blob: 7d930863067d6daf78f5ac37cc410c4a89a113ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// !!! DEPRECATED !!!
// New usages should reference garnet/public/lib/inspect...
#include <lib/inspect/deprecated/object_dir.h>
namespace component {
// |ExposedObject| is a base class that exposes an |ObjectDir| interface to
// derived classes. It automatically handles lifecycle management, namely
// removing itself from a parent |Object| at destruction time.
// This is the preferred mechanism to expose a long-lasting object hierarchy for
// inspection.
class ExposedObject {
// Static method for generating unique names with a given prefix.
// Every child object requires a unique name; if you don't necessarily care
// about the names of child objects use this method to generate a unique one.
// Example: UniqueName("table_entry") -> "table_entry:0xa".
static std::string UniqueName(const std::string& prefix);
// Constructs a new exposed object with the given name. Call this constructor
// from derived class constructors.
explicit ExposedObject(const std::string& name);
// Wrap an existing ObjectDir as an ExposedObject.
explicit ExposedObject(ObjectDir object_dir);
virtual ~ExposedObject();
ExposedObject(const ExposedObject& other) = delete;
ExposedObject& operator=(const ExposedObject& other) = delete;
ExposedObject(ExposedObject&& other) = default;
ExposedObject& operator=(ExposedObject&& other);
// Adds a child to this object.
void add_child(ExposedObject* child);
// Explicitly set the parent of this object. This method handles removing the
// object from its current parent, if any, and attaching it to the new parent.
void set_parent(const ObjectDir& parent);
// Remove this object from its parent.
void remove_from_parent();
// Gets the |ObjectDir| representation of this object.
ObjectDir object_dir() const { return object_dir_; }
// Gets the |Object| this is wrapping.
std::shared_ptr<Object> object() const { return object_dir_.object(); }
// Helper to move this object to a different parent.
void move_parents(const ObjectDir& new_parent);
// The object's current parent, if any.
ObjectDir parent_;
// The object itself, accessible through object().
ObjectDir object_dir_;
} // namespace component