blob: dfbf430e52d4e0e50db7f36578a74c166ad14f09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! The http module contains utilities for making HTTP requests.
use crate::error::{AuthProviderError, ResultExt};
use fidl_fuchsia_auth::AuthProviderStatus;
use fidl_fuchsia_mem;
use fidl_fuchsia_net_oldhttp::{
CacheMode, HttpHeader, ResponseBodyMode, UrlBody, UrlLoaderProxy, UrlRequest, UrlResponse,
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use futures::future::FutureObj;
use futures::io::AsyncReadExt;
use hyper::StatusCode;
use log::warn;
type AuthProviderResult<T> = Result<T, AuthProviderError>;
/// Representation of an HTTP request.
pub struct HttpRequest(UrlRequest);
/// A builder for `HttpRequest`.
pub struct HttpRequestBuilder<'a> {
url: String,
method: String,
headers: Option<Vec<HttpHeader>>,
body: Option<&'a str>,
#[must_use = "HttpRequestBuilder must be consumed with finish()."]
impl<'a> HttpRequestBuilder<'a> {
/// Create a new `HttpRequestBuilder`.
pub fn new<T, U>(url: T, method: U) -> Self
String: From<T> + From<U>,
HttpRequestBuilder {
url: String::from(url),
method: String::from(method),
headers: None,
body: None,
/// Add a header to the HTTP request.
pub fn with_header<T, U>(mut self, name: T, value: U) -> Self
String: From<T> + From<U>,
let headers = self.headers.get_or_insert(vec![]);
headers.push(HttpHeader { name: String::from(name), value: String::from(value) });
/// Adds a body to the HTTP request. Replaces any existing body.
pub fn set_body<T>(mut self, body: &'a T) -> Self
T: AsRef<str>,
/// Build an HttpRequest.
pub fn finish(self) -> AuthProviderResult<HttpRequest> {
let url_body = match self.body {
Some(body_str) => {
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create(body_str.as_bytes().len() as u64)
vmo.write(&body_str.as_bytes(), 0)
Some(Box::new(UrlBody::Buffer(fidl_fuchsia_mem::Buffer {
size: body_str.as_bytes().len() as u64,
None => None,
Ok(HttpRequest(UrlRequest {
url: self.url,
method: self.method,
headers: self.headers,
body: url_body,
response_body_buffer_size: 0,
auto_follow_redirects: false,
cache_mode: CacheMode::BypassCache,
response_body_mode: ResponseBodyMode::Stream,
/// Number of bytes initially allocated for retrieving an HTTP response.
const RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 2048;
/// A trait expressing functionality for making requests over HTTP.
pub trait HttpClient {
/// Asynchronously make an HTTP request. Returns the response body if any
/// and HTTP status code.
fn request<'a>(
&'a self,
http_request: HttpRequest,
) -> FutureObj<'a, AuthProviderResult<(Option<String>, StatusCode)>>;
/// A client capable of making HTTP requests using the Fuchsia oldhttp URL
/// Loader service.
pub struct UrlLoaderHttpClient {
url_loader: UrlLoaderProxy,
impl UrlLoaderHttpClient {
/// Create a new `UrlLoaderHttpClient`.
pub fn new(url_loader: UrlLoaderProxy) -> Self {
UrlLoaderHttpClient { url_loader }
async fn request_inner(
http_request: HttpRequest,
) -> AuthProviderResult<(Option<String>, StatusCode)> {
let mut request = http_request.0;
let UrlResponse { error, body: response_body, status_code, .. } = self
.start(&mut request)
if error.is_some() {
return Err(AuthProviderError::new(AuthProviderStatus::NetworkError));
let status = StatusCode::from_u16(status_code as u16)
match|x| *x) {
Some(UrlBody::Stream(sock)) => {
let mut socket = fasync::Socket::from_socket(sock)
let mut response_body = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE);
.read_to_end(&mut response_body)
let response_str = String::from_utf8(response_body)
Ok((Some(response_str), status))
Some(UrlBody::Buffer(_)) => {
warn!("URL loader response unexpectedly contained a buffer instead of a stream");
None => Ok((None, status)),
impl HttpClient for UrlLoaderHttpClient {
/// Asynchronously send an HTTP request using oldhttp URLLoader service.
fn request<'a>(
&'a self,
http_request: HttpRequest,
) -> FutureObj<'a, AuthProviderResult<(Option<String>, StatusCode)>> {
FutureObj::new(Box::new(async move { Self::request_inner(self, http_request).await }))
mod test {
use super::*;
use failure::Error;
use fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream;
use fidl_fuchsia_net_oldhttp::{HttpError, UrlLoaderMarker, UrlLoaderRequest};
use futures::prelude::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
lazy_static! {
static ref TEST_URL: String = String::from("https://test/test");
fn test_build_http_request_empty() {
fn assert_build_http_request_empty_with_method(method: &str) {
let request = HttpRequestBuilder::new(TEST_URL.as_str(), method)
.expect("Failed to build HTTP request.");
UrlRequest {
url: TEST_URL.clone(),
method: method.to_string(),
headers: None,
body: None,
response_body_buffer_size: 0,
auto_follow_redirects: false,
cache_mode: CacheMode::BypassCache,
response_body_mode: ResponseBodyMode::Stream
fn test_build_http_request_with_headers() {
let request = HttpRequestBuilder::new(TEST_URL.as_str(), "GET")
.with_header("name-1", "value-1")
.with_header(String::from("name-2"), String::from("value-2"))
.expect("Failed to build HTTP request.");
HttpHeader { name: "name-1".to_string(), value: "value-1".to_string() },
HttpHeader { name: "name-2".to_string(), value: "value-2".to_string() },
fn test_build_http_request_with_body() {
let test_body: &str = "test-body";
let request = HttpRequestBuilder::new(TEST_URL.as_str(), "GET")
.expect("Failed to build HTTP request.");
match *request.0.body.unwrap() {
UrlBody::Stream(_) => panic!("Expected body to be a buffer."),
UrlBody::Buffer(fidl_fuchsia_mem::Buffer { vmo, size }) => {
assert_eq!(size as usize, test_body.len());
let mut result_body = vec![0u8; test_body.len()]; result_body, 0).expect("Failed to read vmo.");
assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(result_body).unwrap(), test_body);
fn url_loader_with_response(
body: &str,
status_code: u16,
error: Option<i32>,
) -> UrlLoaderProxy {
let mut response = UrlResponse {
error:|code| Box::new(HttpError { code: code, description: None })),
body: Some(Box::new(UrlBody::Stream(socket_with_body(body)))),
url: None,
status_code: status_code as u32,
status_line: None,
headers: None,
mime_type: None,
charset: None,
redirect_method: None,
redirect_url: None,
redirect_referrer: None,
let (url_loader_proxy, mut url_loader_stream) =
.expect("Failed to create URL loader proxy.");
fasync::spawn(async move {
let req =
url_loader_stream.try_next().await.expect("Failed to get request from stream");
if let Some(UrlLoaderRequest::Start { responder, .. }) = req {
responder.send(&mut response).expect("Failed to send response");
} else {
panic!("Got unexpected URL Loader request.")
fn socket_with_body(body: &str) -> zx::Socket {
let (sock_read, sock_write) =
zx::Socket::create(zx::SocketOpts::empty()).expect("Failed to create sockets");
sock_write.write(body.as_bytes()).expect("Failed to write to socket");
async fn test_request() -> Result<(), Error> {
let http_client = UrlLoaderHttpClient::new(url_loader_with_response(
let request = HttpRequestBuilder::new(TEST_URL.as_str(), "GET").finish()?;
let (response_body, status) = http_client.request(request).await?;
assert_eq!(response_body, Some("response-body".to_string()));
assert_eq!(status, StatusCode::FORBIDDEN);
async fn test_request_large_response() -> Result<(), Error> {
// Verify that responses won't get truncated if larger than initial buffer
// as Oauth tokens are of indeterminate length
let long_body = "a".repeat(RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE * 2);
let http_client = UrlLoaderHttpClient::new(url_loader_with_response(
let request = HttpRequestBuilder::new(TEST_URL.as_str(), "GET").finish()?;
let (response_body, status) = http_client.request(request).await?;
assert_eq!(Some(long_body), response_body);
assert_eq!(StatusCode::OK, status);
async fn test_network_error() -> Result<(), Error> {
let http_client = UrlLoaderHttpClient::new(url_loader_with_response("", 0, Some(0)));
let request = HttpRequestBuilder::new(TEST_URL.as_str(), "GET").finish()?;
let result = http_client.request(request).await;
assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().status, AuthProviderStatus::NetworkError);