blob: bdc551a751f19d9983069d4b121ea331ecad5d0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/new_syntax_conversion.h>
#include <fidl/new_syntax_converter.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "test_library.h"
namespace {
std::string Convert(const std::string& source, const std::vector<std::string>& deps,
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags, fidl::utils::Syntax syntax) {
// Convert the test file, along with its deps, into a flat AST.
auto flat_lib = WithLibraryZx(source, flags);
for (size_t i = 0; i < deps.size(); i++) {
std::string dep_name = "dep" + std::to_string(i + 1) + ".fidl";
TestLibrary dependency(dep_name, deps[i], flat_lib.OwnedShared(), flags);
if (!dependency.Compile()) {
if (!flat_lib.Compile()) {
// Read the file again, and convert it into a raw AST.
TestLibrary raw_lib(source, flags);
std::unique_ptr<fidl::raw::File> ast;
// Run the ConvertingTreeVisitor using the two previously generated ASTs.
fidl::conv::ConvertingTreeVisitor visitor =
fidl::conv::ConvertingTreeVisitor(syntax, flat_lib.library());
return *visitor.converted_output();
std::string ToOldSyntax(const std::string& in) {
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags;
std::vector<std::string> deps;
return Convert(in, deps, flags, fidl::utils::Syntax::kOld);
std::string ToOldSyntax(const std::string& in, fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags) {
std::vector<std::string> deps;
return Convert(in, deps, flags, fidl::utils::Syntax::kOld);
std::string ToOldSyntax(const std::string& in, const std::vector<std::string>& deps,
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags) {
return Convert(in, deps, flags, fidl::utils::Syntax::kOld);
std::string ToNewSyntax(const std::string& in) {
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags;
std::vector<std::string> deps;
return Convert(in, deps, flags, fidl::utils::Syntax::kNew);
std::string ToNewSyntax(const std::string& in, fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags) {
std::vector<std::string> deps;
return Convert(in, deps, flags, fidl::utils::Syntax::kNew);
std::string ToNewSyntax(const std::string& in, const std::vector<std::string>& deps,
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags) {
return Convert(in, deps, flags, fidl::utils::Syntax::kNew);
// Even though "Deprecated" is technically not an official attribute, it is used
// often enough in the codebase to be included here.
TEST(ConverterTests, AttributesSingletons) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
const string C = "foo";
[Deprecated = "Reason"]
flexible enum E {
A = 1;
[Unknown] B = 2;
[MaxBytes = "1"]
struct S {
[Doc = "Foo"] bool foo = false;
[MaxHandles = "2"]
union U {
[Doc = "Foo"]
1: bool foo;
protocol P1 {
protocol P2 {
[Selector = "Bar"] M2();
[Transport = "Syscall"]
protocol P3 {
[Transitional] M3([Foo = "Bar"] bool b, [Baz = "Qux"] int8 c);
service X {
P1 p;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
const C string = "foo";
type E = flexible enum {
A = 1;
@unknown B = 2;
type S = struct {
@doc("Foo") foo bool = false;
type U = strict union {
1: foo bool;
protocol P1 {
protocol P2 {
@selector("Bar") M2();
protocol P3 {
@transitional M3(struct { @foo("Bar") b bool; @baz("Qux") c int8; });
service X {
p client_end:P1;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
// TODO( update this test
TEST(ConverterTests, AttributesSingletonsUnofficial) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
const string C = "foo";
[Deprecated2 = "Reason"]
strict bits B {
[Doc2 = "Foo"] A = 1;
[MaxBytes2 = "1"]
struct S {
[Doc2 = "Foo"] bool foo = false;
[MaxHandles2 = "2"]
union U {
[Doc2 = "Foo"]
1: bool foo;
protocol P1 {
protocol P2 {
[OnCompose] compose P1;
[Selector2 = "Bar"] M2();
[Transport2 = "Syscall"]
protocol P3 {
[Transitional2] M3([Foo = "Bar"] bool b, [Baz = "Qux"] int8 c);
service X {
P1 p;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
const C string = "foo";
type B = strict bits {
@doc2("Foo") A = 1;
type S = struct {
@doc2("Foo") foo bool = false;
type U = strict union {
1: foo bool;
protocol P1 {
protocol P2 {
[OnCompose] compose P1;
@selector2("Bar") M2();
protocol P3 {
@transitional2 M3(struct { @foo("Bar") b bool; @baz("Qux") c int8; });
service X {
p client_end:P1;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
// The converter suffers from a slight inconsistency where the whitespace
// between a doc comment and a subsequent attribute block is replaced with a
// single newline. For example, "///Foo\n\s\s\s\s[Bar]" becomes "///Foo\n@bar"
// post-conversion. This is not a major issue, as the formatter for the new
// syntax will fix such irregularities post-conversion.
TEST(ConverterTests, AttributesSingletonsWithDocComments) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
/// For example
library example;
/// For C
const string C = "foo";
/// For E
[Deprecated = "Reason"]
flexible enum E {
A = 1;
/// For B
[Unknown] B = 2;
/// For S
[MaxBytes = "1"]
struct S {
[Doc = "Foo"] bool foo = false;
/// For T
[MaxHandles = "2"]
table T {
[Doc = "Foo"]
1: bool foo;
/// For P1
protocol P1 {
/// For M1
/// For P2
protocol P2 {
/// For M2
[Selector = "Bar"] M2();
/// For P3
[Transport = "Syscall"]
protocol P3 {
/// For M3
[Transitional] M3([Foo = "Bar"] bool b, [Baz = "Qux"] int8 c);
/// For X
service X {
/// For P1
P1 p;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
/// For example
library example;
/// For C
const C string = "foo";
/// For E
type E = flexible enum {
A = 1;
/// For B
@unknown B = 2;
/// For S
type S = struct {
@doc("Foo") foo bool = false;
/// For T
type T = table {
1: foo bool;
/// For P1
protocol P1 {
/// For M1
/// For P2
protocol P2 {
/// For M2
@selector("Bar") M2();
/// For P3
protocol P3 {
/// For M3
@transitional M3(struct { @foo("Bar") b bool; @baz("Qux") c int8; });
/// For X
service X {
/// For P1
p client_end:P1;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, AttributesLists) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
[NoDoc, Deprecated = "Note"]
const string C = "foo";
[Deprecated = "Reason", Transitional]
enum E {
A = 1;
[Doc = "Foo", Unknown] B = 2;
[MaxBytes = "1", MaxHandles = "2"]
resource struct S {};
[Discoverable, ForDeprecatedCBindings, Transport = "Syscall"]
protocol P {
[Internal, Selector = "Bar", Transitional] M();
[Doc = "X", NoDoc]
service X {
[Doc = "P", NoDoc]
P p;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
@no_doc @deprecated("Note")
const C string = "foo";
@deprecated("Reason") @transitional
type E = strict enum {
A = 1;
@doc("Foo") @unknown B = 2;
@max_bytes("1") @max_handles("2")
type S = resource struct {};
@discoverable @for_deprecated_c_bindings @transport("Syscall")
protocol P {
@internal @selector("Bar") @transitional M();
@doc("X") @no_doc
service X {
@doc("P") @no_doc
p client_end:P;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, AttributesListsUnofficial) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
[NoDoc2, Deprecated2 = "Note"]
const string C = "foo";
[Deprecated2 = "Reason", Transitional2]
enum E {
A = 1;
[Doc2 = "Foo", Unknown2] B = 2;
[MaxBytes2 = "1", MaxHandles2 = "2"]
resource struct S {};
[Discoverable2, ForDeprecatedCBindings2, Transport2 = "Syscall"]
protocol P {
[Internal2, Selector2 = "Bar", Transitional2] M();
[Doc2 = "X", NoDoc2]
service X {
[Doc2 = "P", NoDoc2]
P p;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
@no_doc2 @deprecated2("Note")
const C string = "foo";
@deprecated2("Reason") @transitional2
type E = strict enum {
A = 1;
@doc2("Foo") @unknown2 B = 2;
@max_bytes2("1") @max_handles2("2")
type S = resource struct {};
@discoverable2 @for_deprecated_c_bindings2 @transport2("Syscall")
protocol P {
@internal2 @selector2("Bar") @transitional2 M();
@doc2("X") @no_doc2
service X {
@doc2("P") @no_doc2
p client_end:P;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, AttributesListsWithDocComments) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// For C
[NoDoc, Deprecated = "Note"]
const string C = "foo";
/// For E
[Deprecated = "Reason", Transitional]
enum E {
A = 1;
/// For B
[Unknown] B = 2;
/// For S
[MaxBytes = "1", MaxHandles = "2"]
resource struct S {};
/// For P
[Discoverable, ForDeprecatedCBindings, Transport = "Syscall"]
protocol P {
/// For M
[Internal, Selector = "Bar", Transitional] M();
/// For X
[Foo = "X", NoDoc]
service X {
/// For P
[Foo = "P", NoDoc]
P p;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// For C
@no_doc @deprecated("Note")
const C string = "foo";
/// For E
@deprecated("Reason") @transitional
type E = strict enum {
A = 1;
/// For B
@unknown B = 2;
/// For S
@max_bytes("1") @max_handles("2")
type S = resource struct {};
/// For P
@discoverable @for_deprecated_c_bindings @transport("Syscall")
protocol P {
/// For M
@internal @selector("Bar") @transitional M();
/// For X
@foo("X") @no_doc
service X {
/// For P
@foo("P") @no_doc
p client_end:P;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, AliasOfArray) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
alias foo = array<uint8>:5;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
alias foo = array<uint8,5>;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, AliasOfProtocols) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol P {};
alias foo = P;
alias bar = request<P>;
alias baz = array<P>:4;
alias quux = vector<request<P>>:4;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol P {};
alias foo = client_end:P;
alias bar = server_end:P;
alias baz = array<client_end:P,4>;
alias quux = vector<server_end:P>:4;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, ParameterBecomesConstraint) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol MyProtocol {};
resource struct Foo {
MyProtocol? b;
request<MyProtocol>? d;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol MyProtocol {};
type Foo = resource struct {
b client_end:<MyProtocol,optional>;
d server_end:<MyProtocol,optional>;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, AliasOfHandleWithSubtype) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
alias foo = zx.handle:VMO?;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
alias foo = zx.handle:<VMO,optional>;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, AliasOfHandleWithSubtypeAndRights) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
alias foo = zx.handle:<VMO,zx.rights.DUPLICATE | zx.rights.TRANSFER>?;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
alias foo = zx.handle:<VMO,zx.rights.DUPLICATE | zx.rights.TRANSFER,optional>;
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version, flags));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version, flags));
TEST(ConverterTests, AliasOfDeeplyNested) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
alias foo = vector<vector<array<uint8>:5>?>:9?;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
alias foo = vector<vector<array<uint8,5>>:optional>:<9,optional>;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, BitsUnmodified) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
bits Foo {
BIGGEST = 0x80000000;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
type Foo = strict bits {
BIGGEST = 0x80000000;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, BitsFlexible) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
flexible bits Foo {
BIGGEST = 0x80000000;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
type Foo = flexible bits {
BIGGEST = 0x80000000;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, BitsStrict) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
strict bits Foo {
BIGGEST = 0x80000000;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
type Foo = strict bits {
BIGGEST = 0x80000000;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, BitsUnmodifiedWithWrappedType) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
bits Foo : uint64 {
BIGGEST = 0x8000000000000000;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
type Foo = strict bits : uint64 {
BIGGEST = 0x8000000000000000;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, BitsFlexibleWithWrappedType) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
flexible bits Foo : uint64 {
BIGGEST = 0x8000000000000000;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
type Foo = flexible bits : uint64 {
BIGGEST = 0x8000000000000000;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, BitsStrictWithWrappedType) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
strict bits Foo : uint64 {
BIGGEST = 0x8000000000000000;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
type Foo = strict bits : uint64 {
BIGGEST = 0x8000000000000000;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, Consts) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
const uint8 FOO = 34;
const string:3 BAR = "abc";
const bool BAZ = true;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
const FOO uint8 = 34;
const BAR string:3 = "abc";
const BAZ bool = true;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, EnumUnmodified) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
enum Foo {
FOO = 1;
BAR = 2;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
type Foo = strict enum {
FOO = 1;
BAR = 2;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, EnumFlexible) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
flexible enum Foo {
FOO = 1;
BAR = 2;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
type Foo = flexible enum {
FOO = 1;
BAR = 2;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, EnumStrict) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
strict enum Foo {
FOO = 1;
BAR = 2;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
type Foo = strict enum {
FOO = 1;
BAR = 2;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, EnumUnmodifiedWithWrappedType) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
enum Foo : uint64 {
FOO = 1;
BAR = 2;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
type Foo = strict enum : uint64 {
FOO = 1;
BAR = 2;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, EnumFlexibleWithWrappedType) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
flexible enum Foo : uint64 {
FOO = 1;
BAR = 2;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
type Foo = flexible enum : uint64 {
FOO = 1;
BAR = 2;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, EnumStrictWithWrappedType) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
strict enum Foo : uint64 {
FOO = 1;
BAR = 2;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
/// Doc comment.
type Foo = strict enum : uint64 {
FOO = 1;
BAR = 2;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, Protocol) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Foo {
DoFoo(string a, int32 b);
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Foo {
DoFoo(struct { a string; b int32; });
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, ProtocolEmpty) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Foo {
DoFoo() -> ();
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Foo {
DoFoo() -> ();
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, ProtocolWithEvent) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Foo {
-> DoFoo(bool a, uint8 b);
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Foo {
-> DoFoo(struct { a bool; b uint8; });
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, ProtocolWithResponse) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Foo {
DoFoo(string a, int32 b) -> (bool c, uint8 d);
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Foo {
DoFoo(struct { a string; b int32; }) -> (struct { c bool; d uint8; });
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, ProtocolWithResponseAndError) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Foo {
DoFoo(string a, int32 b) -> (bool c, uint8 d) error int32;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Foo {
DoFoo(struct { a string; b int32; }) -> (struct { c bool; d uint8; }) error int32;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
// Tests the special
TEST(ConverterTests, ProtocolEmptyWithResponseAndError) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Foo {
DoFoo() -> () error int32;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Foo {
DoFoo() -> (struct { }) error int32;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, ProtocolWithResource) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
protocol Foo {
DoFoo(zx.handle i) -> (zx.handle:VMO o);
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
protocol Foo {
DoFoo(resource struct { i zx.handle; }) -> (resource struct { o zx.handle:VMO; });
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, ProtocolWithTransitiveResource) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
resource table ResourceType {
1: reserved;
protocol Foo {
DoFoo(ResourceType data);
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type ResourceType = resource table {
1: reserved;
protocol Foo {
DoFoo(resource struct { data ResourceType; });
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, ResourceDeclaration) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
enum obj_type : uint32 {
NONE = 0;
VMO = 3;
resource_definition handle : uint32 {
properties {
obj_type subtype;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type obj_type = strict enum : uint32 {
NONE = 0;
VMO = 3;
resource_definition handle : uint32 {
properties {
subtype obj_type;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, ServiceEmpty) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
service S {};
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
service S {};
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, ServiceWithMember) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol P {};
service S {
P p;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol P {};
service S {
p client_end:P;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, StructEmpty) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
struct S {};
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type S = struct {};
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, StructWithMember) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
struct S {
int32 a;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type S = struct {
a int32;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, StructWithDefault) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
struct S {
int32 a = 5;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type S = struct {
a int32 = 5;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, StructWithOptional) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
struct O {};
struct S {
O? o;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type O = struct {};
type S = struct {
o box<O>;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, StructWithProtocols) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol P {};
resource struct S {
P p;
P? po;
request<P> r;
request<P>? ro;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol P {};
type S = resource struct {
p client_end:P;
po client_end:<P,optional>;
r server_end:P;
ro server_end:<P,optional>;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, StructWithVectors) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
struct S {
vector<uint8> v1;
vector<uint8>? v2;
vector<uint8>:16? v3;
vector<vector<uint8>?>:16 v4;
vector<vector<vector<uint8>:16?>>? v5;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type S = struct {
v1 vector<uint8>;
v2 vector<uint8>:optional;
v3 vector<uint8>:<16,optional>;
v4 vector<vector<uint8>:optional>:16;
v5 vector<vector<vector<uint8>:<16,optional>>>:optional;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, StructWithHandle) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
resource struct S {
zx.handle? h;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
type S = resource struct {
h zx.handle:optional;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, StructWithHandleWithSubtype) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
resource struct S {
zx.handle:VMO h;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
type S = resource struct {
h zx.handle:VMO;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, StructWithHandleWithSubtypeAndRights) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
resource struct S {
zx.handle:<CHANNEL,zx.rights.DUPLICATE | zx.rights.TRANSFER> h;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
type S = resource struct {
h zx.handle:<CHANNEL,zx.rights.DUPLICATE | zx.rights.TRANSFER>;
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version, flags));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version, flags));
// This test case's purpose to verify that "nested conversions" work well. This
// particular case has four levels of nesting: the struct declaration at the top
// level, which contains an identifier/type order swap conversion, which
// contains an array type declaration, which itself contains a zx.handle type
// declaration that needs to be converted as well.
TEST(ConverterTests, StructWithManyNestedConversions) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
resource struct S {
array<zx.handle:<PORT,zx.rights.DUPLICATE | zx.rights.TRANSFER>?>:5 a;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
type S = resource struct {
a array<zx.handle:<PORT,zx.rights.DUPLICATE | zx.rights.TRANSFER,optional>,5>;
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version, flags));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version, flags));
TEST(ConverterTests, StructWithComments) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
// Library comment.
library example;
// Top-level comments should be retained.
/// Top-level doc comments should be retained.
// Top-level comments after doc comments should be retained.
struct S {
// Inner comments should be retained.
/// So should inner doc comments.
string a;
// And leading blank lines.
// And multiline comments.
int32 b;
// Trailing inner comments should be retained.
// Trailing comments should be retained.
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
// Library comment.
library example;
// Top-level comments should be retained.
/// Top-level doc comments should be retained.
// Top-level comments after doc comments should be retained.
type S = struct {
// Inner comments should be retained.
/// So should inner doc comments.
a string;
// And leading blank lines.
// And multiline comments.
b int32;
// Trailing inner comments should be retained.
// Trailing comments should be retained.
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
// Make sure that comments inserted in weird gaps where we would not usually
// expect to see comments are not lost. This test only applies to the new
// syntax - keeping comments in place for the old syntax is too cumbersome.
TEST(ConverterTests, StructWithCommentsSilly) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
// 0
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
// 5
// 6
/// Foo
// 6a
// 6b
// 6c
// 6d
// 7
// 8
// 9
// 10
// 11
// 12
// 13
// 14
/// Bar
// 15
// 16
// 17
// 18
// 19
// 20
// 21
// 22
// 23
// 24
// 25
// 26
// 27
// 28
// 29
// 30
// 31
// 32
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
// 0
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
// 5
// 6
// 6a
// 6b
// 6c
/// Foo
// 6d
// 7
// 8
// 9
type S = resource struct
// 10
// 11
// 12
a int32
// 13
// 14
/// Bar
// 15
// 16
// 17
// 18
// 19
// 20
// 21
// 22
// 23
// 24
// 25
// 26
// 27
// 28
b vector<zx.handle:<VMO,zx.rights.DUPLICATE,optional>>:<16,optional>
// 29
// 30
// 31
// 32
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version, flags));
TEST(ConverterTests, TableEmpty) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
table T {};
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type T = table {};
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, TableWithMember) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
table T {
1: int32 a;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type T = table {
1: a int32;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, TableWithReserved) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
table T {
1: reserved;
2: int32 a;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type T = table {
1: reserved;
2: a int32;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, TableWithProtocols) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol P {};
resource table T {
1: P p;
2: request<P> r;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol P {};
type T = resource table {
1: p client_end:P;
2: r server_end:P;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, TableWithVectors) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
table T {
1: vector<uint8> v1;
2: vector<array<uint8>:4>:16 v2;
3: vector<vector<array<uint8>:4>:16?>:32 v3;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type T = table {
1: v1 vector<uint8>;
2: v2 vector<array<uint8,4>>:16;
3: v3 vector<vector<array<uint8,4>>:<16,optional>>:32;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, TableWithHandleWithSubtype) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
resource table T {
1: zx.handle:VMO h;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
type T = resource table {
1: h zx.handle:VMO;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, TableWithHandleWithSubtypeAndRights) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
resource table T {
1: zx.handle:<CHANNEL,zx.rights.DUPLICATE | zx.rights.TRANSFER> h;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
type T = resource table {
1: h zx.handle:<CHANNEL,zx.rights.DUPLICATE | zx.rights.TRANSFER>;
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version, flags));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version, flags));
TEST(ConverterTests, TableWithComments) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
// Library comment.
library example;
// Top-level comments should be retained.
/// Top-level doc comments should be retained.
// Top-level comments after doc comments should be retained.
table T {
// Inner comments should be retained.
/// So should inner doc comments.
1: string a;
// Comment reserved.
2: reserved;
// And leading blank lines.
// And multiline comments.
3: int32 b;
// Trailing inner comments should be retained.
// Trailing comments should be retained.
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
// Library comment.
library example;
// Top-level comments should be retained.
/// Top-level doc comments should be retained.
// Top-level comments after doc comments should be retained.
type T = table {
// Inner comments should be retained.
/// So should inner doc comments.
1: a string;
// Comment reserved.
2: reserved;
// And leading blank lines.
// And multiline comments.
3: b int32;
// Trailing inner comments should be retained.
// Trailing comments should be retained.
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, UnionWithMemberUnmodified) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
union U {
1: int32 a;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type U = strict union {
1: a int32;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, UnionWithMemberFlexible) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
flexible union U {
1: int32 a;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type U = flexible union {
1: a int32;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, UnionWithMemberStrict) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
strict union U {
1: int32 a;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type U = strict union {
1: a int32;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, UnionWithMemberReserved) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
flexible union U {
1: reserved;
2: int32 a;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type U = flexible union {
1: reserved;
2: a int32;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, UnionWithProtocols) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol P {};
resource union U {
1: P p;
2: request<P> r;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol P {};
type U = strict resource union {
1: p client_end:P;
2: r server_end:P;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, UnionWithVectors) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
union U {
1: vector<uint8> v1;
2: vector<array<uint8>:4>:16 v2;
3: vector<vector<array<uint8>:4>:16?>:32 v3;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type U = strict union {
1: v1 vector<uint8>;
2: v2 vector<array<uint8,4>>:16;
3: v3 vector<vector<array<uint8,4>>:<16,optional>>:32;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, UnionWithHandleWithSubtypeUnmodified) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
resource union U {
1: zx.handle:VMO h;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
type U = strict resource union {
1: h zx.handle:VMO;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, UnionWithHandleWithSubtypeFlexible) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
flexible resource union U {
1: zx.handle:VMO h;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
type U = flexible resource union {
1: h zx.handle:VMO;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, UnionWithHandleWithSubtypeStrict) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
strict resource union U {
1: zx.handle:VMO h;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
type U = strict resource union {
1: h zx.handle:VMO;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, UnionWithHandleWithSubtypeAndRights) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
resource union U {
1: zx.handle:<CHANNEL,zx.rights.DUPLICATE | zx.rights.TRANSFER> h;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
type U = strict resource union {
1: h zx.handle:<CHANNEL,zx.rights.DUPLICATE | zx.rights.TRANSFER>;
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version, flags));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version, flags));
TEST(ConverterTests, UnionWithComments) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
// Library comment.
library example;
// Top-level comments should be retained.
/// Top-level doc comments should be retained.
// Top-level comments after doc comments should be retained.
union U {
// Inner comments should be retained.
/// So should inner doc comments.
1: string a;
2: reserved;
// And leading blank lines.
// And multiline comments.
3: int32 b;
// Trailing inner comments should be retained.
// Trailing comments should be retained.
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
// Library comment.
library example;
// Top-level comments should be retained.
/// Top-level doc comments should be retained.
// Top-level comments after doc comments should be retained.
type U = strict union {
// Inner comments should be retained.
/// So should inner doc comments.
1: a string;
2: reserved;
// And leading blank lines.
// And multiline comments.
3: b int32;
// Trailing inner comments should be retained.
// Trailing comments should be retained.
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, Unchanged) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
// Comment.
// Another Comment.
using zx;
// Comment.
/// Doc Comment.
alias foo = zx.handle;
/// Doc Comment.
protocol Empty {};
service AlsoEmpty {};
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
TEST(ConverterTests, TypesInline) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
bits B {
BM = 1;
enum E : uint64 {
EM = 1;
table T {
1: string TM;
strict union U {
1: string UM;
struct S {};
protocol P {};
resource struct Foo {
array<uint8>:4 a1;
array<B>:4 a2;
array<S?>:4 a3;
bytes? b1;
string? b2;
vector<E>:16 v1;
vector<T>:16 v2;
vector<U>:16? v3;
P p1;
P? p2;
request<P> r1;
request<P>? r2;
zx.handle? h1;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
type B = strict bits {
BM = 1;
type E = strict enum : uint64 {
EM = 1;
type T = table {
1: TM string;
type U = strict union {
1: UM string;
type S = struct {};
protocol P {};
type Foo = resource struct {
a1 array<uint8,4>;
a2 array<B,4>;
a3 array<box<S>,4>;
b1 bytes:optional;
b2 string:optional;
v1 vector<E>:16;
v2 vector<T>:16;
v3 vector<U>:<16,optional>;
p1 client_end:P;
p2 client_end:<P,optional>;
r1 server_end:P;
r2 server_end:<P,optional>;
h1 zx.handle:optional;
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version, flags));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version, flags));
// One can name top-level FIDL types using names previously used for built-in
// types (for example, a struct called "uint16"). This test ensures that the
// converter is not fooled by such shenanigans.
TEST(ConverterTests, TypesConfusing) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
bits bool {
int8 = 1;
enum int8 : uint64 {
bool = 1;
table int16 {
1: string TM;
strict union uint8 {
1: string UM;
struct uint16 {};
protocol uint32 {};
alias int32 = zx.handle;
alias uint64 = bytes;
resource struct Foo {
array<uint64>:4 a1;
array<bool>:4 a2;
array<uint16>:4 a3;
uint64 b1;
vector<int8>:16 v1;
vector<int16>:16 v2;
vector<uint8>:16? v3;
uint32 p1;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
type bool = strict bits {
int8 = 1;
type int8 = strict enum : uint64 {
bool = 1;
type int16 = table {
1: TM string;
type uint8 = strict union {
1: UM string;
type uint16 = struct {};
protocol uint32 {};
alias int32 = zx.handle;
alias uint64 = bytes;
type Foo = resource struct {
a1 array<uint64,4>;
a2 array<bool,4>;
a3 array<uint16,4>;
b1 uint64;
v1 vector<int8>:16;
v2 vector<int16>:16;
v3 vector<uint8>:<16,optional>;
p1 client_end:uint32;
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version, flags));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version, flags));
TEST(ConverterTests, TypesBehindAlias) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
bits BB {
BM = 1;
enum EE : uint64 {
EM = 1;
table TT {
1: string TM;
strict union UU {
1: string UM;
struct SS {};
protocol PP {};
alias A = array<uint8>:4;
alias B = BB;
alias E = EE;
alias H = zx.handle?;
alias P = PP;
alias S = SS;
alias T = TT;
alias U = UU;
alias V = vector<U>?;
alias Y = bytes?;
alias Z = string?;
resource struct Foo {
A a1;
array<B>:4 a2;
array<S?>:4 a3;
Y b1;
Z b2;
vector<E>:16 v1;
vector<T>:16 v2;
V:16 v3;
P p1;
P? p2;
request<P> r1;
request<P>? r2;
H h1;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
type BB = strict bits {
BM = 1;
type EE = strict enum : uint64 {
EM = 1;
type TT = table {
1: TM string;
type UU = strict union {
1: UM string;
type SS = struct {};
protocol PP {};
alias A = array<uint8,4>;
alias B = BB;
alias E = EE;
alias H = zx.handle:optional;
alias P = client_end:PP;
alias S = SS;
alias T = TT;
alias U = UU;
alias V = vector<U>:optional;
alias Y = bytes:optional;
alias Z = string:optional;
type Foo = resource struct {
a1 A;
a2 array<B,4>;
a3 array<box<S>,4>;
b1 Y;
b2 Z;
v1 vector<E>:16;
v2 vector<T>:16;
v3 V:16;
p1 P;
p2 P:optional;
r1 server_end:P;
r2 server_end:<P,optional>;
h1 H;
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version, flags));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version, flags));
TEST(ConverterTests, TypesBehindTwoAliases) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
bits BBB {
BM = 1;
enum EEE : uint64 {
EM = 1;
table TTT {
1: string TM;
strict union UUU {
1: string UM;
struct SSS {};
protocol PPP {};
alias AA = array<uint8>:4;
alias BB = BBB;
alias EE = EEE;
alias HH = zx.handle?;
alias PP = PPP;
alias SS = SSS;
alias TT = TTT;
alias UU = UUU;
alias VV = vector<UU>?;
alias YY = bytes?;
alias ZZ = string?;
alias A = AA;
alias B = BB;
alias E = EE;
alias H = HH;
alias P = PP;
alias S = SS;
alias T = TT;
alias U = UU;
alias V = VV;
alias Y = YY;
alias Z = ZZ;
resource struct Foo {
A a1;
array<B>:4 a2;
array<S?>:4 a3;
Y b1;
Z b2;
vector<E>:16 v1;
vector<T>:16 v2;
V:16 v3;
P p1;
P? p2;
request<P> r1;
request<P>? r2;
H h1;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using zx;
type BBB = strict bits {
BM = 1;
type EEE = strict enum : uint64 {
EM = 1;
type TTT = table {
1: TM string;
type UUU = strict union {
1: UM string;
type SSS = struct {};
protocol PPP {};
alias AA = array<uint8,4>;
alias BB = BBB;
alias EE = EEE;
alias HH = zx.handle:optional;
alias PP = client_end:PPP;
alias SS = SSS;
alias TT = TTT;
alias UU = UUU;
alias VV = vector<UU>:optional;
alias YY = bytes:optional;
alias ZZ = string:optional;
alias A = AA;
alias B = BB;
alias E = EE;
alias H = HH;
alias P = PP;
alias S = SS;
alias T = TT;
alias U = UU;
alias V = VV;
alias Y = YY;
alias Z = ZZ;
type Foo = resource struct {
a1 A;
a2 array<B,4>;
a3 array<box<S>,4>;
b1 Y;
b2 Z;
v1 vector<E>:16;
v2 vector<T>:16;
v3 V:16;
p1 P;
p2 P:optional;
r1 server_end:P;
r2 server_end:<P,optional>;
h1 H;
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version, flags));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version, flags));
TEST(ConverterTests, TypesBehindImport) {
std::string dep1 = R"FIDL(
library dep1;
using zx;
bits B {
BM = 1;
enum E : uint64 {
EM = 1;
table T {
1: string TM;
strict union U {
1: string UM;
struct S {};
protocol P {};
alias A = array<uint8>:4;
alias H = zx.handle?;
alias V = vector<U>?;
alias Y = bytes?;
alias Z = string?;
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using dep1;
resource struct Foo {
dep1.A a1;
array<dep1.B>:4 a2;
array<dep1.S?>:4 a3;
dep1.Y b1;
dep1.Z b2;
vector<dep1.E>:16 v1;
vector<dep1.T>:16 v2;
dep1.V:16 v3;
dep1.P p1;
dep1.P? p2;
request<dep1.P> r1;
request<dep1.P>? r2;
dep1.H h1;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using dep1;
type Foo = resource struct {
a1 dep1.A;
a2 array<dep1.B,4>;
a3 array<box<dep1.S>,4>;
b1 dep1.Y;
b2 dep1.Z;
v1 vector<dep1.E>:16;
v2 vector<dep1.T>:16;
v3 dep1.V:16;
p1 client_end:dep1.P;
p2 client_end:<dep1.P,optional>;
r1 server_end:dep1.P;
r2 server_end:<dep1.P,optional>;
h1 dep1.H;
std::vector<std::string> deps;
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version, deps, flags));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version, deps, flags));
TEST(ConverterTests, TypesBehindTwoImports) {
std::string dep1 = R"FIDL(
library dep1;
using zx;
bits B {
BM = 1;
enum E : uint64 {
EM = 1;
table T {
1: string TM;
strict union U {
1: string UM;
struct S {};
protocol P {};
alias A = array<uint8>:4;
alias H = zx.handle?;
alias V = vector<U>?;
alias Y = bytes?;
alias Z = string?;
std::string dep2 = R"FIDL(
library dep2;
using dep1 as imported;
alias A = imported.A;
alias B = imported.B;
alias E = imported.E;
alias H = imported.H;
alias P = imported.P;
alias S = imported.S;
alias T = imported.T;
alias U = imported.U;
alias V = imported.V;
alias Y = imported.Y;
alias Z = imported.Z;
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using dep2;
resource struct Foo {
dep2.A a1;
array<dep2.B>:4 a2;
array<dep2.S?>:4 a3;
dep2.Y b1;
dep2.Z b2;
vector<dep2.E>:16 v1;
vector<dep2.T>:16 v2;
dep2.V:16 v3;
dep2.P p1;
dep2.P? p2;
request<dep2.P> r1;
request<dep2.P>? r2;
dep2.H h1;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using dep2;
type Foo = resource struct {
a1 dep2.A;
a2 array<dep2.B,4>;
a3 array<box<dep2.S>,4>;
b1 dep2.Y;
b2 dep2.Z;
v1 vector<dep2.E>:16;
v2 vector<dep2.T>:16;
v3 dep2.V:16;
p1 dep2.P;
p2 dep2.P:optional;
r1 server_end:dep2.P;
r2 server_end:<dep2.P,optional>;
h1 dep2.H;
std::vector<std::string> deps;
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version, deps, flags));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version, deps, flags));
TEST(ConverterTests, TypesBehindTwoAliasedImports) {
std::string dep1 = R"FIDL(
library dep1;
using zx;
bits B {
BM = 1;
enum E : uint64 {
EM = 1;
table T {
1: string TM;
strict union U {
1: string UM;
struct S {};
protocol P {};
alias A = array<uint8>:4;
alias H = zx.handle?;
alias V = vector<U>?;
alias Y = bytes?;
alias Z = string?;
std::string dep2 = R"FIDL(
library dep2;
using dep1 as imported;
alias A = imported.A;
alias B = imported.B;
alias E = imported.E;
alias H = imported.H;
alias P = imported.P;
alias S = imported.S;
alias T = imported.T;
alias U = imported.U;
alias V = imported.V;
alias Y = imported.Y;
alias Z = imported.Z;
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using dep2 as d2;
resource struct Foo {
d2.A a1;
array<d2.B>:4 a2;
array<d2.S?>:4 a3;
d2.Y b1;
d2.Z b2;
vector<d2.E>:16 v1;
vector<d2.T>:16 v2;
d2.V:16 v3;
d2.P p1;
d2.P? p2;
request<d2.P> r1;
request<d2.P>? r2;
d2.H h1;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using dep2 as d2;
type Foo = resource struct {
a1 d2.A;
a2 array<d2.B,4>;
a3 array<box<d2.S>,4>;
b1 d2.Y;
b2 d2.Z;
v1 vector<d2.E>:16;
v2 vector<d2.T>:16;
v3 d2.V:16;
p1 d2.P;
p2 d2.P:optional;
r1 server_end:d2.P;
r2 server_end:<d2.P,optional>;
h1 d2.H;
std::vector<std::string> deps;
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version, deps, flags));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version, deps, flags));
TEST(ConverterTests, TypesBehindAliasThenImport) {
std::string dep1 = R"FIDL(
library dep1;
using zx;
bits B {
BM = 1;
enum E : uint64 {
EM = 1;
table T {
1: string TM;
strict union U {
1: string UM;
struct S {};
protocol P {};
alias A = array<uint8>:4;
alias H = zx.handle?;
alias V = vector<U>?;
alias Y = bytes?;
alias Z = string?;
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using dep1;
alias AA = dep1.A;
alias BB = dep1.B;
alias EE = dep1.E;
alias HH = dep1.H;
alias PP = dep1.P;
alias SS = dep1.S;
alias TT = dep1.T;
alias UU = dep1.U;
alias VV = dep1.V;
alias YY = dep1.Y;
alias ZZ = dep1.Z;
resource struct Foo {
AA a1;
array<BB>:4 a2;
array<SS?>:4 a3;
YY b1;
ZZ b2;
vector<EE>:16 v1;
vector<TT>:16 v2;
VV:16 v3;
PP p1;
PP? p2;
request<PP> r1;
request<PP>? r2;
HH h1;
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
using dep1;
alias AA = dep1.A;
alias BB = dep1.B;
alias EE = dep1.E;
alias HH = dep1.H;
alias PP = client_end:dep1.P;
alias SS = dep1.S;
alias TT = dep1.T;
alias UU = dep1.U;
alias VV = dep1.V;
alias YY = dep1.Y;
alias ZZ = dep1.Z;
type Foo = resource struct {
a1 AA;
a2 array<BB,4>;
a3 array<box<SS>,4>;
b1 YY;
b2 ZZ;
v1 vector<EE>:16;
v2 vector<TT>:16;
v3 VV:16;
p1 PP;
p2 PP:optional;
r1 server_end:PP;
r2 server_end:<PP,optional>;
h1 HH;
std::vector<std::string> deps;
fidl::ExperimentalFlags flags;
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version, deps, flags));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version, deps, flags));
TEST(ConverterTests, AliasOfResource) {
std::string old_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
resource struct Resource {};
alias MyResource = vector<Resource>;
protocol Foo {
SendResource(MyResource r);
std::string new_version = R"FIDL(
library example;
type Resource = resource struct {};
alias MyResource = vector<Resource>;
protocol Foo {
SendResource(resource struct { r MyResource; });
ASSERT_STR_EQ(old_version, ToOldSyntax(old_version));
ASSERT_STR_EQ(new_version, ToNewSyntax(old_version));
} // namespace