given messages over the bound channel and registers a Completer
/// to handle the response.
/// Used by subclasses of [AsyncProxy<T>] to send encoded messages.
void sendMessageWithResponse(Message message, Completer<dynamic> completer) {
if (!_reader.isBound) {
'AsyncProxyController<${$interfaceName}> is closed.'));
const int _userspaceTxidMask = 0x7FFFFFFF;
int txid = _nextTxid++ & _userspaceTxidMask;
while (txid == 0 || _completerMap.containsKey(txid))
txid = _nextTxid++ & _userspaceTxidMask;
message.txid = txid;
_completerMap[message.txid] = completer;
final int status =!.write(, message.handles);
if (status != ZX.OK) {
'AsyncProxyController<${$interfaceName}> failed to write to channel: ${} (status: $status)'));
/// Returns the completer associated with the given response message.
/// Used by subclasses of [AsyncProxy<T>] to retrieve registered completers when
/// handling response messages.
Completer? getCompleter(int txid) {
final Completer? result = _completerMap.remove(txid);
if (result == null) {
proxyError(FidlError('Message had unknown request id: $txid'));
return result;