blob: 1f8edbd92c8c36991c39656a265b045f23257e40 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/variable_location.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/symbol_context.h"
namespace zxdb {
TEST(VariableLocation, EntryInRange) {
VariableLocation::Entry entry;
SymbolContext context = SymbolContext::ForRelativeAddresses();
// Default should be 0 beginning and end which never in range.
EXPECT_FALSE(entry.InRange(context, 0));
EXPECT_FALSE(entry.InRange(context, 1));
EXPECT_FALSE(entry.InRange(context, static_cast<uint64_t>(-1)));
// Normal range. Beginning is inclusive, ending is exclusive.
entry.range = AddressRange(0x10, 0x20);
EXPECT_FALSE(entry.InRange(context, 0));
EXPECT_FALSE(entry.InRange(context, 0xf));
EXPECT_TRUE(entry.InRange(context, 0x10));
EXPECT_TRUE(entry.InRange(context, 0x11));
EXPECT_TRUE(entry.InRange(context, 0x1f));
EXPECT_FALSE(entry.InRange(context, 0x20));
EXPECT_FALSE(entry.InRange(context, 0x21));
// Test a module loaded at 0x1000 does the right thing with offset addresses.
context = SymbolContext(0x1000);
// Value in-range above is no longer valid with the offset symbol context.
EXPECT_FALSE(entry.InRange(context, 0x10));
// Same tests as above offset by 0x1000.
EXPECT_FALSE(entry.InRange(context, 0x100f));
EXPECT_TRUE(entry.InRange(context, 0x1010));
EXPECT_TRUE(entry.InRange(context, 0x1011));
EXPECT_TRUE(entry.InRange(context, 0x101f));
EXPECT_FALSE(entry.InRange(context, 0x1020));
EXPECT_FALSE(entry.InRange(context, 0x1021));
TEST(VariableLocation, EntryForIP) {
// These fake DWARF expressions define each location. They're just random data rather than a valid
// expression.
std::vector<uint8_t> expr1{0x01};
std::vector<uint8_t> expr2{0x02};
std::vector<uint8_t> expr3{0x03};
// Valid from 0x10-0x20 and 0x30-0x40
std::vector<VariableLocation::Entry> entries;
entries[0].range = AddressRange(0x10, 0x20);
entries[0].expression = DwarfExpr(expr1);
entries[1].range = AddressRange(0x30, 0x40);
entries[1].expression = DwarfExpr(expr2);
VariableLocation loc(entries);
SymbolContext context = SymbolContext::ForRelativeAddresses();
const DwarfExpr* expr = loc.ExprForIP(context, 0);
EXPECT_FALSE(expr); // Not found.
expr = loc.ExprForIP(context, 0x10);
EXPECT_EQ(expr1, expr->data());
expr = loc.ExprForIP(context, 0x1f);
expr = loc.ExprForIP(context, 0x20);
expr = loc.ExprForIP(context, 0x30);
EXPECT_EQ(expr2, expr->data());
expr = loc.ExprForIP(context, 0x40);
// Test assignment and now provide a VariableLocation with a default.
loc = VariableLocation(entries, DwarfExpr(expr3));
// The found ranges should still be found.
expr = loc.ExprForIP(context, 0x10);
EXPECT_EQ(expr1, expr->data());
// But now previously-unmatched ranges will return the default.
expr = loc.ExprForIP(context, 0x28);
EXPECT_EQ(expr3, expr->data());
// Test the single-default-location constructor.
loc = VariableLocation(DwarfExpr(expr3));
expr = loc.ExprForIP(context, 0x28);
EXPECT_EQ(expr3, expr->data());
} // namespace zxdb