blob: 04b5fc517794cf9fc568ea248364078d4b2a83c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package license
import (
type SearchResult struct {
LicenseData *file.FileData
Pattern *Pattern
// Search each data slice in the given file for license texts.
// f (file) is assumed to be a single or multi license file, where all content
// in the file is license information.
func Search(f *file.File) ([]*SearchResult, error) {
return search(f, AllPatterns)
// SearchHeaders searches the beginning portion of the given file for
// copyright text.
// f (file) is assumed to be some source artifact, which may contain
// a small section of licensing or copyright information at the top of the file.
func SearchHeaders(f *file.File) ([]*SearchResult, error) {
return search(f, AllCopyrightPatterns)
// search the file using the given list of patterns.
func search(f *file.File, patterns []*Pattern) ([]*SearchResult, error) {
searchResults := make([]*SearchResult, 0)
// Run the license patterns on the parsed license texts.
// Save the match results to a result object.
for _, d := range f.Data {
for _, p := range patterns {
if p.Search(d) {
result := &SearchResult{
LicenseData: d,
Pattern: p,
AllSearchResults = append(AllSearchResults, result)
searchResults = append(searchResults, result)
// The "unrecognized" license pattern is put at the end of the list.
// If it is the only license that matched the text, that's bad.
// Record these instances in the metrics, so we can investigate later.
if p.Name == Unrecognized.Name {
plusVal(UnrecognizedLicenses, fmt.Sprintf("%v - %v", f.Path, d.LibraryName))
return searchResults, nil
// If a license pattern goes unused, it means that license pattern is no longer needed.
// We should try to consolidate the license patterns down to the smallest necessary set.
// Record these patterns here, so we can improve the tool.
func RecordUnusedPatterns() {
for _, p := range AllPatterns {
if len(p.Matches) == 0 {
plusVal(NumUnusedPatterns, p.Name)