blob: ce7ae99f5244194f051109acca5e41605e4b8e74 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
#### CATEGORY=Run, inspect and debug
### run fidlcat on given target.
## Runs fidlcat in the given configuration; currently, fidlcat logs all FIDL
## chatter from the given target executable. Starts the debug agent on the
## proposed target, and closes the debug agent on exit.
## CAUTION: This support is experimental, and invocation strategy is likely to
## change. The component launching configuration is *especially* likely to go
## away over time.
## - Remember to use "fx set-device" when working with multiple devices.
## - This scripts by default will mute the SSH connection stdout/stderr, so any
## errors triggered by it won't appear. Use the --debug-mode flag to see
## the debug log's from the debug agent and fidlcat.
## - This scripts uses the tool "nc" for testing TCP connections. Check that it
## is in $PATH and that it works.
## Usage: fx fidlcat [--port=<port>] [--with-symbol-server] [--debug-mode]
## [--symbol-path=<path>] [--fidl-ir-path=<path>] [--gdb]
## [--from=<source>] [--to=<path>] [--format=<output>]
## [--with-process-info] [--stack=<value>]
## [--syscalls=<regexp>] [--exclude-syscalls=<regexp>]
## [--messages=<regexp>] [--exclude-messages=<regexp>] [--trigger=<regexp>]
## [--dump-messages]
## [--verbose=<value> | --quiet=<value>] [--log-file <path>] [--stay-alive]
## [--remote-pid=<pid>] [--remote-name=<name>] [--extra-name=<name>]
## [--remote-job-id=<koid>] [--remote-job-name=<name>]
## [run <component specification>]
## System options:
## --port Port the debug agent will be listening on. Will use 2345 by default.
## --with-symbol-server Connect to the symbol server. The first time you use this option,
## fidlcat will give you a link to an authentication page.
## You then have to use the generated key to authenticate.
## --debug-mode Whether the debug agent's debug logs should be shown.
## --symbol-path=<path> An extra location where fidlcat can find debug symbols.
## --fidl-ir-path=<path> An extra location where fidlcat can find FIDL compiled files.
## --gdb Launch fidlcat using gdb. This is only useful to be able to debug
## fidlcat. This option only works if you have the unstripped version of
## fidlcat.
## Input options:
## --from=<source> This option must be used at most once.
## Source can be:
## --from=device This is the default input. The input comes from the live
## monitoring of one or several processes.
## At least one of '--remote-pid', '--remote-name',
## '--remote-job-id', --'remote-job-name', 'run' must be
## specified.
## --from=dump The input comes from stdin which is the log output of one
## or several programs. The lines in the log which dump
## syscalls are decoded and replaced by the decoded version.
## All other lines are unchanged.
## --from=<path> Playback. Used to replay a session previously recorded with
## --to=<path> (protobuf format). Path gives the name of the
## file to read. If path is '-' then the standard input is used.
## Session save option:
## --to=<path> The session is saved to the specified file (binary protobuf format).
## When a session is saved, you can replay it using "--from=<path>".
## The raw data is saved. That means that the data saved is independent from what is
## displayed.
## Format (output) options:
## --format=<output> You can use one of this output formats:
## --format=pretty The session is pretty printed (with colors).
## This is the default output if --with is not used.
## --format=json The session is printed using a json format.
## --format=textproto The session is printed using a text protobuf format.
## --format= Nothing is displayed on the standard output (this option
## only makes sense when used with --to=<path> or with
## --with).
## When there is no output, fidlcat is much faster (this is
## better when you want to monitor real time components).
## This is the default output is --with is used.
## Extra generation:
## These options can be used several times.
## --with=summary At the end of the session, a summary of the session is displayed on the
## standard output.
## --with=summary=<path> Like --with=summary but the result is stored into the file specified by
## <path>.
## --with=top At the end of the session, generate a view that groups the output by
## process, protocol, and method. The groups are sorted by number of
## events, so groups with more associated events are listed earlier.
## --with=top=<path> Like --with=top but the result is stored into the file specified by
## <path>.
## --with=group-by-thread For each thread display a short version of all the events.
## --with=group-by-thread=<path> Like --with=group-by-thread but the result is stored into the
## file specified by <path>.
## Display options:
## --with-process-info Display the process name, process id and thread id on
## each line (useful for grep).
## --stack=<value> Define the amount of stack frame to display
## 0: none (default value)
## 1: call site (1 to 4 levels)
## 2: full stack frame (adds some overhead)
## --syscalls=<regexp> A regular expression which selects the syscalls to decode and
## display.
## Can be passed multiple times.
## By default, only zx_channel_.* syscalls are displayed.
## To display all the syscalls, use: --syscalls ".*"
## --exclude-syscalls=<regexp> A regular expression which selects the syscalls to not decode and
## display.
## Can be passed multiple times.
## To be displayed, a syscall must verify --syscalls and not verify
## --exclude-syscalls.
## To display all the syscalls but the zx_handle syscalls, use:
## --syscalls ".*" --exclude-syscalls "zx_handle_.*"
## --messages=<regexp> A regular expression which selects the messages to display.
## To display a message, the method name must satisfy the regexp.
## This option can be specified multiple times.
## Message filtering works on the method's fully qualified name.
## --exclude-messages=<regexp> A regular expression which selects the messages to not display.
## If a message method name satisfy the regexp, the message is not
## displayed (even if it satisfies --messages).
## This option can be specified multiple times.
## Message filtering works on the method's fully qualified name.
## --trigger=<regexp> Start displaying messages and syscalls only when a message for
## which the method name satisfies the filter is found.
## This option can be specified multiple times.
## Message filtering works on the method's fully qualified name.
## --thread=<thread koid> Only display the events for the specified thread.
## This option can be specified multiple times to display several
## threads. By default all the events are displayed.
## --dump-messages Always does a hexadecimal dump of the messages even if we can
## decode them.
## Logging options:
## --verbose=<value> The log verbosity. Legal values are "info", "warning", "error", "fatal",
## or a number, starting from 0. Extra verbosity comes with higher levels.
## --quiet=<value> The log verbosity. Legal values are "info", "warning", "error", "fatal",
## or a number, starting from 0. Extra verbosity comes with lower levels.
## --log-file=<path> The log file destination.
## --stay-alive Don't quit fidlcat when all the monitored processes have ended. This allows
## to keep monitoring upcoming process. At the end you have to use control-c
## to quit fidlcat. This is useful when you monitor a process and restart this
## process.
## Monitoring options:
## --remote-pid=<pid> The koid of the remote process to trace.
## --remote-name=<name> The name of a process. Fidlcat will monitor all existing and future
## processes whose names includes <name> (<name> is a substring of the
## process name).
## Can be provided multiple times for multiple names.
## When used with --remote-job-id or --remote-job-name, only the processes
## from the selected jobs are taken into account.
## --extra-name=<name> Like --remote-name, it monitors some processes. However, for these
## processes, monitoring starts only when one of of the "--remote-name"
## process is launched. Also, fidlcat stops when the last "--remote-name"
## process stops (even if some "--extra-name" processes are still
## monitored).
## --remote-job-id=<koid> The koid of a remote job for which we want to monitor all the
## processes.
## Can be provided multiple times for multiple jobs.
## Only jobs created before fidlcat is launched are monitored.
## --remote-job-name=<name> The name of a remote job for which we want to monitor all the
## processes. All the jobs which contain <name> in their name are used.
## Can be provided multiple times for multiple jobs.
## Only jobs created before fidlcat is launched are monitored.
## run <component spec> A token indicating that you want to invoke and trace the following
## component. The component is specified with either a bash regex that
## matches a component URL known to the build, or a full component URL not
## known to your build, but available to your target.
## Flags after -- are parsed by fidlcat.
## Example usage:
## # Attaches to the process with the given pid on the target:
## fx fidlcat --remote-pid=4755
## # Launches the echo client, and monitors its FIDL chatter:
## fx fidlcat run fuchsia-pkg://
## # Also launches the echo client, and monitors its FIDL chatter:
## fx fidlcat run echo_client_cpp.cmx
## # Will trace existing and future processes whose name contains "echo_client"
## fx fidlcat --remote-name=echo_client
## All options --remote-pid, --remote-name, --extra-name and, run can be used together.
## However, run must always be the last one.
## When --remote-name and run are used together, only processes which match --remote-name are
## monitored.
## Examples (echo_server is launched by echo_client):
## # run and monitor echo_client.
## fx fidlcat run echo_client_cpp.cmx
## # run and monitor echo_client.
## fx fidlcat --remote-name=echo_client run echo_client_cpp.cmx
## # run echo_client and monitor echo_server.
## fx fidlcat --remote-name=echo_server run echo_client_cpp.cmx
## # run echo_client and monitor echo_client and echo_server.
## fx fidlcat --remote-name=echo run echo_client_cpp.cmx
## # run echo_client and monitor echo_client and echo_server.
## fx fidlcat --remote-name=echo_client --remote-name=echo_server run echo_client_cpp.cmx
source "$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)"/../lib/ || exit $?
source "$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)"/lib/ || exit $?
source "$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)"/lib/ || exit $?
equal_argument() {
if [[ $1 != "$2"* ]]; then
return 1
if [[ $1 != "$2="* ]]; then
echo "Flag $2 must be followed by an equal sign: $2=$3"
exit 1
return 0
# Options for the zxdb client.
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
if [[ $1 == "--help" || $1 == "-h" ]]; then
exit 0
elif equal_argument "$1" "--port" "<port>"; then
port=$(echo "$1" | cut -c 8-)
echo "$port"
elif [[ $1 == "--with-symbol-server" ]]; then
echo "--with-symbol-server option is now implicit. You don't need it anymore."
elif [[ $1 == "--debug-mode" ]]; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--symbol-path" "<path>"; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--fidl-ir-path" "<path>"; then
elif [[ $1 == "--gdb" ]]; then
elif [[ $1 == "--from=device" ]]; then
elif [[ $1 == "--from=dump" ]]; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--from" "<source>"; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--to" "<path>"; then
elif [[ $1 == "--format=" ]]; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--format" "<output>"; then
elif [[ $1 == "--with-process-info" ]]; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--with" "<option>"; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--stack" "<value>"; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--syscalls" "<regexp>"; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--exclude-syscalls" "<regexp>"; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--messages" "<regexp>"; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--exclude-messages" "<regexp>"; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--trigger" "<regexp>"; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--thread" "<thread koid>"; then
elif [[ $1 == "--dump-messages" ]]; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--verbose" "<value>"; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--quiet" "<value>"; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--log-file" "<path>"; then
elif [[ $1 == "--stay-alive" ]]; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--remote-pid" "<pid>"; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--remote-name" "<name>"; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--extra-name" "<name>"; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--remote-job-id" "<koid>"; then
elif equal_argument "$1" "--remote-job-name" "<name>"; then
elif [[ $1 == "run" ]]; then
break # Remaining flags are passed to fidlcat, with processing below
elif [[ $1 == "--" ]]; then
break # Remaining flags are passed to fidlcat
echo "Invalid flag $1"
exit 1
# Infer the package URL from a regex-specified name.
if [[ "${action}" == "run" ]]; then
all_pkgs="$(cat "${package_file}")"
if [[ -n "${all_pkgs}" ]]; then
for pkg in ${all_pkgs}; do
if [[ "${pkg}" =~ ${component} ]]; then
# If there aren't any packages in the component_index_metadata file, then
# assume the users know what they are doing. fidlcat should complain.
if [[ ${#components[@]} = 0 ]]; then
fx-error "Package $component is not known to the current build configuration."
fx-error "Check \`fx list-packages\` for the correct name,"
fx-error "or adjust the build configuration with \`fx set\`."
exit 1
elif [[ ${#components[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then
fx-error "Ambiguous match: $component matches the following ${#components[@]} packages:"
for component in "${components[@]}"; do
fx-error " $component"
exit 1
# We have now removed "run <partial component URL regex>" from the remaining
# positional parameters. The following set command replaces them with "run
# <full component URL>".
set - "$@" "run" "${component}"
if [[ -z "${port}" ]]; then
ensure-symbol-index-registered || echo "Failed to register ${FUCHSIA_DIR} in symbol-index!"
FIDLCAT=$(fx-command-run host-tool --print fidlcat)
FIDLCAT_UNSTRIPPED="$(dirname "$FIDLCAT")/exe.unstripped/$(basename "$FIDLCAT")"
if [[ ${launch_agent} -eq 1 ]]; then
if launch_debug_agent "${port}" "" "${agent_out}"; then
arguments+=("--connect" "$(get-device-addr-resource):${port}")
arguments+=("--fidl-ir-path" @"${FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR}"/all_fidl_json.txt)
if [[ ${use_gdb} -eq 1 ]]; then
# Starts gdb.
gdb --args "$FIDLCAT_UNSTRIPPED" "${arguments[@]}"
# Now that the debug agent is launched, start fidlcat.
"$FIDLCAT" "${arguments[@]}"
# --quit-agent-on-exit should quit the debug_agent so we just need to wait for ssh to terminate.
fx-error "Could not launch debug agent. Exiting. Make sure you're running 'fx serve'."
exit 1
arguments+=("--fidl-ir-path" @"${FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR}"/all_fidl_json.txt)
if [[ ${use_gdb} -eq 1 ]]; then
# Starts gdb.
gdb --args "$FIDLCAT_UNSTRIPPED" "${arguments[@]}"
# Now that the debug agent is launched, start fidlcat.
"$FIDLCAT" "${arguments[@]}"