blob: 376acaebbc9846a7aca57021791151909b9f8ecf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/parse_string.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/expr_tokenizer.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// A character sequence made of any source character except for parentheses, backslash and spaces.
bool IsValidCRawStringDelimeter(char c) { return c != '(' && c != ')' && c != '\\' && !isspace(c); }
std::optional<StringOrCharLiteralBegin> DoesBeginRawCStringLiteral(std::string_view input,
size_t begin) {
// This only supports raw string literals and not the various flavors of Unicode prefixes.
if (input.size() <= begin + 2 || input[begin] != 'R' || input[begin + 1] != '"')
return std::nullopt;
// Skip over the delimiter.
size_t cur = begin + 2;
while (input.size() > cur && IsValidCRawStringDelimeter(input[cur]))
// Expecting a paren to begin the string.
if (cur == input.size() || input[cur] != '(')
return std::nullopt;
StringOrCharLiteralBegin info;
info.language = ExprLanguage::kC;
info.token_type = ExprTokenType::kStringLiteral;
info.is_raw = true;
info.raw_marker = input.substr(begin + 2, cur - begin - 2);
info.string_begin = begin;
info.contents_begin = cur + 1;
return info;
// Rust raw strings start with 'r', some number of '#' characters, and a quote.
std::optional<StringOrCharLiteralBegin> DoesBeginRawRustStringLiteral(std::string_view input,
size_t begin) {
// This only supports "raw" strings, not "byte" strings. It could be enhanced in the future.
if (input.size() <= begin + 2 || input[begin] != 'r' || input[begin + 1] != '#')
return std::nullopt;
size_t cur = begin + 1;
while (input.size() > cur && input[cur] == '#')
if (cur == input.size() || input[cur] != '"')
return std::nullopt;
StringOrCharLiteralBegin info;
info.language = ExprLanguage::kRust;
info.token_type = ExprTokenType::kStringLiteral;
info.is_raw = true;
info.raw_marker = input.substr(begin + 1, cur - begin - 1);
info.string_begin = begin;
info.contents_begin = cur + 1;
return info;
// Determines if the current index marks the beginning of the end of the string. If it does,
// returns the index of the character immediately following the string (which might point to
// one-past-the-end of the input). Otherwise returns 0.
size_t EndsStringOrCharLiteral(std::string_view input, const StringOrCharLiteralBegin& info,
size_t cur) {
FX_DCHECK(cur < input.size());
if (!info.is_raw) {
if (info.token_type == ExprTokenType::kStringLiteral && input[cur] == '"')
return cur + 1;
if (info.token_type == ExprTokenType::kCharLiteral && input[cur] == '\'')
return cur + 1;
return 0;
switch (info.language) {
case ExprLanguage::kC:
if (input.size() - cur >= info.raw_marker.size() + 2) {
if (input[cur] == ')' && input[cur + info.raw_marker.size() + 1] == '"' &&
input.substr(cur + 1, info.raw_marker.size()) == info.raw_marker)
return cur + info.raw_marker.size() + 2;
case ExprLanguage::kRust:
if (input.size() - cur >= info.raw_marker.size() + 1) {
if (input[cur] == '"' && input.substr(cur + 1, info.raw_marker.size()) == info.raw_marker)
return cur + info.raw_marker.size() + 1;
return 0;
bool IsHexDigit(char c) {
return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f');
bool IsOctalDigit(char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '7'; }
// See HandleEscaped() below for the parameter description. |*cur| should point to the first hex
// digit.
Err HandleHexEscaped(std::string_view input, const StringOrCharLiteralBegin& info, size_t* cur,
size_t* error_location, std::string* result) {
if (!IsHexDigit(input[*cur])) {
*error_location = *cur;
return Err("Expecting hex escape sequence.");
std::string hex_digits;
switch (info.language) {
case ExprLanguage::kC:
// C reads hex digits until there are no more.
for (size_t i = *cur; i < input.size() && IsHexDigit(input[i]); i++)
case ExprLanguage::kRust:
// Rust requires exactly two characters.
if (*cur + 1 >= input.size() || !IsHexDigit(input[*cur + 1])) {
*error_location = *cur;
return Err("Expecting two hex digits.");
hex_digits.push_back(input[*cur + 1]);
char* endptr = nullptr;
unsigned long value = strtoul(hex_digits.c_str(), &endptr, 16);
if (endptr != + hex_digits.size()) {
*error_location = *cur;
return Err("Unexpected hex input.");
(*cur) += hex_digits.size();
result->push_back(static_cast<unsigned char>(value));
return Err();
// See HandleEscaped() below for the parameter description. |*cur| should point to the first octal
// digit.
Err HandleOctalEscaped(std::string_view input, const StringOrCharLiteralBegin& info, size_t* cur,
size_t* error_location, std::string* result) {
if (!IsOctalDigit(input[*cur])) {
*error_location = *cur;
return Err("Expecting hex escape sequence.");
std::string octal_digits;
for (size_t i = *cur; i < input.size() && IsOctalDigit(input[i]); i++)
char* endptr = nullptr;
unsigned long value = strtoul(octal_digits.c_str(), &endptr, 8);
if (endptr != + octal_digits.size()) {
*error_location = *cur;
return Err("Unexpected octal input.");
(*cur) += octal_digits.size();
result->push_back(static_cast<unsigned char>(value));
return Err();
// On input, |*cur| should point to a valid character in |input| immediately following a backslash.
// On success, |*cur| will be updated to point to the character immediately following the escape.
Err HandleEscaped(std::string_view input, const StringOrCharLiteralBegin& info, size_t* cur,
size_t* error_location, std::string* result) {
// Shared C/Rust escape sequences.
switch (input[*cur]) {
// clang-format off
case 'n': result->push_back('\n'); ++(*cur); return Err();
case 'r': result->push_back('\r'); ++(*cur); return Err();
case 't': result->push_back('\t'); ++(*cur); return Err();
case '\\': result->push_back('\\'); ++(*cur); return Err();
case '\'': result->push_back('\''); ++(*cur); return Err();
case '"': result->push_back('"'); ++(*cur); return Err();
default: break;
// clang-format on
if (input[*cur] == 'x') {
// Hex digit.
if (*cur == input.size()) {
*error_location = *cur - 2; // Point to backslash.
return Err("End of input found in hex escape.");
return HandleHexEscaped(input, info, cur, error_location, result);
if (info.language == ExprLanguage::kC) {
// C-specific escape sequences.
switch (input[*cur]) {
// clang-format off
case '?': result->push_back('?'); ++(*cur); return Err();
case 'a': result->push_back('\a'); ++(*cur); return Err();
case 'b': result->push_back('\b'); ++(*cur); return Err();
case 'f': result->push_back('\f'); ++(*cur); return Err();
case 'v': result->push_back('\v'); ++(*cur); return Err();
default: break;
// clang-format on
if (input[*cur] == 'u' || input[*cur] == 'U')
return Err("Unicode escape sequences are not supported.");
if (IsOctalDigit(input[*cur])) {
// Octal.
return HandleOctalEscaped(input, info, cur, error_location, result);
if (info.language == ExprLanguage::kRust) {
// Rust-specific escape sequences.
if (input[*cur] == '0') {
// Null.
return Err();
if (input[*cur] == 'u')
return Err("Unicode escape sequences are not supported.");
*error_location = *cur - 1; // Point to backslash.
return Err("Unknown escape sequence.");
} // namespace
// See lifetime_or_char() in in the Rust compiler file rustc_lexer/src/ for how Rust
// implements this. Basically the rule is a ' followed by a sequence of name characters followed by
// a non-' is a lifetime.
bool DoesBeginRustLifetime(std::string_view input) {
if (input.size() < 2 || input[0] != '\'')
return false;
std::string_view following_input = input.substr(1); // After the '.
size_t name_len = ExprTokenizer::GetNameTokenLength(ExprLanguage::kRust, following_input);
if (following_input.size() > name_len && following_input[name_len] == '\'')
return false; // Terminated with a ', must be a character.
return name_len > 0;
std::optional<StringOrCharLiteralBegin> DoesBeginStringOrCharLiteral(ExprLanguage lang,
std::string_view input,
size_t cur) {
if (cur >= input.size())
return std::nullopt; // No room.
StringOrCharLiteralBegin info;
info.language = lang;
if (input[cur] == '"') {
// Regular literal string. Leave the raw string marker empty.
info.token_type = ExprTokenType::kStringLiteral;
info.string_begin = cur;
info.contents_begin = cur + 1;
return info;
if (lang == ExprLanguage::kRust && DoesBeginRustLifetime(input.substr(cur))) {
// Filter out rust 'lifetimes before checking for characters since they begin the same.
return std::nullopt;
if (input[cur] == '\'') {
// Regular literal character.
info.token_type = ExprTokenType::kCharLiteral;
info.string_begin = cur;
info.contents_begin = cur + 1;
return info;
switch (lang) {
case ExprLanguage::kC:
return DoesBeginRawCStringLiteral(input, cur);
case ExprLanguage::kRust:
return DoesBeginRawRustStringLiteral(input, cur);
return std::nullopt;
ErrOr<std::string> ParseStringOrCharLiteral(std::string_view input,
const StringOrCharLiteralBegin& info,
size_t* in_out_cur, size_t* error_location) {
FX_DCHECK(info.contents_begin <= input.size());
std::string result;
size_t cur = info.contents_begin;
while (cur < input.size()) {
if (size_t end = EndsStringOrCharLiteral(input, info, cur)) {
if (info.token_type == ExprTokenType::kCharLiteral && result.size() > 1) {
// Characters can't have more than one byte.
*error_location = cur;
return Err("Too much data in character literal.");
*in_out_cur = end;
return result;
if (!info.is_raw && input[cur] == '\\') {
cur++; // Advance over backslash.
if (cur == input.size()) {
*error_location = cur - 1;
return Err("Hit end of input before the end of the escape sequence.");
Err err = HandleEscaped(input, info, &cur, error_location, &result);
if (err.has_error())
return err;
} else {
// Non-escaped.
// Hit the end without an end-of-string.
*error_location = info.string_begin;
if (info.token_type == ExprTokenType::kCharLiteral)
return Err("Hit end of input before the end of the character literal.");
return Err("Hit end of input before the end of the string.");
} // namespace zxdb