blob: 99e46eb28793a2366ae6ac9b9b3ab2a85c3fd00a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "rapidjson/document.h"
// This file contains a programmatic representation of a FIDL schema. A
// LibraryLoader loads a set of Libraries. The libraries contain structs,
// enums, interfaces, and so on. Each element has the logic necessary to take
// wire-encoded bits of that type, and transform it to a representation of that
// type.
// A LibraryLoader object can be used to fetch a particular library or interface
// method, which can then be used for debug purposes.
// An example of building a LibraryLoader can be found in
// Callers can then do something like the
// following, if they have a fidl::Message:
// fidl_message_header_t header = message.header();
// const InterfaceMethod* method = loader_->GetByOrdinal(header.ordinal);
// rapidjson::Document actual;
// fidlcat::RequestToJSON(method, message, actual);
// |actual| will then contain the contents of the message in JSON
// (human-readable) format.
// These libraries are currently thread-unsafe.
namespace fidlcat {
typedef uint32_t Ordinal;
struct LibraryReadError {
enum ErrorValue {
ErrorValue value;
rapidjson::ParseResult parse_result;
class Interface;
class InterfaceMethod;
class Library;
class LibraryLoader;
class MessageDecoder;
class Object;
class Struct;
class Table;
class Type;
class Union;
class UnionField;
class XUnion;
class Enum {
friend class Library;
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
uint64_t size() const { return size_; }
const Type* type() const { return type_.get(); }
// Gets the name of the enum member corresponding to the value pointed to by
// |bytes| of length |length|. For example, if we had the following
// definition:
// enum i16_enum : int16 {
// x = -23;
// };
// and you pass |bytes| a 2-byte representation of -23, and |length| 2, this
// function will return "x". Returns "(Unknown enum member)" if it can't find
// the member.
std::string GetNameFromBytes(const uint8_t* bytes) const;
explicit Enum(const rapidjson::Value& value);
// Decode all the values from the JSON definition.
void DecodeTypes();
const rapidjson::Value& value_;
bool decoded_ = false;
std::string name_;
uint64_t size_;
std::unique_ptr<Type> type_;
// TODO: Consider whether this is duplicative of Struct / Table member.
class UnionMember {
UnionMember(const Library& enclosing_library, const rapidjson::Value& value);
std::string_view name() const { return name_; }
uint64_t size() const { return size_; }
uint64_t offset() const { return offset_; }
Ordinal ordinal() const { return ordinal_; }
const Type* type() const { return type_.get(); }
const std::string name_;
const uint64_t offset_;
const uint64_t size_;
const Ordinal ordinal_;
std::unique_ptr<Type> type_;
class Union {
friend class Library;
friend class XUnion;
const Library& enclosing_library() const { return enclosing_library_; }
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
uint64_t alignment() const { return alignment_; }
uint32_t size() const { return size_; }
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<UnionMember>>& members() const {
return members_;
const UnionMember* MemberWithTag(uint32_t tag) const;
const UnionMember* MemberWithOrdinal(Ordinal ordinal) const;
std::unique_ptr<UnionField> DecodeUnion(MessageDecoder* decoder,
std::string_view name,
const Type* type, uint64_t offset,
bool nullable) const;
Union(const Library& enclosing_library, const rapidjson::Value& value);
// Decode all the values from the JSON definition.
void DecodeTypes();
const Library& enclosing_library_;
const rapidjson::Value& value_;
bool decoded_ = false;
std::string name_;
uint64_t alignment_;
uint64_t size_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<UnionMember>> members_;
class XUnion : public Union {
friend class Library;
XUnion(const Library& enclosing_library, const rapidjson::Value& value)
: Union(enclosing_library, value) {}
class StructMember {
StructMember(const Library& enclosing_library, const rapidjson::Value& value);
std::string_view name() const { return name_; }
uint64_t offset() const { return offset_; }
uint64_t size() const { return size_; }
const Type* type() const { return type_.get(); }
const std::string name_;
const uint64_t offset_;
const uint64_t size_;
std::unique_ptr<Type> type_;
class Struct {
friend class Library;
friend class InterfaceMethod;
const Library& enclosing_library() const { return enclosing_library_; }
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
uint32_t size() const { return size_; }
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<StructMember>>& members() const {
return members_;
std::unique_ptr<Object> DecodeObject(MessageDecoder* decoder,
std::string_view name, const Type* type,
uint64_t offset, bool nullable) const;
Struct(const Library& enclosing_library, const rapidjson::Value& value);
// Decode all the values from the JSON definition if the object represents a
// structure.
void DecodeStructTypes();
// Decode all the values from the JSON definition if the object represents a
// request message.
void DecodeRequestTypes();
// Decode all the values from the JSON definition if the object represents a
// response message.
void DecodeResponseTypes();
// Decode all the values from the JSON definition.
void DecodeTypes(std::string size_name, std::string member_name);
const Library& enclosing_library_;
const rapidjson::Value& value_;
bool decoded_ = false;
std::string name_;
uint32_t size_ = 0;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<StructMember>> members_;
class TableMember {
TableMember(const Library& enclosing_library, const rapidjson::Value& value);
const std::string_view name() const { return name_; }
Ordinal ordinal() const { return ordinal_; }
uint64_t size() const { return size_; }
const Type* type() const { return type_.get(); }
const std::string name_;
const Ordinal ordinal_;
const uint64_t size_;
std::unique_ptr<Type> type_;
class Table {
friend class Library;
const Library& enclosing_library() const { return enclosing_library_; }
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
uint32_t size() const { return size_; }
const Type* unknown_member_type() const { return unknown_member_type_.get(); }
// Returns a vector of pointers to the table's members. The ordinal of each
// member is its index in the vector. Omitted ordinals are indicated by
// nullptr. Also, note that ordinal 0 is disallowed, so element 0 is always
// nullptr.
const std::vector<const TableMember*>& members() const { return members_; }
Table(const Library& enclosing_library, const rapidjson::Value& value);
// Decode all the values from the JSON definition.
void DecodeTypes();
const Library& enclosing_library_;
const rapidjson::Value& value_;
bool decoded_ = false;
std::string name_;
uint64_t size_;
std::unique_ptr<Type> unknown_member_type_;
// This indirection - elements of members_ pointing to elements of
// backing_members_ - is so that we can have empty members. The author
// thought that use sites would be more usable than a map.
// These structures are not modified after the constructor.
std::vector<const TableMember*> members_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TableMember>> backing_members_;
class InterfaceMethod {
friend class Interface;
const Interface& enclosing_interface() const { return enclosing_interface_; }
Ordinal ordinal() const { return ordinal_; }
std::string name() const { return name_; }
Struct* request() const {
if (request_ != nullptr) {
return request_.get();
Struct* response() const {
if (response_ != nullptr) {
return response_.get();
std::string fully_qualified_name() const;
InterfaceMethod(const InterfaceMethod& other) = delete;
InterfaceMethod& operator=(const InterfaceMethod&) = delete;
InterfaceMethod(const Interface& interface, const rapidjson::Value& value);
const Interface& enclosing_interface_;
const rapidjson::Value& value_;
const Ordinal ordinal_;
const std::string name_;
std::unique_ptr<Struct> request_;
std::unique_ptr<Struct> response_;
class Interface {
friend class Library;
Interface(const Interface& other) = delete;
Interface& operator=(const Interface&) = delete;
const Library& enclosing_library() const { return enclosing_library_; }
std::string_view name() const { return name_; }
void AddMethodsToIndex(std::map<Ordinal, const InterfaceMethod*>& index) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < interface_methods_.size(); i++) {
const InterfaceMethod* method = interface_methods_[i].get();
index[method->ordinal()] = method;
// Sets *|method| to the fully qualified |name|'s InterfaceMethod
bool GetMethodByFullName(const std::string& name,
const InterfaceMethod** method) const;
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<InterfaceMethod>>& methods() const {
return interface_methods_;
Interface(const Library& library, const rapidjson::Value& value)
: enclosing_library_(library), name_(value["name"].GetString()) {
for (auto& method : value["methods"].GetArray()) {
interface_methods_.emplace_back(new InterfaceMethod(*this, method));
const Library& enclosing_library_;
std::string name_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<InterfaceMethod>> interface_methods_;
class Library {
friend class LibraryLoader;
LibraryLoader* enclosing_loader() const { return enclosing_loader_; }
const std::string name() { return name_; }
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Interface>>& interfaces() const {
return interfaces_;
std::unique_ptr<Type> TypeFromIdentifier(bool is_nullable,
std::string& identifier,
size_t inline_size);
// The size of the type with name |identifier| when it is inline (e.g.,
// embedded in an array)
size_t InlineSizeFromIdentifier(std::string& identifier) const;
// Set *ptr to the Interface called |name|
bool GetInterfaceByName(const std::string& name, const Interface** ptr) const;
Library& operator=(const Library&) = delete;
Library(const Library&) = delete;
Library(LibraryLoader* enclosing_loader, rapidjson::Document& document,
std::map<Ordinal, const InterfaceMethod*>& index);
// Decode all the values from the JSON definition.
void DecodeTypes();
LibraryLoader* enclosing_loader_;
rapidjson::Document backing_document_;
bool decoded_ = false;
std::string name_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Interface>> interfaces_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Enum>> enums_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Struct>> structs_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Table>> tables_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Union>> unions_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<XUnion>> xunions_;
// An indexed collection of libraries.
// WARNING: All references on Enum, Struct, Table, ... and all references on
// types and fields must be destroyed before this class (LibraryLoader
// should be one of the last objects we destroy).
class LibraryLoader {
LibraryLoader(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::istream>>& library_streams,
LibraryReadError* err);
LibraryLoader& operator=(const LibraryLoader&) = delete;
LibraryLoader(const LibraryLoader&) = delete;
// Returns true and sets **method if the ordinal was present in the map, and
// false otherwise.
const InterfaceMethod* GetByOrdinal(Ordinal ordinal) {
auto m = ordinal_map_.find(ordinal);
if (m != ordinal_map_.end()) {
return m->second;
return nullptr;
// If the library with name |name| is present in this loader, returns the
// library. Otherwise, returns null.
// |name| is of the format "a.b.c"
Library* GetLibraryFromName(const std::string& name) {
auto l = representations_.find(name);
if (l != representations_.end()) {
Library* library = l->second.get();
return library;
return nullptr;
void Add(std::string& ir, LibraryReadError* err) {
rapidjson::Document document;
err->parse_result =
// TODO: This would be a good place to validate that the resulting JSON
// matches the schema in zircon/system/host/fidl/schema.json. If there are
// errors, we will currently get mysterious crashes.
if (document.HasParseError()) {
err->value = LibraryReadError::kParseError;
std::string library_name = document["name"].GetString();
std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(library_name),
std::forward_as_tuple(new Library(this, document, ordinal_map_)));
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Library>> representations_;
std::map<Ordinal, const InterfaceMethod*> ordinal_map_;
} // namespace fidlcat