blob: 7e530a3522a23bdaddaf12d8f07100cb3b958def [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/dwarf_abstract_child_iterator.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// Stand-in for llvm::DWARFDie that emulates enough of the API to be used in the
// DwarfAbstractChildIterator.
class TestDie {
using Vector = std::vector<TestDie>;
using iterator = typename Vector::iterator;
using const_iterator = typename Vector::const_iterator;
// Constructs a null DIE.
TestDie() = default;
// Constructs a non-null DIE. This will report the given offset to uniquely identify it.
explicit TestDie(uint64_t offset) : is_valid_(true), offset_(offset) {}
TestDie(const TestDie& other)
: is_valid_(other.is_valid_), offset_(other.offset_), children_(other.children_) {
if (other.abstract_origin_)
abstract_origin_ = std::make_unique<TestDie>(*other.abstract_origin_);
const TestDie& operator=(const TestDie& other) {
is_valid_ = other.is_valid_;
offset_ = other.offset_;
children_ = other.children_;
if (other.abstract_origin_)
abstract_origin_ = std::make_unique<TestDie>(*other.abstract_origin_);
return *this;
bool operator==(const TestDie& other) const {
// Assume the offsets uniquely identify a DIE.
return offset_ == other.offset_;
void set_is_null(bool iv) { is_valid_ = iv; }
TestDie& abstract_origin() {
// Lazily create.
if (!abstract_origin_)
abstract_origin_ = std::make_unique<TestDie>();
return *abstract_origin_;
Vector& children() { return children_; }
const_iterator begin() const { return children_.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return children_.end(); }
iterator begin() { return children_.begin(); }
iterator end() { return children_.end(); }
// DWARFDie implementation (enough for the iterator).
TestDie getAttributeValueAsReferencedDie(llvm::dwarf::Attribute attr) const {
// Only expect abstract origin queries in this test.
EXPECT_EQ(attr, llvm::dwarf::DW_AT_abstract_origin);
return const_cast<TestDie*>(this)->abstract_origin();
bool isValid() const { return is_valid_; }
uint64_t getOffset() const { return offset_; }
bool is_valid_ = false;
uint64_t offset_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<TestDie> abstract_origin_;
Vector children_;
using TestIterator = DwarfAbstractChildIteratorBase<TestDie>;
} // namespace
TEST(DwarfAbstractChildIterator, Null) {
TestDie empty;
TestIterator iter(empty);
auto begin = iter.begin();
EXPECT_EQ(iter.begin(), iter.end());
TEST(DwarfAbstractChildIterator, Empty) {
TestDie empty(22); // Give some arbitrary nonzero offset for not-null DIE.
TestIterator iter(empty);
EXPECT_EQ(iter.begin(), iter.end());
// Check that a range-based for loop works on the iterators and reports nothing.
int count = 0;
for (const auto& child : iter) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, count);
// Tests child iteration with no abstract origin.
TEST(DwarfAbstractChildIterator, NoAbstract) {
TestDie root(1);
uint64_t expected_child_offset = 100;
root.children().emplace_back(expected_child_offset + 1);
root.children().emplace_back(expected_child_offset + 2);
EXPECT_EQ(102u, root.children().back().getOffset());
// Validate the unique offsets of each child.
for (const auto& child : TestIterator(root)) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_child_offset, child.getOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(103u, expected_child_offset); // Should have seen them all.
TEST(DwarfAbstractChildIterator, Abstract) {
// These are the DIEs in each class, with lines indicating the shadowing:
// 100
// 301 ------------------------- 101
// 202 ---------- 102
// 303 ---------- 203 ---------- 103
// 304 ---------- 204
// 205
// As a result, iterating should show, in order: 301, 303, 304, 202, 205, and 100.
TestDie concrete(1);
TestDie abstract1(2);
TestDie abstract2(3);
abstract2.children().emplace_back(100); // Visible, unique.
abstract2.children().emplace_back(101); // Shadowed by concrete.
abstract2.children().emplace_back(102); // Shadowed by abstract1.
abstract2.children().emplace_back(103); // Shadowed by both concrete and abstract1.
abstract1.children().emplace_back(202); // Visible, shadows abstract2.
abstract1.children().back().abstract_origin() = abstract2.children()[2]; // 102
abstract1.children().emplace_back(203); // Shadows abstract2, shadowed by concrete.
abstract1.children().back().abstract_origin() = abstract2.children()[3]; // 103
abstract1.children().emplace_back(204); // Shadowed by concrete.
abstract1.children().emplace_back(205); // Visible, unique.
concrete.children().emplace_back(301); // Shadows abstract2.
concrete.children().back().abstract_origin() = abstract2.children()[1]; // 101
concrete.children().emplace_back(303); // Shadows abstract1 and abstract2.
concrete.children().back().abstract_origin() = abstract1.children()[1]; // 203
concrete.children().emplace_back(304); // Shadows abstract1.
concrete.children().back().abstract_origin() = abstract1.children()[2]; // 204
// Connect the tree.
// This will COPY the values so changes to our local vars won't reflect in the abstract origin
// hierarchy from here down.
abstract1.abstract_origin() = abstract2;
concrete.abstract_origin() = abstract1;
// Iterate through the values.
std::vector<uint64_t> expected{301, 303, 304, 202, 205, 100}; // See comment above.
size_t i = 0;
for (const auto& child : TestIterator(concrete)) {
ASSERT_LT(i, expected.size());
EXPECT_EQ(expected[i], child.getOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(i, expected.size());
// This tests several combinations of DIEs in a hierarchy having no children.
TEST(DwarfAbstractChildIterator, ConcreteNoChildren) {
TestDie concrete(1);
TestDie abstract1(2);
TestDie abstract2(3);
TestDie abstract3(4);
abstract2.abstract_origin() = abstract3;
abstract1.abstract_origin() = abstract2;
concrete.abstract_origin() = abstract1;
TestIterator iter(concrete);
auto cur = iter.begin();
// We should find both children on the double-abstract origin.
ASSERT_NE(cur, iter.end());
EXPECT_EQ(cur->getOffset(), 101u);
ASSERT_NE(cur, iter.end());
EXPECT_EQ(cur->getOffset(), 102u);
EXPECT_EQ(cur, iter.end());
} // namespace zxdb