blob: c5b4502d09c5b436af770459a2657ee81143dabb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// The length of an IEEE 802 MAC Address, in bytes.
const uint64 MAC_SIZE = 6;
/// The maximum number of multicast MAC addresses set to filter.
// NOTE(brunodalbo) this number derived from common defaults for maximum multicast membership
// allowances in established OSes (20-40) rounded up for some leeway. It should be noted that
// typical hardware implementations don't keep perfect filtering lists, but rather use a special
// hash function to perform the filtering, where collisions are tolerated since the filtering is
// just a performance feature.
const uint64 MAX_MAC_FILTER = 64;
/// Device MAC filtering modes supported.
enum Mode : uint32 {
/// Device accepts only unicast frames addressed to its own unicast address, or multicast frames
/// that are part of the multicast address filter list.
/// Device accepts unicast frames addressed to its own unicast address, or any multicast frames.
/// Device accepts all frames.
/// Device features reported by [``]
struct Features {
/// The maximum number of multicast filtering entries available on this device. Implementations
/// must set 0 if multicast filtering is not supported. Values will always be saturated to
/// [``].
uint32 multicast_filter_count;
/// The filtering operating modes supported by this device. Bitfield of possible
/// [``] values that can be passed to
/// [``].
uint32 supported_modes;
[Layout = "ddk-protocol"]
protocol MacAddrImpl {
/// Gets this device's MAC address.
// TODO( we need an address changed event (in lockstep with FIDL definition).
// TODO(brunodalbo) use here and in SetMode when we can use FIDL types in
// Banjo.
GetAddress() -> (array<uint8>:MAC_SIZE mac);
/// Gets this device's features.
GetFeatures() -> (Features features);
/// Sets this device's operating mode.
/// `mode` is one of the variants in [``], it's guaranteed to be one
/// of the reported modes in this device's reported features. `multicast_macs` is only provided
/// (though it can still be empty) when `mode` is `MULTICAST_FILTER`. `multicast_macs` is always
/// guaranteed to be at most `multicast_filter_count` entries.
SetMode(Mode mode, vector<array<uint8>:MAC_SIZE>:MAX_MAC_FILTER multicast_macs) -> ();