blob: d154cd0cb31978454e5f083e56ad4154afddd305 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/result.h>
#include <lib/fit/nullable.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/string_view.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
namespace fidl {
namespace internal {
const char* const kErrorInvalidHeader = "invalid header";
const char* const kErrorUnknownTxId = "unknown txid";
const char* const kErrorUnknownOrdinal = "unknown ordinal";
const char* const kErrorTransport = "underlying transport I/O error";
const char* const kErrorChannelUnbound = "failed outgoing operation on unbound channel";
const char* const kErrorWaitOneFailed = "zx_channel_wait_one failed";
} // namespace internal
namespace {
// A buffer of 256 bytes is sufficient for all tested results.
// If the description exceeds this length at runtime,
// the output will be truncated.
// We can increase the size if necessary.
using ResultFormattingBuffer = std::array<char, 256>;
} // namespace
[[nodiscard]] std::string Result::FormatDescription() const {
ResultFormattingBuffer buf;
size_t length = FormatImpl(buf.begin(), sizeof(buf), /* from_unbind_info */ false);
return std::string(buf.begin(), length);
[[nodiscard]] const char* Result::lossy_description() const {
// If an error string was explicitly specified, use that.
if (error_) {
return error_;
// Otherwise, derive an error from |reason_|.
return reason_description();
[[nodiscard]] const char* Result::reason_description() const {
// The error descriptions are quite terse to save binary size.
switch (reason_) {
case internal::kUninitializedReason:
return nullptr;
case Reason::kUnbind:
return "user initiated unbind";
case Reason::kClose:
return "(server) user initiated close with epitaph";
case Reason::kPeerClosed:
return "peer closed";
case Reason::kDispatcherError:
return "dispatcher error";
case Reason::kTransportError:
return internal::kErrorTransport;
case Reason::kEncodeError:
return "encode error";
case Reason::kDecodeError:
return "decode error";
case Reason::kUnexpectedMessage:
return "unexpected message";
size_t Result::FormatImpl(char* destination, size_t length, bool from_unbind_info) const {
// We use |snprintf| since it minimizes allocation and is faster
// than output streams.
if (!from_unbind_info && status_ == ZX_OK && reason_ == internal::kUninitializedReason) {
return snprintf(destination, length, "FIDL success");
const char* prelude = from_unbind_info ? "FIDL endpoint was unbound" : "FIDL operation failed";
const char* status_meaning = [&] {
switch (reason_) {
// This reason may only appear in an |UnbindInfo|.
case Reason::kClose:
return "status of sending epitaph";
case Reason::kPeerClosed:
if (status_ != ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED) {
return "epitaph";
return "status";
const char* detail_prefix = error_ ? ", detail: " : "";
const char* detail = error_ ? error_ : "";
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
return snprintf(destination, length, "%s due to %s, %s: %s (%d)%s%s", prelude,
reason_description(), status_meaning, status_string(), status_, detail_prefix,
return snprintf(destination, length, "%s due to %s, %s: %d%s%s", prelude, reason_description(),
status_meaning, status_, detail_prefix, detail);
#endif // __Fuchsia__
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ostream, const Result& result) {
ResultFormattingBuffer buf;
size_t length = result.FormatImpl(buf.begin(), sizeof(buf), /* from_unbind_info */ false);
ostream << cpp17::string_view(buf.begin(), length);
return ostream;
[[nodiscard]] std::string UnbindInfo::FormatDescription() const {
ResultFormattingBuffer buf;
size_t length = FormatImpl(buf.begin(), sizeof(buf), /* from_unbind_info */ true);
return std::string(buf.begin(), length);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ostream, const UnbindInfo& info) {
ResultFormattingBuffer buf;
size_t length = info.Result::FormatImpl(buf.begin(), sizeof(buf), /* from_unbind_info */ true);
ostream << cpp17::string_view(buf.begin(), length);
return ostream;
} // namespace fidl