blob: 158ed680fd8655f65f7d5f39fabea6f2ecbd44ec [file] [log] [blame]
{{! Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved. }}
{{! Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file. }}
{{! This template is processed by Handlebars to render a json file. }}
{{! Note the use of the nested "eq" helper below: "#if" expects a single
parameter which is evaluated for "truthiness". The "eq" helper takes two
parameters and compares them against each other using "param1 == param2",
returning "true" if they match and nothing otherwise. }}
{{! Also note the use of the "ua" helper: the device.memory.units variable
normally serializes as the full word, e.g. "megabytes", but the Qemu flag
it populates expects a single-character abbreviation, e.g. "M". The "ua"
helper calls a rust function to perform that substitution. If the parameter
doesn't deserialize to a DataUnits, the helper just returns the usual
serialized value of the parameter. }}
"args": [
"{{device.memory.quantity}}{{ua device.memory.units}}",
{{! These should probably be predicated on the host CPU. }}
{{#if guest.fvm_image}}
"-drive", "file={{guest.fvm_image}},format=raw,if=none,id=vdisk",
"-object", "iothread,id=iothread0",
"-device", "virtio-blk-pci,drive=vdisk,iothread=iothread0",
{{! The QMP is an interface for issuing commands to the emulator. The
commands are sent in JSON, as are the results. The syntax for this
interface is documented at }}
{{#if (eq runtime.console "monitor")}}
{{#if (eq runtime.console "console")}}
{{#if (eq device.cpu.architecture "arm64")}}
"virt-2.12", "-machine", "virtualization=true", "-cpu", "max",
{{else}} {{! architecture == x64 }}
{{! Override the SeaBIOS serial port to keep it from outputting
a terminal reset on start. }}
{{#if (eq host.acceleration "none")}}
{{#if (eq device.cpu.architecture "arm64")}}
{{else}} {{! acceleration == "hyper" }}
{{#if (eq host.os "linux")}}
{{#if (eq host.os "macos")}}
{{#if (eq device.pointing_device "mouse")}}
{{#if (eq device.pointing_device "touch")}}
{{#if (eq runtime.engine_type "femu")}}
{{#if (eq "none")}}
{{! Networking goes here }}
{{#if (eq host.networking "none")}}
{{#if (eq host.networking "tap")}}
{{!-- host.networking must be "user"}}
{{~#each host.port_map~}}
{{#if runtime.headless}}
{{! TODO( These last few items were hard-coded into
device_launcher, but need to be reevaluated as part of the template
here. }}
"features": [
{{! We don't bother checking for "auto" here because the Rust code
will resolve "auto" to an actual value before it resolves the
template. }}
{{#if (eq host.acceleration "hyper")}}
{{#if (eq host.os "linux")}}
{{#if (eq device.pointing_device "mouse")}}
"kernel_args": [
{{#if (eq host.acceleration "hyper")}}
{{#if (eq host.os "macos")}}
{{#if (eq runtime.log_level "verbose")}}
{{#each runtime.addl_kernel_args}}
"options": [
{{#if (eq device.cpu.architecture "arm64")}}
"-avd-arch", "arm64",
{{#unless runtime.hidpi_scaling}}
{{#if runtime.headless}}
{{#if (eq runtime.log_level "verbose")}}
{{#if runtime.debugger}}
"envs": {
{{#unless runtime.headless}}
"DISPLAY": "{{env "DISPLAY"}}",
"QEMU_AUDIO_DRV": "none"