blob: d8db6bbcffb96b5bb06577477f27edbdf5d961ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::{error::Error, util},
std::{fs, path::PathBuf},
enum ComponentManifest {
// These runners respect `program.binary`. We only validate the `program` section for components
// using them.
// TODO(
const RUNNER_VALIDATE_LIST: [&'static str; 6] = [
// TODO( Add support for Dart components.
/// Validates that a component manifest file is consistent with the content
/// of its package. Checks included in this function are:
/// 1. If provided program binary in component manifest matches with
/// executable target declared in package manifest.
/// If all checks pass, this function returns Ok(()).
pub fn validate(
component_manifest_path: &PathBuf,
package_manifest_path: &PathBuf,
gn_label: Option<&String>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let component_manifest = read_component_manifest(component_manifest_path)?;
match get_component_runner(&component_manifest).as_deref() {
Some(runner) => {
if !RUNNER_VALIDATE_LIST.iter().any(|r| &runner == r) {
return Ok(());
None => {}
let package_manifest = read_package_manifest(package_manifest_path)?;
let package_targets = get_package_targets(&package_manifest);
let program_binary = get_program_binary(&component_manifest);
if program_binary.is_none() {
return Ok(());
let program_binary = program_binary.unwrap();
if package_targets.contains(&program_binary) {
return Ok(());
// Legacy package.gni supports the "disabled test" feature that
// intentionally breaks component manifests.
if program_binary.starts_with("test/")
&& package_targets.contains(&format!("test/disabled/{}", &program_binary[5..]))
return Ok(());
Err(missing_binary_error(component_manifest_path, program_binary, package_targets, gn_label))
fn read_package_manifest(path: &PathBuf) -> Result<String, Error> {
fs::read_to_string(path).map_err(|e| {
Error::parse(format!("Couldn't parse file {:?}: {}", path, e), None, Some(path))
fn read_component_manifest(path: &PathBuf) -> Result<ComponentManifest, Error> {
const BAD_EXTENSION: &str = "Input file does not have a component manifest extension \
(.cm or .cml or .cmx)";
let ext = path.extension().and_then(|e| e.to_str());
Ok(match ext {
Some("cmx") => ComponentManifest::Cmx(util::read_cmx(path)?),
Some("cml") => ComponentManifest::Cml(util::read_cml(path)?),
Some("cm") => ComponentManifest::Cm(util::read_cm(path)?),
_ => {
return Err(Error::invalid_args(BAD_EXTENSION));
fn get_package_targets(package_manifest: &str) -> Vec<String> {
.map(|line| line.split("="))
.map(|mut parts|
// Safe to unwrap because Option(None) values have been filtered out.
fn get_program_binary(component_manifest: &ComponentManifest) -> Option<String> {
let program = match component_manifest {
ComponentManifest::Cml(document) => match &document.program {
Some(program) => &,
None => {
return None;
ComponentManifest::Cmx(body) => match body.get("program") {
Some(program) => match program.as_object() {
Some(program) => program,
None => {
return None;
None => {
return None;
ComponentManifest::Cm(decl) => {
let entries = match &decl.program {
Some(program) => match & {
Some(entries) => entries,
None => return None,
None => return None,
for entry in entries {
if entry.key == "binary" {
if let Some(value) = &entry.value {
if let fidl_fuchsia_data::DictionaryValue::Str(ref str) = **value {
return Some(str.clone());
} else {
return None;
} else {
return None;
return None;
match program.get("binary") {
Some(binary) => match binary.as_str() {
Some(value) => Some(value.to_owned()),
None => None,
None => None,
fn get_component_runner(component_manifest: &ComponentManifest) -> Option<String> {
match component_manifest {
ComponentManifest::Cml(document) => {
document.program.as_ref().and_then(|p| p.runner.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str().to_owned()))
ComponentManifest::Cmx(payload) => {
payload.get("runner").and_then(|r| r.as_str().map(|s| s.to_owned()))
ComponentManifest::Cm(decl) => {
decl.program.as_ref().and_then(|p| p.runner.as_ref().map(|n| n.to_string()))
fn missing_binary_error(
component_manifest_path: &PathBuf,
program_binary: String,
package_targets: Vec<String>,
gn_label: Option<&String>,
) -> Error {
let header = gen_header(component_manifest_path, gn_label);
if package_targets.is_empty() {
return Error::validate(format!("{}\n\tPackage deps is empty!", header));
// We couldn't find the binary, let's get the nearest match.
let nearest_match = get_nearest_match(&program_binary, &package_targets);
program.binary={} but {} is not provided by deps!
Did you mean {}?
Try any of the following:
fn gen_header(component_manifest_path: &PathBuf, gn_label: Option<&String>) -> String {
match gn_label {
Some(label) => format!(
"Error found in: {}\n\tFailed to validate manifest: {:#?}",
label, component_manifest_path
None => format!("Failed to validate manifest: {:#?}", component_manifest_path),
fn get_nearest_match<'a>(reference: &'a str, candidates: &'a Vec<String>) -> &'a str {
let mut nearest = &candidates[0];
let mut min_distance = strsim::levenshtein(reference, &candidates[0]);
for candidate in candidates.iter().skip(1) {
let distance = strsim::levenshtein(reference, candidate);
if distance < min_distance {
min_distance = distance;
nearest = candidate;
mod tests {
use {
std::{fmt::Display, fs::File, io::Write},
fn tmp_file(tmp_dir: &TempDir, name: &str, contents: impl Display) -> PathBuf {
let path = tmp_dir.path().join(name);
.write_all(format!("{:#}", contents).as_bytes())
return path;
fn compiled_tmp_file(tmp_dir: &TempDir, name: &str, contents: impl Display) -> PathBuf {
let tmp_dir_path = tmp_dir.path().to_path_buf();
let path = tmp_dir_path.join(name);
let cml_path = tmp_dir_path.join("temp.cml");
File::create(&cml_path).unwrap().write_all(format!("{:#}", contents).as_bytes()).unwrap();
compile(&cml_path, &path, None, &vec![], &tmp_dir_path, None, &FeatureSet::empty(), &None)
return path;
macro_rules! fini_file {
( $( $line:literal ),* ) => {
let mut buf: Vec<&str> = Vec::new();
fn validate_returns_ok_if_program_binary_empty() {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let component_manifest = tmp_file(&tmp_dir, "test.cmx", json!({}));
let package_manifest = tmp_file(
fini_file!("bin/hello_world=hello_world", "lib/foo=foo"),
assert_matches!(validate(&component_manifest, &package_manifest, None), Ok(()));
fn validate_returns_ok_for_proper_cmx() {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let component_manifest = tmp_file(
"program": {
"binary": "bin/hello_world"
"runner": "elf"
let package_manifest = tmp_file(
fini_file!("bin/hello_world=hello_world", "lib/foo=foo"),
assert_matches!(validate(&component_manifest, &package_manifest, None), Ok(()));
fn validate_returns_ok_for_proper_cml() {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let component_manifest = tmp_file(
// JSON5, which .cml uses, allows for comments.
program: {
runner: "elf",
binary: "bin/hello_world",
let package_manifest = tmp_file(
fini_file!("bin/hello_world=hello_world", "lib/foo=foo"),
assert_matches!(validate(&component_manifest, &package_manifest, None), Ok(()));
fn validate_returns_ok_for_proper_cm() {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let component_manifest = compiled_tmp_file(
program: {
runner: "elf",
binary: "bin/hello_world",
let package_manifest = tmp_file(
fini_file!("bin/hello_world=hello_world", "lib/foo=foo"),
assert_matches!(validate(&component_manifest, &package_manifest, None), Ok(()));
fn validate_returns_ok_for_test_binaries() {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let component_manifest = tmp_file(
"program": {
"binary": "test/hello_world"
"runner": "elf"
let package_manifest = tmp_file(
fini_file!("test/hello_world=hello_world", "lib/foo=foo"),
assert_matches!(validate(&component_manifest, &package_manifest, None), Ok(()));
fn validate_returns_ok_for_disabled_test_binaries() {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let component_manifest = tmp_file(
"program": {
"binary": "test/hello_world"
"runner": "elf"
let package_manifest = tmp_file(
fini_file!("test/disabled/hello_world=hello_world", "lib/foo=foo"),
assert_matches!(validate(&component_manifest, &package_manifest, None), Ok(()));
fn validate_returns_ok_for_ignored_runners() {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let package_manifest = tmp_file(&tmp_dir, "test.fini", "");
// Normally, an empty package manifest file would yield an error.
// However, the following runners are ignored during validation.
for runner in [
let component_manifest = tmp_file(
"program": {
"binary": "bin/hello_world"
"runner": runner
assert_matches!(validate(&component_manifest, &package_manifest, None), Ok(()));
fn validate_returns_ok_if_runner_not_provided() {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let package_manifest = tmp_file(&tmp_dir, "test.fini", fini_file!("bin/hello_world"));
let component_manifest = tmp_file(
"program": {
"binary": "bin/hello_world"
assert_matches!(validate(&component_manifest, &package_manifest, None), Ok(()));
fn validate_returns_err_if_runner_not_provided_and_binary_not_found() {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let package_manifest = tmp_file(&tmp_dir, "test.fini", fini_file!("bin/hello_world"));
let component_manifest = tmp_file(
"program": {
"binary": "test/hello_world"
assert_matches!(validate(&component_manifest, &package_manifest, None),
Err(Error::Validate { schema_name: None, err, .. }) if err.contains("test/hello_world is not provided by deps!") && err.contains("Did you mean bin/hello_world?"));
fn validate_returns_err_if_package_manifest_is_empty() {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let component_manifest = tmp_file(
"program": {
"binary": "bin/hello_world"
"runner": "elf"
let package_manifest = tmp_file(&tmp_dir, "test.fini", "");
assert_matches!(validate(&component_manifest, &package_manifest, None), Err(_));
fn validate_returns_err_if_binary_not_found() {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let component_manifest = tmp_file(
"program": {
"binary": "bin/not_a_listed_binary"
"runner": "elf"
let package_manifest = tmp_file(
fini_file!("bin/hello_world=hello_world", "lib/foo=foo"),
assert_matches!(validate(&component_manifest, &package_manifest, None), Err(_));
fn validate_returns_err_if_component_manifest_has_unknown_extension() {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let component_manifest = tmp_file(
// JSON5, which .cml uses, allows for comments.
program: {
binary: "bin/hello_world",
let package_manifest = tmp_file(
fini_file!("bin/hello_world=hello_world", "lib/foo=foo"),
assert_matches!(validate(&component_manifest, &package_manifest, None), Err(_));
fn validate_returns_err_if_cml_is_malformed() {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let component_manifest = tmp_file(
// With no opening '{', the json5 parser should yield an error.
program: {
binary: "bin/hello_world",
let package_manifest = tmp_file(
fini_file!("bin/hello_world=hello_world", "lib/foo=foo"),
assert_matches!(validate(&component_manifest, &package_manifest, None), Err(_));
fn validate_returns_err_if_cmx_is_malformed() {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let component_manifest = tmp_file(
// json parser should break when encountering unquoted keys.
program: {
binary: "bin/hello_world"
runner: "elf",
let package_manifest = tmp_file(
fini_file!("bin/hello_world=hello_world", "lib/foo=foo"),
assert_matches!(validate(&component_manifest, &package_manifest, None), Err(_));
fn validate_returns_err_if_package_manifest_is_bad_file() {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let component_manifest = tmp_file(
// JSON5, which .cml uses, allows for comments.
program: {
binary: "bin/hello_world",
use: [{ runner: "elf", }],
validate(&component_manifest, &PathBuf::from("file/doesnt/exist"), None),
fn get_nearest_match_returns_correct_value() {
get_nearest_match("foo", &vec!["lib/bar".to_string(), "bin/foo".to_string()]),
get_nearest_match("foo", &vec!["bin/foo".to_string(), "lib/bar".to_string()]),