blob: 8e8cfbf594b54137e3969c0b13f5f63cabe8a8ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/format_node_console.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/test_with_loop.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/async_output_buffer_test_util.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/string_util.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/format_node.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/mock_eval_context.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/base_type.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/collection.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/compile_unit.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/mock_symbol_data_provider.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/modified_type.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/namespace.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/symbol_test_parent_setter.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/symbol_utils.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/type_test_support.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// Test harness for tests for FormatValueForConsole that may be async.
class FormatValueConsoleTest : public TestWithLoop {
FormatValueConsoleTest() : eval_context_(fxl::MakeRefCounted<MockEvalContext>()) {}
fxl::RefPtr<MockEvalContext>& eval_context() { return eval_context_; }
MockSymbolDataProvider* provider() { return eval_context_->data_provider(); }
// Synchronously calls FormatExprValue, returning the result.
std::string SyncFormatValue(const ExprValue& value, const ConsoleFormatOptions& opts,
const std::string& name = std::string()) {
return LoopUntilAsyncOutputBufferComplete(
FormatValueForConsole(value, opts, eval_context_, name))
fxl::RefPtr<MockEvalContext> eval_context_;
void FillBaseTypeNode(const std::string& type_name, const std::string& description,
FormatNode* node) {
} // namespace
TEST(FormatNodeConsole, SimpleValue) {
FormatNode node;
FillBaseTypeNode("int", "54", &node);
ConsoleFormatOptions options;
// Bare value.
OutputBuffer out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
EXPECT_EQ("kNormal \"54\"", out.GetDebugString());
// Bare value with types forced on.
ConsoleFormatOptions type_options;
type_options.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kAllTypes;
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, type_options);
EXPECT_EQ(R"(kOperatorDim "(", kComment "int", kOperatorDim ") ", kNormal "54")",
// Named value.
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
EXPECT_EQ(R"(kVariable "foo", kOperatorNormal " = ", kNormal "54")", out.GetDebugString());
// Named value with types forced on.
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, type_options);
R"(kOperatorDim "(", kComment "int", kOperatorDim ") ", kVariable "foo", kOperatorNormal " = ", kNormal "54")",
// Force types on when there is no type shouldn't show anything.
FormatNode err_node("foo");
out = FormatNodeForConsole(err_node, type_options);
EXPECT_EQ(R"(kVariable "foo", kOperatorNormal " = ", kComment "<Error.>")", out.GetDebugString());
TEST(FormatNodeConsole, Collection) {
FormatNode node;
node.set_description("This description is not displayed for a collection.");
ConsoleFormatOptions options;
// Empty collection.
OutputBuffer out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
EXPECT_EQ("{}", out.AsString());
// Add some children.
auto child = std::make_unique<FormatNode>("a");
FillBaseTypeNode("int", "42", child.get());
child = std::make_unique<FormatNode>("b");
FillBaseTypeNode("double", "3.14159", child.get());
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
EXPECT_EQ("{a = 42, b = 3.14159}", out.AsString());
// With types forced.
ConsoleFormatOptions type_options;
type_options.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kAllTypes;
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, type_options);
EXPECT_EQ("(MyClass) {(int) a = 42, (double) b = 3.14159}", out.AsString());
// Add a very long base class name.
auto base_node = std::make_unique<FormatNode>(
"This_is::a::VeryLongBaseClass<which, should, be, elided, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz>");
node.children().insert(node.children().begin(), std::move(base_node));
// Test with no eliding.
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
"{This_is::a::VeryLongBaseClass<which, should, be, elided, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz> = {}, "
"a = 42, b = 3.14159}",
// With eliding.
ConsoleFormatOptions elide_options;
elide_options.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kMinimal;
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, elide_options);
EXPECT_EQ("{This_is::a::VeryLongBaseC… = {}, a = 42, b = 3.14159}", out.AsString());
// Expanded mode eliding shows more.
elide_options.wrapping = ConsoleFormatOptions::Wrapping::kExpanded;
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, elide_options);
" This_is::a::VeryLongBaseClass<which, should, be, e… = {}\n"
" a = 42\n"
" b = 3.14159\n"
TEST(FormatValueConsole, Wrapper) {
FormatNode node;
// Simple integer child.
auto int_node = std::make_unique<FormatNode>();
FillBaseTypeNode("int", "54", int_node.get());
ConsoleFormatOptions options;
EXPECT_EQ("std::optional(54)", FormatNodeForConsole(node, options).AsString());
// With type info. This is a bit weird, it would be nice if the description expanded to the full
// type name to avoid duplication.
ConsoleFormatOptions type_options;
type_options.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kAllTypes;
EXPECT_EQ("(std::optional<int>) std::optional((int) 54)",
FormatNodeForConsole(node, type_options).AsString());
// Test with a child that's a collection. This is the child of the collection.
auto collection_child = std::make_unique<FormatNode>("child");
collection_child->set_description("\"string value\"");
// The collection itself.
auto collection_node = std::make_unique<FormatNode>();
node.children()[0] = std::move(collection_node);
ConsoleFormatOptions expanded_options;
expanded_options.wrapping = ConsoleFormatOptions::Wrapping::kExpanded;
" child = \"string value\"\n"
FormatNodeForConsole(node, expanded_options).AsString());
TEST(FormatNodeConsole, Array) {
FormatNode node;
node.set_description("This description is not displayed for arrays.");
// Empty array.
ConsoleFormatOptions options;
OutputBuffer out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
EXPECT_EQ("{}", out.AsString());
// Add some children.
auto child = std::make_unique<FormatNode>("[0]");
FillBaseTypeNode("int", "42", child.get());
child = std::make_unique<FormatNode>("[1]");
FillBaseTypeNode("int", "137", child.get());
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
EXPECT_EQ("{42, 137}", out.AsString());
// Truncated array.
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
EXPECT_EQ("{42, 137, ...}", out.AsString());
// With types forced on.
ConsoleFormatOptions type_options;
type_options.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kAllTypes;
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, type_options);
EXPECT_EQ("(int[2]) {42, 137, ...}", out.AsString());
// Strings are generated with a base node that's the overall string and a set of children, one for
// each character. The number format toggles between these presentations in the console.
TEST(FormatNodeConsole, String) {
FormatNode node;
auto child = std::make_unique<FormatNode>("[0]");
FillBaseTypeNode("char", "0x61", child.get());
child = std::make_unique<FormatNode>("[1]");
FillBaseTypeNode("char", "0x00", child.get());
// Normal string presentation using the default number formatting.
ConsoleFormatOptions options;
OutputBuffer out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
EXPECT_EQ("\"a\"", out.AsString());
// Now format using hex mode which should convert to an array.
options.num_format = FormatOptions::NumFormat::kHex;
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
EXPECT_EQ("(0x61, 0x00)", out.AsString());
TEST(FormatNodeConsole, Pointer) {
FormatNode node;
// Pointed to value. Don't fill it in yet.
auto child = std::make_unique<FormatNode>("*");
// Print the bare pointer.
ConsoleFormatOptions options;
OutputBuffer out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
EXPECT_EQ("(*)0x12345678", out.AsString());
// Fill the pointed-to value.
FillBaseTypeNode("int", "42", node.children()[0].get());
// Print with the pointed-to value.
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
EXPECT_EQ("(*)0x12345678 " + GetRightArrow() + " 42", out.AsString());
// Print with type information. Should only show on the pointer and not be duplicated on the
// pointed-to value.
ConsoleFormatOptions type_options;
type_options.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kAllTypes;
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, type_options);
EXPECT_EQ("(int*) 0x12345678 " + GetRightArrow() + " 42", out.AsString());
// Add a name.
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
EXPECT_EQ("a = (*)0x12345678 " + GetRightArrow() + " 42", out.AsString());
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, type_options);
EXPECT_EQ("(int*) a = 0x12345678 " + GetRightArrow() + " 42", out.AsString());
// Report an error for the pointed-to value, it should now be omitted.
node.children()[0]->set_err(Err("Bad pointer"));
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
EXPECT_EQ("a = (*)0x12345678", out.AsString());
TEST(FormatNodeConsole, Reference) {
FormatNode node;
// Pointed to value. Don't fill it in yet.
auto child = std::make_unique<FormatNode>();
// Print the bare reference.
ConsoleFormatOptions options;
OutputBuffer out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
EXPECT_EQ("(&)0x12345678", out.AsString());
// Fill the pointed-to value.
FillBaseTypeNode("int", "42", node.children()[0].get());
// Print with the pointed-to value.
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
EXPECT_EQ("42", out.AsString());
// Print with type information. Should only show on the pointer and not be duplicated on the
// pointed-to value.
ConsoleFormatOptions type_options;
type_options.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kAllTypes;
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, type_options);
EXPECT_EQ("(int&) 42", out.AsString());
// Add a name.
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, options);
EXPECT_EQ("a = 42", out.AsString());
out = FormatNodeForConsole(node, type_options);
EXPECT_EQ("(int&) a = 42", out.AsString());
TEST_F(FormatValueConsoleTest, SimpleSync) {
ConsoleFormatOptions opts;
// Basic synchronous number.
ExprValue val_int16(fxl::MakeRefCounted<BaseType>(BaseType::kBaseTypeSigned, 2, "short"),
{0xe0, 0xf0});
EXPECT_EQ("-3872", SyncFormatValue(val_int16, opts));
// Tests collections and nested references.
TEST_F(FormatValueConsoleTest, Collection) {
ConsoleFormatOptions opts;
opts.num_format = ConsoleFormatOptions::NumFormat::kHex;
auto int32_type = MakeInt32Type();
// Make an int reference. Reference type printing combined with struct type printing can get
// complicated.
auto int_ref = fxl::MakeRefCounted<ModifiedType>(DwarfTag::kReferenceType, int32_type);
// The references point to this data.
constexpr uint64_t kAddress = 0x1100;
provider()->AddMemory(kAddress, {0x12, 0, 0, 0});
// Struct with two values, an int and a int&, and a pair of two of those structs.
auto foo =
MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kStructureType, "Foo", {{"a", int32_type}, {"b", int_ref}});
auto pair =
MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kStructureType, "Pair", {{"first", foo}, {"second", foo}});
ExprValue pair_value(pair, {0x11, 0x00, 0x11, 0x00, // (int32) a
0x00, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // (int32&) b
0x33, 0x00, 0x33, 0x00, // (int32) a
0x00, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}); // (int32&) b
EXPECT_EQ("{first = {a = 0x110011, b = 0x12}, second = {a = 0x330033, b = 0x12}}",
SyncFormatValue(pair_value, opts));
// Tests that maximum recursion depth as well as the maximum pointer dereference depth.
TEST_F(FormatValueConsoleTest, NestingLimits) {
// This creates the following structure:
// int final = 12; // @ address kIntAddress.
// struct A { // @ address kIntPtrAddress.
// int* a = &final;
// } int_ptr;
// struct B {
// A* b = &int_ptr;
// };
// struct C {
// IntPtrPtr c;
// };
auto int32_type = MakeInt32Type();
// An integer at this location points to "12".
constexpr uint64_t kIntAddress = 0x1100;
provider()->AddMemory(kIntAddress, {12, 0, 0, 0});
auto int_ptr_type = fxl::MakeRefCounted<ModifiedType>(DwarfTag::kPointerType, int32_type);
// Structure contains one member which is a pointer to the integer.
auto a_type = MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kStructureType, "A", {{"a", int_ptr_type}});
constexpr uint64_t kIntPtrAddress = 0x2200;
provider()->AddMemory(kIntPtrAddress, {0, 0x11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}); // kIntAddress.
// Declare A* type.
auto a_ptr_type = fxl::MakeRefCounted<ModifiedType>(DwarfTag::kPointerType, a_type);
// This structure contains one member that's a pointer to the previous structure.
auto b_type = MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kStructureType, "B", {{"b", a_ptr_type}});
// This structure contains one member that's the previous structure.
auto c_type = MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kStructureType, "C", {{"c", b_type}});
// The contents of C (value is the pointer to A).
ExprValue c_value(c_type, {0, 0x22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0});
// Expand different levels of pointers but allow everything else.
ConsoleFormatOptions opts;
opts.pointer_expand_depth = 0;
opts.max_depth = 1000;
EXPECT_EQ("{c = {b = (*)0x2200}}", SyncFormatValue(c_value, opts));
opts.pointer_expand_depth = 1;
EXPECT_EQ("{c = {b = (*)0x2200 " + GetRightArrow() + " {a = (*)0x1100}}}",
SyncFormatValue(c_value, opts));
opts.pointer_expand_depth = 2;
"{c = {b = (*)0x2200 " + GetRightArrow() + " {a = (*)0x1100 " + GetRightArrow() + " 12}}}",
SyncFormatValue(c_value, opts));
// Now test max recursion levels (independent of pointers).
opts.max_depth = 0;
EXPECT_EQ("…", SyncFormatValue(c_value, opts));
opts.max_depth = 1;
EXPECT_EQ("{…}", SyncFormatValue(c_value, opts));
opts.max_depth = 2;
EXPECT_EQ("{c = {…}}", SyncFormatValue(c_value, opts));
opts.max_depth = 3;
EXPECT_EQ("{c = {b = (*)0x2200}}", SyncFormatValue(c_value, opts));
opts.max_depth = 4;
EXPECT_EQ("{c = {b = (*)0x2200 " + GetRightArrow() + " {…}}}", SyncFormatValue(c_value, opts));
opts.max_depth = 5;
EXPECT_EQ("{c = {b = (*)0x2200 " + GetRightArrow() + " {a = (*)0x1100}}}",
SyncFormatValue(c_value, opts));
opts.max_depth = 6;
"{c = {b = (*)0x2200 " + GetRightArrow() + " {a = (*)0x1100 " + GetRightArrow() + " 12}}}",
SyncFormatValue(c_value, opts));
// Tests max recursion for the expanded case. The elided structs should not be expanded.
opts.max_depth = 2;
opts.wrapping = ConsoleFormatOptions::Wrapping::kExpanded;
" c = {…}\n"
SyncFormatValue(c_value, opts));
TEST_F(FormatValueConsoleTest, Wrapping) {
// struct Nested {
// int32 variable1;
// int32 variable2;
// };
auto int32_type = MakeInt32Type();
auto nested_collection = MakeCollectionType(
DwarfTag::kStructureType, "Nested", {{"variable1", int32_type}, {"variable2", int32_type}});
// nested_ptr = &Nested{ variable1 = 12, variable2 = 34 };
auto nested_ptr = fxl::MakeRefCounted<ModifiedType>(DwarfTag::kPointerType, nested_collection);
constexpr uint64_t kNestedAddress = 0x1100;
provider()->AddMemory(kNestedAddress, {12, 0, 0, 0, 34, 0, 0, 0});
// struct Empty {};
auto empty_collection = MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kStructureType, "Empty", {});
// struct Outer {
// Nested* nested;
// Empty empty;
// };
auto outer_collection = MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kStructureType, "Outer",
{{"nested", nested_ptr}, {"empty", empty_collection}});
// outer_value = Outer{ nested = nested_ptr, empty = Empty{} }
ExprValue outer_value(outer_collection, {0, 0x11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0});
// First do non-expanded mode.
ConsoleFormatOptions opts;
opts.pointer_expand_depth = 1000;
opts.max_depth = 1000;
opts.wrapping = ConsoleFormatOptions::Wrapping::kNone;
"{nested = (*)0x1100 " + GetRightArrow() + " {variable1 = 12, variable2 = 34}, empty = {}}",
SyncFormatValue(outer_value, opts));
// Expanded mode.
opts.wrapping = ConsoleFormatOptions::Wrapping::kExpanded;
" nested = (*)0x1100 " +
GetRightArrow() +
" {\n"
" variable1 = 12\n"
" variable2 = 34\n"
" }\n"
" empty = {}\n"
SyncFormatValue(outer_value, opts));
// Smart mode. First give it a really wide limit, everything should be one line.
opts.wrapping = ConsoleFormatOptions::Wrapping::kSmart;
opts.smart_indent_cols = 1000;
"{nested = (*)0x1100 " + GetRightArrow() + " {variable1 = 12, variable2 = 34}, empty = {}}",
SyncFormatValue(outer_value, opts));
// Super narrow limit should force an expansion of everything.
opts.smart_indent_cols = 2;
" nested = (*)0x1100 " +
GetRightArrow() +
" {\n"
" variable1 = 12\n"
" variable2 = 34\n"
" }\n"
" empty = {}\n"
SyncFormatValue(outer_value, opts));
// Intermediate state where "nested" fits in one line but the outer part doesn't.
opts.smart_indent_cols = 55;
" nested = (*)0x1100 " +
GetRightArrow() +
" {variable1 = 12, variable2 = 34}\n" // 55-char line.
" empty = {}\n"
SyncFormatValue(outer_value, opts));
// Test the boundary condition one below the previous.
opts.smart_indent_cols = 54;
" nested = (*)0x1100 " +
GetRightArrow() +
" {\n"
" variable1 = 12\n"
" variable2 = 34\n"
" }\n"
" empty = {}\n"
SyncFormatValue(outer_value, opts));
// Tests the naming of Rust collections since we have complicated rules depending on verbosity.
TEST_F(FormatValueConsoleTest, RustCollectionName) {
auto int32_type = MakeInt32Type(); // Won't be named like Rust's ints but doesn't matter.
SymbolTestParentSetter int32_parent(int32_type, MakeRustUnit()); // Mark as Rust.
// Namespace for the structs. Making the root compilation unit a Rust one will mark all types in
// this unit as Rust.
auto ns = fxl::MakeRefCounted<Namespace>("my_ns");
SymbolTestParentSetter ns_parent(ns, MakeRustUnit());
// Make a simple type in the namespace with no templates.
auto simple_type = MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kStructureType, "MyStruct", {});
SymbolTestParentSetter simple_type_parent(simple_type, ns);
ExprValue simple_value(simple_type, {});
// Minimal verbosity shows only the last name. Note that empty Rust structs don't use {}.
ConsoleFormatOptions minimal;
minimal.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kMinimal;
EXPECT_EQ("MyStruct", SyncFormatValue(simple_value, minimal));
// Higher verbosity shows the namespace.
ConsoleFormatOptions medium;
medium.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kMedium;
EXPECT_EQ("my_ns::MyStruct", SyncFormatValue(simple_value, medium));
// Full type information should be the same, it shouldn't duplicate the type.
ConsoleFormatOptions all_types;
all_types.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kAllTypes;
EXPECT_EQ("my_ns::MyStruct", SyncFormatValue(simple_value, all_types));
// Make a long template name for a collection with a member.
auto template_type = MakeCollectionType(
"HashMap<alloc::string::String, &str, std::collections::hash::map::RandomState>",
{{"a", int32_type}});
SymbolTestParentSetter template_type_parent(template_type, ns);
ExprValue template_value(template_type, {123, 0, 0, 0});
// Minimal verbosity elides the template and omits the namespace.
EXPECT_EQ("HashMap<alloc::string::String, &s…>{a: 123}",
SyncFormatValue(template_value, minimal));
// Minimal verbosity in expanded mode shows more but still elides.
ConsoleFormatOptions minimal_expanded = minimal;
minimal_expanded.wrapping = ConsoleFormatOptions::Wrapping::kExpanded;
minimal.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kMinimal;
"HashMap<alloc::string::String, &str, std::collections::has…>{\n"
" a: 123\n"
SyncFormatValue(template_value, minimal_expanded));
// Medium verbosity shows everything.
"my_ns::HashMap<alloc::string::String, &str, std::collections::hash::map::RandomState>{a: "
SyncFormatValue(template_value, medium));
// Assign a name to a toplevel thing that's printed. This will print using " = " even in Rust
// to match how local variables are printed.
EXPECT_EQ("some_value = MyStruct", SyncFormatValue(simple_value, minimal, "some_value"));
// Tests Rust tuples and tuple structs.
TEST_F(FormatValueConsoleTest, RustTuple) {
auto int32_type = MakeInt32Type(); // Won't be named like Rust's ints but doesn't matter.
SymbolTestParentSetter int32_type_parent(int32_type, MakeRustUnit());
auto tuple_type = MakeRustTuple("(int32_t, int32_t)", {int32_type, int32_type});
auto tuple_struct_type = MakeRustTuple("MyTupleStruct", {int32_type, int32_type});
// Data encoding 2 32-bit ints: 1 & 2.
std::vector<uint8_t> data{1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0};
ExprValue tuple_value(tuple_type, data);
ExprValue tuple_struct_value(tuple_struct_type, data);
// Minimal one-line mode.
ConsoleFormatOptions minimal;
minimal.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kMinimal;
EXPECT_EQ("(1, 2)", SyncFormatValue(tuple_value, minimal));
EXPECT_EQ("MyTupleStruct(1, 2)", SyncFormatValue(tuple_struct_value, minimal));
// Expanded one-line mode.
ConsoleFormatOptions minimal_expanded = minimal;
minimal_expanded.wrapping = ConsoleFormatOptions::Wrapping::kExpanded;
" 0: 1\n"
" 1: 2\n"
SyncFormatValue(tuple_value, minimal_expanded));
" 0: 1\n"
" 1: 2\n"
SyncFormatValue(tuple_struct_value, minimal_expanded));
// With full type information. We should the type information for the members but not the tuple
// itself. These are redundant and look confusing. Currently our full type information looks like
// C and we may want to revisit this in the future.
ConsoleFormatOptions full_types = minimal_expanded;
full_types.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kAllTypes;
" (int32_t) 0: 1\n"
" (int32_t) 1: 2\n"
SyncFormatValue(tuple_value, full_types));
" (int32_t) 0: 1\n"
" (int32_t) 1: 2\n"
SyncFormatValue(tuple_struct_value, full_types));
TEST_F(FormatValueConsoleTest, RustEnum) {
auto int32_type = MakeInt32Type(); // Won't be named like Rust's ints but doesn't matter.
auto enum_type = MakeTestRustEnum();
// "None" is the default so any discriminant value (first 4 bytes) other than 0 or 1 should match.
// Pad out to 12 bytes, the rest are unused. Note that Rust doesn't actually use the default
// discriminant feature of DWARF.
ExprValue none_value(enum_type, {0xff, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0});
// Scalar(123): a single 32-bit value following the 32-bit discriminant of 0.
ExprValue scalar_value(enum_type, {0, 0, 0, 0, 123, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0});
// Point{x:12, y:13}: two 32-bit values following the 32-bit discriminant of 1.
ExprValue point_value(enum_type, {1, 0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0});
// Minimal single-line formatting.
ConsoleFormatOptions minimal;
minimal.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kMinimal;
EXPECT_EQ("None", SyncFormatValue(none_value, minimal));
EXPECT_EQ("Scalar(123)", SyncFormatValue(scalar_value, minimal));
EXPECT_EQ("Point{x: 12, y: 13}", SyncFormatValue(point_value, minimal));
// Expanded with type info.
ConsoleFormatOptions expanded_all_types;
expanded_all_types.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kAllTypes;
expanded_all_types.wrapping = ConsoleFormatOptions::Wrapping::kExpanded;
EXPECT_EQ("(RustEnum) None", SyncFormatValue(none_value, expanded_all_types));
"(RustEnum) Scalar(\n"
" (int32_t) 123\n" // Note: no index for single-element tuples.
SyncFormatValue(scalar_value, expanded_all_types));
"(RustEnum) Point{\n"
" (int32_t) x: 12\n"
" (int32_t) y: 13\n"
SyncFormatValue(point_value, expanded_all_types));
// This only tests the presentational part of Rust vectors. Vec->Node conversion is tested in
TEST_F(FormatValueConsoleTest, RustVector) {
// Give real values with a type from a Rust unit to trigger Rust-specific formatting. Don't need
// them to have actual data.
auto vec_type = MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kStructureType, "alloc::vec::Vec<i32>", {});
SymbolTestParentSetter vec_type_parent(vec_type, MakeRustUnit());
ExprValue vec_value(vec_type, {});
auto int_type = fxl::MakeRefCounted<BaseType>(BaseType::kBaseTypeUnsigned, 2, "u32");
SymbolTestParentSetter int_type_parent(int_type, MakeRustUnit());
ExprValue int_value(int_type, {});
// A Vec of int.
FormatNode vec("", vec_value);
vec.children().push_back(std::make_unique<FormatNode>("[0]", int_value));
vec.children().push_back(std::make_unique<FormatNode>("[1]", int_value));
ConsoleFormatOptions options;
// Minimal verbosity gets tyep type abbreviated "vec!" which is how Rust users would typically
// instantiate an array.
options.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kMinimal;
EXPECT_EQ("vec![42, 19]", FormatNodeForConsole(vec, options).AsString());
// Expanded mode.
options.wrapping = ConsoleFormatOptions::Wrapping::kExpanded;
" [0]: 42\n"
" [1]: 19\n"
FormatNodeForConsole(vec, options).AsString());
// Medium verbosity shows the real type.
// Note this shows the escaping $(...) around the type name. This is a test artifact because we
// constructed the type as one string rather than constructing the full hierarchy of namespaces
// (more code).
options.wrapping = ConsoleFormatOptions::Wrapping::kNone;
options.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kMedium;
EXPECT_EQ("$(alloc::vec::Vec<i32>)[42, 19]", FormatNodeForConsole(vec, options).AsString());
// Full type info is the same.
options.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kAllTypes;
EXPECT_EQ("$(alloc::vec::Vec<i32>)[42, 19]", FormatNodeForConsole(vec, options).AsString());
// Use another type name in minimal mode. It shouldn't get abbreviated with the "vec!"
auto fast_vec_type = MakeCollectionType(DwarfTag::kStructureType, "FastVector<i32>", {});
SymbolTestParentSetter fast_vec_type_parent(fast_vec_type, MakeRustUnit());
ExprValue fast_vec_value(fast_vec_type, {});
options.verbosity = ConsoleFormatOptions::Verbosity::kMinimal;
EXPECT_EQ("FastVector<i32>[42, 19]", FormatNodeForConsole(vec, options).AsString());
// This tests some constant expressions for simplicity since we assume evaluation is already tested.
TEST_F(FormatValueConsoleTest, FormatExpressionsForConsole) {
ConsoleFormatOptions options;
options.wrapping = ConsoleFormatOptions::Wrapping::kSmart;
// Should be a single line of output.
fxl::RefPtr<AsyncOutputBuffer> async_out =
FormatExpressionsForConsole({"0", "0x5678", "(int*)12345"}, options, eval_context());
OutputBuffer out = LoopUntilAsyncOutputBufferComplete(async_out);
EXPECT_EQ("0 = 0, 0x5678 = 22136, (int*)12345 = (*)0x3039", out.AsString());
async_out = FormatExpressionsForConsole(
{"0", "0x5678", "(int*)12345", "\"Some string that won't fit.\""}, options, eval_context());
out = LoopUntilAsyncOutputBufferComplete(async_out);
"0 = 0\n"
"0x5678 = 22136\n"
"(int*)12345 = (*)0x3039\n"
"\"Some string that won't fit.\" = \"Some string that won\\'t fit.\"\n",
} // namespace zxdb