blob: 4b0a53dcb9b5504dccb51ea6b0510b4cf7d8ca92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.bluetooth.gatt;
using fuchsia.bluetooth as bt;
type ReadByTypeResult = table {
/// Characteristic or descriptor id.
1: id uint64;
/// Truncated value of characteristic or descriptor, if it was read successfully.
/// Reason the value could not be read, if reading it resulted in an error.
3: error Error;
protocol RemoteService {
/// Returns the characteristics and characteristic descriptors that belong to
/// this service.
DiscoverCharacteristics() -> (struct {
status fuchsia.bluetooth.Status;
characteristics vector<Characteristic>:MAX_CHARACTERISTIC_COUNT;
/// Reads the value of the characteristic with `id` and returns it in the
/// reply. If `status` indicates an error `value` will be empty.
/// If the characteristic has a long value (i.e. larger than the current MTU)
/// this method will return only the first (MTU - 1) bytes of the value. Use
/// ReadLongCharacteristic() to read larger values or starting at a non-zero
/// offset.
ReadCharacteristic(struct {
id uint64;
}) -> (struct {
status fuchsia.bluetooth.Status;
value bytes;
/// Reads the complete value of a characteristic with the given `id`. This
/// procedure should be used if the characteristic is known to have a value
/// that can not be read in a single request.
/// Returns up to `max_bytes` octets of the characteristic value starting at
/// the given `offset`.
/// This may return an error if:
/// a. `max_bytes` is 0;
/// b. The `offset` is invalid;
/// c. The characteristic does not have a long value;
/// d. The server does not support the long read procedure.
ReadLongCharacteristic(struct {
id uint64;
offset uint16;
max_bytes uint16;
}) -> (struct {
status fuchsia.bluetooth.Status;
value bytes:MAX_VALUE_LENGTH;
/// Writes `value` to the characteristic with `id`. This operation may return
/// an error if:
/// a. The size of `value` exceeds the current MTU.
/// b. The characteristic referred to by `id` does not have the 'write'
/// property.
WriteCharacteristic(struct {
id uint64;
value bytes;
}) -> (struct {
status fuchsia.bluetooth.Status;
/// Writes `value` to the characteristic with `id`, beginning at `offset` using
/// the provided `write_options`.
/// This procedure should be used if the value to be written is too long to
/// fit in a single request or needs to be written at an offset. This may
/// return an error if:
/// a. The `offset` is invalid;
/// b. The server does not support the long write procedure.
/// Long Writes require multiple messages to the remote service and take longer
/// to execute than Short Writes. It is not recommended to send a short write
/// while a long write is in process to the same id and data range. The order
/// of the responses from this function signify the order in which the remote
/// service received them, not necessarily the order in which it is called.
WriteLongCharacteristic(struct {
id uint64;
offset uint16;
value bytes:MAX_VALUE_LENGTH;
write_options WriteOptions;
}) -> (struct {
status fuchsia.bluetooth.Status;
/// Writes `value` to the characteristic with `id` without soliciting an
/// acknowledgement from the peer. This method has no response and its delivery
/// cannot be confirmed.
WriteCharacteristicWithoutResponse(struct {
id uint64;
value bytes;
/// Reads the value of the characteristic descriptor with `id` and returns it
/// in the reply. If `status` indicates an error, `value` can be ignored.
/// If the descriptor has a long value (i.e. larger than the current MTU)
/// this method will return only the first (MTU - 1) bytes of the value. Use
/// ReadLongDescriptor() to read larger values or starting at a non-zero
/// offset.
ReadDescriptor(struct {
id uint64;
}) -> (struct {
status fuchsia.bluetooth.Status;
value bytes;
/// Reads the complete value of a characteristic descriptor with the given `id`.
/// This procedure should be used if the descriptor is known to have a value
/// that can not be read in a single request.
/// Returns up to `max_bytes` octets of the characteristic value starting at
/// the given `offset`.
/// This may return an error if:
/// a. `max_bytes` is 0;
/// b. The `offset` is invalid;
/// c. The server does not support the long read procedure.
ReadLongDescriptor(struct {
id uint64;
offset uint16;
max_bytes uint16;
}) -> (struct {
status fuchsia.bluetooth.Status;
value bytes;
/// Writes `value` to the characteristic descriptor with `id`. This operation
/// may return an error if:
/// a. The size of `value` exceeds the current MTU.
/// b. `id` refers to an internally reserved descriptor type (e.g. the Client
/// Characteristic Configuration descriptor).
WriteDescriptor(struct {
id uint64;
value bytes;
}) -> (struct {
status fuchsia.bluetooth.Status;
/// Writes `value` to the characteristic descriptor with `id`, beginning at
/// `offset`. This procedure should be used if the value to be written is too
/// long to fit in a single request or needs to be written at an offset. This
/// may return an error if:
/// a. The `offset` is invalid;
/// b. The server does not support the long write procedure.
/// c. `id` refers to an internally reserved descriptor type (e.g. the Client
/// Characteristic Configuration descriptor).
/// Long Writes require multiple messages to the remote service and take longer
/// to execute than Short Writes. It is not recommended to send a short write
/// while a long write is in process to the same id and data range. The order
/// of the responses from this function signify the order in which the remote
/// service received them, not necessarily the order in which it is called.
WriteLongDescriptor(struct {
id uint64;
offset uint16;
value bytes:MAX_VALUE_LENGTH;
}) -> (struct {
status fuchsia.bluetooth.Status;
/// Reads characteristics and descriptors with the given `uuid`. If no values are
/// read, `results` will be empty. If reading a value results in a permission error,
/// the handle and error will be included in `results`.
/// NOTE: Values in `results` will be truncated to `MAX_READ_BY_TYPE_VALUE_LENGTH`
/// bytes. `ReadCharacteristic`, `ReadLongCharacteristic()`, `ReadDescriptor`, or
/// `ReadLongDescriptor()` should be used to read the complete values.
/// This method is useful for reading values before discovery has completed, thereby
/// reducing latency.
ReadByType(struct {
uuid fuchsia.bluetooth.Uuid;
}) -> (struct {
results vector<ReadByTypeResult>:MAX_READ_BY_TYPE_RESULTS;
}) error Error;
/// Subscribe or unsubscribe to notifications/indications from the characteristic with
/// the given `id`. Notifications or indications will be enabled if `enable` is
/// true or disabled if `enable` is false and they have been enabled for this
/// client.
/// Either notifications or indications will be enabled depending on
/// characteristic properties. Indications will be preferred if they are
/// supported.
/// This operation fails if the characteristic does not have the "notify" or
/// "indicate" property.
/// A write request will be issued to configure the characteristic for notifications/indications
/// if it contains a Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor. This method fails if an
/// error occurs while writing to the descriptor.
/// On success, the OnCharacteristicValueUpdated event will be sent whenever
/// the peer sends a notification or indication. The local host will
/// automically confirm indications.
NotifyCharacteristic(struct {
id uint64;
enable bool;
}) -> (struct {
status fuchsia.bluetooth.Status;
/// Events:
/// Called when a characteristic value notification or indication is received.
-> OnCharacteristicValueUpdated(struct {
id uint64;
value bytes;
protocol Client {
/// Enumerates services found on the peer that this Client represents. Results
/// can be restricted by specifying a list of UUIDs in `uuids`. The returned
/// ServiceInfo structures will contain only basic information about each
/// service and the `characteristics` and `includes` fields will be null.
/// To further interact with services, clients must obtain a RemoteService
/// handle by calling ConnectToService().
ListServices(struct {
uuids vector<bt.UuidString>:<MAX, optional>;
}) -> (struct {
status fuchsia.bluetooth.Status;
services vector<ServiceInfo>:MAX_SERVICE_COUNT;
/// Connects the RemoteService with the given identifier.
ConnectToService(resource struct {
id uint64;
service server_end:RemoteService;